Update 5.7.9

    • Ah, now I see I made a small mistake with my base speed calculation. I forgot to add the 20% base times 17 in impulse drive (and 30% times 15 in hyperdrive) in addition to base, and got a wrong result. Earlier I just divided by the drive level. :rolleyes:

      Now I'm getting results I expected.

      Base speed with impulse is 4000, and with hyperdrive it is 6000. :)
    • Updated and verified the example list above:

      Examples for a 1x universe:

      Always 1000 ships to the next solar system

      Combustion 17

      Recs - 95.826 Deuterium - 2:12:53h - 100%
      Recs - 77.625 Deuterium - 2:46:03 h - 80%
      Recs - 61.332 Deuterium - 3:41:21h - 60%
      Recs - 34.499 Deuterium - 11:03:44h - 20%
      Recs - 28.989 Deuterium - 22:07:17h - 10%

      Impulse 17

      Recs - 191.643 Deuterium - 1:13:41h - 100%
      Recs - 122.663 Deuterium - 2:02:41h - 60%
      Recs - 107.811 Deuterium - 2:27:11h - 50%
      Recs - 68.998 Deuterium - 6:07:43h - 20%
      Recs - 57.977 Deuterium - 12:15:17h - 10%

      SC - 6.389 Deuterium - 0:46:40h - 100%
      Crus - 95.815 Deuterium - 0:38:08h - 100%

      Hyper 15

      Recs - 287.494 Deuterium - 0:53:51h - 100%
      Recs - 184.004 Deuterium - 1:29:38h - 60%
      Recs - 140.866 Deuterium - 2:14:23h - 40%
      Recs - 121.463 Deuterium - 2:59:07h - 30%
      Recs - 103.497 Deuterium - 4:28:35h - 20%
      Recs - 86.965 Deuterium - 8:57:01h - 10%

      BS - 159.718 Deuterium - 0:41:45h - 100%
      BC - 79.859 Deuterium - 0:41:45h - 100%
      Dest - 319.386 Deuterium - 0:58:59h - 100%

      Hyper 16

      Recs - 287.457 Deuterium - 0:52:27h - 100%
      Recs - 183.986 Deuterium - 1:27:18h - 60%
      Recs - 140.866 Deuterium - 2:10:52h - 40%
      Recs - 121.461 Deuterium - 2:54:26h - 30%
      Recs - 103.497 Deuterium - 4:21:33h - 20%
      Recs - 86.965 Deuterium - 8:42:57h - 10%

      BS - 159.693 Deuterium - 0:40:40h - 100%
      BC - 79.847 Deuterium - 0:40:40h - 100%
      Dest - 319.435 Deuterium - 0:57:26h - 100%
    • This idea has been up and running for many years now, and I think it's a very good one. However the way that it should be implanted (prop 15 and imp 17) really affects a (very) small amount of players. How many players will actually benefit from this update ?
      I think that a diffence should be established between speed unis and normal unis. Prop 15 on a normal and old uni will benefit to what, let's say the top 10-20 fleet players. On a x4 speed uni prop 15 is very easily reachable.

      Anyway that's my point of view !
    • kwinse wrote:

      To those look for some way to actually look at the numbers, I put up a quick html/javascript calculator here: calc.antigame.de/fly.html

      Should be accurate to the game.

      Full disclosure, this was a rewrite/update to an old personal project to make an updated (if unstyled) version of o-calc's flight time calculator, so credit to marshen and o-calc.

      Examples for fleet saving:

      1 RIP, 100k recycler to the DF of the planet and 10%


      4.568 Deuterium

      Impulse 17

      8.870 Deuterium

      Hyper 15

      13.193 Deuterium
    • Just because I believe many are asking themselves, what was the thinking behind this update? From what I see, the biggest benefit will be for the normal speed unis, however it's also in those that reaching this level is least likely. I have an abnormal lab level, use technocrat, and it'll still take ~3 months to reach ID17 from ID14. I can't imagine this being easier for more normal people.