Vacation Mode for speed unis.

  • Flippy wrote:

    And sorry, but if you aren't able to save properly over 24 hours, maybe a speeduni is not the right thing for you. If one can't handle the conditions of a speeduni, one should play differently or in a slower universe.
    That means you want to take away a playing style? The miner style? Which is a very important style for the game? ( as you might know - they very often have their planets all in the same system or in the next few systems)
    Then you will only have fleeters in 4x unis... and only miners in 1 x and 2 x unis..? What a fun game this will bee...... :S
    As I said earlier- in post 9,11 and 13 - maybe a rule for how many times a month you can go into a 24 hours v-mode... with only 3-5 times allowed, they have to stay out of v-mode for about 25 days a month.

    And with the v4, I don't think that 24 h vs 48 hours will make such a big diff for those that use it as fs - simply because they don't grow because of their mines, but because of they attack. If they jump in and out of v-mode - every day - they never produce ress that makes a difference anyway.

    So a rule about how often you can go into a short v-mode (24 to 47 hours (or 72)- that means that 30+ hours still count as a short v-mode) probably will be the best solution on this problem, so the miners still can play in a 4x unis and still be able to take some time off, for what ever reason

  • Are you really trying to tell me that Miners can't save over 24hrs, and therefore they will die out if the v-mode will be raised to min 48h? Sorry but have you actually thought about what you've written? My Universe is a little older than 2 years. And approx. 75% of the Top 100 are Miners, even though we even have 50% into DF. So don't tell me that all those Miners are going to die out, if we raise the min v-mode time. This argument is rediculous. A Miner would never go into v-mode, if he is only 24hours away, simply because he really loses production instead of a fleeter. Going with 48 hours may not stop v-mode saving, but it punishes those players a little more for being out and minimizes their growth.

    I could also live with a solution like the one you suggested. But personally, I think this would be more complicated and harder to implement properly, whereas going from 24 to 48 only requires changing a variable (I hope).
    Uni 70 TOP 1.000 Active Fleeter
    Uni Io TOP 1.000 Active Miner
  • Miners dont use vmode even if they are going to be away for several days they just randomly log in and spend some res to keep from being farmed, the deut cost to fs from g1 to g9 with a rip is nothing so this will only impact fleeters that play 24 hours and crash for 24 in vmode. They are abusing a system that is there for when you cant be around not because you need some sleep.
  • If you guys would read what was said.... Not all miners have moons, and since they don't have colonies in both g1 and g9, they really can't fs their cargos for 24 houes in system in a 4x speed uni. It's not posible to deploy in system for that long, and to fs otherwise is suiside, without a moon. And yes - I know a lot of miners, that fs their cargos at night. Not ALL miners just pops in once a day or twice a week.Turtles on the other hand, ... they just logg in once a week or so - but they have so much defence, that very few will get a profit.
    Very late in game - WHEN they have moons - but rips..? maybe... then they can find a df to fs their cargos, of course. But I really can't see why so many should have to either stop playing in 4x speed unis or change their playingstyle just because a very few bad aples make v-mode as their fs. And as i said earlier . there are ways of catching them - when they are out of v-mode - you just have to work for it.
    On the other hand, i can't see the problem with the playes that use v-mode as fs... if they jump out of v-mode and attack you, then it must be because YOU didn't fs or somehow had some goodies left on your planets - and then it's YOU that didn't prepare your self.
    It looks like you know who use the v-mode/fs - then you just have to work to keep an eye them - and do your fs, when you're not on line.

    Flippy wrote:

    Going with 48 hours may not stop v-mode saving, but it punishes those players a little more for being out and minimizes their growth.
    where is the punishment??? since you say they use v-mode almost every day, then I can't see the punishment here... since they don't produce ress. Do you mean that they then just can attack every second day?... what difference would that make for you? are you beeing attacked every night? and how much would it help you just beeing attacked with one night in between?
    and minizes their growth.... nahh... not with v4 ...and since they don't produce res whether they are in v-mode for 24 hours or 48 hours, then I will steal your line and say "This argument is rediculous" It all comes down to the fact that YOU have to take care of your fleet and res, and if you don't do that - you can't complain about beeing attacked, either. If you have enough defence to protect one night of production and fs your fleet - why do you then care, whether they use v-mode as fs?

