Pinned [New] Game FAQ from

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    • [New] Game FAQ from

      • Our FAQ is outdated and needs to be updated.
      • Please use this thread for suggestions, improvements, etc.
      Original: Translations: What needs to be done:
      • It needs to be translated from German to English. (Please start from begining - )
      • Opened - 01th September 2015 - Shole.
    • Ticket system - FAQ

      1. What is the ticket system and why do I need it ?

      The ticket system is a support system for OGame that allows you to quickly get in touch with the relevant team members with problems and questions .

      2. Who can I contact about the ticket system ?

      The ticket system is there to clarify problems ingame with the competent Game Operators .
      There is also the possibility of using the ticket system with the Payment Support contact .
      Also, the Board team is integrated into this system , however, the Board support is preferably carried out by the PM (personal message) function of the forum .

      3. What should be considered when creating a Ticket ?

      Make it harder for the respective Supporter possible unnecessarily and fast support is guaranteed , is a clean form of tickets beneficial .

      • Validates the ticket before sending best again on spelling , reading , and punctuation errors
      • Recreating a ticket with the same concerns have no postivie effect on the processing time of the ticket and should be avoided .
      • Ticket Spam is punishable under certain circumstances .
      • Checks the ticket whether all necessary information is given.
      • Always writes from in-game email address of the account .

      4. Where can I find the ticket system ?


      DE -
      EN/ORG -
      FR - [url][/url]
      IT -
      BA -

      5. How can I create a ticket ?

      5.1 . Registration

      Before you can create a ticket , you have to register.

      That makes it so :
      a) In the " Home " at the end of the text to register

      b ) Fill the fields accordingly :
      Username: Name of the ticket system . Need not be the game name !
      E -mail address : Does the E -mail address corresponding to is deposited in your account . With a wrong address , there is no information . You could add more address that later.
      Password: Selects a secure password , so that nobody gets access to your account .

      c ) Then confirm .

      Now you will receive a confirmation e- mail . Click on the link and then you can log in you. Your account is now activated.

      5.2 Writing a Ticket

      a) Embark on the side of the support system (
      b) Click "Contact support" on the button and select the desired area (Game / Payment / Forum) from.

      You must be logged in to write a ticket!

      I. Match

      For a ticket to the game team is essential to ensure that the correct universe (server) selected and the correct Username and e-mail stated.
      Otherwise, it can cause the ticket will not be further processed kann.Es Note that neither the competent Super Game Operators nor the administrators can be contacted directly. Should it happen that a ticket is necessary to a Super Game Operator, as a normal ticket will be created and in the subject, that it is intended for the SGO. Administrators are, for whatever reason, no contact.

      The correct Username:
      Give here the nickname under which you are to be found in this universe. If you sittet for someone else in this university, but not even playing in it, simply join one of your own nicks.

      The correct e-mail:
      Here you hold the fixed (permanent) E-mail address from your account (exceptions: Sitting registration in a universe in which you do not play yourself).

      The subject:
      Here you should specify what it is.
      For example, one of the following reasons: moon shot, recycling help, multi-application, account exchange, account sitting, blocking debate (some templates are listed below)


      Here you can for example anghängen screenshots that want to show her the GO.

      II. Payment

      For questions or problems regarding the payment methods of dark matter, the payment locks or the like of Payment Support is to write.
      It will be forwarded to the official there Payment Support System ( ).

      III. Forum

      Here you give the name of your forum account Nick.

      E-mail address:
      Here you give the e-mail address, which can also be found in your forum account.

      In this line you describe briefly your concerns. Note that you the Nick of blocking moderator writes for blocking it.
      Doing so may under certain circumstances to significant delays of answer.

      Problem description:
      Here you explain the moderators your problem. Give as many details as possible so that little questions need to be asked. This speeds up the process.


      Here you can for example anghängen screenshots that want to show to the moderator.

