UniverseView Localization - out of date

  • UniverseView Localization - out of date

    This thread is out of date.
    Please view this new thread: Localization & Translations.

    Translations for UniverseView Ingame menu, inscript text and wiki

    $lang['version'] = 'Version';
    $lang['wiki'] = 'UniverseView Wiki';
    $lang['fb'] = 'Facebook page';
    $lang['home'] = 'Homepage';
    $lang['origin'] = 'Origin board';
    $lang['org'] = '.org board';
    $lang['us'] = '.us board';
    $lang['translation'] = 'Translations';
    $lang['offlinewiki'] = 'Offline wiki';
    $lang['general'] = 'General';
    $lang['option'] = 'Which option do you wan\'t to use to fetch planet coordinates?';
    $lang['personal'] = 'Personal server';
    $lang['setserver'] = 'Use server';
    $lang['setaccess'] = 'Use passcode';
    $lang['updategal'] = 'Update galaxy';
    $lang['updateserver'] = 'Update the database on your server.';
    $lang['api'] = 'Ogame Api\'s';
    $lang['idb'] = 'Browser database (This option only works in Chrome +12 and Firefox +4)';
    $lang['updatebrowser'] = 'Update the database in your browser.';
    $lang['features'] = 'Features';
    $lang['planetF'] = 'Show a player his planets in the galaxy.';
    $lang['militairyF'] = 'Show a player his militairy points and ships in the galaxy.';
    $lang['researchF'] = 'Show a player his research in the galaxy. (This option only works in Chrome +12 and Firefox +4)';
    $lang['updateF'] = 'Do you want to update solarsystem information when viewing them in the galaxy? (Only possible with Browser database or personal server option)';
    $lang['quicksearchF'] = 'Enable quicksearch feature.';
    $lang['spreadingF'] = 'Enable the player spreading feature.';
    $lang['previewF'] = 'Use the preview version of this script (removed in update 2.1.3).';
    $lang['extra'] = 'Extra';
    $lang['remove'] = 'Remove';
    $lang['removePlayeridb']= 'Remove the players database from your browser, it is used to save players their research! (Removing it could help when it has stopped working)';
    $lang['removePlanetidb']= 'Remove the planets database from your browser, it is used to save players their planets! (Removing it could help when it has stopped working)';
    $lang['clear'] = 'Recover default';
    $lang['removeLocalS'] = 'Reset all UniverseView values to the default values!';
    $lang['refreshF'] = 'Show the refresh time of the galaxy content.';
    $lang['favouriteF'] = 'Store the coordinates of your favourite targets via the galaxy page.';
    $lang['moondestructF'] = 'Moon destruction calculator on the galaxy page.';

    $lang['version'] = 'Versie';
    $lang['wiki'] = 'UniverseView Wiki';
    $lang['fb'] = 'Facebook pagina';
    $lang['home'] = 'Home pagina';
    $lang['origin'] = 'Origin forum';
    $lang['org'] = '.org forum';
    $lang['us'] = '.us forum';
    $lang['translation'] = 'Vertalingen';
    $lang['offlinewiki'] = 'Offline wiki';
    $lang['general'] = 'Algemeen';
    $lang['option'] = 'Welke optie wilt u gebruiken om planeet coordinaten op te halen?';
    $lang['personal'] = 'Persoonlijk server';
    $lang['setserver'] = 'Server gebruiken';
    $lang['setaccess'] = 'Toegangscode gebruiken';
    $lang['updategal'] = 'Melkweg bijwerken';
    $lang['updateserver'] = 'Werk de databank op je server bij.';
    $lang['api'] = 'Ogame Api\'s';
    $lang['idb'] = 'Browser databank (Deze optie is alleen mogelijk in Chrome +12 en Firefox +4)';
    $lang['updatebrowser'] = 'Werk de databank in je browser bij.';
    $lang['features'] = 'Functies';
    $lang['planetF'] = 'Laat een speler zijn planeten zien in de melkweg.';
    $lang['militairyF'] = 'Laat een speler zijn militaire punten en schepen zien in de melkweg.';
    $lang['researchF'] = 'Laat een speler zijn onderzoek zien in de melkweg. (Deze optie is alleen mogelijk in Chrome +12 en Firefox +4)';
    $lang['updateF'] = 'Wil je zonnestelsel informatie bijwerken als je door de melkweg gaat? (Alleen mogelijk met de browser databank of persoonlijke server optie)';
    $lang['quicksearchF'] = 'Gebruik de snelzoek functie.';
    $lang['spreadingF'] = 'Gebruik de speler spreidings functie.';
    $lang['previewF'] = 'Gebruik de preview versie van dit script (verwijderd in update 2.1.3).';
    $lang['extra'] = 'Extra';
    $lang['remove'] = 'Verwijder';
    $lang['removePlayeridb']= 'Verwijder de speler databank in je browser, deze wordt gebruikt om spelers hun onderzoeken op te slagen! (Dit kan helpen als deze niet meer werkt)';
    $lang['removePlanetidb']= 'Verwijder de planeten databank in je browser, deze wordt gebruikt om speler hun planeten op te slagen! (Dit kan helpen als deze niet meer werkt)';
    $lang['clear'] = 'Herstel standaard';
    $lang['removeLocalS'] = 'Herstel alle UniverseView waarden terug naar standaard de waarden!';
    $lang['refreshF'] = 'Laat de refresh tijd zien van de melkweg inhoud.';
    $lang['favouriteF'] = 'Sla je favoriete doelwitten op via de melkweg.';
    $lang['moondestructF'] = 'Bereken maan vernietiging op de melkweg pagina.';

    inscript text
    ENG : {

    'loadplanets' : 'Loading!',
    'qsinfo' : 'Search a player or alliance.',
    'qscondition' : 'Enter atleast 2 letters!',
    'searchplayer' : 'Search a player',
    'searchally' : 'Search a alliance',
    'spreadingtitle' : 'Player spreading',
    'noplayers' : 'No players added!',
    'spreadingconfig' : 'Profile configuration',
    'currentprofile' : 'Current:',
    'deleteprofile' : 'Delete',
    'newprofile' : 'New',
    'profilecondition' : 'Please enter at least 2 letters!',
    'noplayerselected' : 'No player selected!',
    'profilenotexist' : 'That profile doesn\'t exists!',
    'profileexists' : 'That profile already exists!',
    'currentprofilegal' : 'Current profile: ',
    'uvnotification' : 'UniverseView Notification!',
    'updateidb' : 'You need to update the galaxy database',
    'openuvmenu' : 'Open Uv menu',
    'uvupdated' : 'UniverseView has been updated!',
    'version' : 'Version',
    'updateinfo' : 'Update information',
    'noidba' : 'Your browser does not support IndexedDB!',
    'noidbb' : '(UniverseView browser database option)',
    'noidbc' : 'If you want use this option you need to download:',
    'noidbd' : 'Chrome version +12 or Firefox version +4',
    'idbnotexist' : 'IDB doesn\'t exist in this browser',
    'updatedatabase' : 'Update galaxy',
    'updatefailed' : 'Failed, try again!',
    'updatingdatabase' : 'Updating galaxy ...',
    'militairy' : 'Militairy',
    'ships' : 'Ships',
    'planets' : 'Planets',
    'combat' : 'Combat',
    'drives' : 'Drives',
    'espionage' : 'Espionage',
    'spreadingyourself' : 'Add yourself',
    'hp' : 'HP',
    'addtofavs' : 'Add to favourites',
    'md' : 'Moon destruction',
    'rips' : 'Deathstars: ',
    'moonpop' : 'Chance moon destruction: ',
    'riploss' : 'Chance deathstar loss: ',
    'calcmd' : 'Calculate Moon destruction',
    'moonsize' : 'Moon size',
    'coords' : 'Coordinates',
    'popmoon' : 'Destory moon',
    'spreadinguniverse' : 'Show universe',
    'rowcolor' : 'Galaxy color',


    NL : {

    'loadplanets' : 'Laden!',
    'qsinfo' : 'Zoek een speler of alliantie.',
    'qscondition' : 'Geef minstens 2 letters in!',
    'searchplayer' : 'Zoek een speler',
    'searchally' : 'Zoek een alliantie',
    'spreadingtitle' : 'Speler spreiding',
    'noplayers' : 'Geen spelers toegevoegd!',
    'spreadingconfig' : 'Profiel configuratie',
    'currentprofile' : 'Huidig:',
    'deleteprofile' : 'Verwijder',
    'newprofile' : 'Nieuw',
    'profilecondition' : 'Geef minstens 2 letters in, aub!',
    'noplayerselected' : 'Geen speler geselecteerd!',
    'profilenotexist' : 'Dat profiel bestaat niet!',
    'profileexists' : 'Dat profiel bestaat al!',
    'currentprofilegal' : 'Huidig profiel: ',
    'uvnotification' : 'UniverseView Notificatie!',
    'updateidb' : 'Je moet de melkweg databank bijwerken',
    'openuvmenu' : 'Open het Uv menu',
    'uvupdated' : 'UniverseView is bijgewerkt!',
    'version' : 'Versie',
    'updateinfo' : 'Update informatie',
    'noidba' : 'Je browser ondersteund IndexedDB niet!',
    'noidbb' : '(UniverseView browser databank optie)',
    'noidbc' : 'Als je deze optie wil gebruiken moet je het volgende downloaden:',
    'noidbd' : 'Chrome versie +12 of Firefox versie +4',
    'idbnotexist' : 'IDB bestaat niet in deze browser',
    'updatedatabase' : 'Melkweg bijwerken',
    'updatefailed' : 'Mislukt, probeer opnieuw!',
    'updatingdatabase' : 'Melkweg bijwerken ...',
    'militairy' : 'Militair',
    'ships' : 'Schepen',
    'planets' : 'Planeten',
    'combat' : 'Gevecht',
    'drives' : 'Motoren',
    'espionage' : 'Spionage',
    'spreadingyourself' : 'Voeg jezelf toe',
    'hp' : 'HP',
    'addtofavs' : 'Toevoegen aan favorieten',
    'md' : 'Maan Vernietiging',
    'rips' : 'Ster des Doods: ',
    'moonpop' : 'Kans maan vernietiging: ',
    'riploss' : 'Kans Sterren kapot: ',
    'calcmd' : 'Bereken maan vernietiging',
    'moonsize' : 'Grootte maan',
    'coords' : 'Coördinaten',
    'popmoon' : 'Vernietig maan',
    'spreadinguniverse' : 'Toon universum',
    'rowcolor' : 'Melkweg kleur',


