Knuck vs TALON

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  • DarKor670 wrote:

    daaq360 wrote:

    I DAAQ360 will teach any member of the TALON/PHEONIX groups, if they wish... they just need to pm me... and we will organise maybe a "in training" alliance for them.... after that they can choose where they want to go....PS... creator no your not welcome... i have already had enough painkillers to avoid headaches from your blabbering mouth

    Really? Is all this bad mouthing necessary? C'mon. All you're doing here is the same thing you are complaining about from Creator. How does that make any sense.

    I think setting up a training wing for members of [Talon] and [Phoenix] is a good idea. I'm just not sure daaq360 is the right person to lead it if this is any indication:
    [Top 07] MrSanta[CRO] vs. daaq360[KNUCK] - (TD: 195.119.000), (profit ~ 40mil)

    I'm just saying...

    wellllll..... mouthing off and informing players that ill help are very seperate things.... see... if i only had the persmission to let you see the comments creator sent me that time...but he knew to hide it....maybe he would like to tell us here on the boards...i would love to hear from him...

    PS... yes i got hit... i was very comfortable in my bed... even came a half hour late for work...... you gonna go try send me a written warning over that aswell LOL... people get hit...all the can be a slip up it can be by a good hunter.... mine was a slip up and good timing on someone who never probed me before...well not in a very long time.

    but... i come right back and will continue to do so...

    dont like it...a well... still teach these people alot of things
  • Well, it goes to show you what we are up against, or not up against, depends on your POV.
    Until recently, it seems like only 1 person from the alliance is savvy enough to convert and post a hit here on the boards, and they have yet to find an IPM converter.
    All my esteemed adversary seems to be able to run is his mouth, not an alliance.

    Knuck Uber Alles !!!
    Have A Nice Day !!!

    Look for me on #Knuck channel in IRC.

    <+umakhelwane>Sarsa is the reason he talks like that anyway.blame's always Sarsa
    <@Florence>I like that reasoning
    <+Sarsaparilla>EVERYTHING is my fault
  • Sarsaparilla wrote:

    Well, it goes to show you what we are up against, or not up against, depends on your POV.
    Until recently, it seems like only 1 person from the alliance is savvy enough to convert and post a hit here on the boards, and they have yet to find an IPM converter.
    All my esteemed adversary seems to be able to run is his mouth, not an alliance.

    Knuck Uber Alles !!!
    Have A Nice Day !!!

    i have only been saying that from the start.....

    all hes good for is mouth running and sending IPM's but any [see post 18 & 19] can do that....where is the skill in doing it.... not only that.... they send to many so they dont simulate the IPMing either LOL

    cant wait to see when they post their first HOF.... i will be curious of how much of it is actually their fleet...
  • belg wrote:

    Knuck is talking like they are pro. :lol:

    TALON, let me know where i need to be and i crash those bastards for u.

    ing = belg

    now now... language... there is childern about...

    But no... were not perfectly pro...but we do have game EXP....

    which TALON do not...BUT with certain mouths in their alliance...they claim to be the dogs bol£%x

    But thanks for the compliment and by the sounds of things ill see u ingame?
  • belg, watch your language please.
    Some troll and flame is accepted, but dont take it too far please.
    keep it civil,

    daaq360, keep calm please and dont take it into further trolling and flaming.

    Thank you guys,

    PS: no one quotes or replies to this message.
  • Creator has stepped down as the leader of [Talon].

    It came about shortly after some of us chose to move on. I don't know if it's temporary or permanent but another member runs the alliance now. There are many good players and people left in [Talon] and we regret leaving them behind. It was their choice to make. And I respect it. But I and several others felt it was too much to ask that we sacrifice all our work to advance a vendetta by just one or two players.

    I would have considered returning to [Talon] for the benefit of those who could have used my help after Creator stepped down, but that all changed when another member of [Talon] decided my choice to leave was deserving of a massive missile attack on my G4 world. So be it.

    - DarKor
    Co-Founder of "The Sith"
  • Lulz, the whole cause of these wars, creator and his mouth, and he steps down as leader. Why has he not been kicked from the alliance then? That would go a long way towards resolving this war.

