*cut* postings from Tutorials

    • kendiraton wrote:

      Et surtout, bien plus important, l'amelioration des technos d'armes ou de propulsion augmente la puissance/vitesse de 10/20/30% de la valeur de base. C'est a preciser.
      As Kenridaton said in my french translation of this Chapter, it's important to precise that for some researches such as Impulsion drive, weapon technology, shield... these reseachers for each level made,it gains 20% more speed of the base value.
      It's just a suggestion to make this tutorial closer to gameplay :D
    • Display Spoiler
      The Alliance Combat System (ACS) permits fighting together with other players, so that no player is always on his own. On the one hand thereby you can attack a target with friends, and on the other hand you also can deploy your fleet for defense at alliance partners or at players, who are on your buddy list. Thus you cannot only attack significantly bigger targets, but also a few important tactical alternatives are due to it.

      How to attack together ?

      To start an ACS-attack, one of the players first has to begin an attack with a fleet. As soon as it flies, he can change that fleet to a union and invite other players via the fleet menu, whereat those don't have to be in the alliance or on the buddy list. Those players will get an invitation for the union and will be able to join the attack with their fleets via clicking on the short link on the second fleet page ("Combat forces"). All in all, five players can join in the union combat; the union fleet can consist of a maximum 16 fleets, altogether. But look out; all fleets of a union are geared to the slowest one. So, if a slower fleet is added to a union, the arrival time of all fleets will be set back. That can also be leveraged as the chapter "delay action" will show.

      If a fleet is more than 30 % slower as the union, it will not be able to join. First of all if it is about an interception, at which it is important that the fleet union arrives exactly at the right time, the ACS-attack should be arranged accordingly. It will be the best, if the player, who has the longest approach, starts it. All the others can send their fleets, without reducing speed of the first fleet. At interceptions you also can save deuterium by timing with a single ship at first, and after that joining the combat fleet. Like that, if you have timed the attack in a wrong way, you will have to call back only one ship and not sending the whole fleet twice. You especially will have to pay attention, if the attack is canceled. In that case, every player has to call back his own fleet manually – if only one fleet cancels the flight, the rest of the union will just continue. If the fleet, which starts the union, is called back, no other fleets will be able to join the union.

      Defending together

      With a union you can surprise an enemy not only with an attack, but also with a defense. If you want to defend a planet of a member of the alliance or of a buddy, you just will have to command your fleet there and to choose the mission "hold". Before sending your fleet, you will be able to specify how long it shall stay at the target. As long as it is deployed there, it will participate in every combat inline with the defender, if the moon or planet is attacked, but whose owner cannot control it himself. But during this time, the fleet constantly needs deuterium, that is why the holding time is limited by the cargo bay of the fleet. If you want to fly back earlier as it was planed, you will only have to click on call back in the fleet menu, to cancel the holding operation. A maximum four players are able to hold on a foreign planet / moon; all in all 15 fleets are possible.

      But look out; if you attack a planet or a moon, on which one of your fleets is holding, your fleets will fight against each other.

      The conjoint defending is perfect, when a member of the alliance is attacked by an adverse player. Here, with a little bit luck, you can deploy your fleet on the target before the attacker arrives and thus surprise him. If the own fleet arrives a few seconds before the attacker’s one, he suddenly will be face to face with an unforeseen superiority and loose his own fleet, instead of abolishing the fleet of your alliance partner.

      What use does the alliance depot have ?

      The alliance depot acts as a deuterium supply for your fleet while it is defending a planet or a moon, so that it can stay there longer. For this you choose the alliance depot at the facility menu on the accordant planet and you enter the amount of deuterium, which shall be send to the fleet and affirm the process. The bigger the depot, the more deuterium you can send per hour like that. That facility proves unusable, because in practice you normally do not hold your fleet on a foreign planet more than one hour. So you can confidently save the time and the resource, which you need for the construction.

      --added the suggestions by Anne Bonny
    • Chapter 05: Ships


      In the last chapter you built your first ship, the small cargo, now we'll look at the other ship types and their uses. This should prove useful when deciding what ships you want to build and research next. Detailed instructions on the best combat fleets can be seen in the chapter "Fleet Compositions".

