Guide 00: Universe guide

    • Wiki Updated

    • Guide 00: Universe guide

      Ogame has several universe types allowing players to select the universe with the settings that they like most and fits their playing style.
      You can see universe distinctions on the login page

      Some universes are old with strong players having a lot of defense and huge fleet and a lot of inactive accounts that can be farmed allowing a steady resource income for diligent farmers. It is very hard to reach the top when you start such a universe but is good if you are learning the game because you can find experienced players willing to help you with advice and resources.

      New universes are more active and you have a good chance to get in the top ranks especially if you already know the game and you have a friendly supportive alliance to enjoy the aggressive gaming

      ==Universe features==
      Universe features that can be customised:
      - Universe duration
      - ACS or not
      - Fleet speed
      - Economy speed (resource production, building, research)
      - planet size
      - galaxies number
      - solar system number

      - % of Ship to Debris Field
      - % of Defense to Debris Field
      - Galaxy distance
      - System distance
      - Espionage probe cargo capacity

      ==Universe types==
      Ogame has several universe types:

      1. Standard universe (normal universe) is 1x Fleet speed, 1x economy speed, ACS , 30% Debris Field from Ships

      2. Limited duration universe is universe that is going to be closed at a given date. Such universes are opened for different events or competitions or for testing new features

      3. Special universes can have one or more of the universe features changed:
      - Speed universe: speed can be from 2x up to 5x for Fleet or for Economy or for both of them
      - Non ACS universe: Alliance Combat System is disabled
      - Ships to Debris Field universes: more than 30% Debris Field from Ships (Ships destroyed in space battles are resulting in 60%, 70% of resources used to build them minus the Deuterium)
      - Defense to Debris Field universes: besides ships, destroyed Defense goes to Debris Field as well. This setting is not compatible with universes having a higher debris factor from ships and the engineer is affecting the outcome of a battle
      - Circular universes (introduced in version 5.8.5): distance between galaxy 9 and galaxy 1 would be the same as between galaxy 1 and galaxy 2. The same goes for solar systems: the distance between 1 and 499 would be the same as between 1 and 2. The distance between 100 and 400 would be only 199 solar systems of distance (you would fly from 400 to ... 498, 499, 1, 2 ... up to 100).
      - A special universe can have enabled the cargo space for espionage probes. In this case the bashig rule applies to spy probes attacks too.

      In special universes these features can appear alone or in combination allowing players to enjoy a wide diversity of settings and assume the most suitable play style.

      ==Premium features==
      The use of Premium features (Dark Matter or DM) may give you an advantage in the first days in a new universe.
      More information how to use the Premium features is given in the tutorial: >>Premium features<<.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by ErikFyr ().

    • Your link isn't updated for the french community, Kebab. We have like 3 special universes added since the universe 65 as shown in the link. Plus there a new universe coming...
      I think for this guide, the best is to do the pattern ... and every community has to adapt to her servers characteristics...
      Caus' Communities differ from the number of universes...
    • < Guide in course of writing - not complete>

      Ogame has several universe types allowing players to select the universe with the settings that they like most and fits their playing style.
      You can see universe distinctions on the login page

      Some universes are old with strong players having a lot of defense and huge fleet and a lot of inactive accounts that can be farmed allowing a steady resource income for diligent farmers. It is very hard to reach the top when you start such a universe but is good if you are learning the game because you can find experienced players willing to help you with advice and resources.