    Wiki (please don't change tags <>)
    $lang['title'] = 'Welcome to UniverseView version 2';
    $lang['main_1'] = 'UniverseView is a useful addon, the most important function of this script is to show a player his planets in the galaxy and to make navigating between them easy.';
    $lang['main_2'] = 'In <a href="#uv_info">this section</a> you will find more information on which option is the best to use, it is <u>very</u> important that you choose the right option.';
    $lang['main_3'] = 'New UniverseView updates can be followed on
    <a target="_blank" href="http://board.origin.ogame.de/board6-origin/board38-tools-scripts-skins/board39-tolerated-tools-addons-scripts/4342-universeview-script/">the Origin board</a>,
    <a target="_blank" href="http://board.ogame.org/board684-ogame-org/board82-tools-scripts-and-sims/746182-universeview/">the .org board</a> or
    <a target="_blank" href="http://board.ogame.us/board178-ogame-us/board29-help-questions/board49-tools-scripts-and-sims/53471-universeview/">the .us board</a>.';
    $lang['main_4'] = 'There you will have the possibility to report bugs, problems and suggestions.';
    $lang['main_5'] = 'Beside that there are also different useful features available, below you will find a list of those features, further on these features will be discussed with examples:';
    $lang['main_6'] = 'General information about the script';
    $lang['main_7'] = 'Show players their planets in the galaxy';
    $lang['main_8'] = 'Show players their militairy points in the galaxy';
    $lang['main_9'] = 'Show players their research in the galaxy';
    $lang['main_10'] = 'Update solarsystem information';
    $lang['main_11'] = 'Quicksearch features for players and alliances';
    $lang['main_12'] = 'View players their planet spreading';
    $lang['main_13'] = 'Use the preview version of this script';
    $lang['gene_1'] = 'General information';
    $lang['gene_2'] = 'In this section you will find the explanation about the UniverseView button and the menu. It is very important to know which option you are going to use!';
    $lang['gene_3'] = 'On the image on the right side you will see the UniverseView menubutton (surrounded by a yellow square). Via this button you can open the menu to change your option and features.';
    $lang['gene_4'] = 'You can also click on the UniverseView icon (red square). This button will open this information screen.';
    $lang['gene_5'] = 'Find the option that suits your requirements to fetch a player his planets.';
    $lang['gene_6'] = 'Ogame api option';
    $lang['gene_7'] = 'This is the standard option, it will use the ogame api\'s directly to find a player his planets.';
    $lang['gene_8'] = 'What are the advantages ?';
    $lang['gene_9'] = 'What are the disadvantages ?';
    $lang['gene_10'] = 'These api\'s are always available and don\'t depend on which browser you are using.';
    $lang['gene_11'] = 'When playing in very large universes and you have a relatively slow computer/browser this option can be fairly slow.';
    $lang['gene_12'] = 'Below you will find the image that uses the api option.';
    $lang['gene_13'] = 'Browser database option';
    $lang['gene_14'] = 'This option is my favourite one. It uses a database in your browser, currently this option only works in Google Chrome +12 and Mozilla Firefox +4.';
    $lang['gene_15'] = 'This option is fairly fast. The fun thing about it is that when your using the update solarsystem feature it will keep your database up to date. So when you go through the galaxy the solarsystems will be updated automatically.';
    $lang['gene_16'] = 'This functionality within your browser is quite new and it doesn\'t happen much but in some scenarios it does break down.
    If this happens to you, don\'t worry !! First you can try via <a href="#uv_extra">Extra</a> to remove the database. If it still doesn\'t work, than search on Google how to manually remove <b>indexedDB</b> from Chrome or Firefox.';
    $lang['gene_17'] = 'Below you will find the image that uses the browser database option, via the update button you will be able to update your database every week. UniverseView will notify you when it is time to update.';
    $lang['gene_18'] = 'Personal server option';
    $lang['gene_19'] = 'This option isn\'t available yet, it will be when i release the Galaxy sql database and website.';
    $lang['gene_20'] = 'You can share the server with a group of players, like your alliance. This database will also stay up to date when using the solarsystem feature.';
    $lang['gene_21'] = 'This function always sends requests to your server, the speed of this option depends on the speed of your server and internet connection.';
    $lang['gene_22'] = 'Below you will find the image that uses the personal server option, via the update button you will be able to update your database every week. UniverseView will notify you when it is time to update.
    Via the inputfield you can insert your server url, don\'t forget to push the set server button to use the server. Also don\'t forget the last / in the url.';
    $lang['gene_23'] = 'In the yellow square you are able to see the current UniverseView version.';
    $lang['gene_24'] = 'UniverseView features menu';
    $lang['gene_25'] = 'On the image you will see the features menu. Via this menu you can enable and disable certain features. Further on you will find the functionality of these features.';
    $lang['gene_26'] = 'The example in the yellow square is when a feature is enabled. The bar will be green, have a 1 and be located to the right.';
    $lang['gene_27'] = 'The example in the red square is when a feature is disabled. The bar will be red, have a 0 and be located to the left.';
    $lang['gene_28'] = 'Extra options';
    $lang['gene_29'] = 'This extra section has 2 options. With the first option you can remove the browser players database (yellow square)
    - this will only work when the research feature is enabled -
    and the second one will remove the browser planets database (red square)
    - this will only work when the planet feature is enabled.';
    $lang['plan_1'] = 'Planets feature';
    $lang['plan_2'] = 'This feature shows a player his planets in the tooltip when hovering him in the galaxy.';
    $lang['plan_3'] = 'The way these planets get fetched depends on which option you selected.
    The square on the image on the right shows you how the planets will be displayed.';
    $lang['mili_1'] = 'Militairy points and ships feature';
    $lang['mili_2'] = 'This feature fetches the militairy points via a api and show it in the player tooltip.';
    $lang['mili_3'] = 'The api gets fetched every time. If your browser gets slow this feature could be the cause.
    Restarting your tab or browser can temporary solve this problem. Disabling this feature can also solve it.
    This only applies to slow computers.';
    $lang['rese_1'] = 'Research feature';
    $lang['rese_2'] = 'This feature shows a player his research in the players tooltip.';
    $lang['rese_3'] = 'To make this information available you have to spy your target so you can see his research in the espionage message.
    The shown research contains the following information:';
    $lang['rese_4'] = 'Number of found planets / number of possible planets';
    $lang['rese_5'] = 'Weapons technology / Shielding technology / Armour technology';
    $lang['rese_6'] = 'Combustion drive / Impulse drive / Hyperspace drive';
    $lang['rese_7'] = 'Espionage technology';
    $lang['lolo_1'] = 'On the image on the right you will see a combination of the above 3 features.';
    $lang['syst_1'] = 'Updating Solarsystem';
    $lang['syst_2'] = 'This feature only works when you are using the browser database or personal server option.';
    $lang['syst_3'] = 'What does this feature do ?';
    $lang['syst_4'] = 'When you go through the galaxy every solarsystem you enter will be updated in the database.';
    $lang['syst_5'] = 'Why is this useful?';
    $lang['syst_6'] = 'Every week you can load the api in your database but this api only gets updated once a week by gameforge.
    When something changes in a solarsystem, a planet moves or new planet appears, this feature will take care of that when you spot it in the galaxy and save it in the database.';
    $lang['quic_1'] = 'Quicksearch feature';
    $lang['quic_2'] = 'The quicksearch feature allows you to search a player or alliance on every page, except the Empire page.
    The yellow arrow points to the button that needs to be highlighted when you want to search for a player.
    The same for the red arrow but than for searching an alliance.';
    $lang['quic_3'] = 'The green arrow points to the inputfield within which you can type a part or the full name of a player or alliance to search it.
    The blue arrow indicates the tooltip which will appear when the inputfield is active.
    The result of your search will also appear in this tooltip.
    In FireFox the tooltip disappears when clicking the inputfield, just move your mouse a little bit and it will appear again.';
    $lang['quic_4'] = 'Left on the image you will see a example search query for Univ, 2 players are found (indicated by the red arrow).
    When you click on a player his planets will be shown in a second tooltip on the left (yellow arrow).';
    $lang['quic_5'] = 'When you click on a planet you will be directed to that planet in the galaxy.';
    $lang['quic_6'] = 'Right on the image is a search query for the alliance UniV, the results will again appear in the tooltip (blue arrow).';
    $lang['quic_7'] = 'When you click on an alliance you will get a tooltip on the left with the members of that alliance (red arrow).';
    $lang['quic_8'] = 'Again when you click a player a tooltip will be shown on the left, when you click on a planet it will direct you to the galaxy (yellow arrow).';
    $lang['spre_1'] = 'Player spreading feature';
    $lang['spre_2'] = 'Right on the image you will see the button which will open the spreading popup (indicated by the yellow arrow).';
    $lang['spre_3'] = 'On the image below you can see the spreading popup (please scroll to the right to view it completely).
    The way to add a player is explained <a href="#uv_s_add_p">here</a>.';
    $lang['spre_4'] = 'First of all you need to know that you can make different profiles. Every profile can contain different players.
    The configuration of these profiles can be viewed on the top right of the image (blue arrow).';
    $lang['spre_5'] = 'The list of players can be found in the top left corner. You can click a player to select him (yellow arrow).
    The selected player his planets will be shown in the middle (red arrow), when you click a planet you will be directed to that planet in the galaxy.';
    $lang['spre_6'] = 'The spreading of these planets will be shown in the 9 rows below (green arrow).
    The 9 rows represent the 9 galaxies from 1 up to 9 inclusive.
    The solarsystems go from the left tot the right, from 1 up to 499 inclusive.
    A player his planet is indicated by his color, which you can choose in the player list.';
    $lang['spre_7'] = 'Of course we need to add players to a profile else this feature is useless.';
    $lang['spre_8'] = 'You can add a player to a profile via his tooltip in the galaxy by clicking the + sign (red arrow).';
    $lang['spre_9'] = 'If you want to add a player to a different profile you can change the current profile via the dropdown in the galaxy navigation (yellow arrow).';
    $lang['prev_1'] = 'Galaxy refresh clock feature';
    $lang['prev_2'] = 'When you refresh a system or go to another one, the time of the newly loaded system will appear in the header.';

