AlejandroPerez[] & Tlaloko[] ----vs---- roger[TI_FR] Top 480 and 360 Vs Top 70 LoooL

    • AlejandroPerez[] & Tlaloko[] ----vs---- roger[TI_FR] Top 480 and 360 Vs Top 70 LoooL

      Battle of the day Tuesday, January 17, 2012
      The battle lasted 4 rounds

      Attackers (2):
      AlejandroPerez [X:X:X]
      Weapons: XXX% Shields: XXX% Armour: XXX%
      Small Cargo 1 Lost 0
      Light Fighter 2.396 Lost 267
      Heavy Fighter 577 Lost 8
      Cruiser 507 Lost 2
      Battleship 112 Lost 0
      Bomber 22 Lost 0
      Battlecruiser 44 Lost 0
      Loses 1.206.000 units
      (889.000 Metal, 313.000 Crystal, 4.000 Deuterium)

      tlaloko [X:X:X]
      Weapons: XXX% Shields: XXX% Armour: XXX%
      Light Fighter 2.000 Lost 234
      Heavy Fighter 400 Lost 4
      Cruiser 400 Lost 1
      Battleship 100 Lost 0
      Bomber 20 Lost 0
      Destroyer 30 Lost 0
      Battlecruiser 30 Lost 0
      Loses 1.005.000 units
      (746.000 Metal, 257.000 Crystal, 2.000 Deuterium)

      Defenders (1):
      roger [X:X:X]
      Weapons: XXX% Shields: XXX% Armour: XXX%
      Solar Satellite 7.704 Lost 7.704
      Rocket Launcher 3.458 Lost 3.458
      Heavy Laser 8 Lost 8
      Gauss Cannon 32 Lost 32
      Ion Cannon 32 Lost 32
      Large Shield Dome 1 Lost 1
      Loses 27.780.000 units
      (7.718.000 Metal, 16.146.000 Crystal, 3.916.000 Deuterium)

      The attacker has won the battle!
      He captured: 123.162 Metal, 82.051 Crystal, 17.242 Deuterium

      Attacking fleet: 2.211.000 units
      Defending fleet: 27.780.000 units
      Total: 29.991.000 units

      Debris (265 Recycler)
      Metal: 490.500 units
      Crystal: 4.793.400 units

      Profitability (265 Recycler)
      Attackers (recycling): [149%] 3.295.355 units
      (-1.021.338 Metal, 4.305.451 Crystal, 11.242 Deuterium)

      Attackers (no recycle): [-90%] -1.988.545 units
      (-1.511.838 Metal, -487.949 Crystal, 11.242 Deuterium)

      Defenders (recycling): [-81%] -22.496.100 units
      (-7.227.500 Metal, -11.352.600 Crystal, -3.916.000 Deuterium)

      The chance for a moon to be created is 20%

      100% Resicle :phatgrin:

      nothing that a few bacilli can not destroy