
    • Usability

    • So I never had any officers until recently (years of free play tyvm gf lol). After I got the ability to moon scan my time spent playing went way up. Any universe is ONLY AS ACTIVE AS ITS FLEETERS otherwise just turn this game into Farmville.

      Here's my idea, make moon scanning a regular feature.

      Change officers roles.

      Commander with her advanced knowledge and skills leads your fleets more deftly than ever! +2 fleet slots, expeditions run on their own fleet slots because of her expertise in coordinating, freeing up normal slots for standard activities.

      Admiral is a master of space battle and fleets under his command get a bonus +1 to all ship related technologies.

      Certainly would be great to hear what everyone thinks but I tell you, if everyone could easily scan moons there would be MANY more ambitious players, and if officer roles were changed and still enticing they'd still be bought.
    • I'm absolutely agree with you. scan moons out of the gala view is one of the most needed functions for Fleeter, so it should be free for everyone.
      Actual there are enough payment functions to get some special (like RSS) for the non payer.
    • I think if moon scans were free you'd have so many more people fleeting and playing harder, old players return, newer players getting in on the action hunting for fleets rather than collecting res/fs/see ya tomorrow.

      I can speak from experience on this.. I was afraid to poke the bear and scan most people (especially fleeters) when I didn't have moon scan. You'd essentially be flying blind. So you get in this mind frame of "why bother building fleet if I can't hunt" miner mode engaged or worst case scenario turtle mode engaged. Turtles don't spend on dm period, what's the point in that?

      Create tons of fleeters that will spend on other officers and relos by making free moon scan
    • Hey there!

      I may have misunderstood, but it looks like you think you can't spy a moon without Commander...

      You can, you just have to do it manually (through Fleet page)... so you don't have to "fly blind", you just have some more work in order to spy the moons...

      Anyway, I agree with the suggestion... Spying moons directly from galaxy view should be available to every player (actually much more than the RSS Feed, so, if GF did it with the RSS Feed, I see no problem in doing it also for spying moons).

      Former BA @ OGame PT
      Former BA @ OGame BR
    • Yea I know you can scan moons manually but it's horrendously slow and I think 9/10 players say screw moon scans it takes too long manually, find inactives planets and raid instead :p

      Good point about the rss feed, perhaps they should reverse it. Give moon scan and make rss a pay feature?
    • DISASTER wrote:

      Yea I know you can scan moons manually but it's horrendously slow and I think 9/10 players say screw moon scans it takes too long manually, find inactives planets and raid instead :p

      Good point about the rss feed, perhaps they should reverse it. Give moon scan and make rss a pay feature?

      Yeah I agree, it's too slow and takes a lot of work for something that shouldn't take that much... But if you want to hunt fleets, and don't want to pay for the commander... eventually it'll be better to scan them, even taking a lot of time... the chances of actually finding something increases greatly...

      About reversing moon scan and RSS feed... personally, I think it would be the best option by far... but I don't think GF would undo the change about the RSS feed, unfortunately...

      But who knows :P I completely support it, and I believe a lot of other players would support it too...
      Former BA @ OGame PT
      Former BA @ OGame BR
    • As a miner fleeter i usually send moon probes manually since i dont have commander and then select the cords on the fleet screen to scan the planet and this would be the greatest thing since sliced bread for some of us non payers to one clik scan a moon and go to the next. as they say time is money. or resourses in our case LOL . i like it. 10/10
    • My whole thing with this idea is that you'd create a huge surge in play if fleeting was easier/free and then if you tweak the officers a little bit they would be bought still.

      I think commander would still be bought if tweaked into something like my OP mentioned and admiral should be about battles not fleet slots imo

      This idea could keep ogame going strong longer with increasing the number of active players :beer: I just want to see this game increase players and not dwindle