      6. Examples / Templates / Tips for Matches Tickets :

      Moon Shot permission

      Attacker :
      Coordinates of the Moon shot :
      Fleets :
      Which player builds the DF from :
      Who gets the DF :
      Whoever loses the fleet ( attacker or defender ) :
      Additional information:

      Recycling Help

      Attacking Player :
      Defending Player :
      Coordinates of the DF :
      Recyclender players :
      Payment for the recyclers :

      IP sharing

      List of players with the same IP :
      Reasons for playing together :

      Account exchange

      Player 1 : Nick | Uni
      Player 2 : Nick | Uni
      (both players must send this ticket)

      Account Sitting

      Name of sitted account :
      Sitter :
      From when:

      7. How can I check the status of my tickets ? How do I reply to an existing ticket ?

      Once you've received a reply to a ticket , you'll receive an email notification . To see your ticket answers , you must Login you in your Supportacc and " Ticket History " click on the button . You can then see and open them with a single click on an overview of all your tickets .
      To create a response to a ticket you have the upper right " Post Reply " button .

      8. When I reply to a ticket, when I create a new?

      Basically, you should at existing discussions always reply to the ticket and not create a new every time.
      This has the particular advantage that a discussion remains clear and complete information are combined in a single ticket.
      For new / other concerns a new ticket should be created.

      9. How can I add my account more e-mail addresses?

      If you are registered in different universes with different email addresses, it is not necessary for each of these accounts a corresponding account to register in the ticket system. You can add to your existing account more valid email addresses.

      That's easy:

      a) If your "home" in the tab are, click on "E-mail addresses Manage"
      b) Click on "E-mail address add"
      c) Give the desired E-mail address

      You can now get a confirmation e-mail. Click on the link and the e-mail address is added to your account.

      9.1 . How can I remove email addresses from my account?

      If an email address is no longer even needed , so you can delete them :

      a) If your "home " in the tab are , click on " E -mail addresses Manage "
      b ) click on the left on the -icon next to the address

      Confirms the deletion and the e- mail address is removed .

      ..::Not checked for now, it may contain mistakes by translating!| by Shole::..
    • Game Rules

      1. Accounts
      The owner of an account is always the owner of the email-address bound the game account.
      Each account is entitled to be played by a single player at any time, account sitting being the only exception.
      Account exchanges within a single universe must be done with the assistance of a GameOperator and are allowed only once every 15 days. In strict accordance with the T&C the new owner have to change the email-address within the first 12 hours after the account has been switched.

      You can contact support at

      Every account exchange needs to be informed from original owner, tickets from new owners claiming they took it can not be considered.
      The only complaints considered will be the ones that come from the owner of a given account's registered email address.
      No complaints will be processed in cases where players do not change their e-mail address after an account exchange, inter universe exchange or free account giveaway.

      2. Multi Accounts
      Each player is allowed to control a single account per universe. If two or more accounts are usually, occasionally, or permanently being played from the same network(e.g. schools, universities, Internet cafes…) it is highly recommended to notify a GameOperator.
      You can contact support at

      3. Account Sitting
      Account sitting entitles a given player to have his account watched over. A GameOperator must be informed before the sitting takes place through the support system:
      An account may only be sat for a maximum period of 24 hours. The sitting period will be considered over if the actual owner logs in.
      While the account is being sat all attacks on other players are forbidden.
      It is only allowed to sit an account if the account was not sat in the last 7 days and the owner logged into the account after the last sitting.

      • No account may be sat during the first 3 weeks of a new universe.---> It is now allowed to sit an account even if the universe is new.

      • The sitter may also:
        -place an account into vacation mode.
      • The sitter may not:
        - ACS attack/defend and Moon Destruction, Espionage, IPM attack .
        - remove an account from vacation mode.
        - change any personal account information (examples: email, password, nickname).

      4. Bashing
      It is not allowed to attack any given planet or moon, owned by an active player, more than 6 times in a 24 hour period. This rule also applies to moon destruction missions. Probe attacks and interplanetary missile attacks do not count towards the bashing rule.
      In specially-designed universes announced on the forum ( the bashing rule can be modified or abolished.
      Bashing is only allowed when your alliance is at war with another alliance. The war must be announced on the relevant OGame board, in the correct forum and must comply with the board's specific rules.

      Attacking fleets that are completely destroyed do not count towards bashing.
      All Moon Destruction missions count towards bashing, regardless of the battle or moon destruction outcome.
      There is special Bashing Limit for Some Special Universes.

