• Fleet, Defense and Combats

  • not sure any1 will even consider this
    but as GF announced..after v 6.o there will be a merge

    so i figured id say my opinion here and back it up with some numbers
    im playing in was one of old targets uni of the last merge
    that merge really brought life to the uni
    it lasted for around a year
    ofc there are still big hofs and active ppl hunting eachother
    but not as many as there were

    the main reason why im actually posting this is cuz on the 1st wave of merge
    my universe, nekkar, was supposed to go from 2 x speed to 1 x speed uni
    and after a lot of drama coming from the players, myself included,
    they changed the decision and made nekkar a target uni to those from
    x 1 speed and x 2 speed

    so..lets get started

    Jupiter --->> x 2 , 60 % df
    Nekkar --->> x 2, 30 % df
    Wasat --->> x 2, x 4 economy etc, 70 % df
    uni 30 --->> x 2, 30 % df

    now onto the numbers

    Jupiter active - 301
    Nekkar active - 335
    Wasat active - 422
    uni 30 active - 172

    i wont bother with inactive-banned-vmoded cuz 99 % of those never come back
    also i didnt put alliances in the stast bellow cuz its not important

    Jupiter top 10
    #1 112.361.206 Hubsch
    #2 106.135.507 darkest_lord
    #3 66.431.469 Arturius
    #4 59.251.344 ydhu
    #5 58.400.554 blackdeath
    #6 51.720.732 kraken
    #7 48.997.054 Rangers
    #8 48.585.046 Morphium
    #9 45.399.858 MoaningLisa
    #10 45.153.229 Pariah

    Nekkar top 10
    #1 94.938.107 AKULA
    #2 57.251.904 kozmo
    #3 47.821.563 Caso
    #4 38.601.695 monk
    #5 36.063.338 Asto Vidatu
    #6 35.893.816 Inferno
    #7 35.168.843 Willis
    #8 34.109.441 wobblie
    #9 33.904.546 BlueWhale
    #10 33.038.167 s879563

    Wasat top 10
    #1 64.203.132 Dimas
    #2 59.594.596 Turky
    #3 45.453.157 Army
    #4 44.253.780 dakkuar
    #5 31.219.502 Free
    #6 28.325.804 krios
    #7 28.173.785 Emp
    #8 24.597.979 Fatality
    #9 24.279.522 jose64jp
    #10 24.146.520 Erebos

    uni 30 top 10
    #1 136.915.747 black shadow
    #2 123.889.436 dan99
    #3 118.984.064 TGamer
    #4 116.928.627 raptor
    #5 116.521.657 rura
    #6 110.546.287 Strider
    #7 103.990.166 Visionary
    #8 103.207.839 DARK SIDE
    #9 100.669.418 No Owner
    #10 99.642.771 komarus

    but the problem is fleet numbers
    uni 30 is a bit ahead of all of them cuz its older
    while wasat players are growing faster than any other uni here
    cuz they have 4x economy speed and 70 % df

    Jupiter top 10 military
    #1 70.838.711 Hubsch
    #2 33.846.366 Morphium
    #3 22.859.336 Pariah
    #4 22.456.968 blank
    #5 22.324.273 Niu
    #6 21.303.126 Vulcan
    #7 20.175.783 kraken
    #8 18.822.842 Warchild
    #9 18.800.532 nayf
    #10 18.427.002 Arturius

    Nekkar top 10 military
    #1 52.820.382 AKULA
    #2 27.923.377 Caso -
    #3 19.661.625 Inferno
    #4 16.550.651 julia
    #5 16.536.757 Carbon
    #6 14.172.541 nadojomsalza
    #7 12.336.962 Rory
    #8 11.917.100 tequesta
    #9 11.083.032 Venividivici
    #10 10.822.371 philupbol