    Look for me on #Knuck channel in IRC.

    <+umakhelwane>Sarsa is the reason he talks like that anyway.blame's always Sarsa
    <@Florence>I like that reasoning
    <+Sarsaparilla>EVERYTHING is my fault
  • DarKor670 wrote:

    I would have considered returning to [Talon] for the benefit of those who could have used my help after Creator stepped down, but that all changed when another member of [Talon] decided my choice to leave was deserving of a massive missile attack on my G4 world. So be it.
    that was the reason they have this war with their lame IPM-attacks without a reason.(only time when it's fine to shoot much ipm is against kaizer-D)
  • marv wrote:

    belg wrote:

    (only time when it's fine to shoot much ipm is against kaizer-D)

    I'll write this down somewhere, just in case. ;)

    i see that as a good spend on IPM's

    whole reason of this war was creator after me being crashed for the second time he IPMs all my defences down and makes maybe 50k profit....then when i pm'd him saying i let the first incident slide but it not happening twice....

    he then went on a little power tripping im the best player in the world rant and we went to war...

    and as said above my a ex member of the alliance... they use IPM's with no profit in mind..

    in my mind warrants a beating lol..

    darkor... sorry to hear u got IPMd down by ment to be friendlys... but this is why we went to war... and you took their side and now u know how it came about... im sure u can lend a helping hand but i dont think sars will be inviting u to join the alliance anyway...precautions and all (i assume btw)
  • he then went on a little power tripping im the best player in the world rant and we went to war...

    I was not aware of this at all. It seems Creator felt it best to involve the whole alliance and not tell anyone why. What bothers me is there was another player in the alliance who evidently had all the facts and also chose to keep the whole story away from the rest of the alliance members. So most of us got just one side of the story which was "they did this to me and another member".

    darkor... sorry to hear u got IPMd down by ment to be friendlys... but this is why we went to war... and you took their side...

    ThePard was the one that felt my decision to leave was worthy of a massive IPM attack. After leaving, I had no illusions that they were still going to be friendly but I didn't think they would turn against an ex-alliance member like that. Fact is, my ABM's knocked out the vast majority of his IPMs and when I saw what he was doing, I kept building them and nearly as fast as he launched them. The total damage to my defenses were minimal. I wasn't even upset about that. What I was angered by was the fact that so-called friends would do that in the first place. Especially if fighting a war was #1 on their priority list. Childish! If they come back to this server, I'll deal with them on my own terms.

    im sure u can lend a helping hand but i dont think sars will be inviting u to join the alliance anyway...precautions and all (i assume btw)

    When I decided to depart from [Talon], I had no intention of joining any other alliance. I originally only joined them as part of the tutorial and didn't expect to stay for long anyway. But they seemed like a nice enough group of players at first so I was in no hurry to leave. I didn't agree with the order to begin a "secret war" against [Knuck] but it was not my place to question the leadership as I was only a jr. member at the time. And I did not have all the facts. I was the one to get [Talon] into the war officially by acknowledging the war declaration on the forums which the leadership of [Talon] had no interest in at all. And the more I tried to get the alliance involved officially, the more they seemed to become secretive. Only some of the members who followed blindly and some who came over from [Phoenix] seemed willing or able to provide me CRs for posting on the forum. Aside from one missile attack in which I assisted, I made no attacks against [Knuck] members even though I easily could have. But I was getting the impression that the "war" was some sort of personal vendetta. I had no interest in it after that. I was not the first to leave [Talon]. In fact, three other high ranking players left because they also felt [Talon] did not have their members' best interest in mind, only their own vendetta. They provided no reasons for the war, no planning, no preparation and no guidance. They expected the members to go throw themselves on their sword just because the leader said so. As more chose to leave, I realized it was also time for me to go. I understand the need for precautions especially in a time of war. I expected no offers from [Knuck] and I would probably have declined anyway. I intended to go rogue for awhile and I was hesitant to form TheSith when I was first approached with the idea from those who left before me. But it was clear that we all saw this thing in the same way, left for the same reason and we were all done with it.

    That's all there was to it.

    - DK