suggestions are really suggestions?

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  • suggestions are really suggestions?

    Such suggestions are really suggestions?

    I watch a lot of post on the forum, many menbers, and I notice that the suggestions part is not really free creations and new ideas to bring, by menbers ...

    1) why some ideas are unpopular, or improperly took more than others?

    2) why the new ideas becomes almost sheathing for other members?

    how do you improve ogame
    if the real proposals, reject
    ; ... as players demand an evolution of the game! (A big change)
    proof my message will disturb others! ....

    1) my suggestion would be to open a category (free creations of new idea) players who come and post about :grumble:

    (And it important to leave an empty spot without criticism or discouragement on the part of some members too strict, for if that makes ogame have thousands of players.

    Moreover, the words in the forum suggestions too delimits the menbers: basically its means: (post is that we want, not what you want !!) .... do not forget that people pay money for better play ... best would be ,their leave a space in the games .... ?(
  • 1) Just because an idea is popular doesn't make it a good idea for OGame (or a good idea at all)
    2) Just because an idea is popular doesn't make it easy to implement and test

    While yes, popularity can help Gameforge determine what feature to implement, it is by no means a deciding factor, and it shouldn't be.

    You buy dark matter, you do not buy additional voice in what gets implemented. Yes listening to customers is important, but please don't get entitled over the fact that you bought dark matter.
    Mod @ - Bugs & Complaints and Suggestions
  • If the players were really the deciding factor on what is good for the game, we would have ships that only the attacker can see, have no way for GF to earn money to support the game, etc...

    Project management should have the final say on what gets added and what doesn't, not the players because if left to the players there would be no balance to the game and thus no point in playing. Mod: Suggestions.
  • Nobody said that players are not important. But there is a reason why final decision is within the company. As already mentioned we would have a lot of suggestions like 'best ship ever just for me and for free and invisible and I will win this universe'. That's why this is not useful.

    In general Origin is already a very open platform where you can suggest everything...I see no reason to change something here...
    - - - WTH was here - - -


    ogame has no bugs...only unbalanced features^^
    yeah my girlfriend too :P