*cut* postings from Tutorials

    • Word "senor" corrected to "sensor" > .. Because moons cannot be scanned by a senor phalanx, th...

      Another thing from sentence:
      "Please note: Invisible debris fields will be deleted every week at night from Sunday to..." < How can player know, what is a "invisible debris field? :) Should be explained more
      -Ogame Recension-
      Ogame need a change!
      -Check my account for my ideas-

      The post was edited 1 time, last by sirEdward ().

    • proposing some changes .Please some style and grammar checks

      tomas wrote:

      Expeditions are a flight into the unknown, towards previously unexplored areas of the universe. On expeditions you can find resources or ships, encounter alien races, fight ruthless pirates, discover the absolute void of space but you can also fly into a certain dead. The outcome of an expedition is ruled by chance , no way to know for sure if your expedition will ever come back or to count the wealth it may bring back. What happens on an expedition, depends on coincidence. You can find more detailed information in the chapter about expeditions.

      How do I start expeditions?

      First you must meet certain requirements, In this case, you need a research called astrophysics, raised at least to level 1 to be able to send your fleet on expedition. Now, go to the fleet menu and select your ships as usual. Then send them to the 16th coordinate of any system (eg 1:154:16). As mission, select 'Expedition'. Then, the fleet sets off to explore the unknown sector. Once the fleet reaches position 16, will explore the zone. In this predetermined interval of time a large variety of events can happen form finding ships and resources to total destruction of your fleet, all being random events, the fleet will stay there for a predetermined time and it will search the area. at the end of exploration time, the fleet will return home with resources, ships or dark matter After the expedition you will get a message with the result and your fleet will then return home.
      at the end of exploration time, you will get a message with the result and the fleet will return home with resources or ships

      :''After your first expedition. you will receive 2 heavy fighters and 5 small cargos as reward.''

      What should I take in mind?

      In order to obtain the best results, you must take into account some facts:
      - The more players are exploring the same expedition zone, the less chances are to get something ( zone gets depleted ), after a time, the expedition zone will "regenerate" . You can find out if a zone has been recently visited by sending a spy drone with the expedition fleet
      - Holding time of the expedition influences also the chances for an event to happen. However, the events are reasonable frequent so is not advisable to select more than an hour expedition time ( minimum time ).

      and Whether the ships cause a random event, depends on two factors. The expedition systems can be "consumed" when people fly to them too often. In this case the events will become more and more rare, until the number of visits declines and the field can regenerate itself. You can find out how often a certain area has been visited by sending at least 1 espionage probe with your expedition. The longer the holding time of the fleet, the higher the probability of an event. Normally, events are so frequent that you best select the minimum hold time.

      Maximum number of simultaneous expeditions = round off (astrophysics level)^0,5
      Maximum hold time (in hours) = astrophysics level

      What could happen?

      With expeditions, you first have 2 possibilities. Either something happens or nothing happens at all. If an expedition area is visited frequently in a short time, often nothing happens.
      If something does happen, the possible events occur totally random and cannot be influenced by the player.
      Possible events that may occur are:

      * Resources find
      * Ship find
      * Dark Matter find
      * Find a free merchant
      * Change in return time
      * Attack by Pirates / Aliens
      * Complete loss of your expedition fleet

      How much can I find?

      If you get lucky with an expedition, the fleet shall bring resources, new ships, a merchant or Dark Matter home. Their amount is not determined randomly but can be calculated with formulas which are explained elsewhere. Principle applies, that the find increases in proportion to the number of ships sent. And there are absolute limits. Besides that, not all ships are suited to fly on expeditions. The cheap heavy fighter shall find the same resources as the expensive destroyer. Because the resources need to be transported, cargo ships are essential.
      Fleets wich consist mainly of large cargos and heavy fighters are the most profitable and might even find more, than they cost to build (2.000 - 2.400.000 Metall). This combination is also optimal for fleet finds.
      Not all ships can be found. What ships you can find depends on the composition of the fleet you sent, more precisely it depends on the most advanced ship you sent. For example, if you sent a destroyer or a bomber with your fleet, you can find most types of ships. If you fly with small cargos only, you can only find small cargos, light fighters and espionage probes. Recyclers, colony ships and deathstars cannot be found on expeditions.
      Dark matter finds are completely independent of the fleet you sent and range from 100 DM to 2.000 DM.

      What can I lose?