    $lang['title'] = 'Welkom bij UniverseView versie 2';
    $lang['main_1'] = 'UniverseView is een handig addon, de belangrijkste functie van dit script is om een speler zijn planeten in de melkweg te laten zien en makkelijke navigatie tussen deze mogelijk te maken.';
    $lang['main_2'] = 'In <a href="#uv_info">deze sectie</a> vind je meer informatie over welke optie je het beste kan gebruiken, het is <u>zeer</u> belangrijk dat je de juist optie kiest.';
    $lang['main_3'] = 'Nieuwe updates over UniverseView kan je altijd volgen op
    <a target="_blank" href="http://board.origin.ogame.de/board6-origin/board38-tools-scripts-skins/board39-tolerated-tools-addons-scripts/4342-universeview-script/">het Origin forum</a> van ogame,
    <a target="_blank" href="http://board.ogame.org/board684-ogame-org/board82-tools-scripts-and-sims/746182-universeview/">het .org forum</a> of
    <a target="_blank" href="http://board.ogame.us/board178-ogame-us/board29-help-questions/board49-tools-scripts-and-sims/53471-universeview/">het .us forum</a>.';
    $lang['main_4'] = 'Hier kan je ook bugs, problemen en suggesties rapporteren';
    $lang['main_5'] = 'Hiernaast zijn ook verschillende handige functies beschikbaar, hieronder vind je de lijst van alle functies, verder op deze pagina worden deze besproken aan de hand van voobeelden:';
    $lang['main_6'] = 'Algemene informatie over het script';
    $lang['main_7'] = 'Spelers hun planeten bekijken in de melkweg';
    $lang['main_8'] = 'Spelers hun militaire punten laten zien in de melkweg';
    $lang['main_9'] = 'Spelers hun research laten zien in de melkweg';
    $lang['main_10'] = 'Zonnestelsel informatie bijwerken';
    $lang['main_11'] = 'Snelzoek functie voor spelers en allianties';
    $lang['main_12'] = 'Spelers hun planeet spreiding bekijken';
    $lang['main_13'] = 'Preview versie van het script gebruiken';
    $lang['gene_1'] = 'Algemene informatie';
    $lang['gene_2'] = 'In deze sectie vind je uitleg bij de UniverseView knop en het menu. Zeer belangrijk is dat je weet welke optie je gaat gebruiken!';
    $lang['gene_3'] = 'Op de afbeelding rechts zie je de UniverseView menu knop (omcirkeld in het geel). Via deze knop kan je het menu openen om je optie en functies aan te passen.';
    $lang['gene_4'] = 'Ook kan je op het UniverseView icoontje klikken (omcirkeld in het rood). Deze knop zal dit informatie menu terug openen.';
    $lang['gene_5'] = 'Het kiezen van een optie die het beste bij jouw past om planeten van speler op te vragen.';
    $lang['gene_6'] = 'Ogame api optie';
    $lang['gene_7'] = 'De standaard optie is de api optie, deze zal rechtstreeks de ogame api\'s aanspreken om de planeten van speler op te halen.';
    $lang['gene_8'] = 'Wat zijn de voordelen ?';
    $lang['gene_9'] = 'Wat zijn de nadelen ?';
    $lang['gene_10'] = 'Deze api\'s zijn normaal altijd beschikbaar en hangen niet af van de browser die je gebruikt.';
    $lang['gene_11'] = 'Als je in zeer grote universums speelt en je hebt een relatief trage computer/browser dan kan deze optie redelijk traag zijn.';
    $lang['gene_12'] = 'Hieronder vind je de afbeelding die de api optie gebruikt.';
    $lang['gene_13'] = 'Browser databank optie';
    $lang['gene_14'] = 'Deze optie is zelf mijn favoriete optie. Deze gebruikt een databank in je browser, deze werkt momenteel wel alleen nog maar met Google Chrome +12 en Mozilla FireFox +4.';
    $lang['gene_15'] = 'Deze optie is relatief snel. Het leuke hier is dat je via de zonnestelsel bijwerk functie de melkweg up to date kunt houden. Dus als je door de melkweg gaat worden de stelsels automatisch bijgewerkt.';
    $lang['gene_16'] = 'Deze functionaliteit binnen je browser is nog redelijk nieuw en het gebeurt niet veel maar in sommige scenario\'s durft deze het wel eens begeven.
    Gebeurt dit bij jouw, geen paniek !! Eerst kan je proberen via <a href="#uv_extra">Extra</a> de databank te verwijderen. Werkt dit nog altijd niet, dan kan je op Google eens zoeken naar hoe <b>indexedDB</b> manueel verwijderen in Chrome of Firefox.';
    $lang['gene_17'] = 'Hieronder vind je de afbeelding die de browser databank optie gebruikt, via de update knop kan je elke week je databank bijwerken. UniverseView zal je een notificatie geven van wanneer dit moet gebeuren.';
    $lang['gene_18'] = 'Persoonlijke server optie';
    $lang['gene_19'] = 'Deze optie is nog niet bruikbaar, deze zal beschikbaar worden als ik de Melkweg sql databank en website vrijgeef voor gebruik.';
    $lang['gene_20'] = 'Je kunt een server gebruiken met een groep mensen, bv. je alliantie. Deze wordt net zoals de browser databank up to date gehouden als je de zonnestelsel bijwerk functie hebt aanstaan.';
    $lang['gene_21'] = 'Deze functie maakt elke keer verbinding met je server, de snelheid van deze optie hangt volledig af van je eigen server snelheid en je internet connectie.';
    $lang['gene_22'] = 'Hieronder vind je de afbeelding die de persoonlijke server optie gebruikt, via de update knop kan je elke week je databank bijwerken. UniverseView zal je een notificatie geven van wanneer dit moet gebeuren.
    Via het invulveld kan de je url van je server ingeven, vergeet niet op gebruik server te drukken om hem in gebruik te nemen. Ook vergeet de laatste / niet in je url.';
    $lang['gene_23'] = 'Op de plaats van de gele kader kan je kijken wat de huidige UniverseView versie is.';
    $lang['gene_24'] = 'UniverseView functies menu';
    $lang['gene_25'] = 'Op de afbeelding zie je het functies menu. Via dit menu kan je bepaalde functies aan of uit zetten. Verder op deze pagina vind je de functionaliteiten van deze functies.';
    $lang['gene_26'] = 'In de gele kader vind je de voorstelling van wanneer een functie aan staat. Het balkje is dan groen met een 1 in en is naar rechts geschoven.';
    $lang['gene_27'] = 'In de rode kader vind je de voorstelling van wanneer een functie uit staat. Het balkje is dan rood met een 0 in en is naar links geschoven.';
    $lang['gene_28'] = 'Extra opties';
    $lang['gene_29'] = 'De extra sectie heeft 2 opties. Met de eerste optie kan je de browser spelers databank verwijderen (gele kader)
    - deze werkt alleen als je de onderzoeks functie hebt aanstaan -
    en met de 2de kan je de browser planeten databank verwijderen (rode kader)
    - deze werkt alleen als je de planeten functie hebt aanstaan.';
    $lang['plan_1'] = 'Planeten functie';
    $lang['plan_2'] = 'Deze functie laat toe een speler zijn planeten te zien in de tooltip wanneer je hem hovert in de melkweg.';
    $lang['plan_3'] = 'De manier hoe de planeten worden opgehaald hangt af van de geselecteerde optie.
    In de gele kader op de afbeelding rechts zie je hoe de planeten worden getoond.';
    $lang['mili_1'] = 'Militaire punten en schepen functie';
    $lang['mili_2'] = 'De functie haalt de militaire topscore van je universum op via een api en toont deze in de speler tooltip.';
    $lang['mili_3'] = 'Deze api wordt elke keer opgehaald. Indien je browser traag wordt kan deze functie daar de oorzaak van zijn.
    Je tabblad of browser heropstarten verhelpt dit probleem tijdelijk. De functie afzetten helpt ook.
    Dit geldt alleen voor tragere computers.';
    $lang['rese_1'] = 'Onderzoeks functie';
    $lang['rese_2'] = 'De functie laat je onderzoeks informatie van een speler zien in de spelers tooltip.';
    $lang['rese_3'] = 'Om deze informatie beschikbaar te maken voor die speler moet je hem spioneren zodat je zijn onderzoeks niveau\'s in het spionage bericht kan zien.
    De getoonde onderzoeken stellen dit voor:';
    $lang['rese_4'] = 'Het aantal gevonden planeten / het aantal mogelijke planeten';
    $lang['rese_5'] = 'Wapentechniek / Schildtechniek / Pansertechniek';
    $lang['rese_6'] = 'Verbrandingsmotor / Impulsmotor / Hyperruimtemotor';
    $lang['rese_7'] = 'Spionagetechniek';
    $lang['lolo_1'] = 'Op de afbeelding rechts zie je een combinatie van de 3 bovenstaande functies.';
    $lang['syst_1'] = 'Zonnestelsel bijwerken';
    $lang['syst_2'] = 'Deze functie werkt alleen als je de optie browser databank of persoonlijke server heb gekozen.';
    $lang['syst_3'] = 'Wat doet deze functie ?';
    $lang['syst_4'] = 'Als je door de melkweg klikt wordt elk zonnestelsel dat je tegenkomt bijgewerkt in de databank.';
    $lang['syst_5'] = 'Waarom is dit handig ?';
    $lang['syst_6'] = 'De api die je elke week in de databank kan laden wordt maar 1 keer per week bijgewerkt door gameforge.
    Als er een verandering is gebeurt in een zonnestelsel dan zal deze functie ervoor zorgen dat die wordt opgeslagen in de databank als je deze verandering tegenkomt in de melkweg.';
    $lang['quic_1'] = 'Snelzoek functie';
    $lang['quic_2'] = 'De snelzoek functie laat je toe om op elke pagina, uitgezonderd de koninkrijk pagina, een speler of alliantie op te zoeken.
    De gele pijl op de afbeelding rechts geeft de knop aan waarop je moet klikken als je een speler wilt zoeken.
    De rode pijl geeft de knop aan waarop je moet klikken als je een alliantie wilt zoeken.';
    $lang['quic_3'] = 'De groene pijl wijst naar het invulveld waarin je een deel of de hele gewenste naam van een speler of alliantie kan ingeven om te zoeken.
    De blauwe pijl wijst naar de tooltip die zal verschijnen wanneer het invulveld actief is.
    Hierin zal ook het resultaat van de zoekopdracht komen.
    In FireFox verdwijnt deze tooltip als je op het inputveld klikt, even je muis bewegen en de tooltip is terug zichtbaar';
    $lang['quic_4'] = 'Links op de afbeelding zie je een voorbeeld van de zoekopdracht Univ, hiervoor zijn 2 spelers gevonden (hier wijst de rode pijl naar).
    Wanneer je op een speler klikt zullen zijn planeten in een 2de tooltip verschijnen (gele pijl).';
    $lang['quic_5'] = 'Als je op een planeet klikt zal je naar die planeet in de melkweg geleid worden.';
    $lang['quic_6'] = 'Rechts op de afbeelding wordt er gezocht naar de alliantie UniV, deze resultaten verschijnen wederom in de tooltip (blauwe pijl).';
    $lang['quic_7'] = 'Als je op een alliantie klikt krijg je links een andere tooltip met de spelers die in de alliantie zitten (rode pijl).';
    $lang['quic_8'] = 'Wanneer je op een speler klikt krijg je net zoals bij het zoeken naar een speler een tooltip met zijn planeten die je naar de melkweg leiden (gele pijl).';
    $lang['spre_1'] = 'Speler spreiding functie';
    $lang['spre_2'] = 'Rechts op de afbeelding zie je de spreidings knop waarmee je het spreiding venster kunt openen. (aangeduid door de gele pijl).';
    $lang['spre_3'] = 'Op de afbeelding hieronder zie je het speler spreiding venster (scroll even naar rechts om het helemaal te bekijken).
    De manier waarop je spelers kan toevoegen kan je <a href="#uv_s_add_p">hier</a> bekijken.';
    $lang['spre_4'] = 'Eerst en vooral moet je weten dat je verschillende profielen kan aanmaken. Elk profiel kan verschillende spelers bevatten.
    De configuratie hiervan kan je helemaal rechts vanboven doen (blauwe pijl).';
    $lang['spre_5'] = 'De lijst van spelers vind je links bovenaan. Je kan op een speler klikken om hem te selecteren (gele pijl).
    De geselecteerde speler zijn planeten worden in het midden getoond (rode pijl), als je op een planeet klikt word je naar de melkweg geleid.';
    $lang['spre_6'] = 'De spreiding van de planeten worden op de 9 rijen onderaan weergeven (groene pijl).
    Deze 9 rijen stellen de 9 melkwegen voor van 1 tot en met 9.
    De zonnestelsels gaan van links naar rechts, van 1 tot en met 499.
    Een planeet van een speler wordt aangegeven door zijn kleur die je kan kiezen in de spelers lijst.';
    $lang['spre_7'] = 'Natuurlijk moeten we ook spelers kunnen toevoegen aan een profiel anders heeft deze functie niet veel zin.';
    $lang['spre_8'] = 'Je kan een speler toevoegen aan een profiel via zijn tooltip in de melkweg op de + knop the drukken (rode pijl).';
    $lang['spre_9'] = 'Als je een speler wilt toevoegen aan een ander profiel kan je het huidige profiel veranderen via de dropdown in de melkweg navigatie (gele pijl).';
    $lang['prev_1'] = 'Melkweg herlaad klok feature';
    $lang['prev_2'] = 'Wanneer je een zonnestelsel herlaad of naar een ander stelsel gaat dan komt de herlaad tijd in de melkweg header.';

    If you spot mistakes in my english and dutch translation please let me know ( I have dyslexia :crazy:, always ready to improve my skills )

    Supported languages:

    Compatible with latest version (2.2.0):
    • EN : Updated 08-08-2013 (tested)
    • NL : Updated 08-08-2013 (tested)
    • FR : Updated 21-05-2013 (thanks Guillaume)
    • DE : Updated 06-06-2013 (thanks TheViking & fl00ri)
    • ES : Updated 30-08-2013 (thanks Kramagon)
    • CZ : Updated 30-08-2013 (thanks Quinn)

    • EN : Updated 08-08-2013 (tested)
    • NL : Updated 08-08-2013 (tested)
    • FR : Updated 08-08-2013 (thanks Guillaume)
    • DE : Updated 08-08-2013 (thanks TheViking & fl00ri)
    • ES : Updated 30-08-2013 (thanks Kramagon)
    • CZ : Updated 30-08-2013 (thanks Quinn)

    • EN : Updated 20-05-2013 (tested)
    • NL : Updated 20-05-2013 (tested)
    • FR : Updated 31-07-2013 (thanks Guillaume)

    Need to be updated:

    • none

    • none

    The post was edited 31 times, last by Warsaalk ().

