International OGame Championship 2015. Discussion

    • No offense but if you're gonna have a limited duration contest based on skill, then you'd have it without dark matter. What's the point in giving a group of players a big advantage, what's the incentive for people to sign up to this? It should be a level playing field. Yeah people who spend big to win this would be stupid.. But we all know someone will. So there's just no point.. Disable DM for the event... You'd think this is common sense.
    • I think we all should think more positive and all of you should accept the challenge : are you able to win in spite of all adversities and difficulties? If yes, come and join the contest.

      Can you win with your skill and intelligence ? Accept the challenge and have fun.

      I hardly can imagine that one person can spend 1 hundred of euros to win a 25 coupon .
    • Valent wrote:

      I think we all should think more positive and all of you should accept the challenge : are you able to win in spite of all adversities and difficulties? If yes, come and join the contest.

      Can you win with your skill and intelligence ? Accept the challenge and have fun.

      I hardly can imagine that one person can spend 1 hundred of euros to win a 25 coupon .

      True words spoken :thumbup:

      From Germany with Love. :beer:
    • You'll all start on equal footing with new accounts so it's all about your skill!

      About DM - If somebody really will spend money to earn 1st reward of 25€ coupon, that doesnt bring him/her anything.

      In fact:
      to spend this money will bring him/her skill and honor :crazy:
    • Part of this contest is playing, other part is virtual and there won't be DM included.

      If somebody want to spend 100 euros to be able to win 25e from us, let them be.. We are making this contest so people would be active, have fun together and fight fair. We will be giving more rewards besides these top 3, so everyone will have a chance to win 'at least something' but we can't reward everyone as well.
      If you think everything is in DM, it is not. If somebody doesn't know how to play, not even DM will help. ;)

    • skoll wrote:

      Hello there,

      i have a question about the Universe Facts.
      With which Speed, how much debris and so on should this Server start ?

      Greets from german Nerd :D


      Server wil be the Existing Origin Universe:

      XML Source Code

      1. <version>6.0.0-alpha21</version> -> Server Runs already on Version 6.0.0-alpha21
      2. <speed>2</speed> -> Economic Speed is 2x
      3. <speedFleet>2</speedFleet> -> Speed for Fleets is 2x
      4. <acs>1</acs> -> ACS will be allowed
      5. <defToTF>0</defToTF> -> Defense will not go into the debris field
      6. <debrisFactor>0.3</debrisFactor> -> 30% of the Units will go to debris fields
      7. <repairFactor>0.7</repairFactor> -> 70% of the Defense will repair after battle
      8. <donutGalaxy>1</donutGalaxy> -> This server has donut galaxies
      9. <donutSystem>1</donutSystem> -> This server has donut systems

      You can see Full Server Data from the API here:

      Best Regards
    • i`ll just copy what i said on .org

      i gotta ask..are you guys really surprised?
      ofc they`ll allow buying DM..its how they earn (more) money from (extremely) stupid ppl
      to be honest i prefer that Halloween least they got iPads and somewhat expensive stuff

      ofc..if they remove dm buying i`ll join will be just a waste of time

      if not..rename this into
      international deep-pocket championship

      cuz dm and skill are totally two different things

      but..since they 'need' money so much
      what if they make the championship from 2 parts
      first month or two you play without dm
      who wins gets those coupons

      then allow buying of dm and see what happens
      we`ll see who will be on top without dm
      and who will be on top with dm

      so..since gf needs money
      and since this is not a competition of skill
      its a competition of deep pockets

      how about you separate the competition in 2 parts

      1st part runs for a month without option to buy DM
      whoever wins #1 #2 nd #3 spot gets the coupons

      then allow buying of DM and let those unskilled rich noobs speend 1k $ for 25 $ coupons

      Valent wrote:

      I hardly can imagine that one person can spend 1 hundred of euros to win a 25 coupon .

      never underestimate the power of human stupidity : P
    • Bjergsen wrote:

      I don't have an account on that universe... does that matter? how can i register if i cant get in to an origin server right now?

      In fact, all accounts that participate in the contest need to be new accounts, created when contest starts.

      Asto Vidatu wrote:

      how about you separate the competition in 2 parts

      1st part runs for a month without option to buy DM
      whoever wins #1 #2 nd #3 spot gets the coupons

      then allow buying of DM and let those unskilled rich noobs speend 1k $ for 25 $ coupons

      Sorry but that it's not possible.

      Dark Matter is part of the game, like any other feature.
    • Valent wrote:

      I hardly can imagine that one person can spend 1 hundred of euros to win a 25 coupon .
      Can you imagine one person who can spend hundreds of euros without any possibility to win coupons ?

      Too bad if you can't, because that's what lots of players do these days.

      Valent wrote:

      Can you win with your skill and intelligence ? Accept the challenge and have fun.

      Do you really think trying to compete with some dork who will have 10k points overnight is being intelligent ?
    • Icegirl wrote:

      People do that nowadays but they keep playing that accounts. Big difference!
      I hardly doubt anyone will continue playing after contest is over ;)

      Since it is an existing universe and neither the universe nor the accounts will be deleted automatically after the contest (as was the case with the Halloween universe), some users will probably stick to their "precious" accounts. Since Origin now hosts only about 50 active players, this will make a difference.

      Do you intend to block interactions of contestants with existing accounts?

    • Néné, I awnser the same thing on the board .FR . How many, universe did you see with limited time contest. In 3 years on the community of .FR, only 2. Both of them, they have a huge price (Around 500-600 euro). Jupiter Ascending is a normal universe. If really a person want to spend a lot and a lot of cash on this contest, we cannot block him.. but I'm agree with my Valent, I don't think a person will buy over 25 euro of DM.