      New universes are more active and you have a good chance to get in the top ranks especially if you already know the game and you have a friendly supportive alliance to enjoy the aggressive gaming

      Noob protection is also different for older and newer universes:

      In older universes (created before 2011) the noob protection is split in two stages:
      - 0 to 10.000 points: general protection with a 1:5 ratio for fleet escape
      - 10.000 to 50.000 points: general protection with a fleet escape 1:10 ratio for fleet escape

      For newer universes:
      - 0 to 50.000 points: general protection with a 1:5 ratio
      - 50.000 to 500.000 points: general protection with a 1:10 ratio

      ==Universe features==

      Universe features that can be customised:
      - Universe duration
      - ACS or not
      - fleet speed
      - economy speed ( resource production, building, research )
      - planet size
      - galaxies number
      - solar system number

      - % of ship debris
      - % of defense to debris
      - Galaxy distance
      - System distance

      ==Universe types==
      Ogame has several universe types,

      1. Standard universe ( normal universe ) is 1x fleet speed, 1x economy speed, ACS , 30% debris from ships

      2. Limited duration universe: is universe that is to be closed at a given date, such universes are opened for different events or competitions or for testing new features

      3. Special universes can have one or more of the universe features changed :

      - Speed universe: In this type of universe the speed can be from 2x up to 5x for fleet or for economy or for both of them

      - Non ACS universe : in this type of universe the Alliance Combat System is disabled

      - Universes with +n number of fields on planets- This setting is very nice especially in combination to higher economy speed and gives certain advantages to miners

      - Universes with more or less number of galaxies or solar systems

      - universes with more than 30% debris from ships : ships destroyed in space battles are resulting in 60% , 70% of resources used to build them minus the deuterium

      - Universes with defense to debris: in this type of universe the battle on planets or moons with defense are giving debris from defense too in addition to the normal debris from the destroyed ships. This setting is not compatible with universes having a higher debris factor form ships and the engineer is affecting the outcome of a battle

      - Circular universes : This is the newest type ( introduced in version 5.8.5) In a circular universe the distance between galaxy 9 and galaxy 1 would be the same as between g1 and g2, only 1 galaxy of distance., the same goes for solar systems: the distance between 1 and 499 would be the same as between 1 and 2, only 1 solar system of distance.The distance between 100 and 400 would be only 199 solar systems of distance (you would fly from 400 to ... 498, 499, 1, 2 ... up to 100).

      In special universes these features can appear alone or in combination allowing players to enjoy a wide diversity of settings and assume the most suitable play style.
    • Ogame has several universe types allowing players to select the universe with the settings that they like most and fits their playing style.
      You can see universe distinctions on the login page

      Some universes are old with strong players having a lot of defense and huge fleet and a lot of inactive accounts that can be farmed allowing a steady resource income for diligent farmers. It is very hard to reach the top when you start such a universe but is good if you are learning the game because you can find experienced players willing to help you with advice and resources.

      New universes are more active and you have a good chance to get in the top ranks especially if you already know the game and you have a friendly supportive alliance to enjoy the aggressive gaming

      ==Universe features==
      Universe features that can be customised:
      - Universe duration
      - ACS or not
      - Fleet speed
      - Economy speed (resource production, building, research)
      - planet size - galaxies number- solar system number - % of Ship to Debris Field
      - % of Defense to Debris Field
      - Galaxy distance
      - System distance

      ==Universe types==
      Ogame has several universe types:

      1. Standard universe (normal universe) is 1x Fleet speed, 1x economy speed, ACS , 30% Debris Field from Ships

      2. Limited duration universe is universe that is going to be closed at a given date. Such universes are opened for different events or competitions or for testing new features

      3. Special universes can have one or more of the universe features changed:
      - Speed universe: speed can be from 2x up to 5x for Fleet or for Economy or for both of them
      - Non ACS universe: Alliance Combat System is disabled
      - Ships to Debris Field universes: more than 30% Debris Field from Ships (Ships destroyed in space battles are resulting in 60%, 70% of resources used to build them minus the Deuterium)
      - Defense to Debris Field universes: besides ships, destroyed Defense goes to Debris Field as well. This setting is not compatible with universes having a higher debris factor form ships and the engineer is affecting the outcome of a battle
      - Circular universes (introduced in version 5.8.5): distance between galaxy 9 and galaxy 1 would be the same as between galaxy 1 and galaxy 2. The same goes for solar systems: the distance between 1 and 499 would be the same as between 1 and 2. The distance between 100 and 400 would be only 199 solar systems of distance (you would fly from 400 to ... 498, 499, 1, 2 ... up to 100).