  • ES
    $lang['version'] = 'Versión';
    $lang['serverdata'] = 'Datos del servidor';
    $lang['universe'] = 'Universo';
    $lang['language'] = 'Idioma';
    $lang['speed'] = 'Velocidad';
    $lang['option'] = 'Escoge lo que quieres utilizar para obtener los planetas de un jugador en galaxia';
    $lang['pers'] = 'servidor personal';
    $lang['api'] = 'ogame api';
    $lang['idb'] = 'base de datos del navegador (Esta opción esta sólo disponible para Chrome +12 y FireFox +4)';
    $lang['setserver'] = 'Establecer servidor';
    $lang['updatesystem'] = 'Quieres actualizar tu sistema de datos al navegar la galaxia o no';
    $lang['yes'] = 'Si';
    $lang['no'] = 'No';
  • FR

    $lang['version'] = 'Version';
    $lang['serverdata'] = 'Données du serveur';
    $lang['universe'] = 'Univers';
    $lang['language'] = 'Langue';
    $lang['speed'] = 'Vitesse';
    $lang['option'] = 'Que souhaitez-vous utiliser pour obtenir les coordonnées des planètes d'un joueur?';
    $lang['pers'] = 'Serveur personnel';
    $lang['api'] = 'Ogame api';
    = 'Base de donnée du navigateur (Cette option est seulement supportée
    par les navigateurs Chrome +12 and Firefox +4)';
    $lang['setserver'] = 'Enregistrer le serveur';
    $lang['updatesystem'] = 'Souhaitez-vous mettre à jour les données lorsque vous naviguez dans la page galaxie?';
    $lang['yes'] = 'Oui';
    $lang['no'] = 'Non';
  • PL

    $lang['version'] = 'Wersja';
    $lang['serverdata'] = 'Dane serwera';
    $lang['universe'] = 'Uniwersum';
    $lang['language'] = 'Język';
    $lang['speed'] = 'Szybkość';
    $lang['option'] = 'Wybierz, z której opcji chcesz skorzystać, żeby widzieć koordynaty planet gracza w zakładce Galaktyka';
    $lang['pers'] = 'Osobisty serwer';
    $lang['api'] = 'OGame Api';
    $lang['idb'] = 'Baza danych przeglądarki (Ta opcja jest kompatybilna z Chrome +12 i Firefox +4)';
    $lang['setserver'] = 'Ustaw serwer';
    $lang['updatesystem'] = 'Czy chciałbyś aktualizować dane podczas przeglądania galaktyki?';
    $lang['yes'] = 'Tak';
    $lang['no'] = 'Nie';
    $lang['preview'] = 'Jeśli chcesz użyć najnowszej wersji beta (może być niestabilna), kliknij Preview. Żeby cofnąć tą zmianę, kliknij Release.'
  • CZ Menu

    PHP Source Code

    1. $lang['version'] = 'Verze';
    2. $lang['wiki'] = 'UniverseView Wiki';
    3. $lang['fb'] = 'Facebook stránka';
    4. $lang['home'] = 'Domovská stránka';
    5. $lang['origin'] = 'Origin fórum';
    6. $lang['org'] = '.org fórum';
    7. $lang['us'] = '.us fórum';
    8. $lang['translation'] = 'Překlady';
    9. $lang['offlinewiki'] = 'Offline Wiki';
    10. $lang['general'] = 'Obecné';
    11. $lang['option'] = 'Kterou možnost načítání souřadnic planety chceš použít?';
    12. $lang['personal'] = 'Osobní server';
    13. $lang['setserver'] = 'Nastavit server';
    14. $lang['updategal'] = 'Aktualizovat galaxii';
    15. $lang['updateserver'] = 'Aktualizovat databázi na vlastním severu.';
    16. $lang['api'] = 'OGame API';
    17. $lang['idb'] = 'Databáze prohlížeče (Tuto možnost podporuje pouze Chrom +12 a Firefox +4.)';
    18. $lang['updatebrowser'] = 'Aktualizovat databázi prohlížeče.';
    19. $lang['features'] = 'Funkce';
    20. $lang['planetF'] = 'Ukázat vlastní planety v galaxii.';
    21. $lang['militairyF'] = 'Ukázat vlastní vojenské body a lodě v galaxii.';
    22. $lang['researchF'] = 'Ukázat vlastní výzkumy v galaxii. (Tuto možnost podporuje pouze Chrom +12 a Firefox +4.)';
    23. $lang['updateF'] = 'Chceš aktualizovat informace solárního systému, když si je prohlížíš v galaxii? (Dostupné pouze k možnostem „Osobní server“ nebo „Databáze prohlížeče“.)';
    24. $lang['quicksearchF'] = 'Povolit funkci rychlého hledání.';
    25. $lang['spreadingF'] = 'Povolit zobrazení rozšiřování planety.';
    26. $lang['previewF'] = 'Použít poslední „Preview“ verzi tohoto skriptu („Preview“ verze: 1.4.0).';
    27. $lang['extra'] = 'Extra';
    28. $lang['remove'] = 'Odstranit';
    29. $lang['removePlayeridb'] = 'Odstranit databázi hráčů z tvého prohlížeče může zachránit výzkumy! (Odstranění může pomoci, pokud program přestal pracovat.)';
    30. $lang['removePlanetidb'] = 'Odstranit databázi planet z tvého prohlížeče může pomoci zachránit planety! (Odstranění může pomoci, pokud program přestal pracovat.)';
    31. $lang['clear'] = 'Obnovit';
    32. $lang['removeLocalS'] = 'Resetovat všechna nastavení UniverseView na původní nastavení!';
    Display All

    CZ inscript text

    PHP Source Code

    1. CZ : {
    2. 'loadplanets' : 'Načítání!',
    3. 'qsinfo' : 'Vyhledat hráče nebo alianci.',
    4. 'qscondition' : 'Zadej alespoň 2 slova!',
    5. 'searchplayer' : 'Vyhledat hráče',
    6. 'searchally' : 'Vyhledat alianci',
    7. 'spreadingtitle' : 'Rozšiřování hráče',
    8. 'noplayers' : 'Žádní hráči!',
    9. 'spreadingconfig' : 'Výběr profilu',
    10. 'currentprofile' : 'Nyní:',
    11. 'deleteprofile' : 'Odstranit',
    12. 'newprofile' : 'Nový',
    13. 'profilecondition' : 'Zadej prosím alespoň 2 slova!',
    14. 'noplayerselected' : 'Žádný hráč nevybrán!',
    15. 'profilenotexist' : 'Tento profil neexistuje!',
    16. 'profileexists' : 'Tento profil již existuje!',
    17. 'currentprofilegal' : 'Stávající profil: ',
    18. 'uvnotification' : 'UniverseView upozornění!',
    19. 'updateidb' : 'Musíš aktualizovat databázi galaxie',
    20. 'openuvmenu' : 'Otevřít UV menu',
    21. 'uvupdated' : 'UniverseView byl aktualizován!',
    22. 'version' : 'Verze',
    23. 'updateinfo' : 'Aktualizovat informce',
    24. 'noidba' : 'Tvůj prohlížeč nepodporuje IndexedDB!',
    25. 'noidbb' : '(možnost UniverseView databáze prohlížeče)',
    26. 'noidbc' : 'Pokud chceš používat tuto vlastnost, musíš si stáhnout:',
    27. 'noidbd' : 'Chrome verzi +12 nebo Firefox verzi +4',
    28. 'idbnotexist' : 'IDB nebylo nalezeno v prohlížeči',
    29. 'updatedatabase' : 'Aktualizovat galaxii',
    30. 'updatefailed' : 'Selhání, zkus to znovu!',
    31. 'updatingdatabase' : 'Aktualizace galaxie ...',
    32. 'militairy' : 'Vojenství',
    33. 'ships' : 'Lodě',
    34. 'planets' : 'Planety',
    35. 'combat' : 'Boj',
    36. 'drives' : 'Pohony',
    37. 'espionage' : 'Špionáž'
    38. }
    Display All

    CZ Wiki – In progress!!

