TopRaider Translation

  • DE

    PHP Source Code

    1. 'tooOld'=> "KBs zu alt",
    2. 'Tools'=> "Tools v6",
    3. 'Simulator'=> "Kampfsimulatoren",
    4. 'Scripts'=> "Skripte",
    5. 'someScript'=> "Einige meiner Skripte für V6:",
    6. 'needGM'=> "GreaseMonkey (Firefox) oder TamperMonkey (Chrome und andere Browser) muss installiert sein, bevor Skripte installiert werden können",
    7. 'Installation'=> "Installation",
    8. 'Description'=> "Beschreibung",
    9. 'public'=> "Öffentlicher Skin",
    10. 'BBcode'=> "BBCode",
    11. 'Background'=> "Hintergrund",
    12. 'Dark'=> "Dunkel",
    13. 'Light'=> "Hell",
    14. 'ecoSpeed' => 'nutze Ökonomie-Geschwindigkeit',
    15. 'eco' => 'Ökonomie',
    16. 'fleet' => 'Flotte',
    Display All
  • New translations for the new site version, and the coming soon new version :)

    'alliOnly'=> "Your alliance only",
    'hideTech'=> "Hide technologies",
    'hideHour'=> "Hide the impact time",
    'Loots'=> "Loots",
    'Harvests'=> "Recycling",
    'Sharing'=> "Sharing",
    'ProfitsTh'=> "Theorical profits",
    'ChoseSharing'=> "How to share profits :",
    'EquiProfits'=> "Profits in equal amount for each participiant",
    'ProrataProfits'=> "Profits in dependance of the sent fleet value",
    'ReConv' => "Espio report converter",

    Needed : none

    ** OgameTech **
  • Spanish here

    'alliOnly'=> "Sólo tu alianza",
    'hideTech'=> "Ocultar tecnologías",
    'hideHour'=> "Ocultar hora de impacto",
    'Loots'=> "Robos",
    'Harvests'=> "Reciclajes",
    'Sharing'=> "Compartido",
    'ProfitsTh'=> "Ganancias teóricas",
    'ChoseSharing'=> "Como compartir la renta:",
    'EquiProfits'=> "Renta a partes iguales",
    'ProrataProfits'=> "Renta en proporción a flota enviada",
    'ReConv' => "Convertidor de reporte de espionaje", & SGO
    Origin Supporter

  • 'alliOnly'=> "Solamente della propria alleanza",
    'hideTech'=> "Nascondi Tecnologie",
    'hideHour'=> "Nascondi ora di Impatto",
    'Loots'=> "Farmate",
    'Harvests'=> "Riciclaggio",
    'Sharing'=> "Condivisione",
    'ProfitsTh'=> "Profitto Teorico",
    'ChoseSharing'=> "Come suddividere i profitti :",
    'EquiProfits'=> "Tutti i partecipanti hanno lo stesso profitto",
    'ProrataProfits'=> "Il profitto dipende dal valore della flotta usata",
    'ReConv' => "Convertitore Rapporti spionaggio",

    Here's the Italian. ;)
  • PHP Source Code

    1. 'alliOnly'=> "Nur deine Allianz",
    2. 'hideTech'=> "Verstecke Techs",
    3. 'hideHour'=> "Verstecke Uhrzeit",
    4. 'Loots'=> "beute",
    5. 'Harvests'=> "Recyclet",
    6. 'Sharing'=> "Geteilt",
    7. 'ProfitsTh'=> "Theoretischer Win",
    8. 'ChoseSharing'=> "Aufteilung des Wins :",
    9. 'EquiProfits'=> "Alle machen den gleichen Win",
    10. 'ProrataProfits'=> "Win hängt von der gesendeten Flotte ab",
    11. 'ReConv' => "Spionagebericht Konverter",
    Display All

