Flippy wrote:
And sorry, but if you aren't able to save properly over 24 hours, maybe a speeduni is not the right thing for you. If one can't handle the conditions of a speeduni, one should play differently or in a slower universe.
Then you will only have fleeters in 4x unis... and only miners in 1 x and 2 x unis..? What a fun game this will bee......
As I said earlier- in post 9,11 and 13 - maybe a rule for how many times a month you can go into a 24 hours v-mode... with only 3-5 times allowed, they have to stay out of v-mode for about 25 days a month.
And with the v4, I don't think that 24 h vs 48 hours will make such a big diff for those that use it as fs - simply because they don't grow because of their mines, but because of they attack. If they jump in and out of v-mode - every day - they never produce ress that makes a difference anyway.
So a rule about how often you can go into a short v-mode (24 to 47 hours (or 72)- that means that 30+ hours still count as a short v-mode) probably will be the best solution on this problem, so the miners still can play in a 4x unis and still be able to take some time off, for what ever reason