I would be glad to hear from you
- Info : Provides an alliance-chat
- Author :Mertyr (myself^^)
- Website : havent done one yet
- Browser :Firefox & Chrome
- Languages : German (until now)
Provides an Alliancechat, for which you need to register an Account over the same interface, which you use to login. The mainwindow can be toggled via a small 'link' on the right side of the Logout-link.
To register you need to enter your password and click register. After that you need to enter your password again and hit the registerbutton again as well. After that (if your passwords matched) you get prompted for you alliancetag. When you are registred the window will refresh and provides after the login two 'accordions', in the first one you can set the refresh-intervall of the chat in seconds and in the second one is the actual Chat window.
The messages written by one are only visible to his alliancemembers in the current universe of your current alliance (NOT the alliance in which you posted the message orignally). The timestamp on which the message got send can be viewed when you hold your mouse over the Name of the sender.
The Window it self is draggable via the HeaderDiv ("Status: BETA") and remembers the state in which it was on the last page(mainWindow open/closed & allianceChat open/closed).
All Messages that are older than 24 hours get deleted every 4 hours.
The Chat should be able to run on all Servers, in all countrys and for each alliance. If anyone is unable to use it, please contact me!
Update: You no longer have to provide your AllyTag, i go through the ogame-api on the serverside to get the alliance-tag
I would be glad to hear from you

The post was edited 5 times, last by Mertyr ().