Origin will get 4.0.0 & reset - Discussion thread

    • The test server was launched with the warning that can be reset at any time if the testing needs are calling for it.

      In the same time we acknowledge your complaints. Problem is that for the moment only one test server is allowed. One fresh server can become old but an old one can't become fresh without a reset and a fresh server is needed now.
      Just to let you know that Ogame.team cares for your wishes and we want to ensure for you all the most pleasant gaming environment possible.

      Please continue to express your wishes and comments we'll consider them with maximum attention and we'll try to find a solution if possible.
    • Valent wrote:

      Problem is that for the moment only one test server is allowed.
      Is this a GF rule or is it a rule for all games, when they need test servers? If is a GF rule - then they are in the possision to change the rules ;)

      Second. Yes we know that it's a test server and WILL close one day. Don't think that anybody are complaning about that fact, but the fact that existing acc have to start all over again, to test a new version so close to the v3. And with 2x speed it will take more than 6 months to get about half the way to where the test server is to day (since is has had 4x speed for quit some time) - and it's now people might need most of the new items. So people can't test these items until 6-9 month has past. Nobody make bad choises on purpose, to test the items.

      I guess we all also understand that v4 is also needed to be tested on a new uni, as well as an old uni.
      So if it is a rule - about only one test server - for all games, I guess ther's no way around the reset, but if it is a GF rule, I guess it's up to GF, whether they wants to get results in about 6 month, or start getting results right away.

      I was really looking forward to test out the new items, but to start all over.... :(

    • I think users who have participated in this universe origin test server deserve a respect for the selfless work and administration of the game to reward players not respecting their work and pulling it away by resetting the server
    • It could be usefull to keep the current test uni, as it is a "middle-aged" uni... So you can analyze the V4 in these conditions without waiting few months...
      And open a separated test uni to simulate the beginning of an universe.
    • GF is not thinkig rigth....... follow my thought just for a second....
      now, we are going to test what? a new version... rigth... and this new version is going to affect what?? the new unis, that are going to be created..... how many are going to be create in a short notice?
      or the old ones all over the world???? those unis that are now merging.... aren't those unis the ones that have all the players?... where GF is going to test the new version?? in a new uni?? or one that alreaddy as something...
      restrat the origin server now is a mistake and a waste oportunite to test this version 4.....really, GF is not thinking straight...

      a GF não está a pensar direito... em frente.... sigam a minha linha de pensamento...
      que vamos testar afinal? não é uma nova versão do ogame?? e esta versão vai afectar o que afinal??? será os novos servidores ou os antigos??? quantos seram criados de novo comparativamente aos antigos??? não é nos antigos que estão todos os jogadores, que até por acaso neste momento estão a sofrer uma fusão.....
      vais-se testar a nova versão então num uni novo quanto a maioria dos unis afectados é antigo???
      recomeçar este uni nesta ocasião é um erro e uma oportunidade perdida para o teste desta versão.... realmente não estão a pensar direito...
    • well, to be honest, i think that one of the biggest things to test, is going to version 4, keeping things as they are, like fleets/planets/moons

      One thing that needs testing, is switching from one style to next with everything already in place, how else are they going to test it before trying to switch to v4 in the older perma uni's other wise

      so i think best thing to do is test by switching with everyones work in place, and then opening another uni to v4, so people can test early uni AND middle stage of uni at same time
    • Valent wrote:

      Please continue to express your wishes and comments we'll consider them with maximum attention and we'll try to find a solution if possible.

      In my opinion there are two possible solutions:

      1) Restart the server and give 4x Speed. 2x Speed takes too much time and the beginning.

      2) Continue this server with 2x Speed. That would be okay

      As an Addon we need 50% or 70% Fleet to DF ;)
    • Valent wrote:

      The test server was launched with the warning that can be reset at any time if the testing needs are calling for it.

      In the same time we acknowledge your complaints. Problem is that for the moment only one test server is allowed. One fresh server can become old but an old one can't become fresh without a reset and a fresh server is needed now.
      Just to let you know that Ogame.team cares for your wishes and we want to ensure for you all the most pleasant gaming environment possible.

      Please continue to express your wishes and comments we'll consider them with maximum attention and we'll try to find a solution if possible.
      can you move this server to become legal at ogame.org like a new server orgin and it will never have too reset again
      i spend 16h a day too keep my acc.
      i don't believe i will start from 0 again

      i believe more players will love that
      we need to start a petition for this
    • i spend 16h a day too keep my acc.
      i don't believe i will start from 0 again

      i believe more players will love that
      we need to start a petition for this

      I know that i will not start again...TO many sleepless nights i v spend to get where i am now...
    • this server can become an example for other universes because many nationalities involved here and can see lots of players with different playing strategies that are really interesting if the server is rebooted all this potential will be lost, I think this server can become a legal universe as the rest and be an example of players from different cultures and nationalities, it is a shame to lose forever :hail:
    • I will say that this idea does not fit me
      I play the greatest alliance of all graduating uni and game
      gram to have a few other uni and heartily recommend against
      playing on the uni and gossip to confirm
      no one no longer wants to play here
      for what?
      He asked the operator, our game we play here
      Now we have a request that we not exclude uni
      we'll see what happens
      but I can see it in black color
      :closed: :closed: :closed: :closed: :closed: :closed: :closed: :closed: :closed: :closed: :closed: :closed: :closed: :closed: :closed: :closed:
    • iguypouf wrote:


      It is written in CAPITAL LETTERS before you begin to spend your nights here : IT'S A TEST SERVER THAT COULD BE RESET WHENEVER.

      I'm really disappointed to see how much people are not able to read, today.

      Look, it is not that we can t read, it is not that we haven t seen BIG letters....but in life, what you like--you try to keep...It is a normal behavior of men
    • Everyone has a different suggestion and everyone wants something different. But there is one fact the GF need to consider.

      WHEN there is a reset, where do they get the players to keep testing, because most players which play right now will be pissed off for some reason (read some above) and wont continue, so where is the point in testing the new stuff, if there are like 1000 active players? At the moment the Univers isnt overly crowded and there will be less players willing to test for the GF again, if they just reset it.

      So what's it gonna be? Shooting in your right or left leg GF?
    • Can someone explain me, why do they need to reset the server? If you want us to test v 4.0 give it to us, and we will. but rebuild everything again and test it after 4,5, 6 month?? can´t find any logic in this .

      for me i can say. I really would like to test the new version. But If you reset, I will not longer play this uni.
    • Maddog24 wrote:

      Can someone explain me, why do they need to reset the server? If you want us to test v 4.0 give it to us, and we will. but rebuild everything again and test it after 4,5, 6 month?? can´t find any logic in this .

      for me i can say. I really would like to test the new version. But If you reset, I will not longer play this uni.
      If I may add...

      We have 3.1 version now... right?... and as we r playing we report every bug, mistake...etc... caused by programer's to correct a problem and make a game even better when GF deside to relese newer version on other domain...

      So here is a issue... GF will upgrade all serven not from begining... they will upgrade version 3.1... ppl will already have planets, mines, research, fleet...etc... how could they know if there will be a possible bug... prehaps ppl lost their fleet on version 4.0..? Probably programers count on that but programing is a science... never know what'll happen... ;)