Improvement of messages at the arrival of a fleet

    • Implemented
    • Usability

    • Improvement of messages at the arrival of a fleet

      For the different missions a fleet can go on, there should be different messages on arrival at destination.
      To improve the current system users came up with the following suggestions:
      Arrival on a planet (or moon) + coördinates and the action (according to mission)

      For transportation you will recieve a message that a fleet has arrived at planet/moon on [1:2:3] and delivers 2.000 metal, 1.000 crystal and 0 deuterium.
      For stationing a fleet the message will be ajusted to: A fleet has arrived and stationed at planet/moon on [1:2:3], the fleet carried the following cargo: 2.000 metal, 1.000 crystal and 500 deuterium.

      Both are ofc. examples.

      This would be a great improvement in keeping track of fleet movement with the messages a player gets.