Double speed on cargos

  • The speed of the game is fast enough. You don't see much phalanx action these days (maybe only in germany or only on my server) and faster transports would deny some offensive opportunities for players which would be bad. Btw I can't imagine that you may attack other players with double speed which would be very very unfair.
  • Now I'm very - VERY confused,,,,
    You said earlier, that you liked the idea of higher speed on cargos......? Right??
    i'm definetly PRO this feature!
    Yeah, higher speed MIGHT make an attack on cagos hard(er) to catch....

    Then... What do you mean by this???

    Btw I can't imagine that you may attack other players with double speed which would be very very unfair.

    you can't attack with cargos in doubble speed - nor 110%..... It's only for transport....


  • Well, to add a couple of extra ??, is just the way I write, I know it doesn't help. It's just like some people uses more that one smiley.

    I just said that I don't see this idea working for other missions than transport to your own planets.
    Yes, I saw you wrote that, but why would you not include transport to other players?

  • I've got an account with only about 63k points in one of the Spanish old unis, and I absolutely assure you that not a single time during the last 4 months I needed some kind of "faster transports" feature to move res. Not even "slower ones", as the amount of goods at this stage is really scarce. Generally, I've got nothing against the idea, but not with that 110-120-130-140%, etc. percentage thing... introduce a Marketplace instead, may be? :D
  • restlesz wrote:

    interesting idea :D
    But do you then mean that it will increase the speed with 100% of base speed for all types of action? cobat, transport, deploy.... ?
    That will change al lot for example in a combat situation, too, then.. and fs... If you have researched the "new speed", then you kinda don't have a choise to "go fast or not". Or have I miss understood, what you mean?

    For all ships on a mission to transport.
    An additional option on the third page of the fleet: afterburner ;)
  • restlesz: Technically, it could decrease the trade transaction time by more than 500%, if the resources are placed "on hold" into the Marketplace until someone decides to buy them, yet, there's a very strong reason of why we aren't going to see such a feature in-game: it's absolutely unprofitable for Gameforge due to interference with the current merchant invocation system.