[Old] Applications for API Keys

  • Hello,

    I would be grateful to get an API key so I can switch my project to the new version:


    It only has converter but since the new API is very easy to mess with, I will continue to add more features during my little free time I have now :)

    Thanks :)

    (9th oct. ) Valent: Aditional information requested by PM

    (12th oct ) Valent: API key requested

    (13th oct ) Valent: API key sent
  • API for crconv.dejma.net

    I'm developer Ogame CR coverter crconv.dejma.net/
    - I want to update CR convert tool on site crconv.dejma.net
    - I'm hobby php programmer
    - I'm scope project for International ogame users for free

    Im need an API key for testing on my crconv site crconv.dejma.net


    (9th oct. ) Valent: Aditional information requested by PM
    (12th oct ) Valent: API key requested

    (13th oct ) Valent: API key sent
  • ^^ Hi!

    Project description: I would like to get an api for developing a cr converter (i think that is the easiest to develop for first)
    Experience: I'm studying computer science and programming. Little experience in web/software development
    Scope: Personal and I hope for the community/international in the future
    Email: decarolisenrico@gmail.com
    Current IP:
    OpenSource: of course!
    If I can, I will be happy to help in any way!

    Sorry for my bad english, thanks a lot!

    (12th oct ) Valent: API key requested
    (13th oct ) Valent: API key sent
  • Hello,
    I want get api-key for my rising project.
    The main aspects of my project will be:
    - Easy to use.
    - Few style of appearance cr.
    - Easy to read report after conversion.

    Project will be for polish community of ogame.

    Kind regards,

    (14.10.2015) Valent: Api key requested

    (29.10.2015) Valent: Api key sent
  • Hi People,

    First of all sorry for English errors'm still learning (damn series)

    I want a api-key for my project.
    I do not know if my project is fully in accordance with the rules because they do not know if I already read all. (Again my English is bad).

    Project Features:
    - Easy to use. (Easy enough for my mother use)
    - Report Converter + Combat history
    - Ranking
    - Alliance panel (Mebers list + planet list + ranking list)
    - all integrated it with a system of calculation and battle history

    Project will be for all community of ogame, starting with the Brazilian community (my community).
  • Hi, thanks to the Ogame Origin admins for letting me test the new APIs.

    I got some questions.
    1 - Is it still required to always pass the Api key, now that Ogame 6.0 has been officialy released?
    2 - Can the new API be requested from a desktop application, (using an api key if needed)? The main problem is people stealing the api key from said app.
    3 - Should I request different Api keys for desktop and web apps?
    4 - I think I got my IP wrong the first time, does it matter anyways? :D
    5 - What about the new spionage reports? I managed to download valid spy reports from the API, but it appears those have not been officialy documented.

    Thanks a lot, and congratulations for the new version of Ogame.
  • API key Application


    I am a programmer from Asia.
    I need an API key to develop a Chinese version of CR converter.

    Here's the features for my proposal:
    1. cr converter
    2. translation of reports between English and Chinese
    3. converted result can be a text-style or an image-style (using Canvas Element in HTML5)

    I propose to use Canvas to DRAW a converted report because it becomes easy to post to our social networks without losing its original format.

    For above reasons, I am requesting an api key.


    (14.10.2015) Valent: Api key requested
    (29.10.2015) Valent: API key sent
  • API keys sent to

    I need more details from :

    Please send to me in PM the following information:

    - A short description of the tool you want to create or a link to an existing tool you already have / want to update.
    - A short description of your developer / programming experience
    - The scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International.
    - Valid EMail address.
    - The IP from which your tool will connect to our servers. (Limited to 1 during testing).
    - Are you willing to "open source" some of your source code for others to benefit from? (Example: Providing a library for a specific programming language)
    - Are you willing to help with extended testing? This may require you to provide us with more contact information. (IRC contact and approximate online availability).
  • NeoArc wrote:

    Hi, thanks to the Ogame Origin admins for letting me test the new APIs.

    I got some questions.
    1 - Is it still required to always pass the Api key, now that Ogame 6.0 has been officialy released?
    2 - Can the new API be requested from a desktop application, (using an api key if needed)? The main problem is people stealing the api key from said app.
    3 - Should I request different Api keys for desktop and web apps?
    4 - I think I got my IP wrong the first time, does it matter anyways? :D
    5 - What about the new spionage reports? I managed to download valid spy reports from the API, but it appears those have not been officialy documented.

    Thanks a lot, and congratulations for the new version of Ogame.

    1) Yes, API key must always be sent for identification.
    2) No, but you can use your own server to proxy between the API and the App. Api keys must be kept secret.
    3) One Key for one App. Desktop need a proxy server and can not connect to the API itself.
    4) When approved or if IP changes, you will be blocked from access. So need to inform us that it changed.
    5) Documentation is on it's way, but the updates have priority right now.

    Additionally, if doing a Desktop application, make sure that you have a way to restrict users spamming your server. Because if you spam the API, the key will be blocked.
  • I would like to request any kind soul to send me keys for CR's with raids, if you have RR even better.

    If you don't want people to see your CR's send me a PM but would be valuable so that other people can test their converters!

    Also, for whoever requests keys, I would send the IP in private. There are always people that want to harm you (eg. ddos).
  • Hi!

    I would be glad to update my CR Converter in order tu use V6

    - My converter is based on Halo Converter color theme, code is 100% new and under testing for versions previous to V6
    - I'm a web developer/scripter and tool developer for an engineering company
    - Community
    - ziobafio@gmail.com
    - no willing to open source my code
    - no willing to extend testing

    (19th oct ) Valent: API key requested
    (29.10.2015) Valent API key sent
  • Api Key Request

    - A short description of the tool you want to create or a link to an existing tool you already have / want to update.

    A simple rc/er sharing/convert tool in php for me and my ally.

    - A short description of your developer / programming experience

    I'm a developper, i have more experience in .NET (vb.net, c#, ASP.Net) but i also know php, js, java (android) and the basics in C/C++.

    - The scope of your project:

    Personnal/Ally (this will be only accesible by the members of my ally)

    - Valid EMail address.

    - The IP from which your tool will connect to our servers. (Limited to 1 during testing).

    For the tests it will be

    - Are you willing to "open source" some of your source code for others
    to benefit from? (Example: Providing a library for a specific
    programming language)

    i plan to use the php library (OgetIt) which already exist so i'll have nothing to provide (i want to keep it simple :p)
    But yeah of course if needed i can share the sources.

    - Are you willing to help with extended testing? This may require you to
    provide us with more contact information. (IRC contact and approximate
    online availability).

    i don't have much free time but you can email me, i'll try to answer quickly.

    Thanks !

    (19th oct ) Valent: API key requested
    (29.10.2015) Valent : API key sent