      In special universes these features can appear alone or in combination allowing players to enjoy a wide diversity of settings and assume the most suitable play style.

    • hmm.. we need to add nub protection info somewhere
      gotta think about it tomorrow

      <09-02-2015> [11:24:00] <@Valent> maybe make a relationship with playing styles
      <09-02-2015> [11:24:03] <+Icegirl> if that will be fine
      <09-02-2015> [11:24:17] <+Icegirl> what you mean by relationship
      <09-02-2015> [11:25:20] <@Valent> like : you are playing as a miner , you would prefer a higher % economy
      <09-02-2015> [11:25:29] <@Valent> ah
      <09-02-2015> [11:25:38] <@Valent> we need to add : planet size
      <09-02-2015> [11:25:54] <@Valent> galagy/ system numbers at features that can be customised
      <09-02-2015> [11:26:00] <@Valent> galaxy
      <09-02-2015> [11:26:02] <+Icegirl> ah that
      <09-02-2015> [11:26:02] <+Icegirl> ok
      <09-02-2015> [11:26:04] <+Icegirl> i got it
      <09-02-2015> [11:26:08] <@JoKy> ^^
      <09-02-2015> [11:26:22] <+Icegirl> right.. i forgot for planet size xd
      <09-02-2015> [11:26:23] <@Valent> and as a miner you would like larger planets
      <09-02-2015> [11:26:40] <@Valent> and would definitely run away form DFD unis
      <09-02-2015> [11:26:44] <+Icegirl> i should add note to check colonising, right? xd

    • OGame has 2 types of universes, Normal or Standard and Special universes.
      The combination of features determines the setting of a universe, allowing you to select the universe which fits you best. You can see the distinctions of the universes on the homepage.

      Some universes are old with strong players having a lot of defense and huge fleet and a lot of inactive accounts that can be farmed allowing a steady resource income for diligent farmers. It takes time to reach the top when you start such a universe but is good if you are learning the game because you can find experienced players willing to help you with advice and resources.

      New universes are more active and you have a better chance to get in the top ranks faster especially if you already know the game and you have a friendly supportive alliance to enjoy the aggressive gaming.

      Noob protection is different in old and new universes.
      In old universes (created before 2011) the noob protection is split in two stages:
      - 0 to 10.000 points: general protection with a 1:5 ratio for fleet escape
      - 10.000 to 50.000 points: general protection with a 1:10 ratio for fleet escape

      For newer universes:
      - 0 to 50.000 points: general protection with a 1:5 ratio for fleet escape
      - 50.000 to 500.000 points: general protection with a 1:10 ratio for fleet escape

      ==Universe features==
      Universe features that can be customised:
      - Universe duration
      - ACS or not
      - Fleet speed
      - Economy speed (resource production, building, research)
      - Planet size
      - Galaxy number
      - Solar system number
      - % of Ship to Debris Field
      - % of Defense to Debris Field
      - Galaxy distance
      - System distance

      ==Universe types==
      1. Standard or normal universes:
      1x speed, Alliance Combat System (ACS), 30% ships to debris, 9 galaxies, 499 solar systems per galaxy.

      2. Special universes:
      Any universe with 1 or more features other then the features of a standard universe.

      The universe will be open for a limited period of time. Usually in use for testing or contests.

      Alliance Combat System:
      The ACS can be disabled, making it impossible to combine fleets. (See tutorial: <<Alliance Combat System>>).

      Universe speed:
      The speed can be set for an entire universe and so effecting flight, production, building and research speed or
      set differently for fleet and economics (production, building and research).

      Planet size:
      The main planet will have +n number of fields more then the normal 163, the average size of your colonies will also be effected.

