*cut* postings from Tutorials

    • Checked spelling and gramma

      with these changes

      If a fleet will slow down the union more than 30 % it will not be able to join

      fleet there and to choose the mission "ACS defend". Before sending

      it will participate in every combat in line with the defender

      he suddenly will be face to face with an unforeseen superiority and lose his own

      facility menu on the defended planet and
    • Removed the red marked sentences - cause this tutorial replaces the old ingame tutoral (it's only true for the orignal text from alex deLarge)

      We do not intend this project to be a replacement for the Ingame Tutorial, which you may have noticed in the game, but as an addition to it. If you follow it's elaborate and illustrated chapters you will nonetheless receive the rewards given for various important milestones while building up your Empire. Here you will find the information needed in the beginning and, moreover, all the information you may need to be successful in further stages of OGame.
    • Added following sentences to show links to other guides and tutorials :

      Wie bekomme ich einen Mond?

      Zudem sollte man auch wirklich nur die entstandenen Kosten des anderen Spielers erstatten, da man ansonsten schnell in Konflikt mit der Pushregeln gerät. Mehr dazu findet ihr im Kapitel Moonshots and pushing sowie auch diverse Mondschuss-Taktiken.

      Ich habe endlich einen Mond - was nun?

      Da Monde von den Abfangraketen des zugehörigen Planeten mitverteidigt werden, sollte man immer darauf achten, dass dort genügend von ihnen vorhanden sind. Im Kapitel Moon guide findet Ihr ausführliche Informationen zum Ausbau des Mondes.

      Wozu ist die Sensorphalanx gut?

      Jedoch solltest Du die Sensorphalanx mit Bedacht einsetzen, da jeder Scanvorgang mit 5.000 Deuterium zu Buche schlägt. Mehr dazu erfährst du im Kapitel Blind phalanx guide.
    • I finished the translation. Spell check still needs to be done.


      First you have to build a lunar base, wich will occupy the only field, but it will unlock 3 new fields. For the further development, you have to make sure that you upgrade your lunar base each time you have only 1 field left, because otherwise you won't have any fields left and you won't be able to build more buildings at your moon.The two fields, wich you can use for other buildings, should be used for Robotics Factory and Sensor Phalanx. Also keep 1 field to build a jumpgate. As you can't produce resources on a moon, buildin metal storage, crystal storage and deuterium tanks is pointless, even if they appear in the building menu.

      What is a Sensor Phalanx used for?

      The sensor phalanx is one of the strongest weapons you can own in OGame. Though you cannot use it to attack ships or planets, the sensor phalanx supplies valuable information, wich allows you to intercept the fleets from other players. If you are located on a moon with a suficiently developed sensor phalanx, you can click on any planet in the galaxy viewt hat's in range The range is calculated using the level of your sensor phalanx using following this formula((Level of phalanx)² - 1). For example, with a phalanx level 3, you can scan 8 systems in both directions. Because of the click, a pop up screen opens, in wich all fleets are listed, wich are flying to the planet. You now know exactly, when you have to hit the planet uto destroy these ships. The ammount of information you see depends on your espionage level(level 2: total number of ships withouth ship types, level 4: number of ships and shiptypes, level 8: shiptypes and their numbers). How you best proceed after this, you can find in the next chapter capture techniques. However, you should use your phalanx wisely as each scan costs 5000 deuterium.

      How do you use your jumpgate?

      If you have planets and moons spread out over different galaxies, it costs a lot of deuterium to move your fleet between your planets. This problem exists untill you have at least 2 moons, then you can send your ships withouth costs. Herefor you have to click on jumpgate in the facilities screen on the starting moon. Now select the ships that you want to move and select the target moon in the drop down menu. Then click on the jump button and your ships will be sent to the target moon. Because of the "all ships" button, you don't have to type the numbers of ships manually,.This way you can save your fleet quickly, wich makes attacks on moons very difficult.

      But that's not the only thing jumpgates are usefull for. You can use them to move fleets to other areas to raid, to set up a trap for other players, etc. You can find more on this subject in the chapter 'setting up traps'.

      Be carefull though, you can't move resources with your jumpgate, resources must be transported the normal way with cargo ships. Always remember to make sure you have deuterium available at the target moon. So your fleet won't be sitting at your moon and become an easy target. After the jump, both jumpgates that were used must recharge for 1 hour. Building your jumpgate bigger than level 1 is a waste of resoures. Higher levels only provide more points, but no actual advantage.

      How do I fleetsave the best?

      A big advantage of moons is that they can't be phalanxed, so the fleet movement will remain invisible. For this reason you can fleetsave much safer from a moon than from a planet. Wich method you best use for fleetsaving can be found in the chapter "fleetsaving".

      How can my moon be destroyed?

      An enemy can destroy your moon, if he has a deathstar. However this is very risky for him. To be prepared for this event, it's recomended to read the chapter "moon destruction".

    • First you have to build a lunar base, which will occupy the only field, but it will unlock 3 new fields. For the further development, you have to make sure that you upgrade your lunar base each time you have only 1 field left, because otherwise you won't have any fields left and you won't be able to build more buildings onyour moon. The two fields, which you can use for other buildings, should be used for Robotics Factory and Sensor Phalanx. Also keep 1 field to build a Jumpgate. As you can't produce resources on a moon, building metal storage, crystal storage and deuterium tanks is pointless, even if they appear in the building menu.
      What is a Sensor Phalanx used for?

      The sensor phalanx is one of the strongest weapons you can own in OGame. Though you cannot use it to attack ships or planets, the sensor phalanx supplies valuable information, which allows you to intercept information about other players fleets. If you are located on a moon with a sufficiently developed sensor phalanx, you can click on any planet in the galaxy view that's in range The range is calculated using the level of your sensor phalanx using following this formula((Level of phalanx)² - 1). For example, with a phalanx level 3, you can scan 8 systems in both directions. Because of the click, a pop up screen opens, in whichall fleets are listed, whichare flying to the planet. You now know exactly, when you have to hit the planet in order to destroy these ships. The amount of information you see depends on your espionage level (level 2: total number of ships withoutship types, level 4: number of ships and ship types, level 8: ship typesand their numbers). How to proceed after this, you can be found in the next chapter capture techniques. However, you should use your phalanx wisely as each scan costs 5000 deuterium.