      5. Pushing
      It is not allowed for any account to obtain unfair profit out of a lower ranked account in a matter of resources.
      Pushing is, but not only limited to, these example: resources sent from a lower ranked account to a higher ranked one with nothing tangible in return.
      Trades, recycling help & ACS splits must be completed within 72 hours.
      For all exceptions (like bounties) a GameOperator needs to be informed via

      After a pushing ban is over resources must be sent back to the player who pushed your account or otherwise returned as arranged with your GameOperator.
      • Trades that mean an unfair profit to the higher ranked player by falling outside the following range of ratios will be considered as Pushing cases:
        3:2:1 Where each unit of deuterium is worth 2 units of crystal or 3 units of metal.
        2:1:1 Where each unit of deuterium is worth 1 unit of crystal or 2 units of metal.
        These trade rates are valid for all universes at
      • Recycling Help and ACS Splits: It is recommended to notify a GameOperator while the lower ranked player transports resources to the higher ranked one. ACS split can be done as players want while all involved contributed.
      • Bounties/Headhunts: must be approved by a GameOperator before they happen and can only be paid for after the conditions of the bounty/headhunt have been fulfilled.
      • Note: If You expectedly or unexpectedly receive resources from a lower ranked player, you cannot keep them. Any pushing case will apply 72 hours after the resources are obtained. Within this time, the resources should be sent back to the player pushing you or an appropriate GameOperator should be contacted to arrange a solution.

      6. Bugusing / Scripting
      Using a bug for anyone`s profit intentionally or not reporting a bug intentionally is strictly forbidden.
      Using a program as interface between the player and the game is prohibited. Any other form of automatically generated information generated for a group of players advantage with malicious intentions is forbidden as well.
      Exceptions are listed on the forum of the game.


      • Causing an intentional lag to a player or on the servers in any fashion will be treated as Bugusing. Using any methods to prevent a player to send, recall or slow his fleet is forbidden.
      • Bots, Macros, Automated Scripts etc. will be treated as Scripting unless otherwise expressly approved by Game Forge.

      7. Real-life threats
      Implying that you are going to locate and harm another player, team member, Gameforge representative, or any person that might be related in any way to any of the game services is forbidden.

      8. Insults and Spam
      Any kind of insult and spam are not allowed.

      [i]Anything that causes offense by being of an unacceptable quality that may hurt an individuals integrity is strictly forbidden.
      The standards in the game environment will be set by the game team to meet the users moral views.
      Content might be censored, punished in a temporary or permanent basis: no complaints will be processed about this and as always the final word will be with the game team.

      Any situation intended to saturate a players interface through any method is forbidden.
      This includes but is not limited to:
      • Personal Messages spam
      • Probes spam
      • Overview spam
      • Advertising other games or content

      9. Language
      The game publisher reserves the right to exclude players, who are not able to speak the respective native language (e.g. in Game, Board and IRC official chat-rooms). Other possibly allowed languages will be listed on the official game forum.

      [i]The only official language in all the services is English.
      Only use English language in game personal messages, game alliance pages, game alliance applications and game circular messages.
      The only characters allowed on Accounts, Planets, Alliance names and Alliance Tags are those of
      - 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
      - a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
      A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
      - whitespaces / underscores / hyphens (not beginninng / end of a word, not more than one in a row, not more than 3 in total)

      10. Breach of the rules
      Any kind of breach of the rules will be punished with warnings up to a permanent ban of the account.
      The corresponding GameOperators decide the type and duration of punishments and are contact persons for bans.

      Abuse of Rules
      Any form, way and or any attempt to get personal profit unfairly out of any staff member's decision is forbidden.
      This includes but its not limited to:
      • Messages sent with sole purpose of obtaining a vacation mode ban.
      • Impersonating or claiming to be staff with or without intentions of personal profit.

      11. Terms and Conditions
      The T&C`s are supplemented with these rules and must also be abided by at all times.

      12. Exceptions
      The game`s community management reserves the right to have exceptions to these rules. In special cases (e.g. during events) game rules can be changed or suspended. The user group concerned will be informed when and if this is the case.
    • Forum Rules

      - Users may register one account only. (i.e Multiaccounts are not permitted on the board) Exceptions are only allowed by the Board Administration (Note: as with ingame, shared IP's should be notified).

      - Each User agrees with his/her registration to the following forum rules and subsequent sub-section rules. Board Staff hold up the right to warn, censor and ban Users if the Users do not obey the rules. In extreme cases, which are defined on each case individually, Users might be banned ingame and from IRC as well. The same applies vice versa. The rules apply to forums posts as well as personal messages (PMs).