    Origin Admin
    OGame-Tech Chief
  • general questions about text phrases

    De (corrected)
    'alliOnly'=> "Nur deine Allianz",
    'hideTech'=> "Verberge Technologien",
    'hideHour'=> "Verberge die Stunde des Einschlags",
    'Loots'=> "Beute",
    'Harvests'=> "Recycling",
    'Sharing'=> "Teilen",
    'ProfitsTh'=> "Theoretische Profite",
    'ChoseSharing'=> "Wie man seine Profite mitteilt :",
    'EquiProfits'=> "Alle Teilnehmer machen den gleichen Profit",
    'ProrataProfits'=> "Profit hängt vom gesendeten Flottenwert ab.",
    'ReConv' => "Spionagebericht-Konverter",

    Does "hideHour" really just hide the hour and not the full time? What should be the reason for this? If instead the full time is meant, then use this translation "Verberge Einschlagszeit" (hide time of impact)

    At 'EquiProfits' and 'ProrataProfits' the focus is on "profits" and then secondly how to declare it. So order the translation with the same focus:
    Profits in equal amount for each participiant = Profite in gleicher Höhe für jeden Teilnehmer
    Profits in dependance of the sent fleet value = Profite in Abhängigkeit zum gesendeten Flottenwert

    Btw it would be helpful to show the use or location of this text phrases to enable proper translation because of knowing the correct use. E.g. 'ProfitsTh' is it really ment to set "profits" in plural (multiple loot/harvest) or is the total profit ment (single raid). This is for every word set to plural...

  • TR

    'alliOnly'=> "Yanlızca Kendi İttifak'ın",
    'hideTech'=> "Teknikleri gizle",
    'hideHour'=> "Savaş saatini gizle",
    'Loots'=> "Yağmalar",
    'Harvests'=> "Harabeler",
    'Sharing'=> "Paylaşım",
    'ProfitsTh'=> "Tahmini Kâr",
    'ChoseSharing'=> "Kârını nasıl paylaşırsın ? :",
    'EquiProfits'=> "Tüm katılımcıların aynı kârı yapması",
    'ProrataProfits'=> "Kârlar gönderilen filo değerlerine bağlıdır",
    'ReConv' => "Casusluk Raporu Dönüştürücüsü",
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  • fl00ri wrote:

    Does "hideHour" really just hide the hour and not the full time? What should be the reason for this? If instead the full time is meant, then use this translation "Verberge Einschlagszeit" (hide time of impact)

    it's hiding the full time. But keep the date.
    I'll change the english translation.

    At 'EquiProfits' and 'ProrataProfits' the focus is on "profits" and then secondly how to declare it. So order the translation with the same focus:
    Profits in equal amount for each participiant = Profite in gleicher Höhe für jeden Teilnehmer
    Profits in dependance of the sent fleet value = Profite in Abhängigkeit zum gesendeten Flottenwert

    Btw it would be helpful to show the use or location of this text phrases to enable proper translation because of knowing the correct use. E.g. 'ProfitsTh' is it really ment to set "profits" in plural (multiple loot/harvest) or is the total profit ment (single raid). This is for every word set to plural...


    it's here at the bottom :…6420e8d00a6466e8382a15e3a
    It's the global profit for each participants one or multiple loots/harvest, so plural looks good for me, but maybe it's an english translation problem :s

    The choice for how to share it is not here at the moment.
    Will be soon

    Thanks for the english corrections :)

    edit :

    + + Updated :)

    ** OgameTech **
  • Croatian translate
    Display Spoiler

    Source Code

    1. 'alliOnly'=> "Samo vaš savez",
    2. 'hideTech'=> "Sakriti tehnologije",
    3. 'hideHour'=> "Sakriti vrijeme udara",
    4. 'Loots'=> "Pljačka",
    5. 'Harvests'=> "Reciklaža",
    6. 'Sharing'=> "Za raspodjelu",
    7. 'ProfitsTh'=> "Teoretski profit",
    8. 'ChoseSharing'=> "Na koji način razdijeliti profit :",
    9. 'EquiProfits'=> "Profit u jednakim dijelovima za svakog sudionika",
    10. 'ProrataProfits'=> "Profit u ovisnosti količine poslane flote",
    11. 'ReConv' => "Konverter izvještaja špijunaže",
    Display All
  • Sorry guys, I worked a little bit again :$:$
    I think i'll slow down now, you should have less work to do. :D
    Thanks for all your translations anyway :love:

