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    • Missing translation :

      Nach dem Ende des Kampfes wird für jeden Einheitentyp der Prozentsatz bestimmt, der sich wieder aufbaut - dieser schwankt gewöhnlich etwas, liegt aber in der Nähe des zuvor genannten Mittelwerts. Sind auf einem Planeten weniger als 10 Verteidigungseinheiten vorhanden, wird die Wahrscheinlichkeit nicht für jeden Einheitentyp, sondern für jede Einheit einzeln berechnet.

      After the fight has ended the percentage will be determined for every type of unit that rebuilds itself - this may vary a bit but it is close to the former mentioned average value.
      If there are less than 10 defensive units on a planet, the probability will not be calculated for every type of unit but for every single unit.
    • This translation is missing :

      Mit dem Verbrennungstriebwerk auf Stufe 1 und der bereits im letzten Kapitel errichteten Schiffswerft bist Du nun in der Lage, leichte Jäger zu bauen. Sinnvoller ist es jedoch, zunächst noch Ressourcen in die zweite Stufe des Verbrennungstriebwerks sowie der Raumschiffwerft zu investieren, was den kleinen Transporter frei schaltet. Mit diesem praktischen Schiff kannst Du bedeutend mehr Ressourcen transportieren als mit dem eher für Angriffe gedachten leichten Jäger.

      With the combustion drive on stage 1 and the shipyard, which has already been built in the last chapter, you are now able to build light fighters. However it is more practical to first investyour ressources into stage 2 of the combustion drive as well as the shipyard, which will activate the small cargo ship. With this practical ship you are able to transport more ressources than with the light fighters which are more appropriate for attacking.
    • Chapter 11: Interplanetary Missiles

      Attacking a player with ships is not always the best option. Interplanetary missiles are a powerful weapon against planets with a lot of defensive structure, so called bunker. By all means they are a strategic facility to make small targets more lucrative, for example by eliminating several plasma turrets. They will be shot from your own planet and will destroy a certain number of enemy defensive structures – but they also can be destroyed by deployed anti-ballistic missiles. Defence which was destroyed by interplanetary missiles, will not be rebuilt, that represents the force of those missiles, besides the penetrating power.

      How do I get those missiles ?

      To built interplanetary missiles you must have a missile silo level 4 on a planet ( total cost: 300.000 metal, 300.000 crystal and 15.000 deuterium ), after that there you can commission interplanetary missiles, under the menu item defence. A missile costs 12.500 metal, 2.500 crystal and 10.000 deuterium, per level of the missile silo maximum five missiles can be stored at the same time. So a silo on level five enables the construction of maximum 25 interplanetary missiles. As long as there are missiles in it, it is not possible to be torn down, however upgrading is possible. To dispose of the missiles again without launching on a target, just click on the loading capacity in the missile silo and tear the missiles down there.

      To build anti-ballistic missiles only a missile silo on level 2 is necessary ( total cost: 60.000 metal, 60.000 crystal, 3.000 deuterium ), so the anti-ballistic missiles are easier to achieve than the interplanetary missiles. Moreover a defence missile just takes half as much space; hence up to 50 anti-ballistic missiles can be stored in a silo on level 5. A defence missile costs 8.000 metal and 2.000 deuterium. You cannot build a missile silo on a moon, the anti-ballistic missiles of the planet will also defend the defensive structure on a possibly existent moon !

      Damage at the push of a button

      To attack an enemy planet or moon with interplanetary missiles, you firstly have to switch to the galaxy view. If the target is within reach, you will be able to attack the planet with interplanetary missiles, by clicking on the rocket symbol in the appropriate line. If the target is a moon, you will have to hold the mouse over the moon and click the link. After that a new menu will be opened, in which you just will have to enter the amount of mobilized missiles and the primary target, before confirming the attack. The primary target indicates the type of defensive structures, which shall be attacked - so you can set your interplanetary missiles selectively at rocket launchers, plasma turrets or any other type of defence, which you want to destroy. If the primary target is destroyed or nothing was chosen, the defensive structures will be destroyed in the order, as they are in the defence, starting with the rocket launchers. If all defensive structures are eliminated, then the interplanetary missiles will be destroyed like that. The force of the attack is linked to the weapon technology of the attacker and the armour technology of the defender.

