oGame Lost Design by Danix

    • oGame Lost Design by Danix

      Hi friends!

      Im Danix, Maybe you remember me by creating one of the most successful skins few years ago (OG-RS3). This time I bring a new skin, which I hope you like it.

      Initially available in Spanish, French and English, although I would publish a version in German, but need help with some translations that I will post later, they are simple for someone who speaks this language.

      I think there should be no legal problems because it meets the requirements (not hide or change premium features, etc).

      I hope someone responsible for the legalization of tools approve the skin;)

      - Designed for Firefox. Possibly compatible with Chrome (not tested, maybe have bugs, use firefox! xD).
      - Recommended min resolution: 1280px width / 1600px width if you use Antigame Info Panel (height is not problem)
      - Designed to work with Antigame ORIGIN (AGO). Without this script / addon may not display correctly.
      - Spanish / English / French language
      - Add visual improvements on most pages of the game, especially pages shipping fleet and events panel.
      - Reduction of unnecessary headers
      - Page classification (ranking) optimized
      - Almost everything is retouched for a perfect harmony!
      - And lot of more! Every page have visual improvements for better gameplay!


      - Quantum jump page
      - Phalanx page

      - Firefox / Chrome + Stylish


      Antigame Origin HIGHLY RECOMMENDED

      Recommended ANTIGAME ORIGIN config:
      goo.gl/RUS1KM (options) + goo.gl/wKvzTy (coords colors event list)

      To install, you just have to first install the "Stylish" addon and then push the "Install" button on the page of skin:

      I've separated into two parts,
      first the "main" part of the skin and secondly the language for several
      minor changes in the skin, available in Spanish, English and French.

      It is therefore necessary that uninstall everything that you have related to "Lost OGame Design" and reinstall again:

      MAIN PART:

      Please install the lang addon you want to complete de skin:
      [ES] userstyles.org/styles/109372/ogame-lost-design-lang-es

      In addition, there are also fixed minor bugs and I have included the mini-skin "Highscore 2.0" Lost in your own Design.

      Any problem or question, please tell me. I recieve notifications of replies on this thread and try to comment all ;)

      Ogame Lost Design

      The post was edited 9 times, last by Danix: Pending ().

    • I have to say that I really dig what you've done there. It feels more airy, uncluttered and those two icons for switching between your planet and moon from the overview screen is quite handy. I'll pinpoint some things that, in my opinion, you should address :)

      * the old events summary is gone (own/friendly/hostile missions number and the first mission timer)
      * when hovering over the top resources icons no info box is shown (available/production/storage etc)
      * having your moons positioned left to the planet is confusing (at least for me)
      * on Firefox everything is smooth but on Chrome there is an annoying flickering after a page loads (the page is shown without the skin and after ~0.5 seconds the Scriptish skin is applied). After a short research it seams that the WebKit asynchronous API is to blame so there is nothing you can do about it :)

      Hope this helps :)
    • hi Kanly, first thanks for your feedback!

      I know the old events summary is gone, and the number of the missions. I hide it because looks bad (to me) and make the header ugly.
      But you can see the "first mission info" if configure Antigame to show this info in the tab-name of firefox/chrome


      The moons in the left... is part of the design of the skin, I know if a person who is accustomed to seeing things in a way can feel "uncomfortable" when they change, but is a matter of time... I think the look is better in this way, and also I designed the "planet list" so that the names of the planets did not interfere in the design, even if they were long.

      And yes, chrome is a ball-breaker xD

      I dont use it for this reason, some times not work properly with the styles... is very fast, but firefox is better and have lot of stuff made by years and years of development :D

      I will fix now a problem i encountered in the planet list when you have few planets (less than 5 or 6 i believe). The planetlist changes when you reach certain number of colonies... i dont understand why not make only one tipo of planet-list for default =(
    • Hi guys, i updated the menu link buttons to a ones more "left-icons-like"

      For apply the changes is neccesary re-install de style in the homepage. You need to do it every time i updated anything ;)

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Danix ().

    • I think the only part of the skin code will affect to forums are:

      Source Code

      1. body
      2. { background: url("http://mastervap-old.info/img/ogld/wall_2_6.jpg") !important;}

      The only change is a "background change" for the forum, the same of the skin. But not affect other parts of the forum

      If I am wrong, please correct me. I think with the command "regexp" I will not be able to limit the effect of the skin (also not quite understand its use)
    • I am getting this error when trying to save the new skin code in userstyles:

      And if i write any url in the "Example URL (Optional)" box:


      Any idea of how to save the code with the "@-moz-document regexp"?

      Maybe we can use the "external skin" function of Antigame Origin ¿?

    • I changed a part of the code (the part of the background changing):

      Source Code

      1. #overview, #resources, #station, #traderOverview,
      2. #research, #shipyard, #defense, #fleet1, #fleet2,
      3. #fleet3, #movement, #galaxy, #alliance, #premium,
      4. #shop, #resourceSettings, #preferences, #highscore
      5. { background: url("http://mastervap-old.info/img/ogld/wall_2_6.jpg") no-repeat #060211 !important;}
      6. .ui-dialog .ui-dialog-content.overlayDiv,
      7. #popupContent.overlayDiv,
      8. .bbcodepreview.showAtallianceBroadcast
      9. { background: url("http://mastervap-old.info/img/ogld/wall_2_6.jpg") no-repeat #060211 !important;}

      Now, the background only changes in ogame pages. The forum not have "id's" like "#overview, #resources, #station", etc...

      Should be no problem, and its not neccesary a problematic "regexp" ;)
    • WHOA! awesome skin man just awesome!!

      i had the problem with the resource pictures and missing message button
      but i restarted AGO settings and now it works
      only thing that bothers me..not much but im not sure if its supposed to be that way

      its not a deal breaker but id love if the messages would use all the space there
      if you get me lol :D

      hmmm i just checked..in outbox message size - lenght is normal
      not sure why lol

      edit..both deleted and not deleted circular msgs are resized like that PM above
    • The last changes are uploaded, please re-install

      A new "feature" is the ergonomic colocation of the NEXT / SEND buttons in fleet pages. The are in the same location in all pages, for a faster clicking in case of attack. I think this is very usefull, you can save the ships in about 2-3 seconds easyly!


      And a new screenshot set with the last changes!

      @Asto: I am waiting for the approbation of the skin to post in other communities, but if you want, you can post it there. I know one comrade published it in the .fr forum and i am receiving feedback from they ;)