      How do you use your jumpgate?

      If you have planets and moons spread out over different galaxies, it costs a lot of deuterium to move your fleet between your planets. This problem exists until you have at least 2 moons, then you can send your ships withoutcosts. To do thisyou have to click on Jumpgate in the facilities screen on the starting moon. Now select the ships that you want to move and select the target moon in the drop down menu. Then click on the jump button and your ships will be sent to the target moon. Because of the "all ships" button, you don't have to type the numbers of ships manually, this way you can save your fleet quickly, which makes attacks on moons very difficult.The transition of the fleet is instant although the gate does require a 60 minute recharge time before you can use it again

      But that's not the only thing jumpgates are useful for: You can use them to move fleets to other areas to raid, to set up a trap for other players, etc. You can find more on this subject in the chapter 'setting up traps'.

      Be careful though, you can't move resources with your jumpgate, resources must be transported the normal way with cargo ships. Always remember to make sure you have deuterium available at the target moon. So your fleet won't be sitting at your moon and become an easy target. After the jump, both jumpgates that were used must recharge for 1 hour. Building your jumpgate bigger than level 1 is a waste of resources.Higher levels only provide more points, but have no actual advantage.

      How do I fleetsave the best?

      A big advantage of moons is that they can't be phalanxed, so the fleet movement will remain invisible. For this reasonit is much safer to fleetsave from a moon than from a planet.
      Whichmethod you best use for fleetsaving can be found in the chapter "fleetsaving".
      How can my moon be destroyed?
      An enemy can destroy your moon, if he has a deathstar. However this is very risky for him. To be prepared for this event, it's recommended to read the chapter "moon destruction".
    • Moons are one of the most important elements in OGame, not only because they allow you to securely save your fleet, but they also can be used to intercept an enemy's fleet or to send your own ships to the other end of the universe in split seconds. For these reasons it's seriously recommended to work towards getting a moon as soon as you can afford it.

      How to get a moon ?

      Unlike planets, moons can't just be colonized they have to be created another way. If there's a big enough battle at a planet, causing a huge debris field to occur, then with a little luck this can become concentrated into a moon. A moon occurs only on a planet that's been attacked and only one moon can exist per planet. Size is important when it comes to moons, if your moon is too small then it can easily be deleted, after this the next big battle has a chance to create another moon.

      The chance for a moon to form correlates to the amount of debris that's created. For every 100,000 resources in the debris field you have a 1% chance of getting a moon, up to a maximum of 20%, which equates to 2,000,000 resources; The equivalent of 1,667 Light Fighters - a number which will be more important later.

      Moons created by a 19% or less moon chance will have a random size – whereby you either strike it lucky and get a big moon or get stuck with a smaller one, which are easier to destroy. However if you have a 20% chance, then you're guaranteed a moon that's at least 8,366 Kilometres in diameter, these are harder to destroy by other players and only at great effort and many losses.

      But how to get a moon ? Because a moon only occurs on a planet where there's been a battle, it is clear that your planet must be attacked by another player. For the worst case, that means you haven't saved your fleet or you have saved it wrong and an enemy has destroyed it – at this point you can get a moon with a little luck as consolation. Of course it's better if you plan the attack and minimize your losses by just leaving a certain amount of ships on you planet. The best way is the already mentioned 1,667 Light Fighters, alternatively also 112 Battleships. This way the enemy destroys your ships, but you do not lose any more points than is necessary for a 20 % moon chance – with a little skill you can also harvest the debris field and minimize your losses.

      The best option is of course to get away without using your own ships, and instead destroy those of the enemy. For that you have to set a little trap using some ships and resources as bait, and then wait until the enemy attacks. On the verge of arrival you have to prepare your whole combat fleet to get there and greet him. Make it so that he has to send enough fleet to produce a 20 % chance, but not so much that your fleet cannot destroy them, and with a little bit luck you get a moon for free and the debris field as bonus to boot.

      If all those options are too insecure or too complex, you can also concentrate on so-called moon shots. Here you let another player attack you with 1,667 light fighters that will be destroyed, and you refund him his losses or you return the favour by destroying 1,667 light fighters on one of his planets too. Like that you can complete more tries faster to get a moon. Just be warned, this project can become very expensive - sure, you can get a moon after the first try, but there are also cases where it took several dozen attempts before a moon was achieved. A further consideration is the amount that you refund someone, if you pay more than the original cost of the ships then you might find yourself banned for breaking the pushing rule.

      I finally have a moon – and now ?

      First of all you should send your whole fleet, including the resources, to the new moon because you can save more securely from there. Once that's completed you can expand your moon. Since a moon is significantly smaller than a planet extra fields must be activated first, the construction is as usual. The maximum amount of building grounds is not dependent on the size of the moon, but due to cost requirements it's basically 79.

      First of all you have to build a lunar base, which in fact uses the single field but activates three further ones. For the further construction look to it that you upgrade the lunar base a further level as soon as there is only one field free, otherwise the moon is fully developed and you cannot build any further buildings. The 2 fields that you can use for other buildings between the levels of the lunar base, you should use first of all for the robotics factory and the sensor phalanx, one field also for the Jumpgate. The building of metal storages, crystal storages and deuterium tanks is completely pointless. They appear in the building menu but because you can't produce resources on a moon there's no reason to get them.

