Hi everyone.
As most of you already know, GF is planning to rebuild the ingame tutorial adding new steps and so on.
In fact a players suggestion had been accepted ([Simple Idea] New Tutorial Steps (OGame.AR Sugg)) and it'll be implemented soon (Suggestions Accepted by GameForge).
So for this reason, we think that now it's time to discuss a little bit around this.
There're many suggestions around this topic and we think that it'll be interesting to compile them all here, to put everyone in situation and receive feedback properly.
Starting point
Interesting suggestions
So please, feel free to post here any suggestion around this topic (first post will be updated with them) and discuss as much as you want
As most of you already know, GF is planning to rebuild the ingame tutorial adding new steps and so on.
In fact a players suggestion had been accepted ([Simple Idea] New Tutorial Steps (OGame.AR Sugg)) and it'll be implemented soon (Suggestions Accepted by GameForge).
So for this reason, we think that now it's time to discuss a little bit around this.
There're many suggestions around this topic and we think that it'll be interesting to compile them all here, to put everyone in situation and receive feedback properly.
Starting point
- [Simple Idea] New Tutorial Steps (OGame.AR Sugg) ==> Basic suggestion about implement "new" steps.
Interesting suggestions
- [Simple Idea] New Tutorial Steps (OGame.AR Sugg) ==> New steps related to fleetsaving and combats stuff (battles, technos and rapidfire)
[spoiler=potentiel00s]Some suggestions from .NL community for this item:
The current tutorial is too short, in our opinions. It will be a nice advantage for new players to get more knowledge about the game (faster), using the following extra steps in in a possible new tutorial. With or without a reward.
- Do a combat and win it: the user has to simulate his fleet against an oppononent. Make a link to the most used simulators for that country.
- Do a correct fleetsave: Show possibilities of saving a fleet. Show the cons and pros of fleetsaving using attack, debris and so on.
- Let a user experience the effect of the combat technologies. It probably is very hard to check a users knowledge about this item, but maybe a short presentation about two different CRs, using different technologies.
- Rapidfire. Probably one of the most important parts of the combat system, but also one of the hardest. Don't know how to do teach it using a tutorial, but maybe make an optional part of it. Not everybody wants to know all the ins and outs of it, but make a reward for those who want to. [/spoiler] - Resource Saving ==> A new tutorial step to learn how the do "resource saving" properly.
[spoiler=marv]I agree that the most important thing is to learn players how to FleetSave properly.
There is one other thing that I think is really important, but isn't mentioned anywhere. That's ResourceSaving by ordering/cancelling a certain building/research.
Maybe something like this:
"Keep 3M resources on a single planet for 24 hours."
And a hint could be added about ordering/cancelling a building/research that takes long time to finish.
However, this could lead to new players being raided if they try to achieve this simply by keeping their resources on their planet.
As for the other suggestions, they all sound useful, but some of them sound really hard to implement. Does GF already have an idea about which of these things can be implemented?
And how many new steps do they plan to add? Are we talking about a few steps, just to cover the basics of playing?
I think it would be nice if we add a lot of small steps, so tutorial would accompany the player even in later stages of the game. Some of those would be there to teach a player, and others would be more like "achievements".[/spoiler] - Tutorial addition ==> New step about accounts activation stuff
[spoiler=zohar88]i received ticket from unsatisfied player who was forced in to vacation mode after opening his 1st acc (and by his words, probably last one)
he said better tutorial is needed (maybe so, but that give me idea)
i suggest that you add one more additional step to tutorial.
acc activation step or some kind of pop-up which bothers you on every login that you need to activate acc.
something like this would be helpfull:
"you need to activate you acc or it will be set in to vacation mode. please check your email and junk mail as well.. etc."[/spoiler] - More missions ==> Add moon obtention as tutorial step
[spoiler=Mort]A few players from .se suggested that more missions like the tutorial missions should be implented.
That is single-player missions that gives rewards after finishing them.
Mission 45:
Your mission is to get a moon.
It has to be at least a 10%.
Reward: First lunarbase is free. [/spoiler] - New tutorial ==> New tutorial steps related with the new 4.0 version features
[spoiler=cristuning84]With the version 4.0, the whole game will be changed.
so it's necessary to create a new tutorial that explains also the new features of the version 4.0 [/spoiler] - New tutorial steps and new rewards ==> New steps/rewards around new ranking system
[spoiler=Valent]add some new tutorial step more addressed to middle game accounts :
For each category, it can be done in 3 levels of development
- when you get level xx on all mines you get a set of free bronze/silver/gold boosters
- when you get xxx points in military score , you get a free bronze/silver/gold kraken
- when you get xxx points in economy , you get a bronze/silver/gold detroid
- when you get xxx points in research you get a free newtron [/spoiler] - Reorder tutorial step 4 ==> Reorder the tutorial to be more rational
[spoiler=Kebab]For tutorial step 4 there are 3 requirements, in this order:
Build a research laboratory with level 1
Build a small cargo
Research the combustion drive on level 2
To complete step 2 you need to have already done step 3 (one of the requirements for small cargo is Combustion L2), this could confuse new players so i suggest changing the order of the steps so it's in a more logical order or just completely get rid of the combustion L2 step.
