Galaxy/Panel - highscore-box opens by selecting a player

    • Galaxy/Panel - highscore-box opens by selecting a player

      "All4Secure" wrote:


      Does it's possible to wiew player's fleet classement in the galaxie View ?

      "Francolino" wrote:

      Yes, in one of the after next updates i add this (when all around the database is perfect it's easy to add such features)
    • Hi
      As fleet classment I would say that there are ment civil ships and combat ships.
      This 2 categories are displayed in the eventlist with the option to toggle more or less details of the events.
      This feature allows you to also let the eventlist appear at the galaxyview: AGO-->Events-->Events-->Galaxy-->Show...
      be sure to set this OGame option aswell: OGame-->Options-->Display-->General-->Always show events:-->Show...

      But I suppose that the suggestion is for displaying the fleet rank (highscores) from any player shown in the galaxy.
      So it would be great, if the selection of any player in the galaxy would not just open the planet-box below the OGame menu, but in addition open a corresponding highscore-box below this. The highscores could also be advanced like this script does right in the highscores view: ogame highscore improved

      It would be great if any shown player (Messages and marked mit the BBCode "player" etc) would open the planet-box and highscore-box on click ;)

      p.s. the title of this thread has been renamed therefore


      The post was edited 1 time, last by fl00ri ().