Stock Market

    • Stock Market


      Nowadays there are some different ways in order to play Ogame: fleeters, miners and traders.

      Now I suggest another one : Stock Market <--- The financial way.

      This suggestion adds another utility to the alliances.

      Stock Market

      All players will be able to use this new section.

      In this new section we will see all universe alliances and their "ratings".

      This ratings will be obtained automatically by the system in periods of 4 weeks.
      This ratings will be obtained because of some alliance parameters (their variances in a period of 4 weeks). For example their variances of points, of lost wars, or if all players want to buy , or sell their "share" etc....



      1º I "pay" for example 30M of deuterium for one or more alliance that have this week his rating = 3.

      2º Now in 3 weeks the rating wont be refresh. I wont use my deuterium in this 3 weeks.

      3º When have past 3 weeks, in the next week ( 4º week) the system will refresh the ratings. If the new rating of the alliance now is 2.5 and I take off my deuterium I will lose 0.5 of all my deuterium . Or if the rating is 3.2 and I take off my deuterium I will win 0.2 of all my deuterium. And if I don't take off I wont lose or win nothing. Now I can "pay" more for this alliance or others alliances.


      1º In the 3 weeks that investors cant take off his money ALL players of the alliance in which the investor invest his money can use this money for all that they want to do with ..(mines, vessels, etc)

      2º When comes the 4º week all the money that a player of the alliance take off have to been returned to the deposit. Exactly the same source (metal deuterium..) and exactly the same quantity.

      3º So , in fact we don't win or lose money. We only advance the money in the time. But ... , for example, if we take off 60M of metal in order to build LV35 of metal mine we will have a difference between the level before of 3.449 per hour which in a month is a difference of 2.3M of metal. So this is what we will win.

      Extended version [SPANISH] Now in development : [Game] Mercado Bursátil

      Of suggestions implemented by GF like:
      Deconstruction Time Needed
      This post have already been reported

      The post was edited 5 times, last by Raszagal88 ().

    • I want to translate all the Spanish version but its too hard for me. My English as you can see is very bad.

      Now, writing about my suggestion:

      A little summary:

      In the Spanish version I say that in the 2 weeks that you cant take off your sources, all the alliance players can use this sources for some things ......xDD

      Of suggestions implemented by GF like:
      Deconstruction Time Needed
      This post have already been reported
    • iguypouf wrote:

      Exactly like the Scrap feature and nobody makes anything against that...
      No, it doesn't involve several players (just 1).

      In this suggest you can break the pushing rule with another players, as long as you don't send transport missions or illegal battles, just system gives you a way to transfer resources from "Account B" to "Account A".

      However, in the extended version (in spanish) Raszagal88 tried to avoid this issue. It would be interesting to translate the full idea. Maybe i can help Raszagal88 on that.
    • Danimanza wrote:

      No, it doesn't involve several players (just 1).

      In this suggest you can break the pushing rule with another players, as long as you don't send transport missions or illegal battles, just system gives you a way to transfer resources from "Account B" to "Account A".

      The Scrap feature allows to create mountains of res on an account (for example with a big defense), and the merchant allows to transfer everything from this account to another.