Feedback: Expo results

  • LC 17
    HF 1
    EP 1

    Date: 17.11.2011 09:35:16
    Some really desperate space pirates tried to capture our expedition fleet.
    LF 5
    LC 4

    Entry from the communications officers logbook: It seems that this part of the universe has not been explored yet.

    LC 17
    HF 1
    EP 1

    Date: 17.11.2011 11:31:15
    Your expedition discovered a small asteroid from which some resources could be harvested.
    Metal 6.020 have been captured.

    Entry from the communications officers logbook: It seems that this part of the universe has not been explored yet.

    LC 17
    HF 1
    EP 1

    Date: 17.11.2011 13:46:10
    Your expedition discovered a small asteroid from which some resources could be harvested.
    Deuterium 1.576 have been captured.

    Entry from the communications officers logbook: It seems that this part of the universe has not been explored yet.

    LC 17
    HF 1
    EP 22

    Date: 17.11.2011 15:47:13
    We came across the remains of a previous expedition! Our technicians will try to get some of the ships to work again.

    The following ships are now part of the fleet:
    Heavy Fighter 1

    Entry from the communications officers logbook: It seems that this part of the universe has not been explored yet.

    LC 28
    HF 3
    EP 22

    Date: 18.11.2011 11:39:35
    Your expedition had an unpleasant rendezvous with some space pirates.
    CR 3
    LC 14
    HF 1
    EP 10

    Entry from the communications officers logbook: It seems that this part of the universe has not been explored yet.

    LC 24
    HF 2
    EP 13

    Date: 18.11.2011 13:39:53
    Besides some quaint, small pets from a unknown marsh planet, this expedition brings nothing thrilling back from the trip.

    Entry from the communications officers logbook: It seems that this part of the universe has not been explored yet.
    Life? Don't talk to me about life...

    The post was edited 2 times, last by marv ().

  • Small Cargo: 6
    Large Cargo: 84
    Light Fighter: 5
    Heavy Fighter: 12
    Espionage Probe: 25

    Date: 30.11.2011 21:58:01
    Your expedition discovered a small asteroid from which some resources could be harvested.
    Metal 21.546 have been captured.

    Entry from the communications officers logbook: It seems that this part of the universe has not been explored yet.
    Life? Don't talk to me about life...
  • Large Cargo: 80 Heavy Fighter: 109 Espionage Probe: 2 Destroyer: 2

    Your expedition discovered a small asteroid from which some resources could be harvested.
    Deuterium 27.264 have been captured.

    Entry from the communications officers logbook: It seems that this part of the universe has not been explored yet.
  • It's a bit better now, but still far away from giving normal results:
    1. bigger exp:
    Large Cargo: 60
    Heavy Fighter: 80
    Espionage Probe: 1
    Destroyer: 1
    09.12.2011 19:08:15
    We came across the remains of a previous expedition! Our technicians will try to get some of the ships to work again.
    The following ships are now part of the fleet:
    Light Fighter 27
    Entry from the communications officers logbook: It seems that this part of the universe has not been explored yet.

    Large Cargo: 7
    Heavy Fighter: 6
    09.12.2011 18:31:56
    We came across the remains of a previous expedition! Our technicians will try to get some of the ships to work again.
    The following ships are now part of the fleet:
    Espionage Probe 22
    Large Cargo 1

    Ofc, this is the first attempt.. I will report more tommorow, after i test it in various configurations. For now it looks like we had normal exps with 100% result, for few weeks it went down to 10-15%, now we have about 30-35%. Just the first impression.
    Not mentioning it's 4x uni atm, so we should get at least double the normal results, to keep things balanced
  • Pretty sure that fleet findings always used to go from "total nothing" to large findings. Even before the bug \ in standard uni's, there was a chance of getting 0 ships on a fleet find event, or just a few.
    Resources seems fine....haven't gotten less than the standard minimum values yet. I'll report if I will, though ;|.

    But yeah, expo's aren't very good in x4, at least by this point - raiding 2 inactives instead would already give a little better results. Still, it's an option in case inactives go down / no time to scan and pick juicy ones / don't want to risk someone else taking res from your inactives before you, etc :)
  • 12hf/10lc
    10.12.2011 07:58:52
    Your expedition found an ancient, fully loaded but deserted freighter convoy. Some of the resources could be rescued.
    Deuterium 31.200 have been captured.
    10.12.2011 08:09:23
    We came across the remains of a previous expedition! Our technicians will try to get some of the ships to work again.
    The following ships are now part of the fleet:
    Large Cargo 3
    Heavy Fighter 3
    10.12.2011 08:08:48
    Your expedition fleet had an unfriendly first contact with an unknown species.
    -4 hf
    -2 lc

    10.12.2011 09:57:31
    We came across the remains of a previous expedition! Our technicians will try to get some of the ships to work again.
    The following ships are now part of the fleet:
    Small Cargo 5
    Espionage Probe 13

    10.12.2011 10:00:51
    We found an enormous spaceship graveyard. Some of the technicians from the expedition fleet were able to get some of the ships to work again.
    The following ships are now part of the fleet:
    Bomber 2
    Heavy Fighter 1
    Large Cargo 9
    Battlecruiser 1

    Date: 10.12.2011 11:42:24
    Your expedition discovered a small asteroid from which some resources could be harvested.
    Metal 192.000 have been captured. (Before the first messed up update few weeks ago, with "small asteroid" I'd get well over 400k metal)

    Results are still way too low. It's better, but with every exp Im more sure it's a bit less than 40% of NORMAL settings.

