Positive honorable points proportional to the attack profits

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    • Since you're the only "witness" here, could you please provide some details about your situation.
      For example, age and player count of your uni. Your highscore and MP rank/points. Highscore and MP rank/points of some of your victims. MP points of a player 100 places bellow you on the MP list, etc...

      If I attack a bunker with 50 RIP and get a draw : 10k HP. 100 RIP : 20k HP... Etc...
      So it's in my interest to send my remaining RIP on my neighbour's defenses without taking into consideration the resources I will get from the raid.

      I don't know if the MP rank / points is a relevant point to analyze as the military ranking is taking into account very different units (sometimes full defense, sometimes full fleet, etc). Our 4 or 5 years old universes still have ~200/300 active players on them, with totally different profiles.
      I know some good fleet to catch out of the honorable targets for me...
      And also many players without any offensive ships that I can hit honorably as decribed above.
      Changing the 100MP rule and your other ideas could be interesting in the future, but we are not sure yet wether it can create other problems that we are not anticipating (need to test). For now on, I would suggest to concentrate the efforts on a small / quick update of the current system (so it can hopefully come with the V3.1).
    • I wanted you to post military rankings/points, so we could see if there is a big difference in MP points between you and a player which is ranked 100 places lower than you on the MP list.
      If your uni has ~200/300 active players, then that probably is the case.
      If you have more than 100 rips, and can honourably attack with just 50 and still make a draw, then there is definitely something wrong.
      I agree that the fix should come quick, but I also think it should fix the real problem.
      Life? Don't talk to me about life...
    • Hi. Just as a short "sign of life". Currently we are preparing update 3.1 and want to check players behaviour an "HP farming" with it. After this update we will discuss some more possibilities, that's why I am glad about every useful suggestion (like this thread ^^).

      Please just give us some time to check the new update and to discuss new option and be sure I will ask for some more details. :D

      - - - WTH was here - - -


      ogame has no bugs...only unbalanced features^^
      yeah my girlfriend too :P
    • First of all it is all cool story to tell that you want to protect the new players from the "evel fleeters", but have you tried to look at it from the perspective of fleeter?

      1. Combat mechanics demands you to have numerical/cost superiority to win. 2:1 is not enough to ensure good, profitable combat if you take deut cost into account.
      So fleeter needs huge superiority to get profit, and yeah you get negative HP for getting good profit in a game were the main point is to get as much profit for smallest time :lol:
      2. The game mechanics akka Fleetsave and defences that doesn`t give DF already ensures that a smart player will never get attacked profitably unless he makes a mistake. Punishing player for making mistakes is right, punishing player for playing good is not.

      So the best way to help newbies is to give them better clue on what should they do to not get their butt kicked.

      3. Top ranked fleeters don`t care about their HP. Even if their fleet would give more DF, the fundamental issue with top-fleeter is where are you going to get fleet to crash top-fleeter in the first place.

      The medium-ranked fleeters are in far worse situation. You simply can not catch up with high-ranked players if you don`t raid actively, but if you do, you get negative HP and become much easier target.

      So while the HP system hardly hits top-ranked fleeters at all, it hits meduim ranked much harder.

      4. Because of how fleet points are importaint, you are basically encouraged into building cheeses like ALL Battlecruiser fleets, and not building ships you use rarely, like cruisers, fodder, destroyers.

      You want to keep you military ranking low, so only build ships that are often used.

      Which can, and will very fast turn into: top fleeters just have a few thousands(tenth of thousands) BCs fleets, and pretty much fleetcrash only newbies, miners and so on, because fleetcrashing large fleets is not even 40% of your fleeting profit, which brings you to next importaint thing.

      5. Using total fleet rating is plain wrong. 70-90% of fleet top-fleeter has are there just to be used in destroying other large fleets, sit there, eat deut for fleetsave. Now if fleeter is punished for having those around he will not.

      I had expirience with the "miner+pack of BCs for newb pwning' playstyle, and it gives great profit, no need to make it even better.

      The use of total fleet rating discourages arms race between fleeters, and thus forces them into raider playstyle.
      Now who do you raide usually?

      So in the essence, in a game where players with very low online(time), mines and turtles already have more than real chances to beat high-online, high time players, you want to discourage spending time on the game even more. :lol:

      You want to make putting your res into 'high risk-nobody-knows-how much reward" accents(fleets) even worse, while putting them into mines even better. Maybe revamping ogame into farmwille would work better?

      As such it would be much better if GF would make catching up, and survival easier for new players by game mechanics that makes attacking them harder, not discouraging high ranked players to attack them.