Guide 14: Relocation guide

    • Wiki Updated

    • Nowadays, Ogame gives the option to a player of moving planets from its original position to another one. If the planet has a moon, it moves with it.

      =How to relocate=
      There are several possibilities about moving a planet:
      - A planet in positions 1 - 3 and 13 - 15 can be moved to any position in the galaxy from 1 to 15
      - A planet in positions 4 - 12 can only be moved in positions from 4 to 12
      This operation costs 240.000 Dark Matter per planet. That is paid only if the planet is moved correctly. Note that you have to relocate from planet.
      To move a planet it is necessary to go to Galaxy option in the panel of the left, enter the desired coordinates where you want to move your planet and then choose a free position in the solar system you want. You have to click in the second button that appears in Name column. The first one is about new colonies that would be explained in <<Colonising>>.

      After that, you are going to see a confirmation about the relocating operation. You have to accept to start the final countdown of 24 hours.

      - If this button is in grey colour it means that the position is kept by another player. If you try to send to that position a colony ship you would receive the message: "Fleets can not be sent to this target. This planet has been reserved for a relocation". During this 24 hours you can use the planet without any drawback, but once is finished you should have your planet inactive to move.
      Inactive is without hangar queue, investigations, buildings or any fleet movement. If there is something of these things, relocation is automatically cancelled. The player don't lose Dark Matter but this planet stay 24 hours without being able to relocate it again.
      If you go to overview, after Honour points you will see the countdown of relocating.
      - If time is in green colour means that your planet at that moment would be moved.
      - If this time is in red colour means that there is something of things explained above active, and if it doesn't finish before the end of this countdown relocate is going to be cancelled.
      The time of relocating is also shown at the new coordinates in the position you chose.

      If the planet is well relocated, it moves with all resources you had in the previous coordinates, but all fleets (except solar satellites) you had in the planet (and also in the moon) are moved to the new coordinates at 100% speed of the slower ship you have in a deployment mission. This deployment cannot be seen with Sensor Phalanx.
      You can also see that in you previous coordinates planet and moon (if you had) appears like destroyed. Moon would appear with 0 km. If you spy it you are not going to find anything.
      If moon has jump gate, it is unavailable during the next 24 hours.

      =Vacation Mode (VM)=
      In VM, a relocation can continue its countdown. But if you pay attention to overview you are going to see that time in red colour, so it is going to be cancelled if you don't remove it before.
      You cannot start a relocation with VM activated.

      =Facts about relocation=
      Both planet and moon will be moved. Ships from your last planet will travel to the new location without any deuterium costs. Relocation starts 24 hours timer and at the end of the timer the planet will be moved to new location. Planet and moon will only be moved if there is no active building or research in progress and no new colony on the selected position. If the timer is green, the planet will be moved, if the planet will fail relocation, the timer will turn red. If all fleet movement, building, and/or research are completed before the timer finishes, the timer will return to green and the move will go through. Also if the planet is part of the intergalatic research network but the research is started on another planet, it will not interfere with the move.

      Multiple planets may be moved simultaneously. Jump gate on the moon deactivates for 24h after the move and incoming attacking/supporting fleet won´t block the movement, fleets will return after reaching empty position.

      Note: temperature and planet picture will be changed, planet size stays the same.
      How to move a colony

      What can make the relocation fail?

      What happens to the ships and resources on my planet/moon?

      A few remarks



      Relocation in pictures

      How to move a colony

      To move a colony, just go to the colony you want to move and click overview.
      Under your points and rank you'll see the option "relocate". If you click this, it will direct you to the galaxy view. Now go to the galaxy where you want to move your planet to. Pick an empty slot, you'll see 2 buttons there, 1 is colonization, the other relocate.
      Click on relocate. You'll now get a screen asking you to confirm the planet move.
      Confirm the move and then your planet will be moved.

      I'll describe the steps of planet movement below:

      A) First confirm the relocation. (I explained how to do this above)
      B) You'll now have to wait 24 hours.
      C) After the 24 hours have passed, your planet will be moved.
      Any ships you had on your planet/moon will now be deployed to the new location.
      The flight time will be the same as the time it normally takes to deploy the fleet from the old location to the new location.
      This deployment won't cost any deut and it isn't visible on the phalanx as it acts as a recalled deployment.
      D) Wait another 24 hours.
      E) You can now use you jumpgate. (It's blocked for 24 hours after the move was completed, so after step C)
      The colony can now be moved again if desired.

      What can make the relocation fail?

