Bigger box for CR pop-up

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  • Bigger box for CR pop-up

    Got this reported to me, so just passing it on.,,

    When you get a combat report, you first get a "pop-up" showing an overview of the results. This used to all be in one screen but now you have to scroll.
    i really hate that i have to scroll in the pop up box for CR's to see what my loot from a hit was. I understand there is now more info being presented with the honor points and fleetescape, but just make the box bigger so it can show the Loot, Debris Field, and Repaired info without requiring scrolling. I hate even posting this cause it feels like whining, but it is really annoying to have to open the box and scroll on 16 CR's every couple hours. And my phone really struggles with scrolling that pop up since it is not a new window/tab in a browser.

    So basically either make the box area larger or maybe condense some of the info...