[Brainstorming] Tutorials update for OGame v3.0/4.0/5.0

    • [Brainstorming] Tutorials update for OGame v3.0/4.0/5.0

      As everyone knows, V3.0 has arrived to OGame.
      OGame 3.0 has implemented many changes and new features ingame (new noob protection system, tactial retreat, HP system and so on).
      Apart from that, as many of you already know, our Wiki Preview will be moved to a GF server in a "near" future (days/weeks). This means that, again, in a "near" future, the Wiki will be accesible ingame.

      The first thing that we will show to the users when that happens, is Tutorials.
      Most of them are ready and translated to many different languages (and ofc most of them are already published on the Wiki)... but... all the stuff implemented on OGame 3.0 isn't incorporated on our Tutorials Templates... and it must be.

      The focus of this thread is start to think about this (we have time enough to think and work on it)... for instance in a "brainstorming way".
      And here some starting point to discuss:

      What do you think about? :)
    • Chapter 11: Interplanetary Missiles --> HP system?
      Not needed, v3.1 comes at about the same time as Wiki, and v3.1 IPMs don't count towards HP anymore.

      Chapter 12: Expeditions --> Expedition changes on v3.0?
      Needs to mention the new Number 1 highscore Point boundaries, and if possible the max expedition points for each. Plus new best fleet since Heavy Fighter calculation is no longer broken.
    • Chapter 08: Espionage --> Lost noob protection if TRY to spy a stronger player

      Chapter 18: Account settings --> New possibility to hide/show activity time

      A good explanation of tactical retreat only in chapter 06, obviously to link in other chapter

      I believe that HP system needs a chapter for itself (01/a)

      About hideouts, u didn't wrote if they take field :)

      Check the influence of this in the various chapters:
      Delete Script: Destroyed planets, moons and empty debris fields are deleted at 3.00 AM at server reset.

    • HP System has change to right because at the start every Damage u did u get HP for it now only when its destroyed.

      So its a change atleast for the turtles .

      And at version i know even a way to get HP with moonshot i dont know if that is to count for the wiki and stuff with trick and tip on fleet or mining ?

      + Buddy reward changed at version 3 too we can't get 1 day commander anymore too

      :thumbsup: Thanks to Jeanne_Dark from german ogame :thumbsup:
    • Chapter 01: Basic economy --> something about Hideouts / New Noob Protection / Boosters?
      Finally this tut must to be quite basic so I have only updated it with a short explanation about hideouts.

      See: Tutorial 01: Basic economy

      (Added text highlighted in green)

      You can give feedback in that thread. After that, the template will be updated and loaded on our new Wiki and it'll be ready for translation update tasks

      More Tuts updates coming ^^
    • Chapter 07: Trade --> trade ratios & 72h to finish a trade & new screenshots needed!

      See: Tutorial 07: Trade

      (Added text highlighted in green... in this it has been a minor updated, just a detail ^^)

      You can give feedback in that thread. After that, the template will be updated and loaded on our new Wiki and it'll be ready for translation update tasks

      More Tuts updates coming ^^
    • Chapter 09: Raids --> HP system on attacks / New Noob Protection / Tactical Retreat?

      See: Tutorial 09: Raids

      (Added text highlighted in green)

      You can give feedback in that thread. After that, the template will be updated and loaded on our new Wiki and it'll be ready for translation update tasks

      More Tuts updates coming ^^

      Additionally, from my pow, a new tutorial chapter concerning New Noob Protection system should be nice (it can be used as reference chapter in some of these updated chapters we're working on
    • Current Fixes and/ or changes

      The changes or fixes I put below each one, if your not sure PM me ( Marlboroman ) on the Ogame Board and I will be happy to explain.

      [Brainstorming] Tutorials update for OGame v3.0/4.0/5.0

      As everyone knows, V3.0 has arrived to OGame.
      OGame 3.0 has implemented many changes and new features ingame (new noob protection system, tactial retreat, HP system and so on).
      Apart from that, as many of you already know, our Wiki Preview will be moved to a GF server in a "near" future (days/weeks). This means that, again, in a "near" future, the Wiki will be accesible ingame.
      Fix: 2 places above..... (in the)"near" future

      The first thing that we will show to the users when that happens, is Tutorials.
      Fix: The first thing that we will show to all users when that happens is the Tutorials.

      Most of them are ready and translated to many different languages (and ofc most of them are already published on the Wiki)... but... all the stuff implemented on OGame 3.0 isn't incorporated on our Tutorials Templates... and it must be.

      The focus of this thread is start to think about this (we have time enough to think and work on it)... for instance in a "brainstorming way".
      Fix: The focus of this thread is to start thinking about this ( we have time enough to think and work on it ) for instance in a "Brainstorming way".

      And here some starting point to discuss:
      Fix: And here are some starting points to discuss:

      Chapter 00: First steps --> no update need
      Fix: no update needed

      Chapter 01: Basic economy --> update done (feedbacking)
      Fix: (Feedback)

      Chapter 02: Buildings --> no update need (boosters/speed up button will be explained in tut17)
      Fix: (no update needed)

      Chapter 03: Defense --> no update need (boosters/speed up button will be explained in tut17)
      Fix: (no update needed)

      Chapter 04: Research --> no update need (boosters/speed up button will be explained in tut17)
      Fix: (no update needed)

      Chapter 05: Ships ---> no update need (boosters/speed up button will be explained in tut17)
      Fix: (no update needed)

      Chapter 06: Saving --> something about Tactical Retreat?
      Chapter 07: Trade --> local trade ratios & 72h to finish a trade

      Chapter 08: Espionage --> outlawer status
      Fix: (outlaw status)

      Chapter 09: Raids --> HP system on attacks / New Noob Protection / Tactical Retreat?
      Chapter 10: ACS --> HP system on ACS / New Noob Protection / Tactical Retreat?

      Chapter 11: Interplanetary Missiles --> no update need
      Fix (no update needed)

      Chapter 12: Expeditions --> Expedition changes on v3.0?

      Chapter 13: Colonisation --> no update need
      Fix: (no update needed)

      Chapter 15: Moon --> no update need
      Fix: (no update needed)

      Chapter 16: Alliance and Community --> no update need
      Fix: (no update needed)

      Chapter 17: Premium features --> Tactical Retreat / Boosters / Scrap Dealer / Double click Button?
      Chapter 18: Account settings --> update about new Vacation mode performance? / new mobile view?

      Chapter 19: Rules and Problems --> Ticketsystem need to register an account
      Fix: (Ticket system, you need to register to create an account)

      ALL TUT CHAPTERS NEED NEW SCREENSHOTS (new features or new 5.0 view)
    • You should try to check the updated text Malboroman xDDDD
      Fix this post isn't needed.
      You'll find them here: board.origin.ogame.de/board65/
      • Green highlighted tut chapters have been updated so they must be checked (tut 01 has been already checked)
      • White highlighted tut chapeters can be checked just to be sure they're correct
      • Orange highlighted tut chapters need update (I'm still on it and I'll keep you all posted about status soon)