    $lang['title'] = 'Vítej ve 2. verzi UniverseView';
    $lang['main_1'] = 'UniverseView je užitečný doplněk, jehož hlavní funkcí je zobrazení hráčových planet v galaxii a usnadnění navigace mezi nimi.';
    $lang['main_2'] = 'V <a href="#uv_info">této sekci</a> nalezneš více informací o nastavení, které můžeš použít. Je <u>velmi</u> důležité, aby sis zvolil/a správné nastavení.';
    $lang['main_3'] = 'Nové aktualizace UniverseView jsou k nalezení na:
    <a target="_blank" href="http://board.origin.ogame.de/board6-origin/board38-tools-scripts-skins/board39-tolerated-tools-addons-scripts/4342-universeview-script/">Origin fóru</a>,
    <a target="_blank" href="http://board.ogame.org/board684-ogame-org/board82-tools-scripts-and-sims/746182-universeview/">.org fóru</a> nebo
    <a target="_blank" href="http://board.ogame.us/board178-ogame-us/board29-help-questions/board49-tools-scripts-and-sims/53471-universeview/">.us fóru</a>.';
    $lang['main_4'] = 'Také tam můžeš nahlašovat chyby, problémy a nápady.';
    $lang['main_5'] = 'Mimo to jsou zde také různé užitečné funkce, jejichž výčet a vlastnosti s příklady nalezneš níže:';
    $lang['main_6'] = 'Obecné informace o skriptu';
    $lang['main_7'] = 'Zobrazení vlastních planet v galaxii';
    $lang['main_8'] = 'Zobrazení vlastních vojenských bodů v galaxii';
    $lang['main_9'] = 'Zobrazení vlastních výzkumů v galaxii';
    $lang['main_10'] = 'Aktualizovat informace solárních systémů';
    $lang['main_11'] = 'Funkce rychlého vyhledávání hráčů a aliancí';
    $lang['main_12'] = 'Zobrazení rozšiřování vlastní planety';
    $lang['main_13'] = 'Použití „Preview“ verze skriptu';
    $lang['gene_1'] = 'Obecné informace';
    $lang['gene_2'] = 'V této sekci nalezneš vysvětlivky k funkcím UniverseView tlačítka a menu. Je důležité, abys věděl/a, co se chystáš použít za nastavení!';
    $lang['gene_3'] = 'Vlevo dole můžeš vidět tlačítko UniverseView (žlutě zvýrazněno), které tě přesměruje do menu, kde můžeš měnit nastavení a funkce.';
    $lang['gene_4'] = 'Můžeš kliknou také na UniverseView ikonku (červeně zvýrazněna), která otevře informační okno – Wiki.';
    $lang['gene_5'] = 'Najdi možnost, která bude vyhovovat tvým požadavkům načítání souřadnic planety.';
    $lang['gene_6'] = 'Funkce „OGame API“';
    $lang['gene_7'] = 'Tohle je standardní nastavení, které využívá OGame API, aby našlo hráčovy planety.';
    $lang['gene_8'] = 'Jakou to má výhodu?';
    $lang['gene_9'] = 'Jakou to má nevýhodu?';
    $lang['gene_10'] = 'Tyto API jsou vžy dostupné a nezáleží na prohlížeči, který používáš.';
    $lang['gene_11'] = 'Pokud hraješ na velmi velkém vesmírů a máš relativně pomalý počítač/prohlížeč, může být tato funkce trochu pomalá.';
    $lang['gene_12'] = 'Níže můžeš vidět obrázek, na kterém je vyobrazeno použití této funkce.';
    $lang['gene_13'] = 'Funkce „Databáze prohlížeče“';
    $lang['gene_14'] = 'Tato možnost je má oblíbená. Využívá databáze tvého prohlížeče. Bohužel současně funguje jen na oogle Chrome +12 a Firefox +4.';
    $lang['gene_15'] = 'Tato možnost je značně rychlá. Důležitá věc je ta, že používá funkci aktualizace solárních systémů, která udržuje databázi vždy aktuální. Když se pohybuješ po galaxii, tak solární systémy se automaticky aktualizují.';
    $lang['gene_16'] = 'Tato funkce je ve tvém prohlížeči docela nová a nestává se to příliš často, ale v některých případech se porouchává.
    Pokud se tak stane, nezoufej! Jako první záchranu můžeš použít <a href="#uv_extra">Extra</a> funkce k odstranění databáze. Pokud tohle nepomůže, vyhledej na Googlu, jak odstranit <b>indexedDB</b> z Chrome nebo Firefoxu.';
    $lang['gene_17'] = 'Níže můžeš vidět obrázek, na kterém je vyobrazeno použití této funkce. Pomocí tlačítka aktualizovat galaxii ti bude umožněno aktualizovat databázi každý týden. UniverseView tě upozorní jakmile přijde čas na aktualizaci.';
    $lang['gene_18'] = 'Funkce „Osobní server“';
    $lang['gene_19'] = 'Tato funkce zatím není dostupná – bude, až se mi podaří spustit SQL databázi galaxie a webové stránky.';
    $lang['gene_20'] = 'Server můžeš sdílet s určitým počtem hráčů, například s aliancí. Tato databáze bude taktéž vždy aktuální díky používání funkce solárních systémů.';
    $lang['gene_21'] = 'Tato funkce posílá dotazy na tvůj server, takže rychlost funkce záleží na rychlosti tvého serveru a internetovém připojení.';
    $lang['gene_22'] = 'Níže můžeš vidět obrázek, na kterém je vyobrazeno použití této funkce. Pomocí tlačítka aktualizace galaxie ti bude umožněno aktualizovat databízi každý týden. UniverseView tě upozorní jakmile přijde čas na aktualizaci.
    Do vstupní kolonky můžeš zadat URL serveru, ale nezapomeň kliknout na tlačítko „Nastavit server“. Taktéž nezapomeň na končení odkazu znakem „/“.';
    $lang['gene_23'] = 'Ve žlutém rámečku můžeš vidět stávající verzi UniverseView.';
    $lang['gene_24'] = 'Menu UniverseView funkcí';
    $lang['gene_25'] = 'Na obrázku můžeš vidět menu funkcí. Díky tomuto menu můžeš povolit/zakázat určité funkce. Níže budou vysvětleny funkce těchto funkcí.';
    $lang['gene_26'] = 'Příklad ve žlutém rámečku znázorňuje funkci, když je povolena. Tlačítko je zelené, orientované vpravo a taktéž je na něm napsána 1 na znamení zapnutí.';
    $lang['gene_27'] = 'Příklad v červeném rámečku znázorňuje funkci, když je zakázána. Tlačítko je červené, orientováno vlevo a taktéž je na něm napsána 0 na znamení vypnutí.';
    $lang['gene_28'] = 'Extra funkce';
    $lang['gene_29'] = 'Tato sekce má dvě nastavení. Pomocí první možnosti (žlutě zvýrazněna) můžeš smazat databázi hráčů v prohlížeči
    - funguje jen tehdy, je-li povolena funkce výzkumu -
    druhou funkcí (červeně zvýrazněnou) můžeš odstranit databázi planet z prohlížeče
    - funguje jen tehdy, je-li povolena funkce planet.';
    $lang['plan_1'] = 'Funkce u planet';
    $lang['plan_2'] = 'Tato funkce ukáže hráči jeho planety v okně tooltipu, ve chvíli, když na ně najede myší v přehledu galaxie.';
    $lang['plan_3'] = 'The way these planets get fetched depends on which option you selected.
    The square on the image on the right shows you how the planets will be displayed.';
    $lang['mili_1'] = 'Militairy points and ships feature';
    $lang['mili_2'] = 'This feature fetches the militairy points via a api and show it in the player tooltip.';
    $lang['mili_3'] = 'The api gets fetched every time. If your browser gets slow this feature could be the cause.
    Restarting your tab or browser can temporary solve this problem. Disabling this feature can also solve it.
    This only applies to slow computers.';
    $lang['rese_1'] = 'Research feature';
    $lang['rese_2'] = 'This feature shows a player his research in the players tooltip.';
    $lang['rese_3'] = 'To make this information available you have to spy your target so you can see his research in the espionage message.
    The shown research contains the following information:';
    $lang['rese_4'] = 'Number of found planets / number of possible planets';
    $lang['rese_5'] = 'Weapons technology / Shielding technology / Armour technology';
    $lang['rese_6'] = 'Combustion drive / Impulse drive / Hyperspace drive';
    $lang['rese_7'] = 'Espionage technology';
    $lang['lolo_1'] = 'On the image on the right you will see a combination of the above 3 features.';
    $lang['syst_1'] = 'Updating Solarsystem';
    $lang['syst_2'] = 'This feature only works when you are using the browser database or personal server option.';
    $lang['syst_3'] = 'What does this feature do ?';
    $lang['syst_4'] = 'When you go through the galaxy every solarsystem you enter will be updated in the database.';
    $lang['syst_5'] = 'Why is this useful?';
    $lang['syst_6'] = 'Every week you can load the api in your database but this api only gets updated once a week by gameforge.
    When something changes in a solarsystem, a planet moves or new planet appears, this feature will take care of that when you spot it in the galaxy and save it in the database.';
    $lang['quic_1'] = 'Quicksearch feature';
    $lang['quic_2'] = 'The quicksearch feature allows you to search a player or alliance on every page, except the Empire page.
    The yellow arrow points to the button that needs to be highlighted when you want to search for a player.
    The same for the red arrow but than for searching an alliance.';
    $lang['quic_3'] = 'The green arrow points to the inputfield within which you can type a part or the full name of a player or alliance to search it.
    The blue arrow indicates the tooltip which will appear when the inputfield is active.
    The result of your search will also appear in this tooltip.
    In FireFox the tooltip disappears when clicking the inputfield, just move your mouse a little bit and it will appear again.';
    $lang['quic_4'] = 'Left on the image you will see a example search query for Univ, 2 players are found (indicated by the red arrow).
    When you click on a player his planets will be shown in a second tooltip on the left (yellow arrow).';
    $lang['quic_5'] = 'When you click on a planet you will be directed to that planet in the galaxy.';
    $lang['quic_6'] = 'Right on the image is a search query for the alliance UniV, the results will again appear in the tooltip (blue arrow).';
    $lang['quic_7'] = 'When you click on an alliance you will get a tooltip on the left with the members of that alliance (red arrow).';
    $lang['quic_8'] = 'Again when you click a player a tooltip will be shown on the left, when you click on a planet it will direct you to the galaxy (yellow arrow).';
    $lang['spre_1'] = 'Player spreading feature';
    $lang['spre_2'] = 'Right on the image you will see the button which will open the spreading popup (indicated by the yellow arrow).';
    $lang['spre_3'] = 'On the image below you can see the spreading popup (please scroll to the right to view it completely).
    The way to add a player is explained <a href="#uv_s_add_p">here</a>.';
    $lang['spre_4'] = 'First of all you need to know that you can make different profiles. Every profile can contain different players.
    The configuration of these profiles can be viewed on the top right of the image (blue arrow).';
    $lang['spre_5'] = 'The list of players can be found in the top left corner. You can click a player to select him (yellow arrow).
    The selected player his planets will be shown in the middle (red arrow), when you click a planet you will be directed to that planet in the galaxy.';
    $lang['spre_6'] = 'The spreading of these planets will be shown in the 9 rows below (green arrow).
    The 9 rows represent the 9 galaxies from 1 up to 9 inclusive.
    The solarsystems go from the left tot the right, from 1 up to 499 inclusive.
    A player his planet is indicated by his color, which you can choose in the player list.';
    $lang['spre_7'] = 'Of course we need to add players to a profile else this feature is useless.';
    $lang['spre_8'] = 'You can add a player to a profile via his tooltip in the galaxy by clicking the + sign (red arrow).';
    $lang['spre_9'] = 'If you want to add a player to a different profile you can change the current profile via the dropdown in the galaxy navigation (yellow arrow).';
    $lang['prev_1'] = 'Galaxy refresh clock feature';
    $lang['prev_2'] = 'When you refresh a system or go to another one, the time of the newly loaded system will appear in the header.';

    Source Code

    1. $lang['setaccess'] = 'Použít přístupový kód';
    2. $lang['refreshF'] = 'Ukázat čas obnovy dat galaxie.';

    Source Code

    1. 'spreadingyourself' : 'Přidat se',
    2. 'hp' : 'DP'

    DP = Domovská planeta

    The post was edited 8 times, last by Warsaalk ().

  • Hi,

    I added 2 new lines to the Uv Menu :

    Source Code

    1. $lang['setaccess'] = 'Use passcode';
    2. $lang['refreshF'] = 'Show the refresh time of the galaxy content.';

    Also added 2 new lines to the inscript text :

    Source Code

    1. 'spreadingyourself' : 'Add yourself',
    2. 'hp' : 'HP'

    (HP : HomePlanet)

    Also changed the 2 last lines of the Wiki :

    Source Code

    1. $lang['prev_1'] = 'Galaxy refresh clock feature';
    2. $lang['prev_2'] = 'When you refresh a system or go to another one, the time of the newly loaded system will appear in the header.';

    Thanks in advance !!

