Missing universes distinctions

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    • Missing universes distinctions

      - OGame Startpage
      - Language: SK
      - The place where it appears: Open OGame Startpage and click on "Universe: (Distinctions)"
      - Which text is missing, which text should be deleted and why:

      (new servers, which were opened meanwhile)


      Vesmír Gemini

      4x rýchlosť, 7 galaxií, počiatočný bonus 8000 Temnej hmoty


      (Universes were closed during server migration)


      Vesmír 1

      ACS, nič špeciálneho


      Vesmír Capella

      dvojnásobná rýchlosť, ACS, 30% obrany do DF


      Vesmír Draco

      ACS, nič špeciálneho


      To be edited:

      Vesmír Electra a Fornax

      počiatočný bonus 8000 Temnej hmoty


      Vesmír Fornax

      počiatočný bonus 8000 Temnej hmoty