    Yes, a rule about max 5 short v-mode pr month is probably difficult to implement, but since - imho - the problem is not the players that go
    in and out of v-mode, but the rest of you that don't take care of your fleet and res

    Arazern wrote:

    They are abusing a system that is there for when you cant be around not because you need some sleep.
    so... where does it say anything about that? and... I can't be around, when I sleep, nor when I want to go to a party. I can't see anywhere that you need a spesific reason for going into v-mode.....

    I am sorry, but i really don't see the problem. Fs our fleet and res and you wount get attacked - if you want revenge - then work for it - as you say - they are out of v-mode for 24 hours, so then catch them on lanx - if they have a moon - catch them on lanx on their way to a target - go outside the ally and get help - make a returhit - do some moondestruction - there's a lot of ways to take them down - but you have to work for it.

  • If you guys would read what was said.... Not all miners have moons, and since they don't have colonies in both g1 and g9, they really can't fs their cargos for 24 houes in system in a 4x speed uni. It's not posible to deploy in system for that long, and to fs otherwise is suiside, without a moon. And yes - I know a lot of miners, that fs their cargos at night. Not ALL miners just pops in once a day or twice a week.Turtles on the other hand, ... they just logg in once a week or so - but they have so much defence, that very few will get a profit.

    Very late in game - WHEN they have moons - but rips..? maybe... then they can find a df to fs their cargos, of course. But I really can't see why so many should have to either stop playing in 4x speed unis or change their playingstyle just because a very few bad aples make v-mode as their fs. And as i said earlier .
    Have you actually ever played at this level? At 4x speed, a deployment over one galaxy at 20% is approx. 24 hrs. If that doesn't fit, you can chose any free position in a system to save via colonisation. I can't believe I have to explain this. There is no excuse for not being able to save at this point, when Rank 800 already has 10 million points and a Moon floating above every single colony. At this speed it is completely normal for a Miner to spread his colonies over several galaxies, so he doesn't have these saving issues.
    here are ways of catching them - when they are out of v-mode - you just have to work for it. On the other hand, i can't see the problem with the playes that use v-mode as fs... if they jump out of v-mode and attack you, then it must be because YOU didn't fs or somehow had some goodies left on your planets - and then it's YOU that didn't prepare your self.
    It looks like you know who use the v-mode/fs - then you just have to work to keep an eye them - and do your fs, when you're not on line.
    Have you ever played in a universe with over 10.000 players? There are always ways to gain resources at every point during the day. Everyone does this. But the difference is that those v-mode savers go right back into their v-mode after the attack.

    Other Example: 3 players kill a moon of player X, saving deployment between two moons. This happens in the middle of the night. Player X calls 4 v-mode savers, who come out of their v-mode and go ACS defend. The 3 players can now withdraw. The Problem you see here is that a v-mode saver is also available around the clock. A normal player saving properly isn't. That is the point, where a 48h v-mode could help prevent these unfair situations. If you can live with 5 v-mode savers destroying your outplanned ninja, then you can keep that opinion. As a Gameoperator, I see these situations almost every day in my universe. People stop planning such things because they already know that they need enough fleet to eventually kill their target + 4 others, who can enter the game anytime. Because this costs large amounts of deut, it makes many kills simply unprofitable and leads to less depth in fleeting in the longrun.

    As you might have noticed, these atts are not everyday farming atts, from which you obviously have never heard off. Therefore I really don't know whether you actually see the problem with v-mode savers.
    I am sorry, but i really don't see the problem. Fs our fleet and res and you wount get attacked - if you want revenge - then work for it - as you say - they are out of v-mode for 24 hours, so then catch them on lanx - if they have a moon - catch them on lanx on their way to a target - go outside the ally and get help - make a returhit - do some moondestruction - there's a lot of ways to take them down - but you have to work for it.
    Let me tell you: This is a big problem. And I really regret that an admin is unable to see it. It is possibly not such a big issue in norway, but in Germany, it is huge. Of course there are ways to get these people. But you cannot deny that they have an advantage, which shouldn't be there.
    Uni 70 TOP 1.000 Active Fleeter
    Uni Io TOP 1.000 Active Miner