    Wasat top 10 military
    #1 24.151.700 dakkuar
    #2 21.395.983 Turky
    #3 20.807.419 Army
    #4 11.776.391 Emp
    #5 7.341.551 Your_Aries
    #6 6.956.225 radar
    #7 6.702.896 Mickey
    #8 6.466.594 Dahak
    #9 6.416.150 The Beginner
    #10 6.375.909 Melinder

    uni 30 top 10 military
    #1 102.948.735 TGamer
    #2 74.270.263 Tgaimer
    #3 66.229.478 Skeleton
    #4 62.946.278 No Owner
    #5 53.693.610 Xiao Luohan
    #6 51.213.856 madheadshrinker
    #7 48.088.683 Radio
    #8 37.060.550 CrazyTurK
    #9 31.562.001 letssled
    #10 29.712.351 Shire_Sheriff

    so..the problem now is what to do?
    my 1st thoughts are..wasat and jupiter are not standard unis
    wasat is 4 x economy 70 % df, and jupiter is 60 % df

    so..they must not lose those characteristics forcing the players to move to 1 x speed uni
    that would be a big mistake..maybe leave it as an option
    so target uni is 1 x speed..but forcing all of these into 1 x would be madness
    and would have catastrophic result

    nekkar and uni 30 are standard unis..which means..we are used to normal
    but that also doesnt mean that we wouldnt like to see something special

    there are few unis that are 2 x speed but they arent so strong
    yes the differences in these 4 unis are big..but adding Vega or Betelgeuse
    would probably mean the death of those 2 unis

    for me ideally would be if all 4 unis got merged into Wasat
    wasat is 70 % df..fleeters would be happy to see that
    but its also 4 x economy any miner would die for a speed like that
    with the flight time staying the normal ( 2 x speed)

    the last wave of merge we had 2 target unis
    i agree that was nice..but at this point i dont see
    how 2 target unis are possible
    if those 4 are merged together that would mean ~1200 active players
    more smashing..more farming..more relocations and instabuildings
    more profit for gameforge
    *im not bothered with the dm thing anymore..i got used to it and
    *this game ofc needs some money so it could last

    and ofc..there is not perfect merge
    ofc there will be some who will cry=quit
    but there isnt much gameforge can do

    the only thing id love to see is to do an INGAME poll
    i say ingame cuz i see a lot of those 'board ppl are minority' comments
    so create a poll..and ask ppl what they want to see

    i spent time writting this cuz last few things gameforge
    did were actually player-friendly so im hoping they will listen
    i know merges are a hard thing to do as there will always be unhappy customers
    but an ingame poll will give you a better view of the things

    also i havent mentioned x 1 unis or those special unis
    cuz im playing in nekkar and i have friends in jupiter, wasat, uni30
    so..i guess thats would be nice to see some feedback from the team here

    what about inactive accounts?
    any chance to 'move' them to a target uni?
    i gain 90 % of my ress from more players = less inactives to farm

    edit 2:
    i just saw this
    neutral target uni

    a new uni..where players relocate to
    that way we get rid of those perma banned and perma vac`d
  • The merge is complex and I have no visibility into but as far as I know Gf don't really care about those special universes and other players just the hard statistics.
    For us (.hu) it was this:
    First period:
    Uni 2, 3, 4, 5 can go to Uni 1 or Uni 6 (x2 speed).
    Uni 1, 6, 7 can go to Andro (20 place only) and the rest had to go too Barym (70% df).
    So they managed to take away the double speed from players of Uni 6 and they give 70% df instead beacuse there were more players...

    Asto Vidatu wrote:

    i spent time writting this cuz last few things gameforge
    did were actually player-friendly so im hoping they will listen

    Where did you see those I'd like to see too. (Beacuse in my end it's all the opposite but I spare you from the long list)
  • the good things gf did was the new v 6.o
    players asked for an ingame chat a lot

    and those new changes in officiers are good
    first one is for all players
    2nd one is for those who pay tho
    but still its a nice change

    as for the merge
    they wanted to do the same thing with my uni []
    they wanted to move it from 2x speed to 1x speed
    but players argued and they let us stay in nekkar and made it a target uni
    dunno if you guys tried telling them its not good
    but after what you said..i can only hope they do a poll
    so they actually see what players want

    i mean if you start in 2x uni..its obvious that you like 2x speed
    so why change it? its stupid
    but if they move it to 2x uni with 70 % df and 4x economy speed

    that will benefit both miners and fleeters
    its a win win for every1
    and yes gf for you guys too cuz more dm will be used
    higher astro lvls will be reached and that is only possible with DM
    and more relocations will be done
    cuz even smaller fleets and huge turtles become profitable
  • not nekkar
    and what i said is a suggestion

    with the most important suggestion
    ingame poll

    as of merge

    "Universes merge:
    Due to technical matters and the main focus on v6.0.0, we won’t be able to run further merges until v6.0.0 is released, so we ask you for a bit of patience with this topic. We are aware of it, we know that you want merge and we will go on with it, but sadly, not before v6.0.0."