      - The whole forum is included in the Terms and Conditions of Ogame. Therefore German Laws apply on the whole Forum. It also means that the Owners are not responsible for any posted pictures or links which are copyrighted.

      - The Forum language is English. No other Language is to be used anywhere on the Forums, e.g. in Posts, Signatures, Avatars etc.

      To guarantee a relaxed atmosphere between all participants on the forum, some posting restrictions are needed.


      • Posting contents and links of pornographic, politically extremist, moralistic dangerously and offending applicable law nature. This includes keys, hacks, cracks or other things of illegal nature, including illegal download pages and "warez".
      • Links to inappropriate and illegal content of any nature. It is the responsibility of the user for their posts content and connected content through the use of links
      • Posting of any personal messages or discussions, without the consent of all involved parties. This clause applies to all ogame or non-ogame systems of communication such as, but not limited to; private messages, MSN or IRC.

      • Contents not belonging to the Forum / Topic posted in, so called Spam/Offtopic. Included into this is Backseat Modding and Posthunting.

        Backseat Modding is when a User posts like a mod, e.g saying (when not being the Thread Starter) as the only sentence or smiley “Thread closed”.

        Posthunting is when a User posts with only the intention to get a higher postcount. Board Staff may bump topics/post closed smileys only if it is in course of their job. 'Bumping' (posting in old threads with the sole intention being to push the thread onto the first page of the board) old threads is also not allowed.

      • Picture and smiley spam is when a user posts a lot of pictures or smileys which can cause other users computers to freeze or load slowly due to their connection speed

      • Content, links, user Names etc. with the only aim to flame and insult other participants of the community. Same goes for trolling: posts solely intended to annoy other people or incite flames.

      • Contents of inappropriate language and excessive cursing.

      • Contents which advertise or link to Browsergames not owned by Gameforge. The same applies to so-calledThief Games. Those are Games which have the only Aim to get counts by clicking on a Link. This is the reason why the Gameforge Game Bite Fight cannot be linked.

      • Posting for Users banned on the Forum.

      • Impersonation of Staff Members. This includes, but not limited to: Names, Avatars, Signatures

      • Misuse of the report button. This means to click the button although it is obvious that there is no breach of Forum Rules.
      • Discussion and Requests concerning banned Users ingame/ on the Forum/ on IRC. Each Staff member has to sign a Data Protection Agreement which states no sensitive information of users and can be disclosed and can result in legal action. Please contact to the GO/SGO/GA or SMod/BA or IRC OP who banned you via PM, IRC query, the ticket system or email only.


      Signatures may only include one image

      Signature Pictures (or emoticons / smileys used as signature) may not exceed the following measurements:

      Height: 150 px
      Width: 460 px

      Maximum datafile size: 65 KB

      In addition, Users are permitted a maximum of 500 text characters in their signature.

      Anything that is used as an exploit to circumvent the rules, means posting at the end of the post sig like pictures and other that makes the sig appear larger, is not allowed.

      Forum Staff and User Responsibilities

      Each Forum participant has to obey to the Rules. If you feel though to be warned unfairly, first contact the Mod who warned you first. If you are not satisfied, contact the SMod who is his/her Teamleader (Teamstructure). Then you can contact the Board Administrator. The Board Administrators word is final in such cases.

      The same applies if your Topic gets closed. Please do not open several threads on the same topic and try to use search.

      Several warnings may lead to a ban from the Forum. Each case is looked at individually. Re-registering a second account after a time ban from the Forums lead to a permanent ban. In extreme cases a User can be banned without having warnings. For detailed information about warnings look here -->New Warning System

      • Board Administrators and SMods (in emergencies) have the right to ban (sigs and Users), change Custom Titles and User Names

      If you have a complaint about a team member then feel free to submit a ticket to the support system or send a pm to their superior:
      • Complaints about Mods should be sent to SMods.
      • Complaints about SMods should be sent to a Board Administrator.
      • Complaints about a Board Administrator should be sent to another Board Administrator or the Community Manager.
      • Complaints about board behaviour from a Game Team member (Orange names) should be sent to a Game Administrator or a Board Administrator

      Note: complaints against Team members take time to investigate thoroughly and there may be times when it takes a few days before an official warning is placed on their profile due to the fact that it usually involves more than one Admin and we all are not here 24/7. This does not reflect any kind of team bias, serious complaints can lead to removal of the person from the Team and so we need to be sure we are being fair.

