Pinned AntiGameOrigin stops with a red button

    • AntiGameOrigin stops with a red button

      Dear user,

      Within the last update i've extended the feature ( not everyone might call it so :P ) to detect strictly forbidden tools - If one is detected, AGO stops with a red button. Please check the list of tolerated tools in your community board or use the main list here in the Origin board Tolerated Addons, Tools, Scripts & Skins

      Why i am doing that ?

      Those funny tool developer says that's impossible to detect the usage of their tools - i show you how simple it is and AGO stops with a red button as warning. Fair play is an important part of any game, so i use my project to support this aim.

    • Ciao Francolino,

      in merito ad AGO ultima versione, la sto usando in parallelo su Chrome e su firefox. Insieme ad AGO c'è anche (e solo) InfoCompte e Galaxytoolbar.
      Su firefox non ci sono problemi. Su Chrome si blocca (come tu dici per add on non permessi?!) solo quando si verifica la seguente:

      -> visione galassia
      -> invio sonde
      -> riepilogo
      -> AGO rosso

      La stessa sequenza su firefox (dove, anche lì, c'è solo AGO, Infocompte e Galaxytoolbar), non genera problemi.
      Dacci un occhio, cortesemente, perchè su chrome c'è qualcosa che non va.

      A disposizione per ulteriore analisi,

      Davide (wer)
    • wer wrote:

      Ciao Francolino,

      in merito ad AGO ultima versione, la sto usando in parallelo su Chrome e su firefox. Insieme ad AGO c'è anche (e solo) InfoCompte e Galaxytoolbar.
      Su firefox non ci sono problemi. Su Chrome si blocca (come tu dici per add on non permessi?!) solo quando si verifica la seguente:

      -> visione galassia
      -> invio sonde
      -> riepilogo
      -> AGO rosso

      La stessa sequenza su firefox (dove, anche lì, c'è solo AGO, Infocompte e Galaxytoolbar), non genera problemi.
      Dacci un occhio, cortesemente, perchè su chrome c'è qualcosa che non va.

      A disposizione per ulteriore analisi,

      Davide (wer)

      In italian :…/index16.html#post7392266
    • I haven't seen any discussion about this? Before going and ruining time-savers please discuss it first.

      I bet there are still other out-side ogame tools which can be used without you knowing it, therefor meaning that you wouldn't be stopping anything, and wasting time...

      You've stopped a tool which helps me remember who are the enemies, which helps me sending out fleets as it remembers your last direction of your last fleet, better counting on solars and so on.... Small things that actually IMPROVE ogame, as ogame itself can't add it themselves.

      What's the point if it's not really called 'cheating', as some suggested this - newbies which have never heard of these tools and straight away think that their disadvantage means cheating. A bit outrageous? It's like a 12year old screaming at you because you 'move too fast' in an old pitty game.
    • A discussion about what and much more important - why ?

      As already said - i think caring about "Fair play" is the best for a game. And automatic working tools are for sure against this aim. It's your decsion if you prefer those "time savers", but it's my decicion if i support those tools or not.
      And really - i care only about strictly forbidden, somehow automatic working tools, i don't and won't care about all those hundreds of "not allowed" tools without any unfair advantage.
    • About this - talking to other admins and checking up what they think.

      In what way do you propose that AntiGame is an ''automatic working'' tool? All I see is that it improves ogame. If you think this is an 'unfair advantage', then stopping AntiGame won't really save this issue ether. These time-savers, which are good for FS or transporting res to the same position, is taken off because you want for US TO WORK extra time into clicking through every useless bit and wait until the ''new'' graphics on ogame lags through on older pc's? Plus you want for us to use the old style pen-&-paper method of writing down enemies and their positions? I think we've gone past this ERA. I really don't see a need for this addon being blocked, all it does is save you a bit of time and remembers your enemies. It DOESN'T automatically send your fleet out when it comes in or automatically build stuff, like you say it's an 'automatic working tool''. It is a basic tool which helps for us to move on from all those old ways of knowing 50websites and having a pencil + paper next to you, ready for action. I see this action as selfish. As soon as newbies don't know squat about such thing as ''addons'', they brag and cry that those who do... are cheaters. I mean I know guys who are even 40 and 50+ who know that these addons exists, for those to who technology might not be their brightest side. Yet, we side with the newbies decision. :cookie:
    • Hello,

      Looks like that there is an important missunderstanding.