    so..they will go on with the merge..after v 6.o
    so actually they did say there will be a merge
  • However, GF is listening , that is for sure. It is the task of admins to see what their community wants/ needs , talk to their Coma and thus get the desired decision - but only if it is possible or it is advisable to implement it. This shows how important is to have good, active admins and good, communicative CoMa

    In addition to this classic channel we have this whole origin project to ensure a more direct way to communicate. This is not replacing the traditional way: player [ community] ---> admins---> coma---> game
  • tbh they started to listen only a few months ago
    okey maybe they listened before but they didnt care
    thats from my point of just a player

    thats why i hope when merge comes
    [and i hope it will be after 6.o
    thats what i understood from the post i quoted above]
    they will ask players what they want
    or create a debatable proposal so we can figure out what would be best for us

    merge is not just a job for gameforge
    players should be able to choose and vote
  • I agree with Asto, we need a merge and it would be impossible to make everyone happy. Not sure wether it's possible or not but maybe there are some uni's in .us that are simmilar to some in .org, then they can be merged? Merging .us and .org have been brought up a bunch of times I know but to me it sounds like the best possible soloution.
    I play in Betlegeuse mainly and sooner or later we'll need a merge as well, so maybe merge Betle with some of the newer uni's like Cygnus (which has simmilar specs but not exactly the same + will soon have around the same maximum point score as betle) and why not Vega and Zagadra as well? They have different specs but I think they'd all be happy to be merged. Cygnus players might have to go down and play with 2x fleet speed but for many I think they'd be okey with it since more targets :love:

    Zagadra - 1x fleet, 5x eco, 50% DF
    Betlegeuse - 2x fleet speed, 4x eco, 70% DF
    Cygnus - 4x fleet speed, 5x eco, 70% DF
    Vega - 2x speed, 70% DF
  • Valent wrote:

    However, GF is listening , that is for sure. It is the task of admins to see what their community wants/ needs , talk to their Coma and thus get the desired decision - but only if it is possible or it is advisable to implement it. This shows how important is to have good, active admins and good, communicative CoMa

    In addition to this classic channel we have this whole origin project to ensure a more direct way to communicate. This is not replacing the traditional way: player [ community] ---> admins---> coma---> game

    Valent, if GF is listening our COMA and Admins in .org certainly ARE NOT! Our admins decided to "reduce their work load" and unilaterally change the bashing rules that have been unchanged in over 8+ years. Feel to free to read the most active post ever and you can see the Admins responses where they openly stated it was changed "to make it easier for us". Well 9300+ views and 17 pages should say more then enough for our quiet .org boards on how the players feel about this.…hing-rule-simplification/

    Funny I asked the new COMA for a contact number to contact GF and never so much as got a response.....

    Not giving you are hard time Valent, but .org Admins are not listening to the community and I just wanted to clear that up.

  • Valent wrote:

    @letssled, Origin board is not meant for discussing specific community rules.

    Yes, org game admins are reading the thread you are talking about and we are aware of your concerns but please , here is not the place to discuss them. Please continue ( use calm and logic ) the discussion in .org forum.

    Actually I wrote that days ago, I was going to edit it immediately after I sent it but I couldn't as I was waiting for my post to be approved :monster: , but what is down is down....I wanted to add this though:

    Is there a way to make "graduated" unis. For example, start the uni's off with higher mines and DF, but leave the speeds the same. I know there would be many fundamentals to work, and there would need to be a reason to stay in the top graduated uni. Maybe give free planet per merge. But that way the younger unis could grow up to proportion to be merged with the older ones. For example uni 40 was merged with uni-30. uni-40 had 40% to df and lost that to uni-30's 30% DF.