      reach ( in systems ) = (level of impulse drive * 5 ) – 1

      Beware: When sent, the interplanetary missiles cannot be called back. So you should not make any mistakes with the entry, and you should be sure that you want to go through with this attack. As most of the players retaliate for interplanetary missiles attacks with counter attacks, you should not battle with too strong players. Also you do not get a combat report as the attacker, after the impact you have to spy on the target again to see the result. Only the victim gets a short report with the name of the attacker, the amount of deployed missiles and the destroyed defensive units.

      Anti-ballistic missiles are always ready. As soon as an enemy attacks the mentioned planet or moon with interplanetary missiles, every anti-ballistic missile will destroy one of the hostile missiles and will be destroyed itself in doing so. With a sufficient amount of anti-ballistic missiles, the damage on the defensive structures in case of an interplanetary missiles attack, can be reduced or avoided entirely.

      What do I have to bear in mind ?

      Only if there is the interplanetary missiles symbol next to the target in the galaxy view, it will be able to be attacked. Besides you should mind that the enemy does not have any or only few anti-ballistic missiles, which can absorb your own interplanetary missiles, because than the attack will be ineffective and the resources would be lost. If you want to attack a bigger bunker, you will have to build interplanetary missiles on several planets and fire them off at near the same time, or to band together with several players, also the defender can make more anti-ballistic missiles and thus slowing the damage down. However interplanetary missiles are importantly faster than battle ships.

      time of flight ( in seconds ) = 30 + ( 30 * distance in systems )

      You can calculate the number of missiles, which you will need to destroy the defence of your enemy, with the “IrakSim”.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by khaos: Edited to English Ogame.org ().

    • Here's my version ^^

      With the combustion drive on level 1 and the shipyard, which has been built in the last chapter, you are able to build light fighters, now. However it is more reasonable to invest first resources in the second level of the combustion drive and also in the shipyard, which will activate the small cargo. With that practical ship you are able to transport significantly more resources than with the light fighters, which are rather intended for attacks.
    • Missing parts :

      Außer der richtigen Savemethode ist auch Kontrolle ein nützliches Element um Flottenverlust vorzubeugen. Konkret bedeutet dies das ihr nach dem Abschicken der Flotte in der Ãœbersicht noch mal nachseht, ob die Flotte auch wirklich zur gewünschten Zeit zurückkommt. Denn nichts ist ärgerlicher als ein Flottenverlust durch einen Tippfehler bei den Koordinaten, durch die falsche Geschwindigkeitsstufe oder durch den falschen Flottenauftrag. Weiterhin ist es besonders wenn man sich beobachtet fühlt, ratsam die Flotte zu saven und noch eine Weile im Account zu bleiben. Denn viele Spieler schieben das Saven (logischerweise) an das Ende ihrer Spielzeit, dadurch kann der Gegner auch ohne einen Scan die etwaige Absendezeit einschätzen.
    • Besides the right saving method, also the control is a useful element to avoid fleet loss. That means precisely, that after you have sent your fleet, you have to look on the overview, if the fleet really comes back to the designated time. Nothing is more infuriating than a fleet loss by a typing error with the coordinates, by the wrong speed or by the wrong mission. Furthermore, especially if you feel like being watched, it is advisable to stay in the account for a while. Most of the players defer the saving on the end of the playing time (logically), thus the enemy can value the possible time of dispatch without spying.
    • Here also my version:

      After the fight, the percentage for every type of unit, which will have been rebuilt, will be defined – that normally ranges a little bit, but it veers toward the aforesaid average. If there are less than 10 defensive structures on a planet, the probability will not be calculated for each type of unit, but for each separate unit.
    • is there an advanced expedition site? if there is some this text explained the basics very good.

      maybe it should be added that you may loose all your fleet if you send to much combat ships (which allways happens to me in early game... *sad*)
    • Chapter 13: Colonisation

      At the beginning every player gets automatically assigned his home planet to construct his buildings there. But that is not enough in the long run to keep up with other players – if you do not develop new planets, you will notice very fast, that you will stay behind the other players. Although the creation of new colonies is very costly at the beginning of the game, it gives a good return . More planets mean more mines and more planets from which your fleets can go on raids, which means a bigger raid area. That is why it is important to research as fast as possible the astrophysics and the colony ships to expand your empire gradually.