      Building Your Fleet

      At the beginning you're only able to build a few different types of ships so the choice is relatively simple, but even at this stage you should ensure the fleet is suitable for your needs. Depending on your playing style it might be useful to have lots of combat ships or conversely a large number of cargo ships. But even the most aggressive Raider needs a sufficient number of cargo ships to save his loot overnight, and peaceful players can also benefit from using some combat ships to farm inactive players. But the ideal composition is very dependent on the individual player's needs.
      In the later Gameplay, when you've unlocked most of the ships, there are other aspects to be considered. In rare cases it makes sense to build a full combat fleet of the same ship type. However, since ships in Ogame are strong against certain units and relatively weak against others, this can make you an easy target to fleets of a particular type. A good mix is usually the best solution, but we need to consider which type of targets you want to attack. For fast attacks Cruisers and Battlecruisers are important, for fleet destructions Light Fighters and for attacking bunkers Destroyers and Bombers. Also you should always have a sufficient number of Recyclers. Some tips and best fleet compositions can be seen in our chapter "Fleet composition".

      Rapidfire - Who will score how often?

      Beside the obvious values of Structural Integrity, Shield Strengh, Attack Strengh, Speed and cargo capacity every warship also has Rapidfire. This strange value has great influence on a fight and so rapidfire should always be considered when building a fleet. The exact function of the combat system is covered in more detail in a separate chapter, but basically the higher the value of Rapidfire that one ship has against another, the greater the chance it has to fire several times and thus cause more damage. The higher the value, the better it is suited to these types of units. Based on this criterion you can decide which fleet to send on an attack.

      Combat ships - Strengths and Weaknesses

      A total of eight different combat ships are available for players in OGame. While in theory all of them can be used to attack an enemy player, you should decide which type of ships are best suited to the particular mission.

      Light Fighter

      The Light Fighter is the first Ship you can build and is therefore used for the first raids. In the later Gameplay, it's mainly used in large numbers as fodder for strong units (e.g. Destroyers & Plasma Turrets) to prevent them from being destroyed. From a cost/benefit factor it's the best ship in the game. For example, using the same combat techs, 25 Light Fighters can defeat a destroyer losing only 6 Fighters. This may seem a lot but a destroyer costs in total 125.000 resources, 6 Fighters only 24.000.

      Heavy Fighter

      The Heavy Fighter is mainly used in the beginning to attack lightly defended targets. In the later game only a few players bother to build them, mostly in large numbers for fodder again for facing fleets with a lot of Cruisers. Because unlike with the Light Fighters, Cruisers have no rapidfire against them. But further on this advantage isn't as important as battlecruisers have rapidfire against the Heavy Fighter.


      The Cruiser is the fastest ship in OGame. It's also a very good weapon against large numbers of Light Fighters and Rocket Launchers due to its rapidfire. Therefore Cruisers should form a part of any good Fleet.


      The Battleship is a cheap combat ship, and is very popular for farm raids because of its balanced values and large cargo capacity. But be careful because they're very weak against Battlecruisers!


      The Battlecruiser is especially useful for hunting enemy fleets, it's fast speed and rapidfire makes it an ideal fleet interceptor. If you want to be a fleet killer then you'll definitely need the battlecruiser!


      Until you research Hyperspace Drive Level 8 the Bomber is an extremely slow ship, and requires a lot of Deuterium. Due to its Rapidfire the bomber is a very powerful weapon against Defense and so is often used in connection with Destroyers against large Defenses.


      Because of its powerful arsenal and shields, this ship is primarily used against enemy Deathstars and bunkers. However, it can also be useful against big battlecruiser fleets due to rapidfire against this ship.


      The most powerful of all the ships in Ogame, if you can call it a ship. It's not only very strong, but also very expensive and slow. But it uses almost no Deuterium and its high Rapdfire gives it an added advantage over most ships and defenses. It's only susceptible to large numbers of Destroyers. The Deathstar is often used in large number against bunkers and is therefore the terror of all Defenses. But it's also well suited to strengthen your own defense. The Deathstar, as the only unit with a graviton cannon, is capable of destroying moons. The slow speed of this ship is used by players to fleet save to their own DF in order to cut down on deuterium costs.

      Civil Ships - A wealth of possibilities

      The civil ships consist mainly of special units, which can be used in each case for a completely different mission.

      Small Cargo

      The first transport ship which you can build, at beginning characterised by low speed and cargo capacity, is in the later Gameplay (from Impulse Drive Level 5) superior to its larger counterpart. Apart from transportation or farm raids, the small cargo ship is sometimes used as fodder against some cruiser fleets.

      Large Cargo

      This ship is somewhat more stable than the Small Cargo and also has a larger cargo capacity. Players wanting to transport large amounts of resources would be lost without this ship. Especially since the transport capacity/fuel usage ratio is far superior to the small cargo.

