The newest update with all implemented changes is now online.
To complete this update and to remove some strange highscore issues it is necessary to set htaccess for the login. This will take some minutes, after this the htaccess will be removed and you can play this new 3.0.0 version.
Have fun and feel free to use the feedback option
Your OGame.origin Team
To complete this update and to remove some strange highscore issues it is necessary to set htaccess for the login. This will take some minutes, after this the htaccess will be removed and you can play this new 3.0.0 version.
Have fun and feel free to use the feedback option

Your OGame.origin Team
Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when youve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.