      Basicly, you can lose your entire expedition fleet, though this happens very rarely. More common are attacks by pirates or aliens. Their fleets aren't random but are directly related to your fleet. The more ships you send, the more ships they have. And above all, aliens always have all types of ships, which you send yourself. Anyone who flies with deathstars on expeditions must take into account that aliens will attack with deathstars as well. If you fly with large cargos only, they will be attacked by mainly cargos. And therefore they will usually suffer no losses.
    • Source Code

      1. {{PageHead-Tutorial}}
      2. Since the dawn of time buildings have been the foundations of your account, because they provide you with vital infrastructure. Most are requirements for further buildings, research, ships or defensive structures, without which it's not possible to make headway. The buildings are classified into two groups, Resources and Facilities.
      3. Resources include mines, storages and energy producers, all remaining structures are classed as facilities. But within Facilities there is also a small divide, because some can only be built on a planet and others on a moon.
      4. ==Natural Resources==
      5. There are three different resources that can be produced in OGame: metal, crystal and deuterium. Without any upgrading the Metal and Crystal Mine have a base production of 30 units of metal and 15 units of crystal (per hour). Deuterium doesn't have a base production. To get more out of the mines and the synthesizer they have to be upgraded, in doing so you will need energy to power them. This energy can be produced in different ways. The easiest method, and only option at the beginning, is the Solar Plant. Later on the options of Solar Satellites (found in both Facilities and Shipyard) and the Fusion Reactor are available.
      6. You're not able to produce an unlimited amount of resources, because there's a maximum capacity in the storages. Storages will be needed very quickly to accommodate the production.
      7. ==Construction Availability==
      8. Facilities are buildings that have no bearing on the resource production, but they're important for building ships or to research new technologies. As already mentioned, some facilities are only possible on the planet, or on the moon. Typical moon buildings are the Lunar Base, the Jump Gate and the Sensor Phalanx; the buildings available only to the planet are the Research Lab, the Alliance Depot, the Missile Silo, the Nanite Factory and the Terraformer. The Robotics Factory and the Shipyard are the only buildings that can be constructed on both moons and planets.
      9. ==Resources==
      10. Resources and Energy are produced by the following buildings:
      11. {{Detail-Building|Metal Mine|Metal is the main resource for conducting research and the construction of buildings, ships and defensive units. Exceptions being Solar Satellites, Espionage Probes, Energy Technology, Hyperspace Technology, Computer Technology and Graviton Technology. If you do not have a metal mine yet, you'll be producing 30 units per hour (in normal universes). In speed universes the basic amount is higher, depending on the speed factor.}}
      12. {{Detail-Building|Crystal Mine|Crystal is the main resource for electronic components and alloys. It's also crucial in the conducting of research and the construction of buildings, ships and defensive structures. Exceptions being Rocket Launchers, Metal Storages, Combustion Drive, Graviton Technology and Armour Technology. If there is no crystal mine on a planet, a base amount of 15 units per hour will be produced, and in speed universes correspondingly more.}}
      13. {{Detail-Building|Deuterium Synthesizer|Deuterium is a heavy isotope of hydrogen, and not very abundant. Predominantly it's used as fuel, but it's also need for some types of research and the construction of some ships, defense and buildings. In contrary to metal and crystal, there is no base amount produced without a synthesizer.
      14. In addition, the amount produced per hour depends on the temperature of the planet. The colder the planet, the more deuterium will be produced.}}
      15. {{Detail-Building|Solar Plant|Each mine requires energy to function, this is produced primarily by the solar plant.}}
      16. {{Detail-Building|Fusion Reactor|This reactor is also used for energy production, the energy is generated by the fusion of two deuterium atoms into one helium atom, consequently deuterium will be consumed. The requirements to build such an electricity station are Energy Technology level 3 and a Level 5 Deuterium Synthesizer on the relative planet. The higher the level of Energy Research, the more energy will be produced.}}
      17. {{Detail-Building|Metal Storage|This storage facility is used to store metal. If the storage is full production will be stopped. Only 10,000 units of metal can be stored without the level one building.}}