      Number of galaxies and/or solar systems:
      A lower number of galaxies and/or solar systems will create a smaller universe.

      Percentage of ships to debris:
      More then the normal 30% Debris Field from ships. (Ships destroyed in combat are resulting in debris, 50%, 60%, 70% of resources used to build them minus the Deuterium)

      Defense to Debris:
      Destroyed defense goes to debris. Minus the deuterium.
      This feature is not compatible with a higher debris factor. The Engineer is affecting the outcome of the battle.

      Linear or Circular universe:
      A linear universe is the standard feature, there is a great distance between galaxy 1 and 9, and between the solar systems 1 to 499.
      In a circular universe (introduced in version 5.8.5) the distance between galaxy 9 and galaxy 1 would be the same as between galaxy 1 and galaxy 2.
      The same goes for solar systems: the distance between 1 and 499 would be the same as between 1 and 2. The distance between 100 and 400 would be only 199 solar systems of distance (you would fly from 400 to ... 498, 499, 1, 2 ... up to 100). This feature can be in use for the galaxies or the solar systems or both.

      In special universes these features can appear alone or in combination allowing players to enjoy a wide diversity of settings and assume the most suitable play style. See <<Play styles>>

      ==Player styles in different universes==
      - slow Fleet speed universe
      - fast Economy speed universe
      - NON ACS universe

      - fast Economy speed universe

      - fast Fleet speed universe
      - Debris Field from ships and defense
      - reduced number of Galaxies

      Please note that rules can be different for normal and special universe. Also they can be changed any time.

    • my general suggestion for all players is 1x speed regular universe

      non acs sounds good for a turtle
      but no acs takes so much out of the game it would be boring

      fast economy sounds good
      but everybody on the server has that too
      u can get to deathstars earlier but only the top player can afford to have them without the fear to lose them
      its neutral it doent take to much depth of the game but doesnt add too much eighter

      fleet speed
      i dont like fleet speed 2x or even higher
      u can get md too easy later on
      and get farmd by deathstars too
      thats no fun

      debris field
      30% is ok i think
      40% would be ok too and 50% is already plenty of df
      70% is overwhelming

      ive never played in a reduced number of Galaxies server
      i cant say if its good or not

      Planet size
      the regular does the job

      % of Defense to Debris Field
      every of those are unplayable i wont explain
      thats a fact no explanation needed
      peaceful miner
    • Icegirl wrote:

      Ogame has several universe types allowing players to select the universe with the settings that they like most and fits their playing style.
      You can see universe distinctions on the login page

      Some universes are old with strong players having a lot of defense and huge fleet and a lot of inactive accounts that can be farmed allowing a steady resource income for diligent farmers. It is very hard to reach the top when you start such a universe but is good if you are learning the game because you can find experienced players willing to help you with advice and resources. (I wouldnt necessarily say that. With good farming and a good Strategy on how to bouild your Account it not hard to get in the tops just takes longer but is the easier route because for most of the players you are no threat or just not worth there attack slot.

      New universes are more active and you have a good chance to get in the top ranks especially if you already know the game and you have a friendly supportive alliance to enjoy the aggressive gaming ( With Ress buying this changed, New universes got a harsher environment and at first only the ones with the bigger pocket get to be in the top rankings. I know that changes over time where experience is more important but the first month money talks. In my Opionen a new universe is the shorter route to get in the top rankings but much harder.