      Colony Ship

      This Ship has really only one purpose, to allow you to found new colonies. This capability is explained in the chapter "Colonisation". In addition, it can be used for fleetsaving as a safe variant to other methods.


      The Recycler is used to collect Debris Fields left by destroyed fleets, as well as fleetsaving to a DF. It is relatively slow and consumes a lot of deuterium.

      Espionage Probe

      The Espionage Probe is used for gathering information about other players. Everything there is to know about this is in the "Espionage" chapter.

      Solar Satellite

      Not exactly a ship, the solar satellite offers an alternative energy source. The amount of energy provided depends on the planet's temperature, and so it's position in relation to the sun. However a solar satellite can be destroyed by an enemy attack.
      More information on this is available in the "Energy supply" chapter. These satellites are particularly important when researching Graviton Technology.
    • The best way to check the optimal attacking fleet is a so called combat
      simulator. But do not look only after suffering as little losses as
      possible,take care about the consumption of deuterium too, because it
      could reduce the effective gain.

      In this point i have 2 suggestions....and they are personal opinion.

      I remember the time i started ogame and i remember i had a hard time with that point, it would be nice to have a link there with the available combat simulators. A new player wouldn't possibly know where to find them.

      And the second suggestion i have is to add a phrase like:

      It is advisable to use the combat simulators at ALL battles even if they are small so you can see with what combination and amount of ships you have the best profit.

    • I want to stand up to 2 points of this guide

      Though if you want to defend your whole fleet (at least for a while) you
      of course need a much bigger defense. The right mixture of the
      different units is very important too.

      Isn't wrong telling a new player this. It's like telling them that a fleet can be protected by defence at the begging
      Don't we have to advice them that the best and practically the only safe way to protect their fleets is with fs??.

      Suggestion phrase :

      A large defense with the right mixture of defensive units can protect a certain number of ships. But for your own good it is advisable to fleetsave and not to depend on the defense of a planet/moon because "turtle attackers" would find a way to profit from your sitting fleet.

      (my english aren't that good but i try :P)

      Shield domes do absolutely no harm to enemy ships (except probes), but that isn't their purpose anyways.

      (except probes) isn't needed any number of probes sent on a dome aren't destroyed. The battle ends in a draw...even with a large dome.
    • Anne Bonny wrote:

      I want to stand up to 2 points of this guide

      Though if you want to defend your whole fleet (at least for a while) you
      of course need a much bigger defense. The right mixture of the
      different units is very important too.

      Isn't wrong telling a new player this. It's like telling them that a fleet can be protected by defence at the begging
      Don't we have to advice them that the best and practically the only safe way to protect their fleets is with fs??.
      Well Anne - I agree with You but not in all. If we are talking about a new universe I agree with an author because at the beginning there are no moons so there is no safe fleetsaving for longer periods.
      What's more if there are 3 or 4 moons in the whole galaxy we can't send fleet for a longer fs because we get caught.
      It's more safe if we are online and keep our fleet on a planet or make short flights.

      Anyway even if we send our fleet from a planet and we get caught by a phalanx our only hope is defense. Of course it works only in first stage of the game. Later on keeping a fleet on a planet is a suicide.

      It's a defense guide so I would make two chapters of it - defending on a new universe and defending on an older one. But the home rule remains the same - don't send fleet for a very long time because no defense will help You.
    • Thanks for Anne Bonny for her comments ^^.
      I just wanted to suggest a possible clarification of the sentence below :

      Withania wrote:

      If a fleet is more than 30 % slower as the union (It is impossible for a fleet to join an ACS attack if she delays the union more than 30% (ex: if the union should arrive in 60 mn, we can't send a fleet which take more than 78 minutes (60min + 30%) to make the trip)), it will not be able to join. First of all if it is about an interception, at which it is important that the fleet union arrives exactly at the right time, the ACS-attack should be arranged accordingly. It will be the best, if the player, who has the longest approach, starts it. All the others can send their fleets, without reducing speed of the first fleet. At interceptions you also can save deuterium by timing with a single ship at first, and after that joining the combat fleet. Like that, if you have timed the attack in a wrong way, you will have to call back only one ship and not sending the whole fleet twice. You especially will have to pay attention, if the attack is canceled. In that case, every player has to call back his own fleet manually – if only one fleet cancels the flight, the rest of the union will just continue. If the fleet, which starts the union, is called back, no other fleets will be able to join the union.
      Thanks for Kendiraton who pointed out this essential information for newbies.
    • Spelling and Grammar Check

      Even if you've read and understood the Tutorial, you might
      encounter further questions or problems about the game or community
      in the future. And so you should know where you can find some help and assistance
      so we'll try to cover this in our last chapter of the Tutorial.

