AUCTIONEER - How does it work ?
Auctioneer starts every day from 6am untill 23am, each auction lasts randomly between 35 and 45 minutes. You can win on auctions resource boosters or premium items like "Kraken" , "Detroit" or "Newtron" . You can bid in auction with metal , crystal, deuterium and honor points in any proportion.
Note that provide goods and honor Points will not be refunded!
Here is an explanation of the auction:

1. Item to that you can bid.
2. Current period until the next auction starts/ exact time until the auction ends
3. Current highest bid.
4. Number of current bids.
5. Name the highest bidder.
To Use:
A. Choose from what planet / moon you to provide or use honor points.
B. You can use any type of resources that you have. The course is always in 1 Metal to 1.5 Crystal to 3 Deuterium. 1 honour point is equivalent to 100 metal units. In this box you can enter the amount you want to offer. The "all" button will automatically add the required amount added to dominate the auction. The required amount of resources +1000 metal.
C. Here you can see how much you've surpassed the previous high bidder, the exact amount of what you offer, the minimum that you can offer and still need to provide how many resources you.
D. Is an archive of past auctions. Here you can estimate how valuable a particular item is.