GF manners towards communities

    • Here's the rub... 6.0 was the result of a player poll... answering player interest which direction GF should pursue in their next major update, and msg improvements topped the poll. Defending player expectations and wishes would contradict any claim GF has (all of a sudden) rolled out these improvements at any pace. I don't doubt anyone defending GF would hesitate to highlight recent improvements as progress worth memorializing. Neither do I completely discard these efforts. And I will not hesitate to hold GF's feet to the fire until player requested and GF accepted improvements are finally rolled out. We both speak the truth perhaps.

      I might add some of these improvements slated for 6.0 are dated 2010.
    • What should be in version 6, 7 ? Those suggestions are nothing what can bring players to the game. No action, just boring supplements.
      People are doing many suggestions for GF, good suggestions, but GF keeps denying them and are accepting only things like
      "Last usable field" warning for example. Nothing major, just small improvements to the existing boring game. GF has so many people, who are giving them tons of suggestion, for free! and they are still laughing on it. But this is the common problem for couple of years :beer: .
      For example Francolino and his Antigame Origin supplement is for me more bigger as the game itself. So what are doing those empolyes in GF for this game, when someone can do from outside more and without paycheck.
      I´ll tell you. More and more microtransaction supplements :evil:
      -Ogame Recension-
      Ogame need a change!
      -Check my account for my ideas-
    • well, I wont go into my "old technology" rant comparing the advent of (internet) msg systems with the introduction of indoor plumbing.

      ...and I dont complain about recent & self centered GF updates to the game

      ...or dwindling active player base in recently merged uni.

      but I will give GF a suggestion... put some lipstick on it and roll that albatross out :cookie:
    • News from SK community...

      25th Feruary will be announced new server in our dead community.

      It´s once again against our will, no one has asked us players. Why ? Are we just a cash cow for them ?

      This is just an another proof, that GF aren´t interested in quality or better game for us players, but only in money flow.
      created this thread to let you all know, that while GF Ogame is getin´
      money from you with better and better paid boosters, nothing was changed
      for our fun and better game experience.

      So keep it that way GF, good job ! ;)
      -Ogame Recension-
      Ogame need a change!
      -Check my account for my ideas-
    • sirEdward, as long as I know, GF is trying to reach more new players for all communities, but it's hard because there are many browsergames over there...

      There are a few communities in OGame that have low number of players (not just SK), but they have not many universes. This will be your 4th universe. I know people from my community who are playing 3 or 4 universes at the same time. The important thing is that, now, OGame has different 'setups' of universes. There are speed x4, x3,x2 ... different debris setups, number of galaxies, etc. Each universe has his own characteristics: it makes them different. So, active players from your community can play on several universes.

      Which solution do you think you can find for solve the "dead" community?

      I think it's not quite easy.

      Cheer up!
    • Danimanza wrote:

      Which solution do you think you can find for solve the "dead" community?
      well, here's my take on this, as a relative new comer to ogame, but definitely not a newcomer to these games...

      a) old timers, those who have played ogame for many years, have witnessed many changes, among them a diluted player base (stretched between multiple uni's) and (expected) attrition. for these established and seasoned players nothing shy of undoing everything GF has done over many years would bring back "the good old days" for them.

      b) new blood, myself amongst them playing ogame for a couple years, have witnessed but a few changes. in fact, too few. example 6.0... a portion of that player generated wish list includes improvements requested year 2010.

      in both cases, a & b detailed above, memorializing recent actions by GF does little to compliment GF as a pro-active force by any stretch of any "active" imagination.

      from this reply one could conclude quite easily 2 options for GF. Hope this helps.
    • Danimanza: it´s not hard. It´s is more easy as you can imagine. Many players here has provided clever ideas to ressurect this game, but this was mention before over and over.
      It´s not our 4th universe ;) there was maybe 6 till now. And six before.
      Please think logically, whem your game is falling in popularity, it is not fun anymore, what can you do ? Will you open next server with some changed criterias, but the core will be still the same ? With this way you can bring some new players, but they will see after some time how it is boring like we old players know it now. They will leave and never come back.

      Boonsey: I am old player but i know there should be change to bring life into OGame. We need old players as so much as we need new players. All i see for few years are boosters booster, new unis, DarkMatter and more things for money..
      -Ogame Recension-
      Ogame need a change!
      -Check my account for my ideas-
    • In France, they just opened Zagadra, only 6 weeks after Yakini.

      Why ? Yakini has never been soldout. 2 thousands accounts have zero points.