      18. {{Detail-Building|Crystal Storage|This facility is required to continue the crystal production. If it is full the production will be stopped. Without a storage, only 10,000 units of crystal can be stored.}}
      19. {{Detail-Building|Deuterium Tank|Like the storages the Deuterium Tank is required to allow further production. Without this tank, only 10,000 units of deuterium can be stored.}}
      20. ==Facilities==
      21. These act as requirements for other buildings, research, ships or defensive structures.
      22. {{Detail-Building|Robotics Factory|With the help of the Robotics Factory buildings can be upgraded faster. But it has no influence on the construction speed of ships or defensive structures. It can be built both on planets and moons, and has no requirements for it's construction.
      23. However the Robotics Factory itself is a requirement for the Shipyard and the Nanite Factory.}}
      24. {{Detail-Building|Shipyard|This facility is necessary for the construction of both ships and defensive units; some requiring a certain level of the shipyard first. Upgrading this facility will also increase the production time for these units. To build/upgrade the shipyard you need Robotics Factory Level 2, and no ships or defense in the respective construction queue of the planet or moon.}}
      25. {{Detail-Building|Research Lab|This is necessary to research new technologies. The higher the level, the more technologies will be activated and the shorter the research time will be. The Research Lab, which can be built without any requirements, affects the whole account, i.e. as soon as a lab is in the construction queue, you will not be able to research on another planet; And if a research is started, you will not be able to build a lab anywhere.}}
      26. {{Detail-Building|Alliance Depot|With this facility it is possible to support holding fleets with deuterium via support-rockets. So you can lengthen the holding duration of friendly fleets. The construction on the moon isn't possible, but these fleets will be supported by the planet with fuel. There are no requirements for its construction.}}
      27. {{Detail-Building|Missile Silo|The Missile Silo is used to build Anti-Ballistic Missiles (level 2) and Interplanetary Missiles (level 4). Construction on the moon isn't possible, here the planet's Anti-Ballistic Missiles will be used (like with the Alliance Depot). The deconstruction of a silo is only possible when it's empty; It's possible to either launch the missiles or to deconstruct them. Shipyard level 1 is the only requirement, the Silo can store five Anti-Ballistic or ten Interplanetary Missiles per level.}}
      28. {{Detail-Building|Nanite Factory|This halves the construction time of ships, defensive structures and buildings, its requirements are Computer Technology level 10 and Robotics Factory level 10. In addition, the Terraformer needs Nanite Factory 1 as requirement. If the Nanite Factory is under construction, no ships, defensive structures or buildings can be built on the respective planet and vice versa. The factory isn't available on the moon.}}
      29. {{Detail-Building|Terraformer|The Terraformer is needed to expand nearly developed planets. Per level you get five free fields (plus an additional field every 2 levels), but you need energy for the construction. The requirements for the facility are the Nanite Factory level 1 and Energy Technology level 12. On the moon a building of the Terraformer is impossible (instead there's the Lunar Base). This building can't be torn down.}}
      30. {{Detail-Building|Lunar Base|This structure can only be built on a moon. It is necessary to get more building slots, since a moon consists of only one field at the beginning. Per lunar base three further fields are developed. Lunar base level 1 is a requirement for the Sensor Phalanx and the Jump Gate.}}
      31. {{Detail-Building|Sensor Phalanx|This facility can, like the lunar base, only be built on a moon. Lunar base L1 is the only requirement. Via the phalanx you are able to see the fleet movements on other planets, a scan costs 5,000 units of deuterium. The sensor range increases with every level of the building.}}
      32. {{Detail-Building|Jump Gate|The Jump Gate can also only be built on a moon. It is necessary to instantaneously send fleets from one moon to another. After a jump, the start Gate and target Gate have to cool down for one hour, before they can be used again. The requirements for its construction are Lunar Base level 1 and Hyperspace Technology level 7. It is not possible to send resources via the Jump Gate.}}
      33. {{PageFoot-Tutorial}}
      Display All
    • Added New Den text now.
      New Templates:
      Den Detail-Building|Crystal Den
      Detail-Building|Metal Den