      Additionally please note that moderators retain discretion at all times.
    • When will open next universe?

      You wonder when the next universe will come?
      Here is the answer :

      • Important: It is true that there is no exact date for a new universe

      • But How do I know in time when a new universe come from?

      Once we know that there will definitely be a new universe , we will announce it in due time in the news .

      • Furthermore, it is pointless therefore to create another topic , because nobody knows an exact date!

    • How to make screenshot and to upload it

      Especially with the error handling , it is often necessary to make a screenshot. A screenshot is a photo of the current screen or a screen of the active window.
      Since most Windows use, I declare that for the Windows operating system.

      Or you can capture active window

      You can go to any site for that is for uploading pictures. I will show you how to upload image with

    • Installation of mIRC client for Windows

      You can download mIRC from this link:

      After you have downloaded mIRC , you should see the following file and just click on it:

      In the first step you just click on "Next" .

      Once confirm the license conditions with "I Agree" .

      Here you can select the folder in which you want to install mIRC . For this you simply click on "Browse" and then click "Next" .

      The checkmark next to " Server List" can you safely disable and then you continue on "Next" .

      Just click again on "Next " button ...

      ... And now on the "Install " .

      In The last dialog of the installation you can select " Run mIRC " to start immediately the program , and then click "Finish"

      This is the programmer of mIRC . In this dialog box, you can see that mIRC is shareware and after 30 days but may be paid please . But do not worry , after 30 days you have only 2-3 seconds to wait this dialog to close , and can then mIRC as usual to continue using . If you want to support him , however, you can also pay the fee , but this is not necessary .

      After the first start first of all dialog of " Options" .

      1. Here you do not have to specify your real name , your can just your nickname here .

      2. This is also not your real email address is required . This field is i.a. ident as needed to connect to the server . We simply recommend your Nick followed by @ enter .

      3. Your Nickname

      4. If there is already another user is using the desired of you Username (from step 3 ) you can still specify another Nick , which is then used automatically when connecting as an alternative .

      5. Now click on "Servers" .

      Here we will now add the OnlineGamesNet . For this you click on " Add" ( 1 ) .

      The data for connecting look as follows :
      Description : OnlineGamesNet
      IRC Server :
      Ports : 6667
      Group : OnlineGamesNet

      Alternatively, you can also use this data :
      Description : OnlineGamesNet
      IRC Server :
      Ports : 8080
      Group : OnlineGamesNet
      Then the button " Add" ( 2 ) Click .

      We have added the OnlineGamesNet server list . Now you only need the lower OnlineGamesNet entry select in this list and then click " OK" ( 3 ) .

      After the Options dialog was closed clicked her upper left of the yellow lightning around you to connect to the OnlineGamesNet

      After a lot of text has appeared in the status window automatically opens a pop-up window .

      Now you are on the OnlineGamesNet server but are not in a channel ( space ) .
      For this, there is the / join command .
      If you now , for example, want to enter the general channel for Ogame , give her a : / join #ogame.origin
      The channel name on IRC always start with a # .
    • ____________________________________________________

      Part "Wichtige Links" ( Important links part ) --> Completed


      Now we are starting on "Fragen" part (Questions part) --> From now starting
    • INTERCEPTION - What is this ?

      The term "intercept" means that a fleet of enemy ships with more expected on a planet/moon shortly before or shortly after their arrival, as the enemy expected. The purpose is to harvest the destroyed fleet of the enemy to get additional resources.

      Interception on the own planet:

      When you see at a glance that you will euf one of his planet under attack, then you can (if available) embarrassed fleets by its own planet near the attacked planet (command: "Siting"). This one does so that the own fleet arrives a few seconds before the opponent's attack fleet at the destination planet. So it is difficult for the attacker to know the odds. Many players make just before hammering their attack fleet still a spy action on the safety. If now his scavenging fleet closely against the enemy timed, then the attacker will not have enough time to read the espionage report and withdraw its fleet if necessary.
      One should, however, such actions precaution beforehand by expecting a simulator (e.g. SpeedSim, Drago-Sim, ...).

      Interception on the opposing planet:

      To this end, the most common method is the insertion of the sensor array, using which you can see the fleet movements of the planets scanned accurately. One sees there the arrival of fleets to specific planets. You can attack its own fleet now so send to the enemy that this arrives a few seconds after the enemy. If the distance between the fleet of the enemy and one's own is kept low, the opponent has little to no chance to avoid the fight.

