First of all, sorry for my bad english. I'm not very good in this language. A full presentation in french is available. (Link after the spoiler, at the end of this post).
Last Update
v4.1 (06/11/2015)
Changelog :
Update for compatibility with Ogame v6.
Previous backups are compatibles. They will be updated automatically.
The first post containing the presentation of the script was accidentally deleted when restoring the topic. So I rewrite it at the beginning of this post. Below is the message that was used to rewrite the presentation.
Message of September 30, 2013, 17:17 :
Hello everybody,
I am preparing the next version of ECA-MEF, which will allow in particular to work with all the universes of all countries (not just those of France), and also allow the translation of the script in other languages.
Finally, I also plan a change for managing the display of more than 6 or 7 planets, which is regularly a problem on the forums because of the width needed.
I therefore launch two appeals:
- The first to find volunteers to test the script
- Second, to find translators to exploit the multi-language. The most important in a first time is the french to english translation.
Thanking in advance the good souls who will agree to help me...
- Info: ECA-MEF is a web page which allows you to store all your ogame account informations and generate BBCode to present your empire on a forum. A userscript, used in combination with the extension InfoCompte, allows you to automatically fill in the information on the website, not having to input manually.
- Author: Larelagan (E-Concept Applications)
- Website:
- French Support:…me-d-empire/#post11204887 - For other langage: this topic.
- Download: Directly on the website.
- Screenshot: Examples are available in the full french presentation (Link after the spoiler, at the end of this post).
- Browser: Firefox, Google Chrome*, Opera*. Maybe other browsers, but not tested. * : Need Tampermonkey
- Languages: French and English. If you want to contribute for other languages, the topic is here.
General informations
- Where is the script?
At this address:
- Which differences between this script and other scripts existing, like InfoCompte?
First, the style of presentation. It looks like a very similar presentation to commander account, except that here, it's for forums (similar to OGS Converter presentation).
In addition, this script don't use any picture. Some find it too clean, but there is a big advantage to this: The load time. Images recorded on free hosts are sometimes very long to load. In addition, for those who are playing from a smartphone or a PC connected with a 3G key, the images make longer to load web pages. With MEF-ECA, the formatting is completely made out of text, with the ability to customize the display colors. The loading is much faster.
Finally, the script also allows you to generate a report of changes, which summarizes what has changed between the last backup and your current situation.
- Principle of operation
Entering information can be done in two ways:
- Either automatically: In this case, you must have installed the InfoCompte extension and the script of ECA-MEF, available on the page of the script (tested in Firefox, Chrome and Opera with GreaseMonkey/Tampermonkey).
- Either manual input: The input boxes are arranged in the same order as the Ogame Redesign interface to simplify the entry. Then the web page allows you to backup / restore your entry either in the browser or as a text chain to copy / paste.
Once the entry / update done, just click on the button to generate BBCode and you have just to copy / paste BBCode to show your empire on a forum.
You can also specify the colors of the "standard" texts (labels, borders, etc ...), of the separator characters (between the values of differents planets), of the actual values, and for the report of changes, the colors of the increasing or decreasing values.
- Example of results obtained with a fictional account
See the full french presentation (link above)
- Where is the script?
- Full French presentation:…me-d-empire/#post11204887
- Full presentation translated with Google Translate:…mise-en-forme-d-empire%2F
Last Update
v4.1 (06/11/2015)
Changelog :
Update for compatibility with Ogame v6.
Previous backups are compatibles. They will be updated automatically.
The first post containing the presentation of the script was accidentally deleted when restoring the topic. So I rewrite it at the beginning of this post. Below is the message that was used to rewrite the presentation.
Message of September 30, 2013, 17:17 :
Hello everybody,
I am preparing the next version of ECA-MEF, which will allow in particular to work with all the universes of all countries (not just those of France), and also allow the translation of the script in other languages.
Finally, I also plan a change for managing the display of more than 6 or 7 planets, which is regularly a problem on the forums because of the width needed.
I therefore launch two appeals:
- The first to find volunteers to test the script

- Second, to find translators to exploit the multi-language. The most important in a first time is the french to english translation.

Thanking in advance the good souls who will agree to help me...

The post was edited 2 times, last by Larelagan: The first post containing the presentation of the script was accidentally deleted when restoring the topic. So I rewrite it at the beginning of this post. ().