Build a research laboratory with level 1
Research the combustion drive on level 2
Build a small cargo[/spoiler] - Interactive tutorial ==> Interactive and mandatory tutorial
[spoiler=sirEdward]There should be a interactive tutorial for newbie players:
What does mean "Interactive tutorial"? Interactive tutorial is step by step guide for newbie players (next only "ppls"), which tells the ppl how the game works and what he should do to start with every aspect of the game. The existing in game "Tutorial" is more than insufficient, but it can be rewrited to interactive tutorial.
How should it work? When ppl starts the game first time, the Interactive tutorial will pop up to him without the "close" option (mandatory). Every step will explain how buidlings are working, how to research and what for, how to build fleet, which ship for which task will be needed and how to do fleet save.. Ppl must complete all steps of this guide to be fully independent to play. As any mandatory tasks could demotivate the ppl, each step must reward him. It is very important, that the reward will be not a resources (newbie ppls dont fully understand the prize of resources, so it will not motivate them). The reward should be an animated form of that, you had to do. For example, first step can be "build the solar plant to maintain energy for your colony" and the reward will be short video sequence how the solar plant starts up for first time and produce the energy for your colony (this makes a feeling of "own child" and will ppl tie with the game more than before).
+newbie players will know what to do without lurking on forum for guides
+newbie players will not leave the game within first month of play
+newbie players will be motivated to staying in the game
+game popularity
-for most sofisticated interactive tutorial system ppl help will needed (source code of tutorial can be downloaded to everyone, who wants to help)
Some adds here :
BigBlackBird: Player wants to play, not to read, thats a holy fact. The interactive tutorial is a compromise. It is offered to ppl with maximum care with immediate benefit which will ppl take as fun and would be adventurous for him.
This will be for newbies ppl only. Those who knows how to play, or have just created new account on other uni, can disable this feuture via game options menu or support.
Ivagone: "Stop trying to wrap people in bubble wrap - unless you are intending to smother them, because that is what you will do." This is not a argument, you obviosly dont know adolescents very well. I do not know how it is in Australia, but here in Europe they would eat you whole, either your shoes.. Please stop argumenting, that this game is good as you are not able to see from different view as your your own. If we want to make this game popular, we need to sacrifice something. If you give a newbie ppl a link to crowd of guide, they will close it for sure. But if you can teach them to play with some wisdom and respect to theirs will, they will reward you with loyalty.
"Teach people to learn - it will serve them better in the long run." Yes, teach them, but force them to it will be the same as let them go.
HamsterHunter: We both are a minority ppls. When we came here and we read all what can be find on the forum and internet wikis. We helped ourselves, because we are not so lazy. But we are something like relics from old era. Ppls wants to have all immediately in first day, if they must do something for it, they will not stay. Developers knew this, so they give as many achievments to game as it can hold. And they softly lead the ppl at beggining, so they are rewarded with every step they move. This is sofisticated system how to keep the ppl play theirs games only by changing the way how to approach today ppls personality. And i assure you, it is working at 100%.
Becasue today ppl are not bad, they are only lazy and leisure by this all kind technological boom. All is delivered to them by one click of computer mouse. Therefore, if we want new ppls, we must adapt.
Crimson King: -This will be for newbies ppl only. Those who knows how to play, or have just created new account on other uni, can disable this feuture via game options menu or support.-
"The tutorial would more likely cover the basics, but for more advanced strategies one would be better off looking at guides anyways."
The interactive tutorial can do anything what you want to teach ppls, with no border. Anything can be teached via interactive mode (picture - description). Advance "wisdom" as how to decelerate aliance attack is not necesarry to put in tutorial
"It might reduce the number of players who quit from a lack of basic knowledge about the game, but it will not stop players from quitting altogether."
I dont know how about you, but for me it is at least a good start
"While word of mouth is an effective form of advertizing, it only goes so far. Getting OGame's name and ads out on mmorpg sites can do more than word of mouth."
The much effective form of advertising is that, which is doing herself. I mean, how many ppls are here on *.org? 10 000, 30 000? All of them are potentional advertising carriers. If Ogame will achieve a title "popular game", all of those ppls can double that ppls amount number. Now, i personally will not recommend this game to someone as i know he will not play it more than 1 month.
"..that Gameforge will not open the in-game tutorial to public editing."
As i have wrote it before, you can download the source, edit it at sb'.s discretion. After you will change something, modify something, or add something, MOD must aprove it. [/spoiler]
So please, feel free to post here any suggestion around this topic (first post will be updated with them) and discuss as much as you want