      Once you have confirmed the relocation, you'll see a countdown in your overview and in the galaxy view at the new coords. Until the 24 hours from the countdown have passed, it’s best not to start any construction on the planet you are moving. And don’t launch any fleet to/from the colony you are moving. Because if, when the countdown hits 0, you still have buildings/fleet/defense under construction, or still have fleets flying to/from that colony, then the move will fail. Any research started at the planet will also block the relocation. Note that research started on other planets won't affect the relocation. If a colonisation mission has been launched to the slot you want to move your planet to before you started a relocation, the relocation will not be successful.

      What happens to the ships and resources on my planet/moon?

      As explained above, your ships will be launched after your colony has been moved (step C).
      They will be deployed from the original coords of your planet to the new coords.
      This will be at 100% speed and will take the same time as it would if it was a normal deployment.
      Note that this won't cost you any deuterium.
      Solar sats will be moved with the planet immediately.
      Your resources will be moved instantly with your colony, so immediately after step C.
      I'd advise you not to leave too many resources there though, because you won't have the ships there immediately.

      A few remarks

      You can start building stuff immediately after relocation of your colony (step C).
      You'll also be able to use your phalanx immediately after step C.
      The temperature and planet picture will be changed, planet size stays as it is.
      So if you move to a a higher slot like 11-15, you'll get more deut, but you'll need to build
      extra solar sats because you'll need more energy. If you move to a lower slot, you'll need less
      solar sats and you'll get less deuterium.
      Also take in mind the following things:
      - You can only move to an empty position,
      - you can only move to a similar position (.e.g. from position 1 just onto 1-3),
      - the range is 1-3, 4-12, 13-15.

      The slot you're moving to is blocked to other missions as soon as you start the relocation.


      It costs 240k DM to move a colony. You will have to buy this DM before you do the relocation.
      When the planet relocation was successful the DM will be paid automatically.
      If the planet relocation failed, no DM will be charged. The payment will happen right after the relocation (step C).

      Advantages of relocation
      Player who is relocating:

      You are able to move your home planet which wasn’t possible before as you cannot delete it.
      Miners can move their existing planets to safer areas in the universe to avoid being attacked.
      Or put all their planets in 1 system for fast transports.

      Fleeters can move a planet with a moon in system with one of their targets. This is a very big advantage, certainly if the moon has a jump gate. As relocation doesn’t cost any resources, it’s a lot cheaper(in resources) than mobiles. And you have the possibility to let your fleet deploy to the new location for 0 deut costs. (Though I wouldn’t advise this)

      Other players:
      If you know someone is about to relocate a planet, you can watch for the activity.
      So in case the player lets his fleet deploy with the relocation, you could blind lanx it based on the activity of the destroyed planet on the old location. Though this isn’t an easy thing to do.


      Q: Will the relocation be prevented by foreign fleets heading towards my planet?
      A: No.

      Q: Will there be anything left at the original location of your planet after the relocation?
      A: Yes, there will be a destroyed planet at the old slot. If you had a moon with the planet, there will also be a destroyed moon.

      Q: Can I recall my fleet in case I made a mistake? (E.g. I left the rips and my fleet will need many days to arrive at its new location)
      A: No.

      Q: When the planet arrives at its new location, will it create activity in the galaxy view?
      A: Yes, at both the new location and the old location.

      Q: If I change my mind, can I prevent the relocation?
      A: Yes, build some stuff on the planet. Make sure it’s still under construction when the countdown hits 0.

      Q: Do the mines still stay active during the relocation process?
      A: Yes.

      Q: If I have a fleet sitting at both the planet and the moon when the relocation happens, will there be 2 deploys?
      A: Yes, One fleet will be sent from the planet to the planet's new location. The other will be sent from the moon to its new location.

      Q: Does the planet disappear for 24 hours or does it stay on its current location until it is moved.
      A: The planet (and moon) will stay at their current location until the 24 hour countdown hits 0 and the planet is moved.

      Q: Can you do multiple relocations at the same time?
      A: Yes. However, a single planet can only be moved once every 24 hours.

      Q: If the relocation fails, will the jump gate on my moon be blocked?
      A. No, nothing will be affected by a failed relocation. The jump gate will work fine.

      Q: Can you send a new relocation immediately after a failed one? Or do you have to wait?
      A: You can send it immediately after the first one fails.

      Q: If I have 8 planets, but my astrophysics tech is only high enough to have 7, will I be able to relocate a planet or will it somehow get deleted? (This occurs in older unis where astrophysics was implemented on a later time causing you to have more planets than “possible”)
      A: Your planet will be relocated. It will not be deleted.