  • ES version

    Source Code

    1. $lang['setaccess'] = 'Utilizar código de acceso';
    2. $lang['refreshF'] = 'Mostrar el tiempo de recarga del contenido de la Galaxia.';

    Source Code

    1. 'spreadingyourself' : 'Añádelo tu mismo',
    2. 'hp' : 'PP'

    Source Code

    1. $lang['prev_1'] = 'Función de recarga de Galaxia';
    2. $lang['prev_2'] = 'Cuando se actualiza el sistema o se accede a otro distinto, el tiempo de carga de el nuevo aparecerá en la cabecera.';
  • Menu
    $lang['version'] = 'Version';
    $lang['wiki'] = 'UniverseView Wiki';
    $lang['fb'] = 'Facebook page';
    $lang['home'] = 'Homepage';
    $lang['origin'] = 'Origin Forum';
    $lang['org'] = '.org Forum';
    $lang['us'] = '.us Forum';
    $lang['translation'] = 'Übersetzungen';
    $lang['offlinewiki'] = 'Offline wiki';
    $lang['general'] = 'Allgemein';
    $lang['option'] = 'Welche option möchten sie für die Abholung der Planetenkoordinaten verwenden?';
    $lang['personal'] = 'Persönlicher Server';
    $lang['setserver'] = 'Nutze Server';
    $lang['setaccess'] = 'Zugangscode benutzen';
    $lang['updategal'] = 'Galaxie updaten';
    $lang['updateserver'] = 'Eigene Serverdatenbank updaten';
    $lang['api'] = 'Ogame Api\'s';
    $lang['idb'] = 'Browser Datenbank (Funktionniert nur mit Chrome +12 und Firefox +4)';
    $lang['updatebrowser'] = 'Browserdatenbank updaten.';
    $lang['features'] = 'Features';
    $lang['planetF'] = 'Spielerplaneten in Galaxie anzeigen.';
    $lang['militairyF'] = 'Militärpunkte und Schiffe des Spielers anzeigen.';
    $lang['researchF'] = 'Forschungen des Spielers in der Galaxie anzeigen. (Funktionniert nur mit Chrome +12 und Firefox +4)';
    $lang['updateF'] = 'Möchten sie die Informationen des gewählten Systems beim Aufruf updaten? (Nur möglich, wenn Persönlicher Server oder Browserdatenbank genutzt wird.)';
    $lang['quicksearchF'] = 'Schnellsuche aktivieren.';
    $lang['spreadingF'] = 'Ausbreitungs-Feature aktivieren.';
    $lang['previewF'] = 'Vorschau-Version des Scripts benutzen (Entfernt in Update 2.1.3).';
    $lang['extra'] = 'Extra';
    $lang['remove'] = 'Remove';
    $lang['removePlayeridb']= 'Remove the players database from your browser, it is used to save players their research! (Removing it could help when it has stopped working)';
    $lang['removePlanetidb']= 'Remove the planets database from your browser, it is used to save players their planets! (Removing it could help when it has stopped working)';
    $lang['clear'] = 'Recover default';
    $lang['removeLocalS'] = 'Reset all UniverseView values to the default values!';
    $lang['refreshF'] = 'Show the refresh time of the galaxy content.';

    inscript coming soon.
    please pay attention to german umlauts.

    Here you can find the Unicodes for them:
  • ES version for "Menu"
    Display Spoiler

    Source Code

    1. $lang['version'] = 'Versión';
    2. $lang['wiki'] = 'Wiki de UniverseView';
    3. $lang['fb'] = 'Página Facebook';
    4. $lang['home'] = 'Página de principal';
    5. $lang['origin'] = 'Foro Origin';
    6. $lang['org'] = 'Foro .org';
    7. $lang['us'] = 'Foro .us';
    8. $lang['translation'] = 'Traducciones';
    9. $lang['offlinewiki'] = 'Wiki Offline';
    10. $lang['general'] = 'General';
    11. $lang['option'] = '¿Qué opción no quieres utilizar para buscar coordenadas de planetas?';
    12. $lang['personal'] = 'Servidor personal';
    13. $lang['setserver'] = 'Utilizar servidor';
    14. $lang['setaccess'] = 'Utilizar contraseña';
    15. $lang['updategal'] = 'Actualizar galaxia';
    16. $lang['updateserver'] = 'Actualizar la base de datos de tu servidor.';
    17. $lang['api'] = 'Ogame API';
    18. $lang['idb'] = 'Navegar en la base de datos (Esta opción sólo funciona en Chrome +12 y FireFox +4)';
    19. $lang['updatebrowser'] = 'Actualizar la base de datos de tu navegador.';
    20. $lang['features'] = 'Funciones.';
    21. $lang['planetF'] = 'Mostrar los planetas de un jugador en la Galaxia.';
    22. $lang['militairyF'] = 'Mostrar los puntos militares y número de naves de un jugador en galaxia.';
    23. $lang['researchF'] = 'Mostrar su clasificación de investigaciones en galaxia. (Esta opción sólo funciona en Chrome +12 y FireFox +4)';
    24. $lang['updateF'] = '¿Quieres actualizar la información de un sistema solar al visitarlo en galaxia? (Sólo disponible a través de la base de datos del navegador o con la opción de servidor propio)';
    25. $lang['quicksearchF'] = 'Activar la función de búsqueda rápida.';
    26. $lang['spreadingF'] = 'Enable the player spreading feature.';
    27. $lang['previewF'] = 'Usar la versión preview del script (eliminado en la versión 2.1.3).';
    28. $lang['extra'] = 'Extra';
    29. $lang['remove'] = 'Eliminar';
    30. $lang['removePlayeridb']= 'Eliminar la base de datos de jugadores de tu navegador que se utiliza para guardar la información sobre las investigaciones de los jugadores (Eliminarlo puede ayudar a solucionar el problema si la función deja de funcionar)';
    31. $lang['removePlanetidb']= 'Eliminar la base de datos de planetas de tu navegador que se utiliza para guardar la lista de planetas (Eliminarlo puede ayudar a solucionar el problema si la función deja de funcionar)';
    32. $lang['clear'] = 'Recuperar las funciones por defecto';
    33. $lang['removeLocalS'] = 'Resetear todos los valores de UniverseView a los valores por defecto';
    34. $lang['refreshF'] = 'Mostrar el tiempo de recarga del contenido de la galaxia.';
    Display All

    ES version "Inscript text"
    Display Spoiler

    Source Code

    1. ENG : {
    2. 'loadplanets' : '¡Cargando!',
    3. 'qsinfo' : 'Buscar a un jugador o alianza.',
    4. 'qscondition' : '¡Introduce al menos 2 letras!',
    5. 'searchplayer' : 'Buscar a un jugador',
    6. 'searchally' : 'Buscar una alianza',
    7. 'spreadingtitle' : 'Detalles del jugador',
    8. 'noplayers' : '¡Ningún jugador añadido!',
    9. 'spreadingconfig' : 'Configuración del Perfil',
    10. 'currentprofile' : 'Actual:',
    11. 'deleteprofile' : 'Eliminar',
    12. 'newprofile' : 'Nuevo',
    13. 'profilecondition' : '¡Por favor, introduce al menos 2 letras!',
    14. 'noplayerselected' : '¡Ningún jugador seleccionado!',
    15. 'profilenotexist' : '¡Ese perfil no existe!',
    16. 'profileexists' : '¡Ese perfil ya existe!',
    17. 'currentprofilegal' : 'Perfil actual: ',
    18. 'uvnotification' : '¡Notificación de UniverseView!',
    19. 'updateidb' : 'Debes actualizar la base de datos de galaxia',
    20. 'openuvmenu' : 'Abrir el menú de Uv',
    21. 'uvupdated' : '¡UniverseView ha sido actualizado!',
    22. 'version' : 'Versión',
    23. 'updateinfo' : 'Información de la actualización',
    24. 'noidba' : 'Tu navegador no soporta IndexedDB!',
    25. 'noidbb' : '(Opción de base de datos del navegador para UniverseView)',
    26. 'noidbc' : 'Si quieres utilizar esta opción necesitas descargar:',
    27. 'noidbd' : 'Chrome versión +12 o Firefox versión +4',
    28. 'idbnotexist' : 'IDB no existe en este navegador',
    29. 'updatedatabase' : 'Actualizar galaxia',
    30. 'updatefailed' : '¡Ha tenido lugar un error, vuelve a intentarlo!',
    31. 'updatingdatabase' : 'Actualziando galaxia ...',
    32. 'militairy' : 'Militar',
    33. 'ships' : 'Naves',
    34. 'planets' : 'Planetas',
    35. 'combat' : 'Combate',
    36. 'drives' : 'Motores',
    37. 'espionage' : 'Espionaje',
    38. 'spreadingyourself' : 'Añadir manualmentef',
    39. 'hp' : 'PH'
    40. },
    Display All

    Wiki translation will come.... later :P
  • Inscript DE
    DE : {

    'loadplanets' : 'Laden!',
    'qsinfo' : 'Spieler oder Allianz suchen.',
    'qscondition' : 'Bitte mindestens 2 Buchstaben eingeben!',
    'searchplayer' : 'Spieler suchen',
    'searchally' : 'Allianz suchen',
    'spreadingtitle' : 'Spielerverteilung',
    'noplayers' : 'Kein Spieler hinzugefügt!',
    'spreadingconfig' : 'Profil Konfiguration',
    'currentprofile' : 'Ausgewählt:',
    'deleteprofile' : 'Löschen',
    'newprofile' : 'Neu',
    'profilecondition' : 'Bitte mindestens 2 Buchstaben eingeben!',
    'noplayerselected' : 'Kein Spieler ausgewählt!',
    'profilenotexist' : 'Dieses Profil existiert nicht!',
    'profileexists' : 'Dieses Profil existiert bereits!',
    'currentprofilegal' : 'Derzeitiges Profil: ',
    'uvnotification' : 'UniverseView Benachrichtigung!',
    'updateidb' : 'Die Galaxie-Datenbank muss geupdated werden.',
    'openuvmenu' : 'Uv Menü öffnen',
    'uvupdated' : 'UniverseView wurde geupdated!',
    'version' : 'Version',
    'updateinfo' : 'Update information',
    'noidba' : 'Dein Browser unterstützt IndexedDB nicht!',
    'noidbb' : '(UniverseView Browser-Datenbank optionen)',
    'noidbc' : 'Download zum benutzen diser Option benötigt:',
    'noidbd' : 'Chrome Version 12+ oder Firefox Version 4+',
    'idbnotexist' : 'IDB existiert in diesem Browser nicht.',
    'updatedatabase' : 'Galaxie Update',
    'updatefailed' : 'Fehler, bitte nochhmal versuchen!',
    'updatingdatabase' : 'Galaxie wird geupdated ...',
    'militairy' : 'Militär',
    'ships' : 'Schiffe',
    'planets' : 'Planeten',
    'combat' : 'Kampf',
    'drives' : 'Antriebe',
    'espionage' : 'Spionage',
    'spreadingyourself' : 'Mich selbst hinzufügen',
    'hp' : 'HP'


    wiki coming soon.
    please pay attention to german umlauts.

    Here you can find the Unicodes for them:
  • So i forgot some Things in Menu.
    Thanks for Noitcs Waarsalk!

    Here they Are:
    $lang['extra'] = 'Extras';
    $lang['remove'] = 'Entfernen';
    $lang['removePlayeridb']= 'Forschungsdatenbank, welche zum speichern von Spielerforschungen genutzt wird, aus Browser löschen! (Mögliche Hilfe, wenn UniverseView nicht mehr Funktioniert)';
    $lang['removePlanetidb']= 'Planetendatenbank, welche zum speichern der Spielerplaneten verwendet wird, aus dem Browser löschen! (Mögliche Hilfe, wenn UniverseView nicht mehr Funktioniert)';
    $lang['clear'] = 'Standard wiederherstellen';
    $lang['removeLocalS'] = 'UniverseView auf Standardeinstellungen zurücksetzen!';
    $lang['refreshF'] = 'Aktualisierungszeit der Galaxie Inhalte anzeigen.';

    wiki coming soon.
    please pay attention to german umlauts.