      What should I do if I have some Questions or Problems?

      Because of OGame's very active and cooperative Community you can get
      helpful answers and tips very quickly by posting your question in the
      Game Help-board area which has been created for our users' questions.
      Before you start a new topic with your question you should first use
      the board's search function. Almost every question imaginable will have already been answered
      at least once. Another possibility is to ask other players or to visit the
      IRC Support channel. For more information about how to use IRC have a look at
      the topic "Alliances". For specific questions about the game join the
      support channel #ogame.tld-support where a supporter will try to help
      you. For general questions you can also use the public channels like
      #ogame.tld or your specific universe channel (i.e #tld.uni1)

      What happens if someone breaks the rules?

      In order to maintain fairness and ensure game-play isn't disturbed there
      are a few rules that need to be followed.
      Ensure you read the rules at least once and then ask someone if you have any questions.
      If you break one of the rules you might get punished. Depending on the
      violation you will get a ban which is permanent or temporary and with or
      without vacation mode. Any kind of insult will result in a permanent
      ban without vacation mode, in this case you can be attacked during the

      What can I do if I get banned?

      If you get banned you should contact the responsible gameoperator.
      More information about the reason, the gameoperator who banned you, as well as the ban period can be found in the pillory.
      You may contact your gameoperator via the Ticketsystem or IRC.
      Please do not try to contact your GO via email, PM (board) or ingame message.
      When contacting your GO you should be careful with your language.
      In some cases it will be hard but being polite will go a long way to helping you get what you want ;).
      If you're not satisfied with the GO's decision you may contact the responsible SGO as well via ticketsystem or IRC.

      How does the Ticketsystem work?

      To open a new Ticket you have to go to support.ogame.tld.
      After clicking the "Contact support" Button you have to choose the right section.
      To discuss board issues or board bans - Select Board.
      To discuss any ingame issues, bugs, bans or to notify your GO of something - Select Game.
      To contact support regarding the purchase of Dark Matter or for payment issues - Select Payment.
      For Game issues you will need to Select the Universe that your issue is with.
      To ensure that your ticket can be handled as fast as possible you should give all the necessary information and fill out all the details correctly. Take care that the email address is the same as on your ingame account.
      After submitting the ticket you will receive a confirmation email with a special key and checksum number.
      Your ticket should get a reply within 48hrs, when this happens you'll receive an email notification.
      To check your ticket click on "Ticket History" and fill in the form with the information you received in the first email.
      Click "Send reply" to answer the ticket, please do not open a new ticket for the same issue.
    • The section about insults isn't correct for all communities - on at least Ogame.org and .us insults don't result in a permanent ban without vac
      (insults follow the 1day, 3 day, 7 day etc pattern for repeats - and Light insults have vac and heavy insults don't)

      also might be useful to add in the last section something about using the complain button in the ticket system :)
    • In the beginning of a universe you can protect your entire fleet with def to make it unprofitable for any ACS. Personally I never do it, but the reason for it is as Horizon says. Without a moon under someone elses moon, it can be difficult to even make attacks 20 systems away without getting lanxed. So in the beginning it´s not always such a bad idea to rely somewhat on defense.

      However I would never recommend someone to build their def so big that you never need to FS because your growth will suffer greatly from a def that large.

      I don´t really think that the phrasing needs to be changed. An addition to the text pointing out what I just said would probably be better, but then again it´s the basic tutorials so we can´t really fill them with everything that a good player needs to know. That´s what the adv. tutorials are for.

      It became a very long post for making a very small point >_> But anyway, personally I`d leave the text as it is
    • Tutorial 02: Buildings *cut*

      Content :

      - Some sentences about building (sure points ...)
      - sensefull maximal levels
      - links to other special guides
      - a complete list with all buildings like Ships / Research / Defense.
    • Because "Buildings" is inserted between this chapter and "Defense". The last phrase need to be changed.

      Now it say:
      With an efficient economy and the first defensive structures, you are now well-trained and ready for the next chapter Defense.

      Proposed new text:
      With an efficient economy and the first defensive structures, you are now well-trained and ready to move on. But before you move on to the chapter "Defense", you can take a look at the descriptions of all buildings in the next chapter "Buidlings" if you want.