      Q: Can others still attack the planet I’m relocating?
      A: Yes.

      Q: Once planet relocation is started (countdown has begun), will everything on my planet be locked?
      A: Nothing will be locked.

      Q: The planet that I'm moving is part of an Intergalactic Research Network. I started research at another planet of that network. Will this block the relocation?
      A: No.

      Relocation in pictures
      Display Spoiler

      Starting the relocation
      Click on the relocation button in the overview. (you can skip this step if you want)

      You'll get redirected to the galaxy view.

      You will now get this message. Click yes to proceed.

      During the relocation process

      The relocation process has now been started. You can see a countdown in the overview.

      Countdown is visible in the galaxy view as well as at the spot you are relocating to.

      The spot is now reserved for your relocation.

      Research that was started at the planet that is going to be relocated will block the relocation if the countdown hits 0.

      Ships or buildings that are still under construction on the planet will also block the relocation.

      When the countdown hits 0, your planet (and moon) will be moved.

      After relocation
      Your planet and moon are now at the new location. The move creates activity in the galaxy view.

      There will be a destroyed planet and destroyed moon at the old coordinates.

      The fleet will be sent on deployment immediately when the planet is moved.

      Your jumpgate will be in recharge mode for 24 hours.

      You will not be able to move this planet again until 24 hours after it was moved.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by tomas ().

    • AKA47 wrote:

      Needs to be added...

      What can make the relocation fail?

      A newly registered player assigned to them coords, anytime during the 24hr countdown.
      I was told this isn't a problem anymore.
      Kebab was going to find out for sure.
      No way I can test this because you can't decide where a new player will get his homeplanet.
    • A new player will get the first coords available starting from galaxy 1, system 1 slot 4. With slots 4-12 possible as startup point. So it´s in fact pretty easy to know where a new player will start as long as anyone doesn´t colonoze that first available spot before creation of a new acc :P
    • Azgaroth wrote:

      A new player will get the first coords available starting from galaxy 1, system 1 slot 4. With slots 4-12 possible as startup point. So it´s in fact pretty easy to know where a new player will start as long as anyone doesn´t colonoze that first available spot before creation of a new acc :P
      That would be pretty easy.... if relocation was instant ! ... but the fact is it isn't, there is a 24hr lead time from coor'd selection to planet relocation.

      There is no way to know how many new accounts are going to be created within the 24hr lead time of the relocation.
    • JayneDoe wrote:

      tomas wrote:

      - you can only move to a similar position (.e.g. from position 1 just onto 1-3),
      - the range is 1-3, 4-12, 13-15.
      So let me get this right, you can't relocate a planet from Galaxy 1 to 9?

      With 4.0 there there was a small change :)
      The ranges are the same (position in solar sistem, not galaxy ;)); if you are in an external position (1-3 or 13-15) you can relocate everywhere, but if you are in 4-12 is possible to move just inside this range.

      So, if your planet is in 2:200:2 you can go X:XXX:6 or X:XXX:13 with no limits, but if you are in 2:200:6 is possible to move just from X:XXX:4 to X:XXX:12
    • Hyadre wrote:

      JayneDoe wrote:

      tomas wrote:

      - you can only move to a similar position (.e.g. from position 1 just onto 1-3),
      - the range is 1-3, 4-12, 13-15.
      So let me get this right, you can't relocate a planet from Galaxy 1 to 9?

      With 4.0 there there was a small change :)
      The ranges are the same (position in solar sistem, not galaxy ;)); if you are in an external position (1-3 or 13-15) you can relocate everywhere, but if you are in 4-12 is possible to move just inside this range.

      So, if your planet is in 2:200:2 you can go X:XXX:6 or X:XXX:13 with no limits, but if you are in 2:200:6 is possible to move just from X:XXX:4 to X:XXX:12

      Are you sure of that? :P
      If you're on 1-3 you can relocate only between 1-3 or 13-15.
      If you're on 13-15 you can relocate only between 13-15 or 1-3.
    • is this still the same in the newest patch

      Being limited to those three domains is a huge rip off for the amount of dark matter it costs to relocate. If I am going to spend that much I should be allowed to move wherever I want. Does anyone know if these restriction have been loosened in the newer patches?
    • I don't know if I have to put it here, inf not please say me

      == Relocation ==

      Nowadays, Ogame gives the option to a player of moving planets from its original position to another one. If the planet has a moon, moves with it.

