connect 1:1 to 1:499

    • connect 1:1 to 1:499

      many people suggested this before, but since this is a testserver wouldn't it be nice to try this for once?

      if u start @ 1:5:4 for example, u only have 1 side to attack/raid.
      but if u connect 1:1 to 1:499 u have both sides to attack/raid.
    • this improvement would really be an extra for the game since many people is trying to locate their planets near central positions like 1:150:x and 1:350:x for example so you can cover more territory instead of just one side of the galaxy making it harder to reach more objective because of the consumption of deuterium and ALSO when using phalanx of the moon would be connected to this feature i think, if you have a moon in 1:1:x you have your phalanx limited to the right.
    • i'm always with players... bat...

      i ts a nice idea
      bat if you flee to the space you will never find a end of the space
      you will always go in circles
      as for star trek always new plays
      like are galaxy 9 planets 1 moon 1 sun , where its a rest of uni.????
    • Belg that is a good idea man....

      considering universe's are ment to be rounded?? LOL (ppsstt are they??)

      Currently i do notice if u click right or arrow right in system 499 you go to system 1...

      used to just reload 499
    • Not sure if you are kidding daaq, but technically quite a few galaxies are spiraled which technically means you could go around the galaxy going from 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 to ... 205 to 206 to .... 499. If you labeled every system in a galaxy with a number. So technically you could go from 499 to 1.

      Now I said quite a few are spiraled. Not all galaxies are spiraled like our galaxy. ;)
    • Great idea! Would introduce much balance about location in galaxy.

      BTW: Ogame "distance" do not follow topological axioms of distance dist(A,C)>=dist(A,B)+dist(B,C) when A=gal1sys1, C=gal2sys1, B=gal1sys500, maybe this could be tweaked?
      Making galaxies distant like 250systems? Now intergalaxy distance is equivalent to about 183 system.
    • A really good idea.
      There would be no "bad position" (phalanx range, cheap raids) anymore. You will be located well at every position :)
      At the beginning of a new univers some people tactically wait before they register because they seek out to get a "better position" near the middle of a galaxy. This wont be anymore.

      because you go to g9 to hide
      There is no really hide since you are able to relocate a planet+moon. Furthermore i think there is no need to support the idea of hiding anywhere. The goal is to get a moon and save fleet from there. hiding is a really passive behaviour but we want more aktivity in the univers for more fun playing OGame. Or just be more diplomatic and active in irc/forum to have more protecting friends than enemies to be more save.

      The next point is, that we should try to make beeing a fleeter more attractive, since there is the tactical retreat and the production boost by plasma technology. In some cases this could be a mindchange, too.
    • I know this is old but I like the idea also. And to an earlier post it makes more sense that 1:1 is connected to 1:499 as a galaxy is usually round or ciruclar. (You could add geometry and do sphere galaxies also. Basically a third coordinate.) Where as galaxies in relation to each other would be tricker. They could be in many different positions related to each other.

      To add to this a 3d instead of 2D grid system could be developed also. And basic logic to find the quickest path etc. then you could give everything more interesting distances! 8p then instead of filing in all positions you have more grid locations in only fill in so many randomly. The SSes could also have this feature as well as galaxies so they can be in relation to each other. then a differnt formula added to the current one(basic geometry) to find the new distances. You could also add movement then and planet speeds and making moving objects very easily with precaculated paths and intermittent updates of possition on looking or some other means to limit data transfers. I would random generate neeed data though as manully would be a pain. This could also allow soft reset of unis by recalculating new data for all objects if desired.