Concept - Valent

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  • Very nice suggestions, sure they fit to this idea

    Reading again all that was said in this thread I still think is a good idea to gather players of similar points in a single universe.
    what can be acheived by this :
    good things
    - make each uni behave like a fresh uni
    - goal for long playing - each one can be top 1 in a given universe.
    - each universe will be much more active : players with close techs and fleets will compete one against other like they do in a fresh universe , changing ranks can be very fast instead of close to imposibility to overcome the advanced ones.
    - technically, each player has the chance to be no 1 ( ready to ascend to the next universe )- this adds a new goal to be reached.
    - extended noob protection : all players with less experience or starting a fresh account will be in the company of those with similar strength : no more complains that a ranked 100 crushed a ranked 2000 . More, if a player is developing fast he will be promoted to the next universe before becoming the "bad wolf " in his home universe. He will have to start again climbing the ranks to the top but keeping the mines , fleet and researches he already aquired.
    - the points range specific to a given universe should be large enough to ensure a decent number of players but not too large as to make the local top 1 be far away from the reach of top n .
    - increased alliance cohesion : allies and friends will help each other to keep a similar score so that they can play toghether in the given universe and ascend in close moments to the next. Some new strategies for alliance play can be developed to ensure the promotion to the net universe in group.
    - reduced cheating through net of friends playing in the same universe
    - the sorrow of getting hit and loosing a lot of points and resulting in douwngrading to an inferior universe is aleviated by the fact that there the downgraded player will have a privilegiated position as one of the most advanced players there- he has the chance to rebuild much easyer.

    Bad things :
    - each player developed a playing strategy addapted to the universe he plays and his life style. This will certainly make it not working anymore. In the universe I currently play, I have a few, old, well known adversaries able to crush my fleet. I know them, they know me , is highly unlikely they'll succeed in the next future. If this proposal is to be implemented, this situation will no longer exist: i'll find myself in an unknown universe, with unknown adversaries and maybe, with a few friends (if lucky).
    - my beloved alliance will be shattered, the tops and the tails removed , spreaded in other universes - that is too bad , i'll be forced to make new friends and I'll aquire new enemies - well- this can be fun too
    I'll have to play more active than i do it now , being close to the top and not having feared enemies , this change will bring my planets and fleet under the unknown fire, the race to the next level will be hard but i'll know that i have a chance - if an enemy becomes too strong for me and my friends, the system will set me free by advancing him to the next level :P

    strangely, i'm not able to find too many weak points .
  • An easy way to achieve this: extend the noob protection to players of any points.

    I don't remember very well, but I think it was like not being able to attack or receive attacks from players with a difference of 5x the points you have

    may be GF can make a special universe with this feature to check out how it works

    you mantain your alliance, can commerce with anyone, but you can only attack people of your level
  • Valent wrote:

    We must find a way to make it different and atractive and addictive to a wider range of players. To do this we need first to find out why so many players are leaving ogame.
    Hy all. Ok first things first. I think, the players are leaving because the "new redesign". It's to loaded. It's cool having a new design, new features, but because the game was so simple, yet .. hard, that was so played. When a new player makes an account, he starts to play, and discovers the game. But, by the time he reaches 100k points, he is attacked by another one with 1kk. He losses all his fleet, and then leaves the account to go inactive. It's sad, but i really do try to belive that if GameForge makes an option, to click it and to make the game like it was, with the old design, more and more players will come back, and more will make new accounts. The merge of the universes is not good. Think it this way: I'm the leader, with 10kk points. You put me in a new univ, with 10 other players with the same amount of points. That means that we are all good players. How will I crash them .. or them me ... if we all are top players, wich doesn't makes mistakes. I still think that putting an option with the old design, will make things better. Good luck with the "merge" .. if that happens, i think more and more players will leave ogame.
    ~This is simply what i think and belive, I hope i don't bother anyone.
  • cody wrote:

    Hy all. Ok first things first. I think, the players are leaving because the "new redesign". It's to loaded. It's cool having a new design, new features, but because the game was so simple, yet .. hard, that was so played. When a new player makes an account, he starts to play, and discovers the game. But, by the time he reaches 100k points, he is attacked by another one with 1kk. He losses all his fleet, and then leaves the account to go inactive. It's sad, but i really do try to belive that if GameForge makes an option, to click it and to make the game like it was, with the old design, more and more players will come back, and more will make new accounts. The merge of the universes is not good. Think it this way: I'm the leader, with 10kk points. You put me in a new univ, with 10 other players with the same amount of points. That means that we are all good players. How will I crash them .. or them me ... if we all are top players, wich doesn't makes mistakes. I still think that putting an option with the old design, will make things better. Good luck with the "merge" .. if that happens, i think more and more players will leave ogame.

    This assumes there was no issues prior to this. Blaming it on the redesign is not an accurate point of reference. Whenever change occurs, there will always be an element or amount of people who do not like it and therefore look for something else. This happens everywhere, and in all games. There's also some who did play who return to it. I know of 35 people now who I originally began playing with almost seven years ago who are now back playing because of the redesign, simply to try it out. Now, they may leave again because of the same issues that caused them to leave in the past - that's their perogative - but they wouldn't be playing again at all if there was no redesign in place.

    We need to look at the core cause of people leaving, and the reality is that they fit into one of two categories:

    1) Loss of the bulk of their account points. This can happen to either a fleeter or a turtle/castle. Getting crashed or being nuked - both these things are extremely demoralising and people then question their time commitment when something can be taken away from them so easily. This is the core issue I believe at the heart of smaller player numbers. More than anything else, people do not want to have everything they've worked for be taken away from them because of either a lapse in concentration or other priorities which meant they couldn't be online. There needs to be a way for these people to still maintain an interest in the game. The "challenge of rebuilding" is not sufficient incentive.
    2) Boredom. Whilst an important issue, I don't think it's the one we're trying to address, and in any event, it then becomes a game design issue.

    That first issue is what must be focused upon - merging universes will not prevent it happening.