Event weekly / monthly

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    • Event weekly / monthly

      It is known that since ancient times have always said that ogame is missing something.

      • new technology
      • New ship
      • New defense

      In the end nothing. The monotony is killing the game day by day

      Why do not we add "some excitement"?

      You could create some kind of event a weekday / X day of each month / week.

      Programmers decide

      What kind of event? Well I have in mind an attack on planet [Random] to different players [Random]

      What kind of attack? A large scale [with all types of fleet, from edlm to light].

      Why random? If you attack a top XXX edlm and several fleet has enough time to ask for help.

      Could be performed between 5 and 20 attacks [not simultaneous].

      Award? Event? Participants will gain earning resources >>>
      [debris] / Points of honor / [optional premium some kind of object].

      Positive event:

      • It is an event that would far more than 10 years of ogame.
      • Easy to carry [no need to create any ship or defense]
      • Dle game break the monotony.
      • Increased activity
      • It is an event that can be weekly / monthly [daily may be too overwhelming]


      • Users with fleet will be more likely to benefit.

      I do not know if it exists or because the idea was discarded.

      I had an illumination. You could try to test the universes in origin.

      Best Regards

      [Idea the Demon25 // Translated by Orquidea N.]