[OGameTech] Currently not Hiring

    • [OGameTech] Currently not Hiring


      OGameTech is searching for new testers!

      Tasks to inspire:

      • Tests aimed at improving overall product quality and functionality
      • Identifying, analysing and recording errors in a bug tracker database
      • Verifying resolved errors, improvements and changes to the game
      • Skilled with mobile devices and also have some to test on it
      • Having enough time to spend and motivation on testing OGame
      • Testing on different Browsers

      Qualifications to convince:

      • An extremely keen sense of quality, excellent attention to detail and superb analytical skills
      • Communication skills in English
      • A marked ability to learn and excellent knowledge of OGame
      • Experience of working with a bug tracker
      • High teamplayer skills
      • Basic Knowlege of IRC to communicate
      • Don´t be a "troll" or "flamer", it´s an "asshole free" testerteam

      What we provide:

      • A competent lovely international testerteam, which you can upgrade with your membership
      • We have cookies, at least the female testers
      • An own created Testcase Management Tool
      • Testing of new content before the update get online on the livetestservers
      • Testing on several Testservers, where you have access to all accounts and the possibility to edit stuff you need for testing
      • Give early feedback to developers
      • Help to improve the game we love

      If you are interested, then contact me via PM here at Origin and write an application! (why you want to join, your Ogame knowledge, your testing skills and experience, your time you can spend, which mobile devices you own). Be sure that you can spend some time on testing!


      Quality Assurance Specialist
      Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by JoKy ().