Spanish-like output

    • Spanish-like output


      This compactor is pretty good, complete, and with some interesting configurations. In any case, we in Spain used to have different output that let us see the whole battle in one view (the fleets and the looses all together). Here are some examples…bvspeterimperatumsnogard/…aramankfkvssyzigyamoroso/…iendsvsmeteorblackiceorb/

      It would be nice to have options to get that output (or similar). The most important being the battle itself (although an option to enable also the summary would be great — options everywhere :)):

      Deathstar 7.110 lost 10
      Small cargo 1.225 lost 1.225
      Large cargo 8.386 lost 8.386

      Light fighter 2.000.000 Lost 540.389
      Large fighter 1.000.000 Lost 188.296
      Battlecruiser 49.296 lost 49.296

      And may be (if it's wanted) add in, say, gray, a (Remaining …) so it would be

      Deathstar 7.110 lost 10 (remaining 7.100)

      Anything would be welcome, but I think it's fairily easy to add this option, and may be also the way the summary is written. Options, options everywhere :D

      Thank you, and if there's any doubt don't hesitate to ask.
    • Will be added to version 4.1.0.
      You will have the option to customize your report, where you can hide the start fleets.
      It'll looks something like this :)

      Attacker UniverseView [UV-TEST]

      Small Cargo 1.245 -> 334 (-911)
      Large Cargo 9.412 -> 4.170 (-5.242)
      Light Fighter 2.735 -> 740 (-1.995)
      Heavy Fighter 6.334 -> 2.730 (-3.604)
      Cruiser 3.523 -> 2.457 (-1.066)
      Battleship 1.244 -> 1.097 (-147)
      Colony Ship 2 -> 2 (-0)
      Recycler 1.284 -> 660 (-624)
      Espionage Probe 9 -> 0 (-9)
      Bomber 400 -> 358 (-42)
      Destroyer 1.952 -> 1.741 (-211)
      Deathstar 3 -> 3 (-0)
      Battlecruiser 2.534 -> 2.239 (-295)

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Warsaalk ().

    • I think there's a bug, or a non intended behaviour. If the fleet is destroyed it should be shown, but it only shows destroyed. It shows something like this

      Attacker UniverseView [UV-TEST]


      while it should show at least the fleet, and display the losses, or may be with special treatment for instance hiding the losses and just putting a zero, or a word Destroyed.

      Attacker UniverseView [UV-TEST]

      Small Cargo 1.2450 (−1.245)
      Large Cargo 9.4120 (−9.412)
      Light Fighter 2.7350 (−2.735)
      Heavy Fighter 6.3340 (−6.334)
      Cruiser 3.5230 (−3.523)
      Battleship 1.2440 (−1.244)
      Colony Ship 20 (−2)
      Recycler 1.2840 (−1.284)
      Espionage Probe 90 (−9)
      Bomber 4000 (−400)
      Destroyer 1.9520 (−1.952)
      Deathstar 30 (−3)
      Battlecruiser 2.5340 (−2.534)

      Attacker UniverseView [UV-TEST]

      Small Cargo 1.2450
      Large Cargo 9.4120
      Light Fighter 2.7350
      Heavy Fighter 6.3340
      Cruiser 3.5230
      Battleship 1.2440
      Colony Ship 20
      Recycler 1.2840
      Espionage Probe 90
      Bomber 4000
      Destroyer 1.9520
      Deathstar 30
      Battlecruiser 2.5340

      Attacker UniverseView [UV-TEST]

      Small Cargo 1.245Destroyed!
      Large Cargo 9.412Destroyed!
      Light Fighter 2.735Destroyed!
      Heavy Fighter 6.334Destroyed!
      Cruiser 3.523Destroyed!
      Battleship 1.244Destroyed!
      Colony Ship 2Destroyed!
      Recycler 1.284Destroyed!
      Espionage Probe 9Destroyed!
      Bomber 400Destroyed!
      Destroyer 1.952Destroyed!
      Deathstar 3Destroyed!
      Battlecruiser 2.534Destroyed!

      If I were to vote, I would choose the zero. I think that, in any battle (not just this case when the whole fleet is destroyed), if some kind of ships in a battle goes to zero there's no need to write the number of ships lost, just a zero. An example

      Small Cargo 1.2450
      Large Cargo 9.412412 (−9.000)
      Light Fighter 2.735735 (−2.000)
    • It's not a bug and also not intended. :)
      Just a logical mistake from me.

      Your last option also seems like the best option for me, the (-100) is now also removed when no ships are lost:
      (Will be released today with some other stuff :) )

      Attacker UniverseView [UV-TEST]

      Small Cargo 1.245334 (−911)
      Large Cargo 9.4124.170 (−5.242)
      Light Fighter 2.735740 (−1.995)
      Heavy Fighter 6.3342.730 (−3.604)
      Cruiser 3.5232.457 (−1.066)
      Battleship 1.2441.097 (−147)
      Colony Ship 22
      Recycler 1.284660 (−624)
      Espionage Probe 90
      Bomber 400358 (−42)
      Destroyer 1.9521.741 (−211)
      Deathstar 33
      Battlecruiser 2.5342.239 (−295)
    • Nitpicking again.

      (Not related with the subject of this thread.) If the defender has no fleet nothing appears, just both rules one after the another. May be add a keyword, similar to Destroyed when a whole fleet is destroyed, like, e.g., No fleet.

      (Halfway related with this thread.) If one changes the Report skin to es-default, “Combat start, initial fleets” is automatically disabled. But if the default language is ES ( then the option es-default is enabled but “Combat start, initial fleets” is not disabled.