      How to colonize planets ?

      To colonize a new planet you need a colony ship – a special unit, which has only that function. However, to build it you need the impulse drive on level 3, and the building costs of 10.000 metal, 20.000 crystal and 10.000 deuterium which is from cheap. Though it is profitable to save the needed amount of resources early to build colony ships. To colonize a second planet the astrophysics must be on level 1 at least. For each further planet you have to research 2 extra levels of astrophysics.

      As soon as the needed level of the astrophysics is done and a colony ship is available, you can look for a position in the galaxy view to colonize. It will only be possible if there is no other player on this position, hence the line is empty and if the level of the astrophysics sis high enough for this position ( with level 1: 4 – 12, with level 4: 3 – 13, with level 6: 2 – 14, with level 8: 1 – 15). If you have found a place, you will have to select a colony ship and to send it with the mission “colonize” to the selected coordinates. Normally you have to be patient for a few hours, because the colony ship is anything but fast.

      As soon as the ship reaches the selected coordinates, one of these three things will happen, according to the given situation:
      1. The position could be colonized and your empire has expanded with one further planet. The colony ship disappears, instead the common resources for the start appear on the new colony. Resources, which have been transported additionally by the colony ship, will also be credited there.
      2. Another player has already colonized the position you have had approached or a planet has been abandoned there quite recently. Your colony ship returns home again and is soon ready for a new try.
      3. You do not have the needed level of the astrophysics, the colony ship returns in vain.

      Reward :
      As soon as you have established your first colony successfully, you get access to all features of the commander for three days for free.

      What do I have to bear in mind ?

      Every new planet costs a colony ship, at the beginning of the game that is first and foremost none too sparse. That is why you should maintain every planet as a start at that time and build mines to boost their own economy. But in the longer progress the size of the planets will be more and more important, because more and more mines and other buildings have to be constructed. After a reasonable time you should break away from the small colonies and replace those by bigger ones – most of the players define 200 fields as minimum level (Your home world always has 163 fields and cannot be abandoned). Henceforward, every new colonized planet, which does not meet your requirements, should be abandoned immediately – you will lose resources, but the damage, which will be done by a "too small" a planet is much bigger. After destroying a developed planet, an asteroid field occurs at that place, which stays there for 24 till 48 hours and bans that position to colony ships – only when the slot appears as empty you can send a new ship there and try your luck again. The deletion of asteroid fields always takes place at 1:20 am.

      Which position shall I colonize ?

      The size of the planet will be defined with the colonization and it is very random. So you cannot know in advance, if the planet of your dreams with more than sufficient fields occurs this time, or just a useless boulder again. However you can control it with the choice of the position. The more the planet is at the outer edge of the solar system, the lower is the chance to get a useable planet there. In contrast the central positions 7, 8 and 9 often produce useable colonies.

      But there is another reason why the position of the planet is important: try to imagine that the fixed star of the solar systems in OGame is on position 0, while disregarding the distance. The more above in the galaxy view, the closer the planet is at the sun. The outcome of this is a difference in temperature. Because of that, two important attributes for a decision are the result: the energy production of the solar satellites and the production of the deuterium synthesizer. The closer the planet is at the sun, the more efficient the solar satellites can work, and that is of particular importance to achieve the necessary energy for the graviton technology. But also miners or other players, who count on that energy source, will have problems with a halved production. To balance those cons: the colder the planets, the more the deuterium production is boosted – why planets which are lower down towards slot 15, are suited better for the production of that worthwhile resource.

      Colony sizes and temperatures

      Below is an close investigation into colony sizes and temperatures. The given temperature is always the second number shown on the ingame overview screen; for example if you had "Temperature 7°C to 47°C", 47°C would be used.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by FrancolinoTest: English spell and grammar check ().