      = How to relocate =
      There are several possibilities about moving a planet:
      - A planet in positions 1 - 3 and 13 - 15 can be moved to any position in the galaxy (from 1 to 15)
      - A planet in positions 4 - 12 can only be moved in positions 4 - 12.
      This operation costs 240.000 per planet of Dark Matter (DM) that is payed only if the planet is moved correctly and has to be done from a planet, you cannot do it if you are in a moon.
      To move a planet is neccesary to go to Galaxy option in the panel of the left, enter the desired coordinates where you want to move your planet and then choose a free position in the solar system you want, you have to click in the second button that appears in Name column. The first one is about new colonies that would be explained in <<Colonising>>.

      After that, you are going to see a confirmation about the relocating operation. You have to accept to start the final countdown of 24 hours.

      = Conditions =
      If this button is in grey colour it means that the position is kept by another player, if you try to send to that position a colony ship you would recieve the message: "Fleets can not be sent to this target. This planet has been reserved for a relocation". During this 24 hours you can use the planet without any drawback, but once is finished you should have your planet inactive to move.
      Inactive is without hangar queue, investigations, buildings or any fleet movement. If there is something of these things, relocation is automatically cancelled. The player don't lose DM but this planet stay 24 hours without being able to relocate it again.
      If you go to overview, after Honour points you will see the countdown of relocating. If time is in green colour means that your planet at that moment would be moved. If this time is in red colour means that there is something of things explained above active, and if it doesn't finish before the end of this countdown relocate is going to be cancelled.
      The time of relocating is also shown at the new coordinates in the position you chose.

      = Consequences =
      If the planet is well relocated, it moves with all resources you had in the previous coordinates, but all fleets (except solar satellites) you had in the planet (and also in the moon) are moved to the new coordinates at 100% speed of the slower ship you have in a deployment mission. This deployment cannot be seen with Sensor Phalanx.
      You can also see that in you previous coordinates planet and moon (if you had) appears like destroyed. Moon would appear with 0 km. If you spy it you are not going to find anything.
      If moon has jump gate, it is unavailable during the next 24 hours.

      = Vacation Mode (VM) =
      In VM, a relocation can continue its countdown. But if you pay attention to overview you are going to see that time in red colour, so it is going to be cancelled if you don't remove it before.
      You cannot start a relocation with VM activated. & SGO
      Origin Supporter

    • ==Relocation==
      Nowadays, Ogame gives the option to a player of moving planets from its original position to another one. If the planet has a moon, it moves with it.

      =How to relocate=
      There are several possibilities about moving a planet:
      - A planet in positions 1 - 3 and 13 - 15 can be moved to any position in the galaxy from 1 to 15
      - A planet in positions 4 - 12 can only be moved in positions from 4 to 12
      This operation costs 240.000 Dark Matter per planet. That is paid only if the planet is moved correctly. Note that you have to relocate from planet.
      To move a planet it is necessary to go to Galaxy option in the panel of the left, enter the desired coordinates where you want to move your planet and then choose a free position in the solar system you want. You have to click in the second button that appears in Name column. The first one is about new colonies that would be explained in <<Colonising>>.

      After that, you are going to see a confirmation about the relocating operation. You have to accept to start the final countdown of 24 hours.

      - If this button is in grey colour it means that the position is kept by another player. If you try to send to that position a colony ship you would receive the message: "Fleets can not be sent to this target. This planet has been reserved for a relocation". During this 24 hours you can use the planet without any drawback, but once is finished you should have your planet inactive to move.
      Inactive is without hangar queue, investigations, buildings or any fleet movement. If there is something of these things, relocation is automatically cancelled. The player don't lose DM but this planet stay 24 hours without being able to relocate it again.
      If you go to overview, after Honour points you will see the countdown of relocating.
      - If time is in green colour means that your planet at that moment would be moved.
      - If this time is in red colour means that there is something of things explained above active, and if it doesn't finish before the end of this countdown relocate is going to be cancelled.
      The time of relocating is also shown at the new coordinates in the position you chose.

      If the planet is well relocated, it moves with all resources you had in the previous coordinates, but all fleets (except solar satellites) you had in the planet (and also in the moon) are moved to the new coordinates at 100% speed of the slower ship you have in a deployment mission. This deployment cannot be seen with Sensor Phalanx.
      You can also see that in you previous coordinates planet and moon (if you had) appears like destroyed. Moon would appear with 0 km. If you spy it you are not going to find anything.
      If moon has jump gate, it is unavailable during the next 24 hours.

      =Vacation Mode (VM)=
      In VM, a relocation can continue its countdown. But if you pay attention to overview you are going to see that time in red colour, so it is going to be cancelled if you don't remove it before.
      You cannot start a relocation with VM activated.