    The post was edited 1 time, last by kapiszon ().

  • zerg wrote:

    If it is solved, why is this error now one live servers? At least in it is. :(

    They are on the way to fix it. Therefore the developer have to change internal settings etc - and you CANT do this on live servers.
    So they figure out the final fix here in the test uni and update the server next week.

    Thanks for your support right now.
  • Kapiszon, all the results you've posted are normal.
    400k metal you've got was on the high end.

    Metal: 90.000-450.000
    Crystal: 45.000-225.000
    Deuterium: 30.000-150.000

    These are the ranges for 9k expedition points expo fleets, with small finding.
    If you less than that with a _full_ expedition fleet, then you can say they aren't normal. But everything you've posted seems fine.
  • they're not, Aoueu
    Considering the package I've sent, If I would find "ancient, fully loaded but deserted freighter convoy" i'd be close to 1kk metal for example.
    Those stats you've wrote here may work on normal 2.x.x based uni, not here, mate. You have to start with theory, that no known rules from old OG will apply here.

    The results are too low imho. Way too low..
    At least so it seems. :thumbdown:

    I'd be able to tell with more certainty after 50-60 exps done in various configurations, 10 exps sent isn't exactly a statistics :) so maybe you'd publish your's results?
  • What do you mean? The current results are back to old stats, that's all. What, you thought they'd change them to something better?
    I mean i've never gotten anything less than what I've expected since the fix. There's no more bug, and I don't get your point.

    Metal: 450.000-900.000
    Crystal: 225.000-450.000
    Deuterium: 150.000-300.000

    These are expected results from 9k expo on medium sized resource find(ancient freighter convoy)

    Metal: 900.000-1.800.000
    Crystal: 450.000-900.000
    Deuterium: 300.000-600.000

    These are for the large finding.

    Metal 192.000 have been captured. (Before the first messed up update few weeks ago, with "small asteroid" I'd get well over 400k metal)

    450k metal is max that you can find from small asteroid finding...192k is close to average, everything is fine.

  • Small Cargo: 17
    Large Cargo: 99
    Light Fighter: 73
    Heavy Fighter: 19
    Espionage Probe: 1

    10.12.2011 12:32:11
    Your expedition discovered a small asteroid from which some resources could be harvested.
    Crystal 108.000 have been captured.

    Entry from the communications officers logbook: It seems that this part of the universe has not been explored yet.

    I'm satisfied. The results are back to normal.
    If expeditions should give more resources/ships because of 4x speed, that's completely different discussion.
    Life? Don't talk to me about life...
  • Still too low :) Aoueu - post some of your results, and leave stats alone :P

    10.12.2011 20:07:01
    Your expedition found an ancient, fully loaded but deserted freighter convoy. Some of the resources could be rescued.
    Crystal 90.720 have been captured.

    10.12.2011 20:06:15
    Your expedition discovered a small asteroid from which some resources could be harvested.
    Deuterium 7.140 have been captured.

    10.12.2011 20:28:43
    We came across the remains of a previous expedition! Our technicians will try to get some of the ships to work again.
    The following ships are now part of the fleet:
    Battleship 1
    Small Cargo 9
    Heavy Fighter 1
    Espionage Probe 2

    Expedition Result
    Date: 10.12.2011 20:29:11
    Your expedition discovered a small asteroid from which some resources could be harvested.
    Metal 132.000 have been captured.

    ------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE----------------------------------------------------------------------

    Your expedition discovered a small asteroid from which some resources could be harvested.
    Crystal 114.000 have been captured.

    Your expedition discovered a small asteroid from which some resources could be harvested.
    Metal 192.000 have been captured.

    For me, it's still pointless to send exps, results are better than during last few weeks, but still far from normal

    The post was edited 1 time, last by kapiszon ().

  • Small Cargo: 15
    Large Cargo: 102
    Light Fighter: 67
    Heavy Fighter: 19
    Cruiser: 3
    Espionage Probe: 1

    11.12.2011 20:49:01
    Your expedition discovered a small asteroid from which some resources could be harvested.
    Metal 276.000 have been captured.

    Entry from the communications officers logbook: It seems that this part of the universe has not been explored yet.

    Kapiszon, the results are normal. I don't understand why are you calling them too low?
    Life? Don't talk to me about life...

  • Small Cargo: 19
    Large Cargo: 109
    Light Fighter: 49
    Heavy Fighter: 19
    Cruiser: 3
    Espionage Probe: 1

    12.12.2011 16:46:08
    The expedition was able to capture and store some Dark Matter.
    Dark Matter 127 have been captured.

    Entry from the communications officers logbook: It seems that this part of the universe has not been explored yet.
    Life? Don't talk to me about life...