Origin will get 4.0.0 & reset - Discussion thread

    • most of us prefere that this server keep on going...
      create a second test uni.... this would be the perfect solution....
      GF test the new version twice... with a brand new uni and a midle age uni... GF achives is goals as the players..... we all be happy....

      a grande maioria prefere que este uni continue...

      criar um segundo uni de testes era a solução perfeita....

      assim a GF testa a nova versão duas vezes.... com um uni novinho e com
      um uni já avançad... assim todos alcançam os seus objectivos e
      ficariamos todos contentes...

    • Mikhael o quimico wrote:

      most of us prefere that this server keep on going...
      create a second test uni.... this would be the perfect solution....
      GF test the new version twice... with a brand new uni and a midle age uni... GF achives is goals as the players..... we all be happy....

      In full agreement with Mikhael !!!

      Unfortunatly... GF rules... point !

      & in the end... what can I say ???

    • Sorry that I have to say this, but it really seems to me that 99% of you people here have not understood, what a testserver is for.
      If you want to spend time building up a nice account, then you're wrong here, because that's not what it was thought for - go to a normal universe and play there.
      This server is for testing and everybody who signs up here knows that. Point and over.
    • lrdfrb wrote:

      Sorry that I have to say this, but it really seems to me that 99% of you people here have not understood, what a testserver is for.
      If you want to spend time building up a nice account, then you're wrong here, because that's not what it was thought for - go to a normal universe and play there.
      This server is for testing and everybody who signs up here knows that. Point and over.
      Well, it looks like you might have missed the point. We all know that it's a test server, and it will be reset. Nobody has complained about the fact that the server will be reset. The question here was, if it was the right time to reset or to let THIS uni stay as it is - for now - to test v4 in an older uni AND start a new uni to test in a.... new uni. The reason we wanted that, was that the test uni is fairly new, and yet old. If the Version 4 had arrived in a year or two, then all test about V 3 had been done, then yhis server would have been reset a long time ago, and then it would have been a new uni for v4 what so ever. But,, since v4 arrives so close to v3, the players wanted to test v4 with the acc they have spend the last 6 month building up, and not start from scratch.
      So what the 99% of the players here says, is that it's not the right time and they want it to stay as it is - for now.

    • restlesz wrote:

      Well, it looks like you might have missed the point. We all know that it's a test server, and it will be reset. Nobody has complained about the fact that the server will be reset.

      I don't agree with you on that point. Some of the people certainly have understood it, but those posting comments like:

      daaq360 wrote:

      im thinking the best idea here is to have two seperate unis the one we all play and love... uni 670 & then another uni for the 4.0

      eightball wrote:

      How about making the origin 670 server to a legal server and start testing with a newone

      Berzelius wrote:

      Well a lot of players spent a lot of time on this server and probably if server will reset, 75% of them wont start again cause like me, they will be pissed off to build all again

      Somerandomidiot wrote:

      The reset will kill this uni why dont you just add it to the list of servers so more people will join ?? that as well leave us alone and open a new one

      have definitely not ;)
    • It's really not needed to "test" it in a pre-built universe, nothing would be gained from that, other than picking out a few bugs and such which can also be done in a new universe. The key thing with this is how the new features will affect the structuring and balancing - that's best seen in a new universe.
    • Kebab wrote:

      It's really not needed to "test" it in a pre-built universe, nothing would be gained from that, other than picking out a few bugs and such which can also be done in a new universe. The key thing with this is how the new features will affect the structuring and balancing - that's best seen in a new universe.

      Funny, why do you start with such hugh amount of res then? it just brings the earlygame out of order, because every noob can build alot of things. Unnessary def etc. the fleeter can gain hugh amounts in a very fast time, if they find inactiv targets.

      Please don't talk about balance, because that way you want to start it, doesn't tell you anything in my opinion if you let everyone start with so many res.
    • lrdfrb wrote:

      I don't agree with you on that point. Some of the people certainly have understood it, but those posting comments like:
      Now I think YOU have missed the point in my post...

      restlesz wrote:

      The reason we wanted that, was that the test uni is fairly new, and yet old. If the Version 4 had arrived in a year or two, then all test about V 3 had been done, then this server would have been reset a long time ago, and then it would have been a new uni for v4 what so ever. But,, since v4 arrives so close to v3, the players wanted to test v4 with the acc they have spend the last 6 month building up, and not start from scratch.

      So what the 99% of the players here says, is that it's not the right time and they want it to stay as it is - for now.

    • Ok, so the server is getting reset, nothing we say is changing that, next question is, are the developers sending out messages to players on other servers announcing the reset, to try and re-populate the uni so more players come back
    • This should have been PM'd to all players and the purchase of officers stopped, my officers are sittng on 86 days... total bull. Server should have been put on ogame list and not just reset with all losing everything. more time should have been giving, a weeks announcement is poor from GF
    • marv wrote:

      I just hope that there will be a better "anti-cheat" checking than before. After all, this test is mainly about balancing, and you can't test that if some players have unfair advantage...

      Yes of course - On the beginning this universe was only planned "for a couple of weeks" - without any rules and checks. Now we have all to care about fair play.

      Regards, Francolino
    • What's happened with buddy points?
      Now, I see they an be only spend for such a low boost:
      +10% more metal on one planet (max. +890 per hour)
      +10% more crystal on one planet (max. +600 per hour)
      +10% more deuterium on one planet (max. +390 per hour)
      Why it was changed?
      Why there isn;t option to buy commander for 50 BP any more?
      Now this option is rly bad:/
      After all on normal universe when I got many BP points I must spend it now cause when this update will be implemented than BP points will be worthless.
    • marv wrote:

      Wasn' there supposed to be some cooldown period for Krakens and Detroids?

      I don't see that under the ingame description. If there isn't a cooldown period, then it's really too much of an advantage...

      Yes it was, but currently it's gone.

      ToxicRS wrote:

      only 3,5k players.... did you send any invitations?

      A news will be announced in all communities again.