GameForge: A New Smith At The Anvil

    • GameForge: A New Smith At The Anvil

      Dear OGame player,

      For your support, the today's press release -…e-aenderung-der-spitze-2/

      Karlsruhe, 18th March 2014 – Alexander Rösner, founder and Chief Executive Officer of Gameforge AG, today announced to employees in an internal email that he will be handing over the operational business to Carsten van Husen in the coming weeks. It is planned that both will be responsible for the leadership of the group of companies in future.

      Carsten van Husen (41) has been active within the company for more than eight years. As CEO of subsidiary company Gameforge 4D, founded in 2005, he established the extremely successful business area for the publishing of client-based MMO games. A Master in Business Administration, prior to his work at Gameforge he was already active in the then still young online games industry for 6 years as a CEO and within management.

      “In 2005 I was convinced that we would be able to excite our browser game players for client games. Thanks to Carsten’s experience and commitment, this worked fantastically and I am very pleased that he is taking on the responsibility for the entire company, effective immediately. With this, continuity is guaranteed, and I can take more time to focus on our new products”, commented Alexander Rösner.

      “I would like to thank Alex for the trust that he has placed in me and for handing over the baton at the best-possible moment in time”, continued Carsten van Husen. “For 2014 we are forging some hot new steel on our anvil, with tablet MOBA-RPG ‘Sigils: Battle for Raios’, trading card game and Kickstarter blockbuster ‘HEX: Shards of Fate’ as well as a yet to be announced game which we are working on in collaboration with the American AAA studio Robot Entertainment.”

      Best regards, your OGame.Origin team