      Noob protection is different in old and new universes.
      In old universes (created before 2011) the noob protection is split in two stages:
      - 0 to 10.000 points: general protection with a 1:5 ratio for fleet escape
      - 10.000 to 50.000 points: general protection with a 1:10 ratio for fleet escape

      For newer universes:
      - 0 to 50.000 points: general protection with a 1:5 ratio for fleet escape
      - 50.000 to 500.000 points: general protection with a 1:10 ratio for fleet escape

      ==Universe features==
      Universe features that can be customised:
      - Universe duration
      - ACS or not
      - Fleet speed
      - Economy speed (resource production, building, research)
      - Planet size
      - Galaxy number
      - Solar system number
      - % of Ship to Debris Field
      - % of Defense to Debris Field
      - Galaxy distance
      - System distance

      ==Universe types==
      Ogame has several universe types:

      1. Standard universe (normal universe) is 1x Fleet speed, 1x economy speed, ACS , 30% Debris Field from Ships

      2. Limited duration universe is universe that is going to be closed at a given date. Such universes are opened for different events or competitions or for testing new features

      3. Special universes can have one or more of the universe features changed:
      - Speed universe: speed can be from 2x up to 5x for Fleet or for Economy or for both of them

      - Non ACS universe: Alliance Combat System is disabled

      - Universes with +n number of Fields on planets: setting is nice in combination with higher economy speed

      - Universes with different number of Galaxies or Solar Systems: setting is nice for less active community

      - Ships to Debris Field universes: more than 30% Debris Field from Ships (Ships destroyed in space battles are resulting in 60%, 70% of resources used to build them minus the Deuterium)

      - Defense to Debris Field universes: besides ships, destroyed Defense goes to Debris Field as well. This setting is not compatible with a higher Debris factor or when the engineer is affecting the outcome of a battle.

      - Circular universes (introduced in version 5.8.5): distance between galaxy 9 and galaxy 1 would be the same as between galaxy 1 and galaxy 2. The same goes for solar systems: the distance between 1 and 499 would be the same as between 1 and 2. The distance between 100 and 400 would be only 199 solar systems of distance (you would fly from 400 to ... 498, 499, 1, 2 ... up to 100).

      In special universes these features can appear alone or in combination allowing players to enjoy a wide diversity of settings and assume the most suitable play style.

      ==Player styles in different universes==
      - slow Fleet speed universe
      - fast Economy speed universe
      - NON ACS universe

      - fast Economy speed universe

      - fast Fleet speed universe
      - Debris Field from ships and defense
      - reduced number of Galaxies
    • OGame has 2 types of universes, Normal or Standard and Special universes.
      The combination of features determines the setting of a universe, allowing you to select the universe which fits you best.
      You can see the distinctions of the universes on the homepage.

      Refreshed the sentences and moved up the part about types of universes. There are only 2 types, the others mentioned types are only variations of the special universe. Changed login page to homepage. The page isn't the login page, but also the place you do the registration of an account, the distinctions are placed at that part of the page.

      ==Universe types==
      1. Standard or normal universes:
      1x speed, Alliance Combat System (ACS) , 30% ships to debris, 9 galaxies, 499 solar systems per galaxy.

      2. Special universes:
      Any universe with 1 or more features other then the features of a standard universe.

      Moved up, and discard the Duration Universe as a special universe.

      ==Universe types==
      1. Standard or normal universes:
      1x speed, Alliance Combat System (ACS) , 30% ships to debris, 9 galaxies, 499 solar systems per galaxy, linear universe.

      2. Special universes:
      Any universe with 1 or more features other then the features of a standard universe.

      ==Universe features==
      Universe features that can be customised:
      - Duration
      - Alliance Combat System (ACS)
      - Universe speed
      - Planet size
      - Number of galaxies and or solar systems
      - Percentage of ships to debris
      - Defense to debris
      - Linear or circular universe

      The universe will be open for a limited period of time. Usually in use for testing or contests.

      Alliance Combat System:
      The ACS can be disabled, making it impossible to combine fleets. (See tutorial: Alliance Combat System).

      Universe speed:
      The speed can be set for an entire universe and so effecting flight, production, building and research speed or
      set differently for fleet and economics (production, building and research).

      Planet size:
      The main planet will have +n number of fields more then the normal 163, the average size of your colonies will also be effected.

      Number of galaxies and/or solar systems:
      A lower number of galaxies and/or solar systems will create a smaller universe.