      Source Code

      1. {{PageHead-Tutorial}}
      2. Since the dawn of time buildings have been the foundations of your account, because they provide you with vital infrastructure. Most are requirements for further buildings, research, ships or defensive structures, without which it's not possible to make headway. The buildings are classified into two groups, Resources and Facilities.
      3. Resources include mines, storages and energy producers, all remaining structures are classed as facilities. But within Facilities there is also a small divide, because some can only be built on a planet and others on a moon.
      4. ==Natural Resources==
      5. There are three different resources that can be produced in OGame: metal, crystal and deuterium. Without any upgrading the Metal and Crystal Mine have a base production of 30 units of metal and 15 units of crystal (per hour). Deuterium doesn't have a base production. To get more out of the mines and the synthesizer they have to be upgraded, in doing so you will need energy to power them. This energy can be produced in different ways. The easiest method, and only option at the beginning, is the Solar Plant. Later on the options of Solar Satellites (found in both Facilities and Shipyard) and the Fusion Reactor are available.
      6. You're not able to produce an unlimited amount of resources, because there's a maximum capacity in the storages. Storages will be needed very quickly to accommodate the production.
      7. ==Construction Availability==
      8. Facilities are buildings that have no bearing on the resource production, but they're important for building ships or to research new technologies. As already mentioned, some facilities are only possible on the planet, or on the moon. Typical moon buildings are the Lunar Base, the Jump Gate and the Sensor Phalanx; the buildings available only to the planet are the Research Lab, the Alliance Depot, the Missile Silo, the Nanite Factory and the Terraformer. The Robotics Factory and the Shipyard are the only buildings that can be constructed on both moons and planets.
      9. ==Resources==
      10. Resources and Energy are produced by the following buildings:
      11. {{Detail-Building|Metal Mine|Metal is the main resource for conducting research and the construction of buildings, ships and defensive units. Exceptions being Solar Satellites, Espionage Probes, Energy Technology, Hyperspace Technology, Computer Technology and Graviton Technology. If you do not have a metal mine yet, you'll be producing 30 units per hour (in normal universes). In speed universes the basic amount is higher, depending on the speed factor.}}
      12. {{Detail-Building|Crystal Mine|Crystal is the main resource for electronic components and alloys. It's also crucial in the conducting of research and the construction of buildings, ships and defensive structures. Exceptions being Rocket Launchers, Metal Storages, Shielded Metal Dens, Combustion Drive, Graviton Technology and Armour Technology. If there is no crystal mine on a planet, a base amount of 15 units per hour will be produced, and in speed universes correspondingly more.}}
      13. {{Detail-Building|Deuterium Synthesizer|Deuterium is a heavy isotope of hydrogen, and not very abundant. Predominantly it's used as fuel, but it's also need for some types of research and the construction of some ships, defense and buildings. In contrary to metal and crystal, there is no base amount produced without a synthesizer.
      14. In addition, the amount produced per hour depends on the temperature of the planet. The colder the planet, the more deuterium will be produced.}}
      15. {{Detail-Building|Solar Plant|Each mine requires energy to function, this is produced primarily by the solar plant.}}
      16. {{Detail-Building|Fusion Reactor|This reactor is also used for energy production, the energy is generated by the fusion of two deuterium atoms into one helium atom, consequently deuterium will be consumed. The requirements to build such an electricity station are Energy Technology level 3 and a Level 5 Deuterium Synthesizer on the relative planet. The higher the level of Energy Research, the more energy will be produced.}}
      17. {{Detail-Building|Metal Storage|This storage facility is used to store metal. If the storage is full production will be stopped. Only 10,000 units of metal can be stored without the level one building.}}
      18. {{Detail-Building|Crystal Storage|This facility is required to continue the crystal production. If it is full the production will be stopped. Without a storage, only 10,000 units of crystal can be stored.}}
      19. {{Detail-Building|Deuterium Tank|Like the storages the Deuterium Tank is required to allow further production. Without this tank, only 10,000 units of deuterium can be stored.}}