      You should be careful that you're not too tight selects the distance between the opponent and its own fleet, since the event handler, which manages all activities ingame, can sometimes cause a slight delay of the events.
      As a guideline time you can set a time of 3-5 seconds, which should be between the fleet of the enemy and are own.

      Furthermore, it should be noted that its recyclers formerly shipped to the destination coordinates when the attack fleet. Recyclers are compared to attack fleets very slowly and need more time to fly from A to B. Again, the timing is of great importance.
      One should send his recyclers fleet so that it arrives within 3-5 seconds after the fight at the scene to relieve the resulting debris field.

      In big fights, it is important that recyclers to time well, since the resulting debris field is usually highly sought after and will try also the attacked player to reduce the resulting debris field.
    • Alliances - How do I get more Ally Members?

      If you establish a new alliance, a common problem at the beginning is the lack of members. To gain more members, you have a couple of options:

      1. Recruit through ingame messages.

      You can try sending ingames to people, which don’t have an alliance yet. Some people will answer, others won’t. There are also players, who will find these recruitment attempts rather disturbing.

      2. Presenting your alliance here in the forum

      Every universe has a section for diplomacy. There you can choose the prefix “alliance presentation” when opening a new topic and present your alliance there. If people like your presentation, they can contact you via mail, PM or ingame.

      3. Advertising your alliance in your own signature

      Every user has the right to advertise for his alliance in his signature. You can edit your signature by going Edit profile –> profile -> signature. Here it might be useful to put in a link to your alliance presentation (see #2).

      Of course you can combine or chose between all the methods as they aren’t mutually exclusive.
    • How do I edit my AllyPage ?

      That goes with BB - code :[*]Lists:

      Source Code

      1. [list][*] cookies[*] are[*] great![/list]

      Gets you:
      • cookies
      • are
      • great!


      Source Code

      1. [b]I'm bold! Yes really! The cake is a lie![/b]

      Gets you:
      I'm bold! Yes really! The cake is a lie!


      Source Code

      1. [u]I'm underlined! At least i should be. If not, some mean cookie destroyed the space-time-structure![/u]

      Gets you:
      I'm underlined! At least i should be. If not, some mean cookie destroyed the space-time-structure!


      Source Code

      1. [s]OGame is a really stupid game![/s]

      Gets you:
      OGame is a really stupid game!


      Source Code

      1. [i]WOAH! The world is leaning sideways![/i]

      Gets you:
      WOAH! The world is leaning sideways!


      Source Code

      1. [align=center]middle![/align]

      Gets you:

      Other positions:

      Source Code

      1. [align=right]right![/align][align=center]middle again :P[/align][align=left]left![/align]

      Gets you:

      middle again :P



      Source Code

      1. cookies[sup]2 up[/sup]

      (doesn't work on the forum, but does in the game)


      Source Code

      1. cookies[sub]2 down[/sub]

      (doesn't work on the forum, but does in the game)


      Source Code

      1. [url][/url][url=]CLICK ME OR I DON'T LIKE YOU ANYMORE!!11spam[/url]

      Gets you:

      Email Links:

      Source Code

      1. [email][/email][]Nobody likes me! *sniff*[/email]

      Gets you:
      Nobody likes me! *sniff*


      Source Code

      1. [color=red]red[/color][color=green]green[/color][color=blue]blue[/color][color=#CCCCCC]hex grey[/color][color=#0000FF]hex blue[/color]

      Gets you:
      hex grey
      hex blue

      The complete colors list includes: sky-blue, royal blue, blue, dark-blue, orange, orange-red, crimson, red, firebrick, dark red, green, limegreen, sea-green, deeppink, tomato, coral, purple, indigo, burlywood, sandy brown, sienna, chocolate, teal, silver.

      If using hex-code for color, the # must be there and the letters must be capitalized.


