I don't know if its linked to that, but after the update to 5.7.15, and even updated in 5.7.17, I receive continuously "an error occured" when I try to spy a moon. I've to try 5 or 6 times by moon to finally be able to launch my probes on moons in Galaxy.
Problems launching espionage probes from the moon
This error message occours if the last AJAX request is not finished - It sends back a new token for the next request.
Just checked the requests in all browsers - there is nothing wrong.
Seems to be linked with UniverseView, that tries to load the list of coordinates in galaxy tooltip. But query still running.
And if I understood, trouble created by changes in Antigame. I will try to ask system to execute UV before AGO.
You don't have a channel to work together with other scripts developers to avoid this kind of things ? -
Simply update UV - [Update] UniverseView - 2.2.2
Changed in AGO, added a setting to change this , it's by default off to avoid such problems with tools which changes the playertooltip as well.
Please update to 5.7.18
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