      Based on the shortage of space and the long construction time, the shipyard is hardly profitable; ships can be produced significantly faster and easier on the planet. However, if you want, you can build the shipyard on your moon to assemble defensive structures and so to protect it from raids. But while building defensive structures you grievously notice the lack of the Nanite factory, the build-up of a bunker takes significantly longer on a moon. But it can be wise to protect the deuterium with a few cannons, which you let rest over night to make a phalanx scan in a pinch, or to make it difficult to destroy the moon with death stars by building a few plasma turrets. After you are done building the defensive structures you should tear the shipyard down again to get more space for the upgrade of the sensor phalanx. On a moon you can't build Anti-Ballistic Missiles but can still be attacked by IPMs; however fear not, for moons are defended by the anti-ballistic missiles of the corresponding planet, you should always take care of having enough of them there.

      What is the use of the sensor phalanx ?

      The sensor phalanx is one of the strongest weapons that you can own in OGame. With it you can't destroy ships or attack planets, but it transfers useful information with which you can intercept enemy fleets. If you are on a moon with a constructed phalanx, you will be able to click on the names of the adversary planets in the galaxy view up to a certain range.The range of a phalanx is calculated using the following formula: ((level of sensor phalanx)² - 1), so with a phalanx of level three you can scan eight systems in both directions. By clicking, a window will be opened, in which all fleets that are approaching the planet are listed - Now you exactly know when you have to strike to catch those ships. At this the information you see depends on the level of the espionage technology (level 2: total of the ships without ship types, level 4: number of the ships and ship types, level 8: ship types and their number). How to act here the chapter interception methods will betray. However you should use the sensor phalanx advisedly, because every scanning act is reflected in the budget with 5,000 deuterium.

      How to use the Jumpgate ?

      If you distribute your planets and moons throughout the galaxies, you will have to expend large amounts of deuterium to move your fleet. But once you have at least two moons with a jumpgate you can travel instantly without incurring any cost.
      You simply have to be on the starting moon and click on the button next to "Facilities", then in this new window type the number of ships you wish to send or alternatively click the "All ships" button to select all, and select the target moon to send to. Immediately after clicking the send button your ships will appear on the target moon.

      Jumpgates are not only useful for moving fleets into new raiding areas, they are also good for setting traps to destroy enemy players. You'll learn more about that in the chapter "<Ninja chapter name here>"
      Unfortunately with the jumpgate you can't send resources with your ships, they still have to be transported with the fleet - keep in mind to provide deuterium before jumping to the target moon, otherwise you might find yourself grounded with nowhere to go. Bare in mind that jumpgates have to cool down for one hour before they can be used again. And finally, upgrading the jumpgate beyond level 1 is a pure resource waste, the higher levels bring no added benefits besides more points for the highscores list.

      What is the best possibility to save ?

      A huge advantage of a moon is that it cannot be scanned by the enemy's sensor phalanx, hence the fleet movement is invisible. For this reason you can save significantly more securely with less effort by moon as by planet. For information on the best methods, see our chapter "Saving".

      How can my moon get destroyed ?

      Moons aren't invincible and so can be destroyed by the enemy. To do this requires Death stars and is both risky and expensive. Anyhow, to be armed for this case have a look at the chapter "Moon Destroying".

      Last edit: Kebab 3/3/2011
    • Metallmine

      Metall ist der Hauptrohstoff für tragende Strukturen, welcher für Forschungen und den Bau von Gebäuden, Schiffen und Verteidigungsanlagen benötigt wird. Ausnahmen sind Solarsatelliten und Spionagesonden, die Energietechnik, Hyperraumtechnik, Computertechnik und die Gravitonforschung.
      Wenn man noch keine Metallmine hat, werden in der Stunde 20 Einheiten (in normalen Universen) als Grundmenge abgebaut. Bei Speeduniversen ist die Grundmenge je nach Speedfaktor höher.

      Metal mine

      Metal is the main resource for supporting structures, which is in need of researches and the construction of buildings, ships and defensive structures. Solar Satellites and Espionage Probes, the Energy Technology, Hyperspace Technology, Computer Technology and the Graviton Technology are the exceptions.
      If you do not have a metal mine yet, per hour 20 units (in normal universes) will be stoped as basic amount. In speed universes the basic amount is higher, depending on the speed factor.


      Kristall ist der Hauptrohstoff für elektronische Bauteile und Legierungen, welcher für Forschungen und den Bau von Gebäuden, Schiffen und Verteidigungsanlagen benötigt wird. Ausnahmen sind der Raketenwerfer, der Metallspeicher, das Verbrennungstriebwerk, die Gravitonforschung und die Raumschiffpanzerung.
      Bei Nichtvorhandensein einer Kristallmine wird pro Stunde eine Grundmenge von 10 Einheiten abgebaut, in Speeduniversen dementsprechend mehr.

      Crystal Mine

      Crystal is the main resource for electronic components and alloys, which is in need of researches and the construction of buildings, ships and defensive structures. The Rocket Launcher, the Metal Storage, the Combustion Drive, Graviton Technology and the Amour Technology are the exceptions.
      If there is no crystal mine on a planet, a basic amount of 10 units will be stoped per hour, in speed universes correspondingly more.


      Deuterium ist schwerer Wasserstoff, welcher in der Natur nur ein sehr geringes Vorkommen hat. Dieser Rohstoff wird in erster Linie als Treibstoff verwendet, aber auch bei einigen Forschungen und dem Bau von Schiffen, Verteidigungsanlagen und Gebäuden darf dieser nicht fehlen.
      Im Gegensatz zu Metall und Kristall, gibt es bei diesem Rohstoff keinerlei Grundmenge, welche bei einem fehlenden Synthetisierer hergestellt werden kann.
      Die Menge, welche pro Stunden gefördert wird, hängt im Gegensatz zu den anderen Rohstoffen von der Temperatur des Planeten ab. Je kälter der Planet, desto mehr Deuterium wird herstellt.

      Deuterium Synthesizer

      Deuterium is heavy hydrogen, which has only a very low deposit in nature. Predominantly that resource is devoted as fuel, but it is also in need for a few researches and the construction of ships, defensive structures and buildings.
      In contrary to metal and crystal, there is no basic amount, which can be produced with an unavailable synthesizer.
      In contrary to the other resources, the amount, which can be delivered per hour depends on the temperature of the planet. The colder the planet, the more deuterium will be produced.