    Here you can find the Unicodes for them:
  • Inscript EN
    'addtofavs' : 'Add to favourites',
    'md' : 'Moon destruction',
    'rips' : 'Deathstars: ',
    'moonpop' : 'Chance moon destruction: ',
    'riploss' : 'Chance deathstar loss: ',
    'calcmd' : 'Calculate Moon destruction',
    'moonsize' : 'Moon size',
    'coords' : 'Coordinates',
    'popmoon' : 'Destory moon',
    'spreadinguniverse' : 'Show universe',
    'rowcolor' : 'Galaxy color',

    Menu EN
    $lang['favouriteF'] = 'Store the coordinates of your favourite targets via the galaxy page.';
    $lang['moondestructF'] = 'Moon destruction calculator on the galaxy page.';

    The post was edited 2 times, last by Warsaalk ().

  • Inscript DE
    'addtofavs' : 'zu Favoriten hinzufügen',
    'md' : 'Mondzerstörung',
    'rips' : 'Todessterne: ',
    'moonpop' : 'Chance auf Mondzerstörung: ',
    'riploss' : 'Chance auf Verlust der Todessterne: ',
    'calcmd' : 'Berechne Mondzerstörung',
    'moonsize' : 'Mondgröße',
    'coords' : 'Koordinaten',
    'popmoon' : 'Zerstöre den Mond',
    'spreadinguniverse' : 'Zeige das Universum',
    'rowcolor' : 'Galaxie-farbe',

    Menu DE
    $lang['favouriteF'] = 'Speichere die Koordinaten deiner bevorzugten Ziele über die Galaxieansicht.';
    $lang['moondestructF'] = 'Mondzerstörung-kalkulator in der Galaxieansicht.';
  • Inscript ES
    'addtofavs' : 'Añadir a favoritos',
    'md' : 'Destrucción de luna',
    'rips' : 'Estrellas de la Muerte: ',
    'moonpop' : 'Posibilidad de destruir la luna: ',
    'riploss' : 'Posibilidad de perder las estrellas de la muerte: ',
    'calcmd' : 'Calcular destrucción de luna',
    'moonsize' : 'Tamaño de la luna',
    'coords' : 'Coordenadas',
    'popmoon' : 'Destruir luna',
    'spreadinguniverse' : 'Mostrar universo',
    'rowcolor' : 'Color de Galaxia',

    Menu ES
    $lang['favouriteF'] = 'Almacenar las coordenadas de tus objetivos favoritos a través de la página de Galaxia.';
    $lang['moondestructF'] = 'Calculadora de Destrucción de Luna en la página de Galaxia.';
  • Inscript CZ
    'addtofavs' : 'Přidat do oblíbených',
    'md' : 'Zničení měsíce',
    'rips' : 'Hvězd smrti: ',
    'moonpop' : 'Šance na zničení měsíce: ',
    'riploss' : 'Šance na zničení hvězdy smrti: ',
    'calcmd' : 'Vypočítat šance na zničení měsíce',
    'moonsize' : 'Velikost měsíce',
    'coords' : 'Souřadnice',
    'popmoon' : 'Zničit měsíc',
    'spreadinguniverse' : 'Zobrazit vesmír',
    'rowcolor' : 'Barva galaxie',

    Menu CZ
    $lang['favouriteF'] = 'Uložit souřadnice do oblíbených cílů přes záložku galaxie.'';
    $lang['moondestructF'] = 'Kalkulačka šancí na zničení měsíce v záložce galaxie.';
  • IT menu
    Display Spoiler
    $lang['version'] = 'Versione';
    $lang['wiki'] = 'UniverseView Wiki';
    $lang['fb'] = 'pagina Facebook';
    $lang['home'] = 'Homepage';
    $lang['origin'] = 'Forum Origin';
    $lang['org'] = 'Forum .org';
    $lang['us'] = 'Forum .us';
    $lang['translation'] = 'Traduzioni';
    $lang['offlinewiki'] = 'Offline wiki';
    $lang['general'] = 'Generiche';
    $lang['option'] = 'Quale opzione vuoi usare per ottenere le coordinate dei pianeti?';
    $lang['personal'] = 'Server personale';
    $lang['setserver'] = 'Usa il server';
    $lang['setaccess'] = 'Usa il codice d\' accesso';
    $lang['updategal'] = 'Aggiorna galassia';
    $lang['updateserver'] = 'Aggiorna il database sul tuo server.';
    $lang['api'] = 'API di Ogame';
    $lang['idb'] = 'Database del browser (Quest\' opzione funziona solo con le versioni di Chrome superiore a 12 e Firefox superiore a 4)';
    $lang['updatebrowser'] = 'Aggiorna il database sul tuo browser.';
    $lang['features'] = 'Caratteristiche';
    $lang['planetF'] = 'Mostra i pianeti del giocatore nella visuale galassia';
    $lang['militairyF'] = 'Mostra i punti esercito e flotta del giocatore nella visuale galassia.';
    $lang['researchF'] = 'Mostra le tecnologie del giocatore. (Quest\' opzione funziona solo con le versioni di Chrome 12+ e Firefox 4+)';
    $lang['updateF'] = 'Vuoi aggiornare le informazioni sui sistemi solari quando li visualizzi in galassia? (Possibile solo con le opzioni Server personale e Database del browser)';
    $lang['quicksearchF'] = 'Abilita ricerca rapida.';
    $lang['spreadingF'] = 'Abilita l\'opzione distribuzione dei pianeti del giocatore.';
    $lang['previewF'] = 'Usa la versione di anteprima del programma (rimosso nell\' update 2.1.3).';
    $lang['extra'] = 'Opzioni aggiuntive';
    $lang['remove'] = 'Cancella';
    $lang['removePlayeridb']= 'Cancella il database dei giocatori dal tuo browser, serve a salvare le ricerche dei giocatori che ha effettuato! (Cancellarlo potrebbe aiutare se ha smesso di funzionare)';
    $lang['removePlanetidb']= 'Cancella il database dei pianeti dal tuo browser, serve a salvare la posizione dei pianeti dei giocatori! (Cancellarlo potrebbe aiutare se ha smesso di funzionare)';
    $lang['clear'] = 'Ripristino';
    $lang['removeLocalS'] = 'Ripristina tutti i valori di UniverseView ai valori di default!';
    $lang['refreshF'] = 'Mostra l'orario di aggiornamento della visuale galassia.';
    $lang['favouriteF'] = 'Salva le coordinate dei tuoi obiettivi preferiti tramite la visuale galassia.';
    $lang['moondestructF'] = 'Strumento
    di calcolo distruzione luna nella visuale galassia.';

    IT inscript
    Display Spoiler

    'loadplanets' : 'Caricamento',
    'qsinfo' : 'Cerca un giocatore o un\' alleanza.',
    'qscondition' : 'Inserisci almeno due caratteri!',
    'searchplayer' : 'Cerca un giocatore',
    'searchally' : 'Cerca un\' alleanza',
    'spreadingtitle' : 'Distribuzione giocatore',
    'noplayers' : 'Nessun giocatore aggiunto!',
    'spreadingconfig' : 'Configurazione del profilo',
    'currentprofile' : 'Corrente:',
    'deleteprofile' : 'Elimina',
    'newprofile' : 'Nuovo',
    'profilecondition' : 'Per favore, inserisci almeno due caratteri!',
    'noplayerselected' : 'Nessun giocatore selezionato!',
    'profilenotexist' : 'Profilo non esistente!',
    'profileexists' : 'Quel profilo già esiste!',
    'currentprofilegal' : 'Profilo corrente: ',
    'uvnotification' : 'Notifica di UniverseView!',
    'updateidb' : 'Devi aggiornare il database della galassia',
    'openuvmenu' : 'Apri il menu di UV',
    'uvupdated' : 'UniverseView è stato aggiornato!',
    'version' : 'Versione',
    'updateinfo' : 'Informazioni sull\' aggiornamento',
    'noidba' : 'Il tuo browser non supporta IndexedDB!',
    'noidbb' : '(opzione Database del browser di UniverseView)',
    'noidbc' : 'Se vuoi usare quest\' opzione devi scaricare:',
    'noidbd' : 'Chrome versione 12 o superiore or Firefox versione 4 o superiore',
    'idbnotexist' : 'IDB non presente in questo browser',
    'updatedatabase' : 'Aggiorna galassia',
    'updatefailed' : 'Errore, prova ancora!',
    'updatingdatabase' : 'Aggiornamento galassia in corso ...',
    'militairy' : 'Militare',
    'ships' : 'Navi',
    'planets' : 'Pianeti',
    'combat' : 'Belliche',
    'drives' : 'Motori',
    'espionage' : 'Spionaggio',
    'spreadingyourself' : 'Aggiungi te stesso',
    'hp' : 'PO',
    'addtofavs' : 'Aggiungi ai preferiti',
    'md' : 'Distruzione luna',
    'rips' : 'Morti Nere: ',
    'moonpop' : 'Possibilità di distruzione luna: ',
    'riploss' : 'Possibilità di perdere la Morte Nera: ',
    'calcmd' : 'Calcola le probabilità',
    'moonsize' : 'Dimensione luna',
    'coords' : 'Coordinate',
    'popmoon' : 'Distruggi luna',
    'spreadinguniverse' : 'Mostra universo',
    'rowcolor' : 'Colore della galassia',