    CID wrote:

    to contact your local coma:

    funny fact: this "simplification" is just the normal way ;)
    In the event we stike out with the COMA, how do we contact above the COMA?
  • so..v 6.0 is almost out on all communities and GF said theyll plan a merge afterwards
    figured id update this
    here are the old numbers:

    Asto Vidatu wrote:

    Jupiter --->> x 2 , 60 % df
    Nekkar --->> x 2, 30 % df
    Wasat --->> x 2, x 4 economy etc, 70 % df
    uni 30 --->> x 2, 30 % df

    Asto Vidatu wrote:

    Jupiter active - 301
    Nekkar active - 335
    Wasat active - 422
    uni 30 active - 172

    the characteristicss are ofc the same lol
    but the activity:
    Jupiter active --->> 229
    Nekkar active --->> 246
    Wasat active --->> 192
    uni30 --->> 136

    so as you can see
    Jupiter lost 72 active players
    Nekkar lost 89 active players
    Wasat lost 230 active note that wasat is the youngest of the 4 unis
    uni 30 lost 36 active players

    thats 427 players lost in total in the past few [6] months

    now lest get to numbers
    this time i`ll only stick to points in total

    Jupiter top 10

    #1 Coyote 156,996,360
    #2 darkest_lord 51,596,398
    #3 Arturius 72,871,233
    #4 Rangers 72,343,910
    #5 blackdeath 68,134,733
    #6 kraken 65,008,679
    #7 Morphium 60,069,045
    #8 Pariah 59,207,637
    #9 persephone 58,093,384
    #10 sheeack 55,464,940

    Nekkar top10

    #1 AKULA 131,288,226
    #2 kozmo 62,689,024 +185
    #3 Asto Vidatu 61,684,106
    #4 monk 59,813,604
    #5 Caso 53,864,606
    #6 wobblie 46,405,692
    #7 Kloshar 45,555,703
    #8 Carbon 44,769,805
    #9 DerInderInDerInderin 42,493,896
    #10 txraider1 42,419,389

    Wasat top10

    #1 Turky 143,664,763
    #2 Dimas 104,380,392
    #3 Army 95,295,621
    #4 dakkuar 74,326,856
    #5 krios Atreides 62,310,103
    #6 Free 61,286,639
    #7 jose64jp 59,186,307
    #8 Erebos 52,062,169
    #9 Cocochi 45,313,294
    #10 Fatality 44,096,155

    uni30 top10

    #1 dan99 152,923,472
    #2 Strider 149,629,507
    #3 black shadow 141,951,954
    #4 raptor137,716,148
    #5 Visionary 129,203,666
    #6 rura 128,710,391
    #7 TGamer 127,312,101
    #8 sps 121,351,125
    #9 komarus 116,627,900
    #10 DARK SIDE KyLin 103,884,248 we can see the numbers grew bigger but i think we can all agree that unis are kinda the same
    yes uni 30 has more players on 100m + and nekkar has only 1 on 100m +
    but then again wasat top4-10 are a bit stronger than nekkar top2-10
    even tho wasat is way younger

    what id like to mention is the big player loss..that means we need a merge fast
    and we should do it properly..the only way everyone benefits is if we all get moved to wasat
    cuz lets face it..players start playing a uni cuz of its characteristics
    if even one of the unis get lower speed or df % a lot of players will quit

    now there is one more thing..wasat..even it has the lower amount of active players
    it is the only uni that has almost all top 15 players active..#14 is in vmode
    while jupiter..nekkar..and uni30 have few top10 players inactive

    i think this sums it all up..hope Gameforge does a proper merge soon

    granted, the merge aint the real solution to a player loss
    but its the topic here so i`ll stick to just the merge being the problem
  • thanks Valent..i hope SUCO takes my suggestion into consideration

    the problem is that if wasat or jupiter get moved to uni30 or nekkar they lose their characteristics
    which means less players..since jupiter is 60 % df..only way for it to not lose is to move to wasat
    cuz is wasat gets moved to jupi it loses 10 % df and that 4x economy
    seems like a common sense to me..cant wait to see what will happen :D