      Jeder Rohstoff kann nur durch Energie entstehen, welche unter anderem durch das Solarkraftwerk als primäre Energiequelle erzeugt wird.

      Solar Plant

      Each resource can only be produced from energy, which is manufactured inter alia by the solar plant as the primary energy source.


      Auch diese Kraftwerk wird zur Energieproduktion verwendet, die Energie entsteh durch die Fusion von zwei Deuteriumatomen zu einem Heliumatom, folglich wird hier Deuterium verbraucht. Die Voraussetzungen um ein Kraftwerk dieser Art erbauen zu können sind die Energietechnik Stufe 3 und der Deuteriumsynthetisierer Stufe 5 auf dem betreffenden Planeten. Je höher die Energietechnik erforscht wird, desto höher ist die Energieausbeute.

      Fusion Reactor

      Also that electricity station is used for the energy production, the energy is generated by the fusion of two deuterium atoms to one helium atom, consequently deuterium will be spent. The requirements to build such an electricity station are the Energy Technology level 3 and the Deuterium Synthesizer level 5 on the relative planet. The higher the level of the Energy Research, the more energy will be produced.


      Der Metallspeicher wird benötigt um die Produktion aufrecht zu erhalten. Wenn dieser voll ist, wird die Produktion gestoppt. Ohne Speicher können hier nur 10,000 Einheiten diese Rohstoffes gelagert werden.

      Metal Storage

      The Metal Storage is required to perpetuate the production. If it is full, the production will be stopped. Without a storage, only 10,000 units of metal can be stored.


      Auch der Kristallspeicher wird benötigt um die Produktion aufrecht zu erhalten. Wenn dieser voll ist, wird die Produktion gestoppt. Ohne Speicher können hier nur 10,000 Einheiten diese Rohstoffes gelagert werden.

      Crystal storage

      Also the Crystal Storage is required to perpetuate the production. If it is full, the production will be stopped. Without a storage, only 10,000 units of crystal can be stored.


      Der Deuteriumtank wird benötigt um die Produktion aufrecht zu erhalten. Wenn dieser voll ist, wird die Produktion gestoppt. Ohne Speicher können hier nur 10,000 Einheiten diese Rohstoffes gelagert werden.

      Deuterium Tank

      Like the storages the Deuterium Tank is required to perpetuate the production. If it is full, the production will be stopped. Without a storage, only 10,000 units of deuterium can be stored.

    • Premium Features


      - To use premium features, you first have to buy Dark Matter
      - The Commander offers some additional functions to increase the game's practicality
      - Players who invest money in Officers, will get advantages in game
      - With the Merchant you can trade resources without interacting with other players

      As it's written on the welcome page, OGame is a game that everybody can play for free. You won't find any subscription fees or any other costs.
      But for those who want to there are several premium features, which can be purchased for just a few pounds a month. We are often asked, which of the additional functions really help, and so we'll introduce them here and discuss their advantages.
      But I want to stress that this article is just for information, we don't want to give you any advice on whether to spend or not spend money for the commander or officers – it's your decision.

      Dark Matter – the premium currency

      The currency, which is used to activate premium features in OGame, is called Dark Matter (DM). This can be acquired in different ways on the page “Recruit Officers”. It's advised to compare the different options of paying, because the easy options such as sms are often not the cheapest. If you know you're going to be playing your account for a long time then you should buy DM in larger quantities instead of smaller purchases, because the more expensive packages offer more for your money. Two special cases are Offerpal and Sponsorpay, these offer you Dark Matter for filling in surveys and subscribing to various things - but make sure to check the offer carefully to avoid any nasty surprises! Apart from these it's also possible to find small quantities of Dark Matter on Expeditions.

      Premium feature classic: the Commander
      A long time ago the commander has been established and offers assertive only comfort-features, so the users won´t get any arbitrative gaming advantage. The main aspect of using the commander is to be free of advertising in the account. All banner ads and Layers will disappear by activating the commander. That makes OGame more comfortable and in part faster.
      But there are several more features, which are activated automatically with the commander for 10.000 DM a week or 100.000 DM for three month.
      So you get Access to the Imperial View, which is a practically overview about resources, production, buildings and fleets on all your planets and moons as well as to a adjusted messaging system, where ingame messages are assorted into different categories and will be saved for 7 days instead of 24 hours. A building list with up to five buildings to be buildet just one after the next is comfortable just as the better galaxy overview where you can spy moons and abolish debris fields just by mouse-click.

      First of all this additional functions, which are added to the commander one after the next, appreciate the commander for active gamers so much, because simplify the daily business.
      For Raiders and Fleethunters who often use the galaxy view, there is often no other way than using a commander, because only with it you can spy moons directly.

      The officers – game-pros for pay

      In contrast to the commander, the officers offers concrete game-pros. If this pros are needed for you and your playing style, you have to decide on your own.

      The Admiral offers, like the name suggests, advantages for active fleeter. By the use of this subscription, you will get two more slots, whereby you can send more fleets at the same time und accordant raid or transport more. Eminently in a new started Universe this is a great advantage and you develop a healthy margin. For defensive miners or deffer of course this officer is not that appealing. But who want´s to play on top or farm a lot has well usage for the Admiral.
      Costs: 5.000 DM a week or 50.000 DM for 3 Month

      Different to the Admiral the Engineer first of all offers advantages to defense players, because this feature halves the defense causalities. If a planet gets attacked, normally only 70% of the Def will be recovered, which can be a big attrition. With the engineer 85% will be recovered.
      Additive the engineer generates a bonus of 10% energy.
      So you can save defense costs and Resources for plants or satellites.
      Costs: 5.000 DM a week or 50.000 DM for 3 Month

      The Geologist is preferred for miners at first. He elevates the Resource production 10% up on every planet. As bigger your mines are, as greater is the advantage of the Geologist.
      Of course also fleeter can use the geologist to have a small extra income.
      Costs: 12.500 DM a week or 125.000 DM for 3 month.

