UniverseView - moved

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  • First, thanks for tolerating UniverseView :)

    • Update stats button removed when using personal server (Also uses highscore.xml from now on).
    • Added: notification when galaxy database needs to be updated (Only when using personal server, happens when ogame updates universe.xml)
    • Added: notification when there has been a UniverseView update, the button takes you to the latest update in this thread.

    Feedback please
  • Update to version 1.3.0

    FIRST, the script updates automatically, no need to download the script again from userscript.org (except when i say it's best you do it :D )

    There is a big change:

    It's now possible to use a new function for getting a player his planets.
    It works with your local computer (uses the browser database).
    Your own little personal galaxy database ^^
    You can also update the database through loading the universe.xml into it.
    (The script tells you when the xml gets updated so you can update the database)

    IMPORTANT: this feature only works with Chrome version 12+ and Firefox 4+
    Screenshot at the end of the post

    Other changes:
    • Multiple language support for the UniverseView menu (contact me if you want to add your language)
    • Planet sorting in the galaxy player ToolTip

  • Thanks a lot for providing the coords feature. This was something I really really missed as COgame isn't working anymore. Unfortunately your script slows down my chrome browser significantly which takes away all the fun of using it :(
    Uni 70 TOP 1.000 Active Fleeter
    Uni Io TOP 1.000 Active Miner
  • Flippy wrote:

    Thanks a lot for providing the coords feature. This was something I really really missed as COgame isn't working anymore. Unfortunately your script slows down my chrome browser significantly which takes away all the fun of using it :(

    Thanks for the feedback !
    I also had problems with the browser getting slow etc, but that was my uni in general with or without my script.
    I suppose you're using the api option ?

    I'll start testing for that problem again and fix it !!
  • Update 1.3.1

    Sorry that the development of my script is going very slow.
    But i'm in my last year of university and got a lot of work this semester for projects etc...
    Normaly in the second semester i should have more time for UniverseView.

    Since version 5.2 the tooltip disapears when going to another planet.
    I have added some code to stop the tooltip removal ;)
    Enjoy :crazy:

    Feedback and suggestions are always welcome!


    Today i had time to work on a new update.
    There are still some little things i need to change and add, so it's not ready for release yet!

    How will this work.
    When you spy a player the script will save his astro when you open the spy report.
    Then when you hover him in the galaxy view it'll show planet count in this format:

    [planets found / maximum planets he can own]

    Attention: This feature will only work in Firefox and Chrome.

    When you see a questionmark you need to spy him to get his astro:

    When you didn't find all his planets yet OR he didn't use all his colony slots:

    When you found all his planet:
  • Update 1.3.2
    Preview 1.4.0 (after the first 2 screenshots)

    If you want to be able to use the preview version you have to download and update the extension from here: userscripts.org/scripts/show/151420


    I added a preview feature.
    When i'm working on newer versions i'll update the preview version during the development.
    And when it's stable i'll update the release version.

    This is how you can switch from the release to the preview and back.
    The yellow - P indicates that you're using the preview version.

    Newly added features PREVIEW 1.4.0

    In 1.4.0 you'll be able to see a player his:
    • maximum planets
    • Combat Research: Weapon / Shield / Armour
    • Drive Research: Combustion / Impulse / Hyperspace
    • Espionage Technology level

  • Hi,

    It's been a while since i've posted something here.
    Well i'm currently working on 3 new features.
    And also fully refactoring my code (which is almost done).

    When it's done and fully tested, my script will update to version 2.0 with the 3 new features.

    I'll give you guys a little preview from one of the features.

    First a description::

    (screenshot at end of post)
    This is a feature to view the planet spreading from a group of players !

    It's possible to create and remove different Profiles via Profile Configuration.
    Profiles can contain a player or a group of players.
    The group from the selected profile will show the different planet positions on the 9 rows below.

    The rows represent the 9 galaxies !
    A row itself consists of the 499 systems from 1 to 499 (Left to Right).

    When clicking a player you'll be able to see his coordinates.
    When clicking a player his coordinate you'll go to its position in the Galaxy!

    It can be used for different reasons.
    • For viewing the distance between a target and your enemies.
    • Have fast access to the coordinates from a group of players.
    • Decide were to put your new colony far away from your enemies.
    • ... and many other reasons wiy this could be usefull.

    At this moment it's possible to add a player to a Profile from the galaxy.
    There'll be more places added from where you can add players.

    Feedback would be appreciated!

    Well here's the image::

  • Update 2.0.0


    I've been working a long time on this update.
    Because so much changed, from features to the code itself, i'm releasing it as version 2.0.0.
    I'm not going to put this post full of images like always.
    Why not ?

    Because i made something that looks like a wiki.
    It'll be available ingame and offline.
    Information about the new features can be found on the wiki.

    Here's a list of the things that changed
    • Possibility to turn off features.
    • New: Quicksearch for players and alliances
    • New: Player spreading feature
    • Better handling for api option (hopefully)
    • New menu layout
    • Code fully refactored
    • Possible to remove browser databases
    • Possible to reset to default values

    Bug:: Firefox when clicking the quicksearch inputfield the tooltip will disappear , solution => move your mouse.

    Also the translations have to updated because i changed the whole menu, there are inscript texts and there's a new wiki.
    The menu and inscript translation have priority because the wiki is a lot of work :p

    I'm going on vacation next week, so if you find bugs just report them, i'll take a look when i'm back and try to solve them as quickly as possible.
    Pleas give feedback :)

    This will be shown ingame the first time you are using version 2.0.0
    Here is the link to the offline version. (for now only available in english).

    Enjoy !!
  • Hi,

    Damn it has been more than a month since my last post !
    Well to let you know i'm still working on UniverseView.

    My school project finishes this week, so i'll have more time for the script.

    What did i do in the mean time:

    - Finished the serverside database, it'll be released with the next UniverseView update

    What will i do:

    - Make UniverseView available as Chrome extension and FireFox extension (should be faster)
    - Extend and improve the existing features
    - Polish the script probably

    When that's finished i'll probably take a look at some useful feature requests.

    Happy Ogaming :gamer:

  • Update 2.1.0


    First of all i build a new website for UniverseView !
    The site is available via universeview.org, universeview.be and the main address universeview.warsaalk.be.

    All information about UniverseView can be read on the website.

    Secondly UniverseView is now available as Google Chrome extension and Mozilla Firefox extension.
    They can be downloaded on my website.
    The Chrome extension is also available in the webstore.

    Thirdly your now able to download the serverside database and script. So you can link universeview to a your server and all the player planets will be fetched from that server, it'll also update as you go through the galaxy. How to install it etc is all explained in the zip archive when you download it.

    So what's new
    • The extensions
    • The serverside database
    • Possibility to add yourself to the PlayerSpreading
    • Player research will now also be saved when using full espionage reports on the messages page
    • Styled QuickSearch tooltips
    • Bugfix: Solved conflict with second antigame clock

    Enjoy and let me know what you think ;)

  • Update 2.1.2

    Not a big update, just some small changes.
    • The firefox extension now updates itself. (please install it again so you'll have the autoupdate version)
    • UniverseView notification pops up in the left top corner instead of right bottom corner, also added border to notification.
    • Better names for browser databases, you'll probably have to update the database again.
    • Removed some code which worked with older ogame version.

    Feedback is always welcome ! You can contact me via my website