    Source Code

    1. 'needtoconnect2'=> "You need to be logged in",
    2. 'noAccount'=> "Not registered yet ? => ",
    3. 'addRipIpm'=> "click to add IPM or lost RIP",
    4. 'infoTop'=> "IPM, RIP lost, stolen DF and consumption are not counted here",
    5. 'SavedList'=> "Favorite CR list",
    6. 'SaveCR'=> "Favorite/Abolish",
    7. 'infoSaved'=> "Favorite CRs' details are not deleted after a week. <br/>
    8. Please, do not abuse",
    9. 'howtoregister'=> "How to register to the website ?",
    10. 'autoregister'=> "Registration are made automatically after sending a CR to the site via the topraider script",
    11. 'faqprivate'=> "Private skin are only visible to your alliance members",
    12. 'faqmip'=> "Write the username of the player who launched the IPM, followed by the number of IMP launched, and the caused damage in metal, cristal and deuterium.\n\n With the topraider script, just click on the API button of IMP reports before sending the main CR to let this field be auto filled",
    13. 'faqrip'=> "Write the username of the player who lost the RIP, followed by the number of RIP lost.",
    14. 'faqloots'=> "Write the API keys of looting CRs separated by ';'.\n\nWith the topraider script, just click on the API button of looting CRs before sending the main CR to let this field be auto filled",
    15. 'faqrecycle'=> "Write the API keys of recycling reports separated by ';'.\n\nWith the topraider script, just click on the API button of recycling reports before sending the main CR to let this field be auto filled",
    16. 'faqGO'=> "Option for Game Operators to see all coordinates and impact times",
    17. "spoiler"=>"fleet details' spoiler",
    18. "expeAndCr" => "Expeditions and combat reports",
    19. "expeOnly" => "Expeditions",
    20. "CrOnly" => "Combat reports",
    21. "DarkMatter" => "Dark Matter",
    22. "DM" => "DM" // (Dark Matter abreviation)
    23. -----
    24. "IPM" => "[user] launched [nbMip] IPMs and caused [damages] damages",
    25. "RIP" => "[user] lost [nbRip] RIP for the attempts of moon destruction",
    26. "moonChance" => "The defender had a [moonChance] % chance to get a moon",
    27. "moonCreated" =>"A moon has been created",
    Display All

    Needed : | |

    ** OgameTech **
  • vulca wrote:

    "isSpoiler"=>"Do not dispaly the fleet slot details (ACS)",

    I imagine that you want to say display... :P


    Source Code

    1. 'needtoconnect2'=> "Necesitas estar logueado",
    2. 'noAccount'=> "¿Aún no estás registrado? => ",
    3. 'addRipIpm'=> "Haz click para añadir los misiles interplanetarios o las pérdidas de misiles de intercepción",
    4. 'infoTop'=> "IPM, RIP perdidos, robos de campos de escombros y consumo no son contabilizados aquí",
    5. 'SavedList'=> "Lista de CR favoritos",
    6. 'SaveCR'=> "Favoritos/No favoritos",
    7. 'infoSaved'=> "Los detalles de los códigos CR favortos no se borran después de una semana. <br/>
    8. No abusar de ello, por favor",
    9. 'howtoregister'=> "¿Cómo registrarse en la página web?",
    10. 'autoregister'=> "El registro se hace de forma automática después de enviar un código CR a la página web utilizando el script topraider",
    11. 'faqprivate'=> "El skin privado solo es visible por los miembros de tu alianza",
    12. 'faqmip'=> "Escribe el nombre de usuario que envió los misiles interplantearios, seguido del número enviado de misiles, y los daños en metal, cristal y deuterio.\n\n Con el script topraider, haz únicamente haz click en e botón de la API de los reportes de misiles interplanetarios antes de enviar el código CR principal para rellenar automáticamente este campo",
    13. 'faqrip'=> "Escribe el nombre de usuario que perdió los misiles de intercepción, seguido del numero de misiles de intercepción perdidos.",
    14. 'faqloots'=> "Escribe el código API (CR) de las oleadas separados por ';''.\n\nCon el nuevo script topraider, tan sólo haz click en el botón de la API de los reportes de robo antes de enviar el código CR principal para rellenar de forma automática este campo",
    15. 'faqrecycle'=> "Escribe el código API del reciclaje separado por ';'.\n\nCon el nuevo script topraider, tan sólo haz click en el botón de la API antes de enviar el código CR principal para rellenar de forma automática este campo",
    16. 'faqGO'=> "Opción para los GO de ver todas las coordenadas y horas de impacto",
    17. "spoiler"=>"Detalles de flota",
    18. "isSpoiler"=>"No mostrar detalles de los espacios de flota (SAC)",
    19. -----
    20. "IPM" => "[jugador] lanzó [número de misiles] Misiles interplanetarios haciendo [cantidad de daños] daño",
    21. "RIP" => "[jugador] perdió [número de misiles] misiles de intercepción para MD intentos",
    22. "moonChance" => "El defensor obtuvo un [probabilidad de luna] % de conseguir una luna",
    23. "moonCreated" =>"Se ha creado una luna",
    Display All & SGO
    Origin Supporter

