Update 4.1 - RC 1

    • Update 4.1 - RC 1

      Hi. Today we will update the test server on version 4.1 RC1 with the following changelog:

      [Bugs] missing reload after accepting alliance application
      [Bugs] buff bar: reload after activation of an item
      [Bugs] buff bar: several display problems solved
      [Bugs] display problem after activation of last item
      [Bugs] time reduction (building / research): error after using last item of any type
      [Bugs] registration & rename: possible to use tab character & control chars
      [Bugs] merchant menu: black square shown
      [Bugs] merchant: trading button not removed after leaving resource merchant menu
      [Bugs] not possible to abort construction / research order in resource menu
      [Bugs] not possible to rename planet with chinese chars in it
      [Bugs] several missing tooltips added
      [Bugs] missing seperator added
      [Bugs] display problems in fleet menu solved
      [Bugs] solar sats more expensive if started in resource menu
      [Bugs] error while using newtron on research queue
      [Bugs] research finished instantly
      [Bugs] problem with item activation during vacation mode
      [Bugs] spam protection not working properly
      [Bugs] BBCodes: BBCode within [tooltip] not well transformed
      [Bugs] wrong percents in text of resource booster
      [Bugs] Kraken working just for first building in queue
      [Bugs] Netron: wrong time reduction after using on research queue
      [Bugs] several text problems solved
      [Bugs] missing refresh of alliance tabs after creating an alliance

      Your Origin-Team
      - - - WTH was here - - -


      ogame has no bugs...only unbalanced features^^
      yeah my girlfriend too :P