      The technocrat combines two very different advantages. First he elevates the espionage Technology 2 levels. This is at first an great advantage while starting in a new universe, where you can espionage earlier that way and so minimize your risk while attacking other users.
      In the later run of the game, it´s also good to have the higher espionage level. So you can espionage other players easier while more espionage probes are needed to get information about you.
      The second Technocrat´s feature is a abbreviation of the research time of 25%. In every level of research the research time growth more and more. Against that the Technocrat is a fantastic investment. So this officer is very interesting for player, who want´s to lead the research-highscores.
      Costs: 10.000 DM a week or 100.000 DM for 3 month.
      The trader – swapping resources fast and uncomplicated

      Not always is trading resources with other players the fastest and easiest way to swap your resources. By this reason you can call the trader for 3.500 DM. This feature swaps your resources in an accidental rate inside of a definite range.
      Sometimes you can find a trader on an expedition. Everything you need to know about swapping you will find in the chapter “trade”.

      Newly you can change you planets positions with the help of dark matter. For that you get information in another chapter.
    • Roboterfabrik

      Durch die Roboterfabrik können Gebäude mit einer höheren Geschwindigkeit ausgebaut werden. Jedoch nimmt diese keinen Einfluss auf die Baugeschwindigkeit von Schiffen oder Verteidigungsanlagen. Sie kann sowohl auf Planeten als auch auf Monden gebaut werden, für ihren Bau wird kein weiteres Gebäude und keine weitere Forschung benötigt.
      Die Roboterfabrik selbst ist jedoch eine Voraussetzung für den Bau der Raumschiffswerft und der Nanitenfabrik.

      Robotics Factory

      By the Robotics Factory, buildings can be upgraded with a higher speed. But it does not exert influence on the construction speed of ships or defensive structures. It can be build both on planets and moons, for its construction no further building an no further researches are required.
      But the Robotics Factory itself is a requirement for the construction of the Shipyard and the Nanite Factory.


      Durch diese Anlage wird der Bau von Schiffen und Verteidigungsanlagen beschleunigt, sie hat jedoch keinen Einfluss auf den Baugeschwindigkeit von Gebäuden oder auf die Forschungszeit. Verschiedene Ausbaustufen sind die Voraussetzung für den Bau verschiedener Schiffstypen und Verteidiungsanlagen; sie selbst kann man nur errichten wenn man die Roboterfabrik auf Stufe 2 ausgebaut hat. Die Werft kann sowohl auf Planeten als auch auf Monden gebaut werden, solange keine Schiffe oder Verteidigungsanlagen auf dem jeweiligen Planeten oder Mond im Bau sind.


      By that facility, the construction of ships and defensive structures will be pushed on, but it does not exert influence on the construction speed of buildings or on the research time. Several levels are the requirements for several types of ships and defensive structures; you will be able to build it, if you have upgraded the Robotics Factory on level 2. The yard can be build both on planets and moons, while no ships or defensive structures are in the production queue on the respective planet or moon.


      Dies ist nötig um neue Technologien erforschen zu können. Je höher die Stufe, desto mehr Technologien werden freigeschalten und desto kürzer wird die Forschungszeit. Das Forschungslabor, welches ohne jegliche Voraussetzungen gebaut werden kann, wirkt sich auf den gesamten Account aus, d.h. sobald ein Labor im Bau ist, kann auf keinem Planeten geforscht werden; wenn eine Forschungen gestartet wurde, kann nirgends ein Labor ausgebaut werden.

      Research Lab

      That is necessary to research new technologies. The higher the level, the more technologies will be activated and the shorter the research time will be. The Research Lab, which can be build without any requirements, affects the whole account, i.e. as soon as a lab is in the construction queue, you will not be able to research on another planet; if a research is started, you will not be able to build a lab anywhere.


      Durch diese Anlage ist es möglich haltende Flotten mit Deuterium via Versorgungsraketen zu beliefern. Dadurch kann man die Haltezeiten der befreundeten Flotte verlängern. Der Bau auf dem Mond ist nicht möglich, die Flotten werden aber hier auch durch den Planeten mit Treibstoff versorgt. Für den Bau gibt es keine Voraussetzungen.

      Alliance Depot

      By that facility it is possible to support holding fleets with deuterium via support-rockets. So you can lengthen the holding duration of friendly fleets. The construction on the moon is not possibly, but the fleets will be supported by the planet with fuel. There are no requirements for its construction.


      Ein Raketensilo wird benötigt um Abfangraketen ( Ausbau auf Stufe 2) und Interplanetarraketen ( Ausbau auf Stufe 4) bauen zu können. Ein Bau auf dem Mond ist nicht möglich, hier werden die Abfangraketen des Planeten mit verwendet (analog zum Allianzdepot). Der Abriss eines Silos ist nur möglich, wenn diese leer ist; hier hat man die Möglichkeit die Raketen abzuschießen oder abzureißen. Die Raumschiffswerft 1 zählt als einzige Voraussetzung, pro Stufe des Silos können fünf Abfang- oder 10 Interplanetarraketen eingelagert werden.

      Missile Silo

      The Missile Silo is used to build Anti-Ballistic Missiles (level 2) and Interplanetary Missiles (level 4). A construction on the moon is not possible, there the Anti-Ballistic Missiles of the planets will be used (analog with the Alliance Depot). The tear-off of a silo is only possible, when it is empty; here you have the possibility to send out the missiles or to tear them off. The Shipyard level 1 is the only requirement, per level five Anti-Ballistic or ten Interplanetary Missiles can be stored.


      Sie halbiert die Bauzeit von Schiffen, Verteidigunsanlagen und Gebäuden, ihre Voraussetzungen sind die Computertechnik 10 und die Roboterfabrik 10. Durch die Nanitenfabrik 1 als Voraussetzung kann der Terrarformer gebaut werden. Wenn die Nanitenfabrik ausgebaut wird, können auf dem jeweiligen Planeten keine Schiffe, Verteidigungsanlagen gebaut oder Gebäude errichtet werden, das gleiche gilt umgekehrt. Ein erreichten dieser Fabrik ist auf dem Mond nicht möglich.