      Source Code

      1. [size=8]size 8[/size][size=12]size 12[/size][size=20]size 20[/size]

      Gets you:
      size 8
      size 12
      size 20


      Source Code

      1. [img][/img]

      Gets you:


      Source Code

      1. [font=arial]Arial[/font][font=times]Times[/font]

      Gets you:

      Some combinations

      Source Code

      1. [color=red][size=20](color=red) (size=20)[/size][/color][s][I](s) (i)[/I][/s][align=center][s][I](align=center) (s) (i) [/I][/s][/align][size=20][align=center][s][I](size=20) (align=center) (s) (i) [/I][/s][/align][/size][color=red][align=center][s][I](color=red) (align=center) (s) (i)[/I][/s][/align][/color]

      Gets you:
      (color=red) (size=20)
      (s) (i)
      (align=center) (s) (i)

      (size=20) (align=center) (s) (i)

      (color=red) (align=center) (s) (i)
    • How can I add background on alliance page?

      You can add background image on this ways:

      [*][background image="url"]text[/background]
      [*][background image="url" image-repeat='yes-x']text[/background]
      [*][background image="url" image-repeat='yes-y']text[/background]
      [*][background image="url" image-repeat='no']text[/background]
      [*][background image="url" image-repeat='yes']text[/background]URL must link the input to the desired background image.

      About the image -repeat command , the refresh can be controlled .
      That is, if if you want image to fill the entire background to be repeated accordingly.

      " yes " ( 2 ) means that it is repeated accordingly in all directions ,
      " yes - x " ( 3 ) means only repetition side by side ( line ) ,
      " yes - y " ( 4 ) means repeat each other ( column ) ,
      "no " ( 5 ) means no repeat .

      If you leave out part ( 1 )
      which has the same effect as " yes " and the picture is repeated accordingly for the complete range .
      If the image is too large , it will be truncated accordingly.

    • How can I link to my AllyPage ?

      To be able to show your alliance page to another players that are not playing your Uni,
      it is possible to link directly to the AllyPage.

      Simply insert the appropriate things and post the link .

      xx = Uni
      zz = Ally ID

      The link to your own Allypage can be found under
      " Alliance " - > " Mengament " - " Manage texts " > - > " External text " - " Open Alliance page "

    • Can I predict combat results?

      The exact outcome of a fight can not be predicted because the target selection takes place by chance and is not exactly predictable .
      However, various simulators offer the possibility to predict the likely struggle output and simulate losses .
      • Drago-Sim
      • SpeedSim
      • SpeedSim-Online
      • OSimulate
    • Attacking – How does a combined attack work?

      In order to start a combined attack, you first have to start a normal attack to the target. As soon as this is done, you can go to the fleet menu on your top right and klick on “fleet movements”. Now you search for the according fleet and click on

      Now a new menu appears where you can change the name of the bond and/or invite other players to it.

      To add new fleets to the bond, just go into the fleet menu again and select the desired ships. In the next window, you can select the bond in the dropdown menu on the right under “fighting bons”. The coordinates of the battle will be copied. In the third window, you can now select “combined attack”.

      Attention: You can only add fleets, which will increase the flight time by 30%. If the fleet will increase the time by more than 30%, you can’t select “combined attack” in the third window.
    • ATTACK - How many points do I get for an attack ?

      Through attacks you can gain "destroyed military Military points" in the statistics and get "Military Military points lost" . Here you get one point each per 1,000 destroyed / lost Ress . Furthermore you can win in honorable battle honor points, or lose in dishonorable battles honor points. The formula for the calculation of honor points is this:

      HP = (destroyed Units ^ 0,9) / 1000

      It should be noted that incorporated only combat ships in the calculation of Honor Points .

      Nevertheless, almost all the attacks carried out not on the basis of these points , but because of the raw material gain by the attack . This is made up of the captured resources and the resulting debris field .
      After destroying a fleet go exactly 30 % ( percentage of derogation in special Unis ) all built in the destroyed fleet metal and crystal units in the debris field . This debris field you can thenrecycle with the help of recycling ships. Only now , the attack on the enemy fleet was worth , because it captured the raw materials in turn can obstruct itself and thus acquires new points .
    • Attack – do the resources of an attacking fleet also go into the debris field?

      No. Resources located in the load room of an attacking fleet are completely lost if the fleet is destroyed. Those resources do not land in the debris field, not even 30%. Because of that, it isn’t useful to load cargos for a moon shot.

      Special feature: Even if only a single ship of the attacking fleet survives the battle and returns to the home planet, none of the resources are lost. The whole amount of resources will be unloaded. This is also the case, if the storage capacity of the remaining fleet ist not enough.