    IT wiki
    Display Spoiler
    $lang['title'] = 'Benvenuti a UniverseView versione 2';
    $lang['main_1'] = 'UniverseView è un\' utile addon, il cui scopo principale è mostrare i pianeti di un giocatore nella visuale galassia e rendere più facile navigare tra essi.';
    $lang['main_2'] = 'In <a href="#uv_info">questa sezione</a> potrete trovare più informazioni su qual\' è l\'opzione più adatta da usare, è <u>molto</u> importante scegliere l\'opzione adatta.';
    $lang['main_3'] = 'Potete seguire gli update di UniverseView sul
    <a target="_blank" href="http://board.origin.ogame.de/board6-origin/board38-tools-scripts-skins/board39-tolerated-tools-addons-scripts/4342-universeview-script/">forum di Origin</a>,
    <a target="_blank" href="http://board.ogame.org/board684-ogame-org/board82-tools-scripts-and-sims/746182-universeview/">il forum .org</a> or
    <a target="_blank" href="http://board.ogame.us/board178-ogame-us/board29-help-questions/board49-tools-scripts-and-sims/53471-universeview/">il forum .us</a>.';
    $lang['main_4'] = 'Qui potrete segnalare bug, problemi e suggerimenti.';
    $lang['main_5'] = 'Oltre a queste ci sono diverse funzioni disponibili, potrete trovare una lista delle funzioni qui sotto.
    Più in là queste funzioni saranno spiegate con degli esempi:';
    $lang['main_6'] = 'Informazioni generali sullo script';
    $lang['main_7'] = 'Mostra i pianeti del giocatore nella galassia';
    $lang['main_8'] = 'Mostra i punti esercito del giocatore nella galassia';
    $lang['main_9'] = 'Mostra le ricerche del giocatore nella galassia';
    $lang['main_10'] = 'Aggiorna le informazioni del sistema solare';
    $lang['main_11'] = 'Ricerca rapida di giocatori e alleanze';
    $lang['main_12'] = 'Visualizza distribuzione pianeti dei giocatori';
    $lang['main_13'] = 'Utilizza la versione di anteprima dello script';
    $lang['gene_1'] = 'Informazioni generali';
    $lang['gene_2'] = 'In questa sezione potrete trovare spiegazioni sul pulsante UniverseView e sul menu. E\' molto importante sapere quale opzione userete!';
    $lang['gene_3'] = 'Nell\' immagine sulla destra potrete vedere il bottone del menu di UniverseView (circondato da un rettangolo giallo). Con questo bottone potete aprire il menu per cambiare le opzioni e le caratteristiche desiderate.';
    $lang['gene_4'] = 'Potete anche cliccare sull\' icona di UniverseView (quadrato rosso). Questo bottone aprirà questa pagina di info.';
    $lang['gene_5'] = 'Seleziona l\'opzione che preferisci per trovare i pianeti di un giocatore.';
    $lang['gene_6'] = 'Opzione API di Ogame';
    $lang['gene_7'] = 'Questa è l'opzione standard, utilizzerà direttamente l\'API di Ogame per trovare i pianeti del giocatore.';
    $lang['gene_8'] = 'Quali sono i vantaggi ?';
    $lang['gene_9'] = 'Quali sono gli svantaggi ?';
    $lang['gene_10'] = 'Queste API sono sempre disponibili e non dipendono da quale browser state usando.';
    $lang['gene_11'] = 'Quando state giocando in un\' universo molto popolato ed usate un computer/browser relativamente lento quest\' opzione può risultare abbastanza lenta.';
    $lang['gene_12'] = 'Qui sotto potrete trovare l\'immagine che usa l\'opzione API.';
    $lang['gene_13'] = 'Opzione database del browser';
    $lang['gene_14'] = 'Quest\' opzione è la mia preferita. Utilizza un database sul vostro borowser, attualmente quest\' opzione funziona solo con Google Chrome versione 12 o superiore e Mozilla Firefox versione 4 o superiore.';
    $lang['gene_15'] = 'Quest\' opzione è abbastanza veloce. Il bello di quest\' opzione è che quando usate la funzione di aggiornamento del sistema solare aggiornerà il vostro database. Perciò scorrendo i sistemi nella visuale galassia il database si aggiornerà automaticamente.';
    $lang['gene_16'] = 'Quest\' opzione all\' interno del browser è abbastanza recente e non succede spesso, ma in alcuni casi non funziona.
    Se succede non vi preoccupate!! Per prima cosa potete provare tramite le <a href="#uv_extra">Opzioni aggiuntive</a> a cancellare il database. Se ancora non funziona, cercate su Google come rimuovere manualmente <b>indexedDB</b> da Chrome o Firefox.';
    $lang['gene_17'] = 'Sotto potrete trovae l\' immagine che mostra l\'opzione Database del browser, tramite il bottone aggiorna potrete aggiornare il database ogni settimana. UniverseView vi avvertirà quando è ora di aggiornare il database.';
    $lang['gene_18'] = 'Opzione server personale';
    $lang['gene_19'] = 'Quest\' opzione non è ancora disponibile, lo sarà quando rilascerò il database sql e il sito del Galaxy.';
    $lang['gene_20'] = 'Potrete condividere questo server con un gruppo di giocatori, ad esempio la vostra alleanza. Anche questo database si aggiornerà mentre usate la visuale galassia.';
    $lang['gene_21'] = 'Quest\' opzione manda continuamente richieste al volstro server, la velocità di quest\' opzione dipende dalla velocità del vostro server e della vostra connessione.';
    $lang['gene_22'] = 'Di seguito potrete trovare l\'immagie che mostra l\'opzione server personale (non supportata dalla versione 3.0.0), tramite il bottone aggiorna potrete aggiornare il vostro database settimanalmente. UniverseView vi avertirà quando è tempo di aggiornare.
    Tramite il campo di input potete inserire l\'indirizzo del vostro server, non dimenticate di premere il bottone usa server per utilizzarlo. Inoltre non dimenticate l\' ultimo / nell\' indirizzo.';
    $lang['gene_23'] = 'Nel rettangolo giallo potete vedere la versione attualmente installata di UniverseView.';
    $lang['gene_24'] = 'Menu caratteristiche di UniverseView';
    $lang['gene_25'] = 'Nell\' immagine potete vedere il menu delle caratteristiche. Tramite questo menu potete abilitare e disabilitare lalcune opzioni. Più avanti potrete trovare le caratteristiche di queste opzioni.';
    $lang['gene_26'] = 'L\' esempio nel rettangolo giallo è quando l\' opzione è abilitata. La barra sarà verde, conterrà un 1 e sarà posta a destra.';
    $lang['gene_27'] = 'L\' esempio nel quadrato rosso rappresenta un\' opzione disabilitata. La barra sarà rossa, onterrà uno 0 e sarà posta a sinistra.';
    $lang['gene_28'] = 'Opzioni aggiuntive';
    $lang['gene_29'] = 'Questa sezione extra contiene 2 opzioni. Con la prima potete cancellare il database dei giocatori del browser (rettangolo giallo)
    - funzionerà solo se l\' opzione di ricerca dei giocatori è abilitata -
    e la seconda cancellerà il database dei pianeti del browser (quadrato rosso)
    - funzionerà solo con l\' opzione pianeti abilitata.';
    $lang['plan_1'] = 'Funzione pianeti';
    $lang['plan_2'] = 'Questa funzione permette di visualizzare i pianeti di un giocatore passando con il puntatore sopra il nome nella visuale galassia.';
    $lang['plan_3'] = 'Il modo in cui la lista viene recuperata dipende dall\' opzione che avete selezionato.
    Il quadrato nell\' immagine a destra mostra come saranno visualizati i pianeti.';
    $lang['mili_1'] = 'Opzione punti esercito e flotta';
    $lang['mili_2'] = 'Quest\' opzione rileva i punti esercito tramite API e li mostra nel tooltip del giocatore.';
    $lang['mili_3'] = 'L\'API viene rilevata continuamente. Se il vostro browser rallenta questa opzione potrebbe essere la causa.
    Chiudere e riaprire la pagina o il browser potrebbe risolvere il problema temporaneamente. Disabiltare l\' opzione può risolvere il problema.
    Questo si applica solo ai computer più lenti.';
    $lang['rese_1'] = 'Opzione tecnologie';
    $lang['rese_2'] = 'Quest\' opzione mostra le tecnologie del giocatore nel tooltip.';
    $lang['rese_3'] = 'Per rendere disponibili queste informazioni dovrete spiare il vostro obiettivo in modo da vedere le ricerche nel rapporto di spionaggio.
    Le tecnologie visualizzate contengono le seguenti informazioni:';
    $lang['rese_4'] = 'Numero dei pianeti trovati / Numero dei pianeti possibli';
    $lang['rese_5'] ='Tecnologia delle armi / tecnologia degli scudi / tecnologia delle corazze';
    $lang['rese_6'] = 'Propulsore a combustione / Propulsore ad impulso / Propulsore iperspaziale';
    $lang['rese_7'] = 'Tecnologia di spionaggio';
    $lang['lolo_1'] = 'Nell\' immagine a destra potrete vedere una combinazione delle 3 opzioni descritte qui sopra.';
    $lang['syst_1'] = 'Aggiornamento visual sistema solare';
    $lang['syst_2'] = 'Quest\' opzione funziona solo quando usate il database del browser o il server personale.';
    $lang['syst_3'] = 'Cosa fa questa opzione ?';
    $lang['syst_4'] = 'Mentre scorrete la visuale galassia ogni sistema solare che visiterete sarà caricato automaticamente nel database.';
    $lang['syst_5'] = 'A cosa serve?';
    $lang['syst_6'] = 'Ogni settimana potete caricare l\' API nel database ma l\' API viene aggiornata solo una volta a settimana dalla Gameforge.
    Quando qualcosa cambia in un sistema solare, un pianeta viene spostato o appare un nuovo giocatore, quest\' opzione si occuperà di salvare le informazioni appena visualizzate nel database.';
    $lang['quic_1'] = 'Opzione ricerca rapida';
    $lang['quic_2'] = 'L\' opzione di ricerca rapida vi permetterà di cercare un giocatore o un\' alleanza in ogni pagina ad eccezione della pagina Impero.
    La freccia gialla indica il pulsante che deve essere selezionato quando volete cercare un giocatore.
    La stessa cosa vale per la ricerca di un alleanza e la freccia rossa.';
    $lang['quic_3'] = 'La freccia verde indica il campo di input dove potete inserire completamente o in parte il nome dell\' alleanza o del giocatore che volete cercare.
    La freccia blu indica il tooltip che apparirà quando il campo di input sarà attivo.
    Anche il risulatato della vostra ricerca apparirà in questo tooltip.
    Se usando FireFox il tooltip scompare quando clickate nel campo di input movete leggermente il puntatore ed il tooltip apparirà di nuovo.';
    $lang['quic_4'] = 'Nell\' immagine a sinistra potrete vedere un esempio di ricerca del giocatore Univ, 2 giocatori trovati (indicati dalle frecce rosse).
    Quando clickate su un giocatore i suoi pianeti saranno visualizzati in un secondo riquadro sulla sinistra (freccia gialla).';
    $lang['quic_5'] = 'Quando cliccate su un pianeta verrete reindirizzati a quel pianeta nella visuale galassia.';
    $lang['quic_6'] = 'Nell' immagine a destra potete vedere un\' esempio di ricerca dell\' alleanza UniV, i risultati appariranno nuovamente nel riquadro (frecia blu).';
    $lang['quic_7'] = 'Quando cliccate su un alleanza potrete vedere un riquadro a sinistra con i membri di quell\' alleanza (freccia rossa).';
    $lang['quic_8'] = 'Come prima quando cliccate su un giocatore un riquadro comparirà sulla sinistra, quando cliccate su un pianeta verrete reindirizzati alla visuale galassia di quel pianeta (freccia gialla).';
    $lang['spre_1'] = 'Opzione distribuzione pianeti';
    $lang['spre_2'] = 'Nell\' immagine a destra potete vedere il pulsante che apre il popup della distribuzione (indicato dalla freccia gialla).';
    $lang['spre_3'] = 'Nell\' immagine sottostante potete vedere il popup della distribuzione (spostate la visuale a destra per vederlo completamente).
    Il modo per inserire un giocatore è spiegato <a href="#uv_s_add_p">qui</a>.';
    $lang['spre_4'] = 'Prima di tutto dovete sapere che potete creare diversi profili. Ogni profilo può contenere più giocatori.
    La configurazione di tali profili può essere visualizzata nell\' immagine in alto a destra (freccia blu).';
    $lang['spre_5'] = 'La lista dei giocatori si trova nell\' angolo in alto a sinistra. Potete cliccare un giocatore per selezionarlo (freccia gialla).
    I pianeti del giocatore selezionato appariranno nel mezzo (freccia rossa), quando cliccherete su un pianeta verrete reindirizzati alla relativa visuale galassia.';
    $lang['spre_6'] = 'La distribuzione di questi pianeti verrà mostrata nelle 9 righe sottostanti (freccia verde).
    Le 9 righe rappresentano le nove galassie dalla 1 alla 9 inclusa.
    I sistemi solari vanno da sinistra a destra, da 1 fino a 499 incluso.
    I pianeti di un giocatore sono contrassegnati dal suo colore, che potete scegliere nella lista dei giocatori.';
    $lang['spre_7'] = 'Ovviamente dovrete aggiungere nuovi giocatori ad un profilo altrimenti quest\' opzione sarà inutile.';
    $lang['spre_8'] = 'Potete aggiungere un giocatore ad un profilo attraverso il suo riquadro nella visuale galassia cliccando il simbolo + (freccia rossa).';
    $lang['spre_9'] = 'Se volete aggiungere un giocatore ad un profilo diverso potete cambiare il profilo selezionato mediante il menu a tendina nella visuale galassia (freccia gialla).';
    $lang['prev_1'] = 'Opzione istante di aggiornamento della visuale galassia';
    $lang['prev_2'] = 'Quando aggiornate un sistema o vi spostate in un altro, l\' istante in cui avete caricato il sistema apparirà nel titolo.';