      Nanite Factory

      It halves the construction time of ships, defensive structures and buildings, its requirements are the Computer Technology 10 an the Robotics Factory 10. The Terraformer needs the Nanite Factory 1 as requirement. If the Nanite Factory is under construction, it is not able to build any ships, defensive structures or put up buildings on the respective planet and vice versa. A construction of that factory on the moon is not possibly.


      Der Terraformer wird benötigt um einen fast ausgebauten Planeten zu vergrößern. Pro Stufe bekommt man fünf freie Felder dazu, allerdings wird für deren Erstellung Energie benötigt. Die Voraussetzungen für diese Anlage ist die Nanitenfabrik auf Stufe 1 und die Energietechnik auf Stufe 12. Ein Bau des Terraformers auf dem Mond ist nicht möglich (siehe Mondbasis). Wenn dieses Gebäude einmal errichtet ist, kann man es nicht mehr abreißen.


      The Terraformer is in need of expanding a nearly developed planet. Per level you get five free fields, but you need energy for the construction. The requirements for that facility are the Nanite Factory level 1 and the Energy Technology level 12. On the moon a building of the Terraformer is impossible (vide Lunar Base). If that building is constructed, you will not be able to tear it down.
    • This sentence is wrong in the post Guide 15 - Moon Guide

      I personally recommend raising it to at least 7 (which is 49 systems EACH way so 98 systems total) which is the point where the duet cost of sending your fleet there as well as the cost of upgrading it further become quite high.

      With phalanx level 7, you can only see (7*7 - 1) = 48 systems on each way, i.e. 97 systems globally (your own system + 48 + 48 ).

      Edit: Sorry, I'm not in the right sub-section.
    • Mondbasis

      Dieses Gebäude kann nur auf einem Mond gebaut werden. Dies ist nötig um mehr Bauflächen zum bekommen, da ein Mond bei der Entstehung nur ein Feld hat. Pro Mondbasis entstehen drei weitere Felder. Die Mondbasis 1 ist die Voraussetzung für die Sensorphalanx und das Sprungtor.

      Lunar Base

      That structure can only be built on a moon. It is necessary to get more building area, because a moon consists of only one field at the beginning. Per lunar base three further fields are developed. The lunar base level 1 is the requirement for the Sensor Phalanx and the Jump Gate.


      Dieses Gebäude kann wie die Mondbasis nur auf einem Mond errichtet werden. Die Mondbasis 1 zählt als einzige Voraussetzung. Durch die Phalanx kann man Flottenbewegungen von anderen Planeten scannen, ein Scan kostet 5,000 Deuterium. Durch jede weitere Stufe dieses Spezialgebäudes steigt die Reichweite.

      Sensor Phalanx

      That facility can like the lunar base only be built on a moon. The lunar base 1 is the only requirement. Via the phalanx you are able to scan the fleet movements of other planets, a scan costs 5,000 deuterium. The range increases with every further level of that special building.


      Auch das Sprungtor kann nur auf einem Mond gebaut werden. Dies ist nötig um Flotten von einem Mond zu anderen zu befördern, ohne dadurch Zeit oder Deuterium zu investieren. Nach einem Sprung muss das Sprungtor (nur Start- und Zielsprungtor) eine Stunde abkühlen, bevor man es ein weiteres Mal nutzen kann. Die Voraussetzung für den Bau sind die Mondbasis Stufe 1 und die Hyperraumtechnik Stufe 7. Es können keine Ressourcen durch das Sprungtor befördert werden.

      Jump Gate

      The Jump Gate can also only be built on a moon. It is necessary to send fleets from one moon to another, without investing time or deuterium. After a jump, the Jump Gate (only the start and target Jump Gate) has to cool down for one hour, before you can use it again. The requirements for its construction are the Lunar Base level 1 and the Hyperspace Technology level 7. It is not possible to send resources via the Jump Gate.
    • Gebäude

      Die Gebäude sind von Anbeginn, wie auch im weiteren Spielverlauf das Fundament deines Accounts, denn diese stellen die Infrastruktur dar. Die meisten sind Voraussetzungen für weitere Gebäude, Forschungen, Schiffe oder Verteidigungsanlagen, ohne diese ist es nicht möglich voranzukommen. Die Gebäude werden in zwei Gruppen eingeteilt, die Versorgung und die Anlagen.
      Jene welche zur Versorgung zählen sind Minen, Speicher oder Stromproduzenten, alle restlichen Bauwerke gehören zu den Anlagen. Aber auch bei den Anlagen gibt es noch eine kleine Unterteilung, denn nicht jede kann auf einem Planet oder auf einem Mond gebaut werden.


      Since the dawn of time, and while the further run of the game, buildings are the fundament of your account, because those pose the infrastructure. The most are requirements for further buildings, researches, ships or defensive structures, without those it is not possible to make headway. The buildings are classified in two groups, the resources and the facilities.
      Those, which rank among the resources are mines, storages and producers of current, all remaining structures pertain to the facilities. But anent the facilities there is also a small classification, because not each can be built on a planet or on a moon.

      Natürliche Ressourcen

      In OGame gibt es drei verschiedene Rohstoffe, die produziert werden können: Metall, Kristall und Deuterium. Ohne jeglichen Ausbau haben die Metall- und die Kristallmine eine Grundproduktion, es werden pro Stunde 20 Einheiten Metall und 10 Einheiten Kristall produziert. Der Deuteriumsynthetisierer hat keine Grundproduktion. Um mehr aus den Minen und aus dem Synthetisierer herauszuholen, müssen diese ausgebaut werden, wobei für die Produktion dieser Ressourcen ab jeweils der erste Stufe Energie benötigt wird. Diese Energie kann auf verschiedene Weise erzeugt werden. Die einfachste Variante, die zu Beginn auch die einzige darstellt, ist das Solarkraftwerk. Im späteren Spielverlauf stehen die Möglichkeiten der Solarsatelliten (zu finden in der Versorgung, sowie in der Schiffswerft) und die des Fusionskraftwerkes offen.
      Da die Speicherkapazität der Rohstoffe begrenzt ist, kann man nicht ohne weiteres unbegrenzt Ressourcen produzieren. Es werden relative schnell Speicher benötigt um die Produktion unter zu bringen.