      Percentage of ships to debris:
      then the normal 30% Debris Field from ships. (Ships destroyed in combat
      are resulting in debris, 50%, 60%, 70% of resources used to build them
      minus the Deuterium)

      Defense to Debris :
      Destroyed defense goes to debris. Minus the deuterium.
      This feature is not compatible with a higher debris factor. The Engineer is affecting the outcome of the battle.

      Linear or Circular universe:
      A linear universe is the standard feature, there is a great distance between galaxy 1 and 9, and between the solar systems 1 to 499.
      In a circular universe (introduced in version 5.8.5) the distance between galaxy 9 and galaxy 1 would be the same as between galaxy 1 and galaxy
      2.The same goes for solar systems: the distance between 1 and 499 would be the same as between 1 and 2. The distance between 100 and 400 would
      beonly 199 solar systems of distance (you would fly from 400 to ... 498, 499, 1, 2 ... up to 100). This feature can be in use for the galaxies or the solar systems or both.

      In special universes these features can appear alone or in combination, allowing players to enjoy adiversity of settings and assume the most
      suitable play style.
      More information about play styles can be found in the Guide: Play Styles.

      Moving up a bit, added some referrals to other guides, rearranged the order and some of the text.

      ==Older versus newer universes==
      In older universes you will encounter strong, experienced players having massive defenses and huge fleets.
      They will also have high levels of research and buildings. It will not be easy to reach the top in a older universe, but it is good if you want to
      learn the game, because many of the experienced players are willing to help you with advice and resources.
      More and bigger inactive accounts that can be farmed will give you a steady resource income.

      Newer universes are more active and you have a good chance to get in the top ranks, especially if you already know the game and you join a friendly
      supportive alliance to enjoy the combative gaming.

      There is a difference in the Noob Protection between universes created before or after 2011.
      In the older universes the protection will end at 50.000 points, in the newer universes it will end at 500.000 points.
      More detailed information about Noob Protection can be found in the tutorial: Noob Protection.
      Moved down and rearranged.
      Deleted the quotation from the noob protection tutorial, replaced it with a more general text and a referral to the tutorial

      Game-rules can be vary with the use of the features.

      Added warning

      Complete edit text in the spoiler.
      Display Spoiler

      OGame has 2 types of universes, Normal or Standard and Special universes. The combination of features determines the setting of a universe, allowing you to select the universe which fits you best.
      You can see the distinctions of the universes on the homepage.

      ==Universe types==
      1. Standard or normal universes:
      1x speed, Alliance Combat System (ACS) , 30% ships to debris, 9 galaxies, 499 solar systems per galaxy, linear universe.

      2. Special universes:
      Any universe with 1 or more features other then the features of a standard universe.

      ==Universe features==
      Universe features that can be customised:
      - Duration
      - Alliance Combat System (ACS)
      - Universe speed
      - Planet size
      - Number of galaxies and or solar systems
      - Percentage of ships to debris
      - Defense to debris
      - Linear or circular universe

      The universe will be open for a limited period of time. Usually in use for testing or contests.

      Alliance Combat System:
      The ACS can be disabled, making it impossible to combine fleets. (See tutorial: Alliance Combat System).

      Universe speed:
      The speed can be set for an entire universe and so effecting flight, production, building and research speed or
      set differently for fleet and economics (production, building and research).

      Planet size:
      The main planet will have +n number of fields more then the normal 163, the average size of your colonies will also be effected.

      Number of galaxies and/or solar systems:
      A lower number of galaxies and/or solar systems will create a smaller universe.

      Percentage of ships to debris:
      More then the normal 30% Debris Field from ships. (Ships destroyed in combat are resulting in debris, 50%, 60%, 70% of resources used to build them minus the Deuterium)

      Defense to Debris :
      Destroyed defense goes to debris. Minus the deuterium.
      This feature is not compatible with a higher debris factor. The Engineer is affecting the outcome of the battle.

