Calculate Moon destruction feature:
Release: 2.2.0
Location: Galaxy page
Description: This feature lets you calculate the chance of a moon being destroyed via moon destruction with a number of deathstars. You can click the link when hovering a moon on the galaxy page. The popup contains the calculator. When clicking the Destory moon button it'll redirect you to the fleetpage.
Hint: when using AntiGame Origin the number of deathstars will be selected on the fleetpage.
Feedback is very welcome!

Release: 2.2.0
Location: Galaxy page
Description: This feature lets you calculate the chance of a moon being destroyed via moon destruction with a number of deathstars. You can click the link when hovering a moon on the galaxy page. The popup contains the calculator. When clicking the Destory moon button it'll redirect you to the fleetpage.
Hint: when using AntiGame Origin the number of deathstars will be selected on the fleetpage.
Feedback is very welcome!

The post was edited 1 time, last by Warsaalk ().