      Natural resources of the lithosphere and hydrosphere

      There are three different resources in OGame, which can be produced: metal, crystal and deuterium. Without any upgrading the Metal and Crystal Mine have a main production, per hour 20 units of metal and 10 units of crystal are produced. The Deuterium Synthesizer does not have a main production. To get more out of the mines and the synthesizer, they have to be upgraded, in doing so you will need energy from the first level to produce those resources. You can induce that energy in different ways. The easiest alternative, which is the only one at the beginning, is the Solar Plant. Later on the options of the Solar Satellites (you can find it both in the Facilities and Shipyard) and the Fusion Reactor are open.
      You are not able to produce unlimited without further ado, because the capacity of the storages is defined. Storages will be needed very fast to accommodate the production.

      Eine planvoll zusammengestellte Gesamtkonstruktionen

      Anlagen sind Gebäude, welche nicht mit der Rohstoffproduktion zu tun haben, die aber wichtig sind um Schiffe bauen oder neue Technologien erforschen zu können. Wie schon erwähnt, gibt es Anlagen, welche nur auf einem Planeten und jene welche nur auf einem Mond errichtet werden können. Typische Mondgebäude sind die Mondbasis, das Sprungtor und die Sensorphalanx; zu den Gebäuden, die ausschließlich auf einem Planet gebaut werden können zählen das Forschungslabor, das Allianzdepot, das Raketensilo, die Nanitenfabrik und der Terraformer. Die Roboterfabrik und die Raumschiffswerft sind die einzigen Anlagen, welche sowohl auf Planeten als auch auf Monden erbaut werden können.

      A tactically composed total construction

      Facilities are buildings, which have no bearing on the resource production, but they are important to build ships or to research new technologies. As already mentioned, there are facilities, that can only be constructed on a planet, and those, which only can be constructed on a moon. Typical moon buildings are the Lunar Base, the Jump Gate and the Sensor Phalanx; the buildings, which only can be built on a planet are the Research Lab, the Alliance Depot, the Missile Silo, the Nanite Factory and the Terraformer. The Robotics Factory and the Shipyard are the only buildings, that can be constructed on moons and on planets.


      Durch diese Gebäude werden Rohstoffe, sowie Energie produziert.


      By these buildings, resources and energy are produced.


      Diese Gedäude dienen als Voraussetzung für weitere Gebäude, sowie Forschungen, Schiffe oder Verteidigungsanlagen.


      Those buildings act as requirements for further buildings, as well as for researches, ships or defensive structures.
    • I have corrected one word in wiki page :

      The first mine is now producing a constant flow of resources and offcourse you have to go a little further now. Besides the Metal Mine, the Crystal Mine is very important, later the Deuterium Synthesizer.

      Should be .. of course ..
      -Ogame Recension-
      Ogame need a change!
      -Check my account for my ideas-

      The post was edited 1 time, last by sirEdward ().

    • I put your work together into english template - wiki source code..