      First, i am the developer of AntiGameOrigin - and we talk here about an extended feature which detects strictly forbidden tool - NOT AntiGameOrigin. Please send me a list with your extensions / userscripts and i will tell you where the problem is.

      And if you want to help your own - Please check Tolerated Addons, Tools, Scripts & Skins , logout and login again - Then AGO starts again.

      And about "newbie" - you haven't read the news, neither the list of tolerated tools until now or the changelog. Might be useful to do it now.
    • Hmm, maybe misread it out of anger. With this update the whole antigameorigin doesn't work, so I came down here and quickly read ''forbidden tool' and automatically thought it was blocked. Does it mean we have to import scripts into it now or what? Now it just says ''scripts'' and 'AGO'. ?(
    • I offered you already my help - you can give me a list with your extensions and i tell you which one you have to remove. Or you join the IRC chat and the problem is solved in 30 seconds

      In short (as written several times): The AGO feature to detect strictly forbidden scripts is extended with the last update - and i care only about tools which does something automatic - In my opinion everyone should agree that those tools aren't "fair".

      And yes, i know that it's not easy to recognize if a tool does something automatic or not. For your help - logout , disable those extension which are a possible reason and login again - Now AGO works as long as there is not one of those tools working.
    • unless AGO and or Infocompte are not allowed I am at a loss as i run no other scripts that i am aware of. Also since last update not only does AGO keep going red. My quantum account seems to think it is in Andromeda as moons jump gate timers set to 60 minutes after a jump. But actually reset at 12 minutes. And now for some unknown reason Ogame is lagging so bad, on both servers i can`t stand to even play it.
      I am no computer genius and i understand that. But you seem to think we are all illiterate morons or something. It cannot possibly be anything in YOUR programing. Is an IMPOSSIBILITY.

      I have tried IRC several times to contact you and have left page open till it pings out.

      As i have told you in IRC i have been playing for 8 yrs or so and really love your antigame addon, have used it for years. How many times in 8 yrs have you made an update, only to have to REDO as it did not work ? OR had bugs in it ? Is it even remotely POSSIBLE that this is one of those times ?

      OK as an amendment, i seem to owe you an appologie. I found i had OGame Basic Fleet Dispatcher Extension running. Have no clue how i even got that. Is that what was screwing things up ?
    • Lucian47 wrote:

      sultani wrote:

      Yes, I have the identical problem. AGO now stops upon logging into Ogame via Chrome. Red button appears. Prior I was using without problems for the past 2 months. Any ideas how to resolve :?:
      Same here, I also use Chrome. Had been working just fine until now. :(
      I am not using ANY add-ons at all. I wonder if it kicks me off because of what is running in other tabs? (Ogame is running in only one tab.)
    • i was quite sad to log on to ogame and to find that AGO had disabled it self, after looking through my extensions I found the problem was a galaxy extension that i use, however the only features of this extension are as follows * support all ogame servers/languages.
      * highlights attractive debris (more than 25k resources).
      * 'spy moon' action - allow to spy moons as fast and easy as planets.
      * 'recycle' action - send the appropriate amount of recyclers to the debris field automatically,
      assuming you have them stationed on the planet.
      * show player ranking in brackets next to player name.

      the only automatic thing about it is that one need not select how many recyclers to send, i must still FIND the debris and click on them, not only that but it merely allows me to see the more profitable inactives and the more dangerous players
    • TheViking wrote:

      That is not correct at all.
      This extension looks up all galaxy systems in background to highlight the debris fields.

      This is an automatic action and forbidden.

      I don't believe that that's the reason why the extension is forbidden... AntiGame does the exactly same thing (highlight debris)...

      I believe the problem is spying moons and sending recyclers, both directly from Galaxy View, which is a Commander feature...
      Former BA @ OGame PT
      Former BA @ OGame BR