  • IT

    Source Code

    1. 'needtoconnect2'=> "Devi aver effettuato il Login",
    2. 'noAccount'=> "Non sei ancora registrato? => ",
    3. 'addRipIpm'=> "Clicca per aggiungere missili e RIP perse",
    4. 'infoTop'=> "Missili, RIP perse e detriti rubati non sono conteggiati qui",
    5. 'SavedList'=> "Lista CR preferiti",
    6. 'SaveCR'=> "Salva/Cancella dai preferiti",
    7. 'infoSaved'=> "I dettagli dei CR preferiti non vengono cancellati dopo una settimana. <br/>
    8. Per favore, non abusarne.",
    9. 'howtoregister'=> "Come registrarsi al sito?",
    10. 'autoregister'=> "La registrazione viene effettuata automaticamente inviando un CR al sito attraverso lo script di TopRaider",
    11. 'faqprivate'=> "Le skin private sono visibili solamente dai membri dell'alleanza",
    12. 'faqmip'=> "Scrivi l'username del giocatore che ha inviato missili, seguito dal numero di missili inviati e il danno in metallo, cristallo e deuterio.\n\n on lo script TopRaider, clicca sul tasto API dei report dei missili prima di inviare il CR principale e questo campo verrà riempito automaticamente",
    13. 'faqrip'=> "Scrivi l'username del giocatore che ha perso le RIP, seguito dal numero di RIP perse.",
    14. 'faqloots'=> "Scrivi la chiave API dei CR di farm separati da ';'.\n\n Con lo script TopRaider, clicca sul tasto API dei report delle farm prima di inviare il CR principale e questo campo verrà riempito automaticamente",
    15. 'faqrecycle'=> "Scrivi la chiave API dei rapporti di riciclaggio separati da ';'.\n\n Con lo script TopRaider, clicca sul tasto API dei report di riciclaggio prima di inviare il CR principale e questo campo verrà riempito automaticamente",
    16. 'faqGO'=> "Opzione per Game Operators per vedere tutte le coordinate e orari di impatto",
    17. "spoiler"=>"Spoiler dettagli di flotta",
    18. "isSpoiler"=>"Non mostrare i dettagli degli slot flotta (ACS)",
    19. -----
    20. "IPM" => "[user] ha lanciato [nbMip] missili interplanetari producendo [damages] danni",
    21. "RIP" => "[user] ha perso [nbRip] RIP nel tentativo di distruggere la luna",
    22. "moonChance" => "Il difensore ha il [moonChance] % di probabilità di formazione luna",
    23. "moonCreated" =>"Una luna si è formata dall'accumulo dei detriti",
    Display All
  • DE