      Source Code

      1. {{PageHead-Tutorial}}
      2. Since the dawn of time, and while the further run of the game, buildings are the fundament of your account, because those pose the infrastructure. The most are requirements for further buildings, researches, ships or defensive structures, without those it is not possible to make headway. The buildings are classified in two groups, the resources and the facilities.
      3. Those, which rank among the resources are mines, storages and producers of current, all remaining structures pertain to the facilities. But anent the facilities there is also a small classification, because not each can be built on a planet or on a moon.
      4. ==Natural resources of the lithosphere and hydrosphere==
      5. There are three different resources in OGame, which can be produced: metal, crystal and deuterium. Without any upgrading the Metal and Crystal Mine have a main production, per hour 20 units of metal and 10 units of crystal are produced. The Deuterium Synthesizer does not have a main production. To get more out of the mines and the synthesizer, they have to be upgraded, in doing so you will need energy from the first level to produce those resources. You can induce that energy in different ways. The easiest alternative, which is the only one at the beginning, is the Solar Plant. Later on the options of the Solar Satellites (you can find it both in the Facilities and Shipyard) and the Fusion Reactor are open.
      6. You are not able to produce unlimited without further ado, because the capacity of the storages is defined. Storages will be needed very fast to accommodate the production.
      7. ==A tactically composed total construction==
      8. Facilities are buildings, which have no bearing on the resource production, but they are important to build ships or to research new technologies. As already mentioned, there are facilities, that can only be constructed on a planet, and those, which only can be constructed on a moon. Typical moon buildings are the Lunar Base, the Jump Gate and the Sensor Phalanx; the buildings, which only can be built on a planet are the Research Lab, the Alliance Depot, the Missile Silo, the Nanite Factory and the Terraformer. The Robotics Factory and the Shipyard are the only buildings, that can be constructed on moons and on planets.
      9. ==Resources==
      10. By these buildings, resources and energy are produced.
      11. {{Detail-Buildings|Metal mine|Metal is the main resource for supporting structures, which is in need of researches and the construction of buildings, ships and defensive structures. Solar Satellites and Espionage Probes, the Energy Technology, Hyperspace Technology, Computer Technology and the Graviton Technology are the exceptions.
      12. If you do not have a metal mine yet, per hour 20 units (in normal universes) will be stoped as basic amount. In speed universes the basic amount is higher, depending on the speed factor.}}
      13. {{Detail-Buildings|Crystal Mine|Crystal is the main resource for electronic components and alloys, which is in need of researches and the construction of buildings, ships and defensive structures. The Rocket Launcher, the Metal Storage, the Combustion Drive, Graviton Technology and the Amour Technology are the exceptions.
      14. If there is no crystal mine on a planet, a basic amount of 10 units will be stoped per hour, in speed universes correspondingly more.}}
      15. {{Detail-Buildings|Deuterium Synthesizer|Deuterium is heavy hydrogen, which has only a very low deposit in nature. Predominantly that resource is devoted as fuel, but it is also in need for a few researches and the construction of ships, defensive structures and buildings.
      16. In contrary to metal and crystal, there is no basic amount, which can be produced with an unavailable synthesizer.
      17. In contrary to the other resources, the amount, which can be delivered per hour depends on the temperature of the planet. The colder the planet, the more deuterium will be produced.}}
      18. {{Detail-Buildings|Solar Plant|Each resource can only be produced from energy, which is manufactured inter alia by the solar plant as the primary energy source.}}
      19. {{Detail-Buildings|Fusion Reactor|Also that electricity station is used for the energy production, the energy is generated by the fusion of two deuterium atoms to one helium atom, consequently deuterium will be spent. The requirements to build such an electricity station are the Energy Technology level 3 and the Deuterium Synthesizer level 5 on the relative planet. The higher the level of the Energy Research, the more energy will be produced.}}
      20. {{Detail-Buildings|Metal Storage|The Metal Storage is required to perpetuate the production. If it is full, the production will be stopped. Without a storage, only 10,000 units of metal can be stored.}}
      21. {{Detail-Buildings|Crystal storage|Also the Crystal Storage is required to perpetuate the production. If it is full, the production will be stopped. Without a storage, only 10,000 units of crystal can be stored.}}
      22. {{Detail-Buildings|Deuterium Tank|Like the storages the Deuterium Tank is required to perpetuate the production. If it is full, the production will be stopped. Without a storage, only 10,000 units of deuterium can be stored.}}
      23. ==Facilities==
      24. Those buildings act as requirements for further buildings, as well as for researches, ships or defensive structures.
      25. {{Detail-Buildings|Robotics Factory|By the Robotics Factory, buildings can be upgraded with a higher speed. But it does not exert influence on the construction speed of ships or defensive structures. It can be build both on planets and moons, for its construction no further building an no further researches are required.
      26. But the Robotics Factory itself is a requirement for the construction of the Shipyard and the Nanite Factory.}}
      27. {{Detail-Buildings|Shipyard|By that facility, the construction of ships and defensive structures will be pushed on, but it does not exert influence on the construction speed of buildings or on the research time. Several levels are the requirements for several types of ships and defensive structures; you will be able to build it, if you have upgraded the Robotics Factory on level 2. The yard can be build both on planets and moons, while no ships or defensive structures are in the production queue on the respective planet or moon.}}
      28. {{Detail-Buildings|Research Lab|That is necessary to research new technologies. The higher the level, the more technologies will be activated and the shorter the research time will be. The Research Lab, which can be build without any requirements, affects the whole account, i.e. as soon as a lab is in the construction queue, you will not be able to research on another planet; if a research is started, you will not be able to build a lab anywhere.}}
      29. {{Detail-Buildings|Alliance Depot|By that facility it is possible to support holding fleets with deuterium via support-rockets. So you can lengthen the holding duration of friendly fleets. The construction on the moon is not possibly, but the fleets will be supported by the planet with fuel. There are no requirements for its construction.}}
      30. {{Detail-Buildings|Missile Silo|The Missile Silo is used to build Anti-Ballistic Missiles (level 2) and Interplanetary Missiles (level 4). A construction on the moon is not possible, there the Anti-Ballistic Missiles of the planets will be used (analog with the Alliance Depot). The tear-off of a silo is only possible, when it is empty; here you have the possibility to send out the missiles or to tear them off. The Shipyard level 1 is the only requirement, per level five Anti-Ballistic or ten Interplanetary Missiles can be stored.}}
      31. {{Detail-Buildings|Nanite Factory|It halves the construction time of ships, defensive structures and buildings, its requirements are the Computer Technology 10 an the Robotics Factory 10. The Terraformer needs the Nanite Factory 1 as requirement. If the Nanite Factory is under construction, it is not able to build any ships, defensive structures or put up buildings on the respective planet and vice versa. A construction of that factory on the moon is not possibly.}}
      32. {{Detail-Buildings|Terraformer|The Terraformer is in need of expanding a nearly developed planet. Per level you get five free fields, but you need energy for the construction. The requirements for that facility are the Nanite Factory level 1 and the Energy Technology level 12. On the moon a building of the Terraformer is impossible (vide Lunar Base). If that building is constructed, you will not be able to tear it down.}}
      33. {{Detail-Buildings|Lunar Base|That structure can only be built on a moon. It is necessary to get more building area, because a moon consists of only one field at the beginning. Per lunar base three further fields are developed. The lunar base level 1 is the requirement for the Sensor Phalanx and the Jump Gate.}}
      34. {{Detail-Buildings|Sensor Phalanx|That facility can like the lunar base only be built on a moon. The lunar base 1 is the only requirement. Via the phalanx you are able to scan the fleet movements of other planets, a scan costs 5,000 deuterium. The range increases with every further level of that special building.}}
      35. {{Detail-Buildings|Jump Gate|The Jump Gate can also only be built on a moon. It is necessary to send fleets from one moon to another, without investing time or deuterium. After a jump, the Jump Gate (only the start and target Jump Gate) has to cool down for one hour, before you can use it again. The requirements for its construction are the Lunar Base level 1 and the Hyperspace Technology level 7. It is not possible to send resources via the Jump Gate.}}
      36. {{PageFoot-Tutorial}}
      Display All

      We should add some links to other chapters as it is in instructions and either a specs. for any building (like buildings cost, points for it...).
      In attachment are pictures of every bulding (3 special buildings included), the format is changed to 180x180, named like on wiki ;)
      -Ogame Recension-
      Ogame need a change!
      -Check my account for my ideas-