      So why ? I suppose that they calculate the maximal profitability duration, and it seems that after 6 weeks (you know, with the 5.7, when the top 1 has more than 500k points), several players stop to pay on the universe because they understand that they have to pay a lot to stay ranked. The gain graph begins to decrease, after the opening rush, and so they open a new universe.

      Don't dream Sir Edwards, the only purpose is not to have a maximal number of players, but the maximal numbers of paying players. 5.7 create fun for who ? Top 50 of a universe ? And despite if this remove fun for all other players...

    • Happy New Year for all players from SK community ;)

      Our community is now nearly dead, but for me it´s dead already (with around 1k players) :)
      Just yesterday i´ve got a 14day ban for telling openly on board, that GF is doing all only for profit but nothing for player.
      I linked there one song with name translated as "thick-headed band" :D Sorry, that´s my view on GF Ogame Team.

      Btw SK Board has an BoardAdmin and few under admins from CZ community, cause nobody from SK wants to be in the Team.
      Few SK people entered the Team after and they are now under those CZ Admins (ha-ha). I understantd the hierarchy, but....

      Now allow me please some semi-ironic phrases like Thanks GF for you hard work on better Ogame. Thanks for all those fantastic idea from players, which will be never in Ogame (just those who gave better profit).

      About OGame v6. What will it be ... ?! It should be fantastic - evolutionary apdate to Ogame, as it´s in developing few months :)
      Dont tell me PLEASE, that you must did this 6version only for chat, which should be in game from beginning !

      Keep this way GF and you will be "rich". Or change you point of view and you will be rich for sure, not in ironic way.
      -Ogame Recension-
      Ogame need a change!
      -Check my account for my ideas-
    • Glad to see you are still online , I will not censor your post - for the simple reason to prove you that here is not the place to make such comments.

      1. Bans can't be discussed on board, especially if other communities are involved

      2. Bad comments on other teams have not a place here as those can have only a negative impact on the community, without giving the possibility to seek a solution. Besides is not our business here to discuss such things, Origin is all about tools and guides for OGame, game improvement and exchanging ideas about the game itself.

      3. We collect ideas, not all of them will be implemented in game but they can trigger new features and new possibilities. However, many suggestions have already found their way in the game and many more will get game life really soon

      4. Version 6.0. is about communication and some other features ( alliance sharing information, refurbish of spy and combat reports etc) .

      5. In the past you were invited to help with suggestions but finished in accusations. Sorry, but "throwing stones" is not a good sport and we can't allow it here or anywhere, in any GF community . For sure, there are many aspects that can be improved and is good to signal things that are not working properly or that can be improved but do it in the proper way , following the rules. You have to remember that "tone makes the melody". Keeping a calm and polite discourse and using constructive critic and positive thinking not simple denigration can get you more closer of the desired result. I'm personally sorry to see how your talent and ideas are wasted in this way.
    • Hey Valent, nice to "hear you" and thanks for you wisdom. Yep im still online, but i prefer to tell im hybernating :)

      1. Im not discussing about my ban, im ok with that.

      2. Origin is maybe only one place, where could players unite against profit develeping and not a game developing GameForge. Possibility to discuss something wit GF, that will not kill each Ogame community one after another, was impossible. I know, trust me, i tried many times. This way im acting now, is just a final step as pure player of dying game.

      3. Yes, Origin is collecting ideas. Many, many good ideas which could a wich would ressurect Ogame. Sorry, i have seen how quickly are those ideas not accepted by GF team. See yourself, anybody could see it. Just profit profit, any actions to take more money from player. Start the game, buy all you can buy, and tell me if you will play another month..

      4. If that so, version 6 will bring nothing evolutionary, but maybe just a 1 month of joy. Chat should be in game from begining as inside micro-infrastructure mechanism, that will keep teamates together. But not as core function !

      5. In past, i was gladly helping this board. As translating still not working wiki, suggesting many ideas and more. I was doing that with pleassure.
      But till i get the point, how the things are working. Nothing was done in case of eliminating dying communites around the world. Our SK community is too small, but what about FR community. I read theirs commnents, no one has listened them too.
      Im not a terrorist, im no in mood to troll or do somthing unpolite nor undiplomatic. I was telling this everytime and everywhere i was writing, until we like this game, all players must join and tell that to GameForge till they will finally listen to us !
      This board can make them profit from this game, but without sacrifise of game joy as the Gameforge is doing. Im not a talented man, but many players here are, please don´t allow GF waste their time !

      BTW. I was speaking with one admin of our community. As i mentioned, our community is dead. Some people still fighting to ressurect it, or just bring some joy to dead universes. To who should we speak, if we want to merge with another community, can you tell me please ?
      -Ogame Recension-
      Ogame need a change!
      -Check my account for my ideas-