    Source Code

    1. 'needtoconnect2'=> "Du musst eingeloggt sein",
    2. 'noAccount'=> "Noch nicht registriert? => ",
    3. 'addRipIpm'=> "Klicken, um IRaks oder verlorene RIPs hinzuzufügen",
    4. 'infoTop'=> "IRaks, verlorene RIPs, geklaute TFs und Verbrauch sind hier nicht aufgezählt",
    5. 'SavedList'=> "Favorisierte KB-Liste",
    6. 'SaveCR'=> "Favorisieren/Verwerfen",
    7. 'infoSaved'=> "Details favorisierter KBs werden nicht nach einer Woche gelöscht. <br/>
    8. Bitte nicht missbrauchen",
    9. 'howtoregister'=> "Wie registriert man sich auf der Webseite?",
    10. 'autoregister'=> "Die Registrierung erfolgt automatisch, nachdem ein KB über das topraider Skript zur Webseite gesendet wurde",
    11. 'faqprivate'=> "Private Skins sind nur für Allianzmitglieder sichtbar",
    12. 'faqmip'=> "Gib den Benutzernamen des Spielers an, der die IRaks gestartet hat, danach die Anzahl der gestarteten IRaks und danach der verursachte Schaden in Metall, Kristall und Deuterium.\n\n Mit dem topraider Skript muss man nur vor dem Senden des Haupt-KB's den API-Knopf von IRak-Berichten anklicken, damit dieser Bereich automatisch ausgefüllt wird",
    13. 'faqrip'=> "Gib den Benutzernamen des Spielers an, der die RIPs verloren hat und danach die Anzahl der verlorenen RIPs",
    14. 'faqloots'=> "Gib die API-Keys deiner Beute-KBs mit ';' voneinander getrennt an.\n\n Mit dem topraider Skript muss man nur vor dem Senden des Haupt-KB's den API-Knopf von Beute-KBs anklicken, damit dieser Bereich automatisch ausgefüllt wird",
    15. 'faqrecycle'=> "Gib die API-Keys deiner Recycling-Berichte mit ';' voneinander getrennt an.\n\n Mit dem topraider Skript muss man nur vor dem Senden des Haupt-KB's den API-Knopf von Recycling-Berichten anklicken, damit dieser Bereich automatisch ausgefüllt wird",
    16. 'faqGO'=> "Option für Game Operatoren, alle Koordinaten und Einschlagzeiten zu sehen",
    17. "spoiler"=> "Spoiler für Flottendetails",
    18. "isSpoiler"=> "Zeige die Details über die Flottenbelegung an (AKS)",
    19. "expeAndCr" => "Expeditionen und Kampfberichte",
    20. "expeOnly" => "Expeditionen",
    21. "CrOnly" => "Kampfberichte",
    22. "DarkMatter" => "Dunkle Materie",
    23. "DM" => "DM" // (Dunkle Materie Abkürzung)
    24. -----
    25. "IPM"=> "[user] startete [nbMip] IRaks und verursachte [damages] Schaden",
    26. "RIP"=> "[user] verlor [nbRip] RIPs bei den Versuchen der Mondzerstörung",
    27. "moonChance"=> "Der Verteidiger hatte eine [moonChance] % Chance, einen Mond zu erhalten",
    28. "moonCreated"=> "Ein Mond hat sich gebildet",
    Display All

    suggested corrections for EN:
    @ 'SaveCR': I cant find unfavorite in a dictionary. I suggest to use "Favorite/Abolish"
    @ 'autoregister': use "...via the topraider script" instead of "with the topraider's script"
    @ 'faqprivate': -->"visible to"
    @ 'faqmip': use "launched" instead of "sent" like @ "IPM", change to "caused damage" and write "deuterium" in full length
    change "script topraider" to "topraider script" (like used before) and change " auto filled this field" into " let this field be auto filled"
    this is similiar to the comments @ 'faqloots' and @ 'faqrecycle'
    @ 'faqloots': correct "looting reports" to "looting CRs" in the description
    @ 'faqloots': use plural for -->"keys", same is for 'faqrecycle'
    @ 'faqrecycle': also plural for -->"reports"
    @ "IPM": change "... IPM making... damages" to "... IPMs and caused... damage"
    @ "RIP": i cant find the abbreviation for moon destruction (MD) so just write "... for the attempts of moon destruction"
    @ "moonChance": change to "...had a...chance to get a moon"
    @ "moonCreated" -->"A moon has been created"

    cheers :D