      20. {{Detail-Building|Metal Den|The Den is used to protect metal units from being pillaged during an attack. The den itself is invisible to enemy espionage reports and so are the resources within it. Each upgrade allows more resources to be protected.}}
      21. {{Detail-Building|Crystal Den|This Den is used to protect crystal units from being pillaged during an attack. The den itself is invisible to enemy espionage reports and so are the resources within it. Each upgrade allows more resources to be protected.}}
      22. {{Detail-Building|Deuterium Den|This Den is used to protect deuterium units from being pillaged during an attack. The den itself is invisible to enemy espionage reports and so are the resources within it. Each upgrade allows more resources to be protected.}}
      23. ==Facilities==
      24. These act as requirements for other buildings, research, ships or defensive structures.
      25. {{Detail-Building|Robotics Factory|With the help of the Robotics Factory buildings can be upgraded faster. But it has no influence on the construction speed of ships or defensive structures. It can be built both on planets and moons, and has no requirements for it's construction.
      26. However the Robotics Factory itself is a requirement for the Shipyard and the Nanite Factory.}}
      27. {{Detail-Building|Shipyard|This facility is necessary for the construction of both ships and defensive units; some requiring a certain level of the shipyard first. Upgrading this facility will also increase the production time for these units. To build/upgrade the shipyard you need Robotics Factory Level 2, and no ships or defense in the respective construction queue of the planet or moon.}}
      28. {{Detail-Building|Research Lab|This is necessary to research new technologies. The higher the level, the more technologies will be activated and the shorter the research time will be. The Research Lab, which can be built without any requirements, affects the whole account, i.e. as soon as a lab is in the construction queue, you will not be able to research on another planet; And if a research is started, you will not be able to build a lab anywhere.}}
      29. {{Detail-Building|Alliance Depot|With this facility it is possible to support holding fleets with deuterium via support-rockets. So you can lengthen the holding duration of friendly fleets. The construction on the moon isn't possible, but these fleets will be supported by the planet with fuel. There are no requirements for its construction.}}
      30. {{Detail-Building|Missile Silo|The Missile Silo is used to build Anti-Ballistic Missiles (level 2) and Interplanetary Missiles (level 4). Construction on the moon isn't possible, here the planet's Anti-Ballistic Missiles will be used (like with the Alliance Depot). The deconstruction of a silo is only possible when it's empty; It's possible to either launch the missiles or to deconstruct them. Shipyard level 1 is the only requirement, the Silo can store five Anti-Ballistic or ten Interplanetary Missiles per level.}}
      31. {{Detail-Building|Nanite Factory|This halves the construction time of ships, defensive structures and buildings, its requirements are Computer Technology level 10 and Robotics Factory level 10. In addition, the Terraformer needs Nanite Factory 1 as requirement. If the Nanite Factory is under construction, no ships, defensive structures or buildings can be built on the respective planet and vice versa. The factory isn't available on the moon.}}
      32. {{Detail-Building|Terraformer|The Terraformer is needed to expand nearly developed planets. Per level you get five free fields (plus an additional field every 2 levels), but you need energy for the construction. The requirements for the facility are the Nanite Factory level 1 and Energy Technology level 12. On the moon a building of the Terraformer is impossible (instead there's the Lunar Base). This building can't be torn down.}}
      33. {{Detail-Building|Lunar Base|This structure can only be built on a moon. It is necessary to get more building slots, since a moon consists of only one field at the beginning. Per lunar base three further fields are developed. Lunar base level 1 is a requirement for the Sensor Phalanx and the Jump Gate.}}
      34. {{Detail-Building|Sensor Phalanx|This facility can, like the lunar base, only be built on a moon. Lunar base L1 is the only requirement. Via the phalanx you are able to see the fleet movements on other planets, a scan costs 5,000 units of deuterium. The sensor range increases with every level of the building.}}
      35. {{Detail-Building|Jump Gate|The Jump Gate can also only be built on a moon. It is necessary to instantaneously send fleets from one moon to another. After a jump, the start Gate and target Gate have to cool down for one hour, before they can be used again. The requirements for its construction are Lunar Base level 1 and Hyperspace Technology level 7. It is not possible to send resources via the Jump Gate.}}
      36. {{PageFoot-Tutorial}}
      Display All
    • Final copy:

      Source Code

      1. {{PageHead-Tutorial}}
      2. Expeditions are a flight into the unknown, towards previously unexplored areas of the universe. On expeditions you can find resources or ships, encounter alien races, fight ruthless pirates, discover the absolute void of space but you can also fly into certain death. The outcome of an expedition is ruled by chance, there's no way to know for sure if your expedition will ever come back or how much wealth they might discover. You can find more detailed information in the {{Link|Guide:Expedition guide}}.
      3. {{Screenshot|Expeditions|A}}
      4. ==How do I start expeditions?==
      5. First you must meet certain requirements. In this case you need a research called astrophysics to be able to send your fleet on expedition. Now, go to the fleet menu and select your ships as usual. Then send them to the 16th coordinate of any system (eg 1:154:16). For mission type, select 'Expedition'. Then the fleet sets off to explore the unknown sector. Once the fleet reaches position 16 it will explore the zone. In this predetermined amount of time a large variety of events can happen, from finding ships and resources, to total destruction of your fleet.
      6. At the end of the exploration time, you will get a message with the result and the fleet will hopefully return home with resources or ships.
      7. {{Infobox-Reward|After your first expedition you will be awarded with 2 heavy fighters and 5 small cargos.}}
      8. ==What should I keep in mind?==
      9. In order to obtain the best results you must consider the following:
      10. * The more players that explore the same expedition slot, the less chance there is to find something (zone gets depleted), after a time the expedition zone will "regenerate". You can find out if a slot has been recently visited by sending an espionage probe with the expedition fleet.
      11. * Expedition Holding time also influences the chance for an event to happen. With the longer the time, the greater probability of something happening. However, events are frequent enough anyway that it's recommended to just use an hour (minimum time).
      12. {{Infobox-Formula|
      13. |Maximum Number of Expeditions | INT((Astrophysics Level)^0.5)
      14. |Maximum Hold Time (in hours) | Astrophysics Level
      15. }}
      16. ==What can happen?==
      17. With expeditions, you first have 2 possibilities. Either something happens or nothing happens at all. If an expedition area is visited frequently in a short time, often nothing happens.
      18. If something does happen, the possible events occur totally random and cannot be influenced by the player.
      19. If something does happen, one of the following possible events are selected at random:
      20. * Resource find
      21. * Ship find
      22. * Dark Matter find
      23. * Find a free merchant
      24. * Change in return time
      25. * Attack by Pirates / Aliens
      26. * Complete loss of your expedition fleet
      27. ==How much can I find?==
      28. If you get lucky with an expedition, the fleet will find either resources, new ships, a merchant or even Dark Matter. This amount isn't determined randomly but can be calculated with formulae that are explained elsewhere. The find increases in proportion to the number of ships sent, upto a limit. Besides that, not all ships are suited to fly on expeditions. The cheap heavy fighter can find the same resources as the expensive destroyer. And since the resources need to be transported, cargo ships are essential.
      29. Fleets that consist mainly of large cargos and heavy fighters are the most profitable and might even find more than they cost to build (2.000 - 2.400.000 Metal). This combination is also optimal for fleet finds.
      30. Not all ships can be found, and what ships you can find depends on the composition of the fleet you send. More precisely it depends on the most advanced ship you sent. For example, if you sent a destroyer or a bomber with your fleet, you can find most types of ships. If you fly with small cargos only, you can only find small cargos, light fighters and espionage probes. Recyclers, Colony Ships and Deathstars can't be found on expeditions.
      31. Dark matter finds are completely independent of the fleet you sent and range from 100 DM to 2.000 DM.
      32. ==What can I lose?==
      33. Basicly, you can lose your entire expedition fleet, though this happens very rarely. More common are attacks by pirates or aliens. Their fleets aren't random but are directly related to your fleet. The more ships you send, the more ships they have. And above all, aliens always have all types of ships that you send yourself. Anyone who sends Deathstars on expeditions must take into account that the aliens will attack with deathstars as well. If you fly with large cargos only then you'll be attacked by mainly cargos, and therefore will usually suffer no losses. Any ships lost on expedition won't create a debris field.
      34. {{PageFoot-Tutorial}}
      Display All
    • Final Version:

      Source Code

      1. {{PageHead-Tutorial}}
      2. Moons are one of the most important elements in OGame, not only because they allow you to securely save your fleet, but because they also can be used to intercept an enemy's fleet or to send your own ships to the other end of the universe in split seconds. For these reasons it's seriously recommended to work towards getting a moon as soon as you can afford it.
      3. ==What is a moon?==
      4. Unlike planets, moons can't just be colonised they have to be created another way. If there's a big enough battle at a planet, causing a huge debris field to occur, then with a little luck this can become concentrated into a moon. A moon occurs only on a planet that's been attacked and only one moon can exist per planet. Size is important when it comes to moons, if your moon is too small then it can easily be deleted, after this the next big battle has a chance to create another moon.
      5. The chance for a moon to form correlates to the amount of debris that's created. For every 100,000 resources in the debris field you have a 1% chance of getting a moon, up to a maximum of 20%, which equates to 2,000,000 resources; The equivalent of 1,667 Light Fighters - a number which will be more important later.
      6. Moons created by a 19% or less moon chance will have a random size – whereby you either strike it lucky and get a big moon or get stuck with a smaller one, which are easier to destroy. However if you have a 20% chance, then you're guaranteed a moon that's at least 8,366 Kilometres in diameter, these are harder to destroy by other players and only at great effort and many losses.
      7. ==How can I get a moon?==
      8. Because a moon only occurs on a planet where there's been a battle, it is clear that your planet must be attacked by another player. For the worst case, that means you haven't saved your fleet or you have saved it wrong and an enemy has destroyed it – at this point you can get a moon with a little luck as consolation. Of course it's better if you plan the attack and minimise your losses by just leaving a certain amount of ships on you planet. The best way is the already mentioned 1,667 Light Fighters, alternatively also 112 Battleships. This way the enemy destroys your ships, but you do not lose any more points than is necessary for a 20% moon chance – with a little skill you can also harvest the debris field and further reduce your losses.
      9. The best option is of course to get away without using your own ships, and instead destroy those of the enemy. For that you have to set a little trap using some ships and resources as bait, and then wait until the enemy attacks. On the verge of arrival you have to prepare your whole combat fleet to get there and greet him. Make it so that he has to send enough fleet to produce a 20% chance, but not so much that your fleet can't destroy them, and with a little bit luck you get a moon for free and the debris field as bonus to boot.
      10. If all those options are too insecure or too complex, you can also concentrate on so-called moon shots. Here you let another player attack you with 1,667 light fighters that will be destroyed, and you refund him his losses or you return the favour by destroying 1,667 light fighters on one of his planets too. Like that you can complete more tries faster to get a moon. Just be warned, this project can become very expensive - sure, you can get a moon after the first try, but there are also cases where it's taken several dozen attempts before a moon was achieved. A further consideration is the amount that you refund someone, if you pay more than the original cost of the ships then you might find yourself banned for breaking the pushing rule. More information can be found in the chapter regarding {{Link|Tactic:Moonshots and pushing}}.
      11. ==I finally have a moon – Now what?==
      12. {{Screenshot|Moon|A}}
      13. First of all you should send your whole fleet, including the resources, to the new moon because you can save more securely from there. Once that's completed you can expand your moon. Since a moon is significantly smaller than a planet extra fields must be activated first, the construction is as usual. The maximum amount of building slots isn't dependent on the size of the moon, but due to cost requirements it's basically 79.
      14. First of all you have to build a lunar base, which in fact uses the single field but activates three further ones. For the further construction look to it that you upgrade the lunar base a further level as soon as there is only one field free, otherwise the moon is fully developed and you cannot build any further buildings. The 2 fields that you can use for other buildings between the levels of the lunar base, you should use first of all for the robotics factory and the sensor phalanx, one field also for the Jumpgate. The building of metal storages, crystal storages and deuterium tanks is completely pointless. They appear in the building menu but because you can't produce resources on a moon there's no reason to get them.
      15. Based on the shortage of space and the long construction time, the shipyard is hardly profitable; ships can be produced significantly faster and easier on the planet. However, if you want, you can build the shipyard on your moon to assemble defensive structures and so to protect it from raids. But while building defensive structures you grievously notice the lack of the Nanite factory, the build-up of a bunker takes significantly longer on a moon. But it can be wise to protect any deuterium you leave there overnight with a few cannons, or to make it difficult to destroy the moon with Deathstars by building a few plasma turrets. After you are done building the defensive structures you should tear down the shipyard to get more space for the upgrade of the sensor phalanx. On a moon you can't build Anti-Ballistic Missiles but can still be attacked by IPMs; however fear not, for moons are defended by the anti-ballistic missiles on the corresponding planet, you should always ensure you have enough of them ready. You can find more detailed information on expanding the moon here: {{Link|Guide:Moon guide}}.
      16. ==What is the Sensor Phalanx?==
      17. {{Screenshot|Moon|B}}
      18. The sensor phalanx is one of the strongest weapons that you can own in OGame. With it you can't destroy ships or attack planets, but it gathers useful information with which you can intercept enemy fleets. If you are on a moon with a constructed phalanx, you will be able to click on the names of enemy planets in the galaxy view up to a certain range. The range of a phalanx is calculated using the following formula: ((level of sensor phalanx)² - 1), so with a phalanx of level three you can scan eight systems in both directions. By clicking, a window will be opened, in which all fleets that are approaching the planet are listed - Now you know exactly when you have to strike to catch those ships. How much information you can see depends on the level of the espionage technology (level 2: total of the ships without ship type, level 4: number of the ships and ship types, level 8: ship types and their number). However you should use the sensor phalanx wisely, because every scan costs 5,000 deuterium. More information about using the Sensor Phalanx can be found in the chapter {{Link|Tactic:Blind phalanx guide}}.
