Origin will get 4.0.0 & reset - Discussion thread

    • im thinking the best idea here is to have two seperate unis the one we all play and love... uni 670 & then another uni for the 4.0 this means while were building up that 4.0 we can still run havoc for uni670 and when they want to test implimenting it for a already active uni they can test it on uni 670
    • grba wrote:

      So here is a issue... GF will upgrade all serven not from begining... they will upgrade version 3.1... ppl will already have planets, mines, research, fleet...etc... how could they know if there will be a possible bug... prehaps ppl lost their fleet on version 4.0..? Probably programers count on that but programing is a science... never know what'll happen... ;)
      Such is always (and relatively easily) tested internally to ensure it won't happen ^^

      with v4.0.0 comes a lot of nice items and such, and it's necessary to test how these affect the game balance early on - and whether the cost of these items is balanced correctly. Such can't really be done on an old server =/

      But your complaints and suggestions will be forwarded to GF on Monday, and we'll see if there's a nice solution for all ;)
    • That's just it though, they will need to test moving everyones points, because existing .org, .de, .us etc etc won't go back to zero, so they will need to test v4 with people who have existing points

      Once v4 is implemetned, with us using all our current set ups, open up a new uni to start from scratch, with fresh players to test the new version from the begginning.

      They have every single email of every single player, just send a new one out saying "NEW TEST UNI OPENING", "BE THE FIRST TO TEST NEW FEATURES FROM BEGGINNING"

      Then we can test the new features from mid game, they will gather twice the data they need in twice the speed, meaning they can sort out the bugs twice as quickly, some even before the people in the new uni get to spot them, it will stop people leaving, and open up the chance to sort bugs out much much quicker
    • Anyway, if the "one test server only" decision stays, it's definitely smarter to first apply 4.0. Leave it for a month or so, to test the effect on the mid-game stage. Then reset the server and test the impact on the early stage of the game.
      Life? Don't talk to me about life...
    • Francolino wrote:

      Hello all,

      I talk about this reset on monday with WeTeHa if it is really needed.

      Regards, Francolino

      I'm sure there are many more players than there are now at the origin server wishing to play in a more stable without the fear that completely restart the server again. that's why I think it's a shame that a server with many players from different countries with different styles and strategies of play is lost and leave in oblivion .....
    • Although I'm a bit disappointed that it will be reseted I understand it. That's the risk of playing on a beta test server, we have all agreed that the server could get resetted anytime. So no complaining about that.

      I would however like to see other parameters on the play. 2x speed is too slow for a test server, better would be 4x (3x would be the least !!)

      Other parameters are of less interest, 50% or 70% debris doesn't make that big of a difference. Defense to debris although would.
    • Just another "thought".

      I can understand the complete reset upon such a big increment. With 4.X the database behind it will probably get a complete revision. Migrating all info from one DB to another could cause lots of trouble, half data being ported, inconsistent settings, etc.
      Resetting is valid on those conditions.

      Having a test with an early universe for balancing on early game play is also nice to have some better server for the next "event-universe" like the last one in December/January. Choosing your game strategy was essential on that one and making the wrong choice, and playing not aggressively made it impossible to get a high ranking the last time.
    • Well a lot of players spent a lot of time on this server and probably if server will reset, 75% of them wont start again cause like me, they will be pissed off to build all again. I really prefer to put new version on this server without reseting.
      And if not and server will reset im in for big bang 6vs6 :)
      At least we will have a NN1 ACS :)))

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Berzelius ().

    • Berzelius wrote:

      Well a lot of players spent a lot of time on this server and probably if server will reset, 75% of them wont start again cause like me, they will be pissed off to build all again. I really prefer to put new version on this server without reseting.
      And if not and server will reset im in for big bang 6vs6 :)
      At least we will have a NN1 ACS :)))

      Yes, and other players will take your place to test the new version. And it's not so bad, because if I understand well, you're not here to test but to play, probably because it's less hard here than in common Universe on your own community ? :phatgrin:

      Test servers are for testers...
    • iguypouf wrote:

      Test servers are for testers...

      What is your Definition of "testing"? Active Gameplay is neccessary for active testing. So this universe needs active players.

      I agree with resetting, that was the risk "playing" here and is maybe needful for 4.x, but don't agree with the 2x Speed. The new Beta-Test will take two much time with this speed.
    • The thing is, there is nothing to do with the database or the new implementations... they need to test all the new stuff on an early stage of a universe for future new Universes they will be opening.

      They can't test all the new staff on an advanced universe like it is Origin, they need to reset it, to see if everything is well balanced, etc etc... and watch it's progress...

      Cheers. :)
    • restarting now is a waste of good players... almost all good players i talked ingame, have the same opinion as i.... they will not go back to the beginning just because yours accounts have to much work to be deleted like this....yes, we all knew that this could happen, but doing it now, by the reasson the GF says is not the best way....
      they can have the best of two worlds, testing in a developed uni and see the bugs if the new version in use... and then, one month later can see the new version in a new uni... reseting this one... or creating a new having both at the same time.... i think that creating a second uni would be the best opicion.....

      reiniciar este uni agora é um desperdício de bons jogadores... quase todos os bons jogadores que eu falei no jogo têm a mesma opinião que eu... Não iram recomeçar... perdemos demasiado tempo para ver as nossas contas perdidas assim....sim,todos nós sabiamos que isto poderia acontecer.... mas faze-lo agora, e pelas razões que a GF diz, realmente não é a melhor opção.....
      eles podem ter o melhor de dois mundos, testando inicialmente um uni já meio desenvolvido para ver os bugs que a nova versão tem e um mês após esse teste poderiam sim re-iniciar.... ou então criando um novo uni, tendo assim as duas hipóteses ao mesmo tempo...
      penso que a criação de um novo uni seria a melhor opção....

    • Ok, so here I am,
      yes I know, that it was told, that maybe some day restart will be nececcery.

      But maybe there is some solution - this server started to earn some money, because of dark mater selling, right? Maybe there is a way to keep him alive, and not lost money ? Lot of people here will still pay for dark mater. And then start server 671, and there also run mechanic to sell DM and earn more and more ;)

      And earn also more respect from players for listening their ask :)

      I will be more than happy to continue my adventure here in Origin, it is better server, than all other i have experienced, and now it is only one i play in (yes, i also bought some DM).

      If your masters would kill this server in reset, please give some longer time to prepare some shipmaggedons ;) and tell exact date and hour...