Pinned AntiGameOrigin stops with a red button

    • ""That is not correct at all.
      This extension looks up all galaxy systems in background to highlight the debris fields""

      and my game must automatically update to show said debris field also

      The All-seeing eye

      • Info : it scans every 24 hours and indicates inactives i I and users places of planets-moons and every 7 days it shows relocations of users

      this is taken straight from the tolerated page, it automatically scans every 24 hours,

      OGame find player details

      • Info : search player on ogame search mask, and find details parsed out of ogame-api (playerData.xml)

      if one were to look up a player it automatically finds ALL of his/her planets

      this excerpt is from the forbidden versus allowed thread
      • automatic behaviour (e.g. fleetsave on attack, automatic attack, ...)

      by your own admission these examples must be struck

      as for how my extension finds large amounts of resources by highlighting them in green, well... all i can say is that it shows me the difference in a horrible debris field and a worthwhile debris field nothing else is done, it doesn't send my ships out to get the debris and it wont send my ships back early should a person get to it before me, as such i can only think that this is more of semantics than anything
    • Next to those info from TheViking and Marflabr:

      Please see the T&C - Each tool / extension / etc which changes to OGame page is forbidden in general - Except they are tolerated by the GameForge. Everyone can request this toleration if the rules for tools are respected.

      Automatic features ( in detail here: walking through the galaxy ) are strictly forbidden.