      19. ==How do I use the Jumpgate?==
      20. {{Screenshot|Moon|C}}
      21. If you distribute your planets and moons throughout the galaxies, you will have to spend large amounts of deuterium to move your ships around. But once you have at least two moons with a jumpgate you can travel instantly without incurring any cost.
      22. You simply have to be on the starting moon and click on the button next to "Facilities", then in this new window type the number of ships you wish to send or alternatively click the "All ships" button to select all, and select the target moon to send to. Immediately after clicking the send button your ships will appear on the target moon.
      23. Jumpgates are not only useful for moving fleets into new raiding areas, they are also good for setting traps to destroy enemy players. You'll learn more about that in the chapter {{Link|Tactic:Ninja guide}}.
      24. Unfortunately with the jumpgate you can't send resources with your ships, they still have to be transported with the fleet - remember to provide deuterium before jumping to the target moon, otherwise you might find yourself grounded with nowhere to go. Also bare in mind that jumpgates have to cool down for one hour before they can be used again. And finally, upgrading the jumpgate beyond level 1 is a pure waste of resources, the higher levels bring no added benefits besides more points for the highscores list.
      25. ==How can I now fleet save safely?==
      26. A huge advantage of a moon is that it cannot be scanned by the enemy's sensor phalanx, hence the fleet movement is invisible. For this reason you can save significantly more securely with less effort by moon as by planet. For information on the best methods, see our chapter {{Link|Tutorial:Saving}}.
      27. ==How can my moon get destroyed?==
      28. Moons aren't invincible and so can be destroyed by the enemy. To do this requires Deathstars and is both risky and expensive. Anyhow, to be armed for this case have a look at the {{Link|Tactic:Moon destruction guide}}.
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      2. You can have fun in OGame as a lone warrior, but after some time most players look for an alliance so they can work close together with other users. An alliance is a federation of players who have pooled together to be more successful. An alliance is not only useful for supporting each other with better trading rates or helping against attacks, it is also a nice place where you have somebody to answer your questions or just have a chat.
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      4. ==How can I find an alliance?==
      5. To find an alliance you can either click on the galaxy menu to see which alliances are near to you, or you can have a look at the highscore list. Of course you also can ask players who you know to see if there is a free place for you in their alliance. The {{LinkBoard|http://board.ogame.org/board706-game/|Universe Area}} of the OGame Board is a good place to look for alliances too, there's generally a thread for alliances to present themselves and search for new members.
      6. When you find an alliance you would like to join, you have to click “alliance”, then “search alliance”. Here you can search for your chosen alliance and use the button to apply for it. Fill out the application and with a little luck you will soon be member of this alliance.
      7. Alternatively you can also establish your own alliance. To do this, go to “alliance” and then “create alliance”. Then you have to create a Name and a Tag (normally a shortcut fitting to the Name) and bring it into being, you are now the founder of your own alliance. Now you can start to attract other players to your alliance or you can first design your alliance area to make it more appealing to other users. You are not limited to using ‘normal text', it is also possible to use BBCode, which are also often used in forums. In the chapter {{Link|Tactic:Alliance page guide}} you'll find everything needed for designing your page. If you need a nice logo but don´t know how to make it, you can ask for help in the {{LinkBoard|http://board.ogame.org/board726-creative-corner/|Fan Art Area}} of the OGame Board. Be aware you have to respect the rules when creating your alliance area, any abusive or unlawful content can result in a ban.
      8. Furthermore there are so-called alliance ranks that are created by the founder and can be given to individual members. Often this is used to mark new members or to honour deserved members of the alliance. Also it is possible to add special rights to the ranks, so the founder can dictate which members can edit the alliance area, accept new members or disband the alliance.
      9. {{Screenshot|Alliance_and_Community|A}}
      10. ==Buddylist==
      11. {{Screenshot|Alliance_and_Community|B}}
      12. If you wish to stay in contact with players from other alliances and assist them in cases of emergency, you can add them to your buddy list. You can open it by clicking on the link at the top of your Screen. It shows the name, coordinates of the Homeworld and online-status for all your buddies. To add another user to your buddy list, you only have to click the respective button beside one of his planets in the galaxy overview. He will then be notified that you want him on your buddy list. If he accepts, he will appear in your Buddy list immediately – and you to his.
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      14. ==OGame Board==
      15. On {{LinkBoard|http://board.ogame.org|board.ogame.org}} you can find the OGame Board, which is an important part of the community. Here is the place to talk about important OGame subjects, answering or asking Questions for new users and integrating into the OGame community. Also there is the diplomatic area for trading applications, war declarations and pacts. Additionally there are several sub areas for OGame and Non-OGame related Themes, where you can talk about everything from philosophy to computer problems.
      16. ==IRC==
      17. IRC is a chat-network, which is used to talk free and directly with other users. To use it you have to either install an IRC-client or use one of the online IRC widgets and connect to the OGN Server. How you can do this, is explained in the {{Link|Info:IRC guide}}. After you've successfully connected to the IRC server there are a multitude of channels waiting to be discovered. At first there is the general OGame-channel (#ogame.org), and the universe-channels like #ogame.org-electra for example. In addition to these, many alliances also have their own channels where they talk to each other and plan their strategies.
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