      Linear or Circular universe:
      A linear universe is the standard feature, there is a great distance between galaxy 1 and 9, and between the solar systems 1 to 499.
      In a circular universe (introduced in version 5.8.5) the distance between galaxy 9 and galaxy 1 would be the same as between galaxy 1 and galaxy
      2. The same goes for solar systems: the distance between 1 and 499 would be the same as between 1 and 2. The distance between 100 and 400 would
      be only 199 solar systems of distance (you would fly from 400 to ... 498, 499, 1, 2 ... up to 100). This feature can be in use for the galaxies or the solar systems or both.

      In special universes these features can appear alone or in combination, allowing players to enjoy a diversity of settings and assume the most
      suitable play style.
      More information about play styles can be found in the Guide: Play Styles.

      ==Older versus newer universes==
      In older universes you will encounter strong, experienced players having massive defenses and huge fleets.
      They will also have high levels of research and buildings. It will not be easy to reach the top in a older universe, but it is good if you want to learn the game, because many of the experienced players are willing to help you with advice and resources.
      More and bigger inactive accounts that can be farmed will give you a steady resource income.

      Newer universes are more active and you have a good chance to get in the top ranks, especially if you already know the game and you join a friendly supportive alliance to enjoy the combative gaming.

      There is a difference in the Noob Protection between universes created before or after 2011.
      In the older universes the protection will end at 50.000 points, in the newer universes it will end at 500.000 points.
      More detailed information about Noob Protection can be found in the tutorial: Noob Protection.

      Game-rules can be vary with the use of the features.

      Some issues to consider.
      -Using quotations from other tutorials and guides, will bring up a lot of work, if those original guides and tutorials are edited.
      Editing an original guide will make it neccessary to review and edit al guides using a quotations times the 30 or more translations.
      In this case, the quotation about the noob protection is not quite correct.
      The ratio's are in the wrong order, and I think it is better to use ingame terms like "tactical retreat" instead of using "fleet escape".

      -ACS is an
      abbreviation, using abbreviation in a guide can only be done after first writing out the complete word or sentence with the
      abbreviation in braces behind it. Example : Alliance Combat System (ACS).
      IRC: Rdet

    • I might have missunderstood the meaning of this warning but maybe you can explain it to me Rdet? If I've understood correctly it has to do with the differences of the game rules (Bashing etc)? I added in the bottom how I think it could be explained :)

      Rdet wrote:

      Game-rules can be vary with the use of the features.
      Added warning
      Game rules can vary depending on the features of the universe but also from community to community, meaning that the game rules in a x1 uni does not have to be the same as in a x5 (special) uni and the game rules in the .org community does not have to be the same as those in the .de community, as for an example. So be sure to check what specific rules there is in your universe and community so you don't have to brake any by misstake.
    • Santa wrote:

      I might have missunderstood the meaning of this warning but maybe you can explain it to me Rdet? If I've understood correctly it has to do with the differences of the game rules (Bashing etc)? I added in the bottom how I think it could be explained :)

      Rdet wrote:

      Game-rules can be vary with the use of the features.
      Added warning
      Game rules can vary depending on the features of the universe but also from community to community, meaning that the game rules in a x1 uni does not have to be the same as in a x5 (special) uni and the game rules in the .org community does not have to be the same as those in the .de community, as for an example. So be sure to check what specific rules there is in your universe and community so you don't have to brake any by misstake.

      maybe add that at any point in the game
      no matter how old some unis are the rules can be changed by CoMa and GA`s

      other thn that..its perfect

      im talking about Rdet`s post he summed it up nicely
    • Icegirl wrote:

      Illidan - included most of suggestions. however, i dont think we should say 'you can get to top only if you are willing to pay money'

      in the first days/weeks of a yound universe... money is the only chance to be "top".
      ofc, the gap isn't that big in the late game, but for the early, you cant participate on the first ranks, so you/we/the guide should mention that.